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GAF Votes FOTY 2013 Thread: Fail Of The Year

1. Xbox One policies/fallout.
2. EA's whole year (gotta find that thread); they've just been soo bad that it's impossible to pick one part of it,
3/4 Wii U/Vita sales.
5. Telltale's lack of title support
My vote is for EA's year of fuckups. The Xbox 1's 180 is not really that bad, as they DID listen to feedback and fix things. That's how things SHOULD be.

EA on the other hand...they fucked up again and again with Microtransactions, DRM, and releasing shitty unfinished games.


Xbox One DRM.

Deal with it, Adam Orth, Mattrick saying buy a 360 for offline single player gaming. Mixed messages. What a fucken mess.
1. XBOX DRM Fiasco: I mean come on man. You had Adam Orth basically spill the beans and you saw the backlash that came from it and you still go on with your horrible plans?? Cmon son.

Runners Up

2. EA: Sim City then turnaround with the bowl of crap that is Battlefield 4. These guys are lucky MS fucked up like they did or else theyd be well on theyre way to another victory for worst company of the year.

3. Gaemz Jurnalism: The spin and complete lack of any type of objectivity and honesty from many of the gaming sites this year was horrendous. Resolution gate, DRMGate, everywhere I turned it seemed there was another journalist defending or downplaying boneheaded/anti-consumer practices from publishers and platform manufacturers.
1. The Pre-180 XBox One

There have been comparisons to Sony's faceplant with the PS3, but that has nowhere near the scope of this. Sony attacked themselves, MS attacked the status quo. There has never been a more colossal trainwreck of self-inflicted misery and hubris, from the dismissed rumors largely being shockingly true, to the arrogance and petty rage from their employees, to their tone-deaf aim of their "what we want you to want, not what you'd want" design, to their spectacularly back-assward DRM (and blaming it on 3rd party publishers, half of whom didn't even want it). It was a disaster, there were LONG-TIME 360 fans on here saying they felt betrayed. If it wasn't for the very, very smart 180, there would be no escape from this soup-to-nuts debacle they had dug for themselves. It was very, very bad; luckily only for them as the PS4 didn't have that stuff as was stated it would have by...

2. Mysteriously Lockstep Journalists


Look, I know most of yall are buddies, and good folks work there, and yall love your 360s, but, MS fucked up. Big time. They're going to get time in the wilderness, dragging their stone of shame behind them (it's weaker graphically and $100 more expensive, too!) That's just how this shakes out. You put out a product/service people hate or are apathetic about, it sinks. The PS3 came back eventually, the Bone can too. So why is there this involuntary astroturfing for MS' console, and why are other journalists not partaking in this throwing themselves in front of those doing it to the detriment of their own repuations?

What makes this confusing is that it wasn't a premeditated job outside of known moral-less shills like Arthur "Vinny Caravella's Evil Twin" Gies, or what Ars Technica has degenerated into, but otherwise normal, upstanding games media types with upfront favorites and a clear track record of honest dealings with other systems. There was talk of "SONY'LL DO IT TOO" and "RESOLUTION DOESN"T MATTER." and "WAIT UNTIL REVEAL, E3, LAUNCH" and the classic "A ONE CONSOLE FUTURE IS BAD" and other such fanboy spindoctor silliness that would get one laughed off of Neogaf (or banned for a bit to make sure it happens).

With how on the ropes legitimate games media as we know it is, this thoughtlessly endangering their reputation amongst fans. I say this knowing what's happening. Most people ain't going to go to the lengths to suss out just how involuntary it is like a few of us plebes do, they've gone "if it posts like a fanboy, and it quacks like a fanboy, then it is a fanboy" and games media types' reputations are shit without any real reason to be so. Journalists taking solace in the fact this is an inaccurate assessment fail to see that as cold comfort.

3. Having Your Cake and Eating it Too DLC Monkeybusiness

More proof that you can lead a horse to water, but he might just piss in it, publishers have looked at mobile's lizard-brain fondling "games" that continue to stave off any decent beachhead of real games on those devices and thought it would be great to throw that sort of thinking into $60 packages.

Years of telling people they have everything in the games they bought and it's wrong to deny them that nebulous non-word "content" by locking it behind nasty old "gameplay" and "self-betterment", has been used to a terrifying extent at the start of this generation to put relief from the grind so often removed in recent years as "barbaric and wrong" game design from the dark ages of arcades behind the deposit of money...kinda like arcades did.

Luckily, the publishers removed the most heinous transgressions ala the 180 in #1 ("best deals" on in-game funds that was actually the worst value, reinstating reward cars that were taken out for this version, lowering car costs across the board, etc), but there is always the worry it will return at any moment in force. The publishers who did this would not have done such a dangerous farming of their fans if they were not desperate, and this desperate act was the act of very, very desperate men who will remain so in the near future...

Somehow, Microsoft managed to be in ALL THREE SPOTS. That is how messed up their first instincts are now, and they need yet more time in the wilderness till they come clean.


The disgusting hateful vitriol from the so-called "gamers" that are in such a hurry to push anyone not like them out of games. The things being said with regard to Mighty No 9, Depression Quest, Anita Sarkeesian, etc took such a rabid turn it's been remarkable and sad to watch.

xbone drm is a surprisingly close second, only because it has so clearly continued to hurt them since.


The XBox One's original DRM + all the PR that followed are the worst things I ever saw in gaming. I can't not give my vote to that.

From what I've read EA deserves another mention this year. And the Ouya, but everyone forgot about that already.

The disgusting hateful vitriol from the so-called "gamers" that are in such a hurry to push anyone not like them out of games. The things being said with regard to Mighty No 9, Depression Quest, Anita Sarkeesian, etc took such a rabid turn it's been remarkable and sad to watch.

I agree with this. But I don't know what was said about Mighty No.9, I haven't followed this after they met their goal, what could possibly be offensive about that game?


I can't really say which part of the launch wins it for me so I'm just going to go for the whole thing.
Sim City

*Always Online DRM that was proved as not needed.
*Always Online DRM that did not work and caused the game to not work for customers.
*A PR disaster
*Several key members quit Maxis after the release.
*Silly "deal with it" statemens from journalists and developers.
*A review score roulette from our dear friends at Polygon.com.
*And then we have all the bugs that were in the actual game and not in the DRM.
*And the small cities that no one wanted or liked.
*And the tacky ad related DLC's that in some cases were plain cheats.
For me it was Sony's 1st party launch line up.

For a company that had done everything right up until launch and benefitted from the competitor's stupidity, delivering some competent games for launch should have been the icing on the cake.

Instead Sony's flagship FPS developer delivered a wholly unremarkable shooter that further diminished the Killzone series and all but cemented them as a B list developer. Japan Studio under the new messiah Cerny turned out a repetitive mediocre platformer that lacked any charm. DriveClub was nowhere to be seen. With the exception of a handful of indies and 3rd party games the launch line up was terrible and there was nothing worth buying a PS4 for.


I would put games journalism above the xbox drm fiasco. You at least expect companies to strive to maximize their profits (it doesn't matter if its at the expense of the consumer for them) but one would expect journalism to report shit and not parrot the various pr said company let out.

Abysmal performance by the press which circled the wagons and just decided to blame the consumers about everything, or minimize every single difference as inconsequential. Each and every one of you should be ashamed.


EA. They failed so consistently and so badly that a whole thread was made covering multiple failures and it still didn't cover everything.

I would give it to XBONE DRM by a landslide if they hadn't backpedaled (then again, if they hadn't the XBONE would have made Wii U look like a success). I guess I'm okay with it winning though given that there's every chance they try to bring it back, and the micro-transaction stuff is already a step in that direction.

Edit: A close third would be most of the "games journalism" around stuff like the XBONE and similar controversies, and by games journalism I mean paid advertisement.


It Has to be the xbox drm reveal, at the point where after the xbox one reveal people started chatting to the xbox guys and the truth slowly but surely came out, and then the resulting fallout.


Another vote for Xbox One DRM from me too.

It was maybe not such a terrible idea in theory (I'd love to have all my games on my HDD without having to swap discs) but the way it was handled was a massive clusterfuck.

The initial rumour of the DRM was far worse than the actual reality of how it worked but Microsoft refused to talk about it for so long and let the rumour manifest into facts that got reported by the mainstream press. Then when they finally did confirm some details they refused to talk about specifics and seemed confused themselves how it worked.


Definitely the whole 'XBONE'/Microsoft's DRM policies, reveal and PR blunders in general. (Ranging from the Adam Orth fiasco to Major Nelson's flipping of switches on the DRM features to Don's submarines and him having a product for his non-online customers-- it's called the Xbox 360.)
The first year where I would really chime in on the EA hate.

BattleField 4
NBA Live 14
Dead Space 3

and mediocre left to die titles:

Army of Two: Something something runs on Frostbyte 3 now

FIFA 14 being worse and buggier than FIFA 13.

Yeah. But does that outshine Xbox One clusterfuck? Hard to say.

But it has to be one of them.


Edit: Changing my vote from BF4 to EA in general.

Why EA?

-The BF4 fiasco
-Sim City mess
-NBA Live is still a colossal joke. Madden is too.

Let's not forget they publicly declared they are taking measures to not be voted worst company America 3rd year in a row. Only Adam Orth and Penny Arcade created a better set up for schadenfreude.


The one that tastes the bitterest for me still is Xbox One pre-release DRM fiasco.

Honourable mention goes to EA; they've had a cracking 2013 if their aim was to make me detest them more than I did in 2012. Honourable mention number two goes to Penny Arcade, because they are continually stretching the limits of how big an asshole in the videogames community you can possibly be.

True pioneers. All of them.


The Ouya.
Vita and Wii U sales.
NeoGAF fast conversion into Gamefaqs 2.0
DLC and DRM everywhere, X1 original plans, Sim City, F2P implementations in Forza and Gran Turismo...
Sequels of tradionational games for mobile phones.
1. Microsoft/Xbone : one of the if not the biggest fiascos
2. Gaming enthusiasts (journalists) not too pressing about Xbone issues, general anticipation for Sony doing the same, Sessler (during E3 on PS4/Xbone, 1080p/720p, HDCP end of the world, free PS4, review events)
3. Wii U : Sold like crap for most of the year, had no games for most of the year until Q3
4. BF4 : its criminal to release a broken game like this, what a huge disappointment after BF3
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