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GAF Votes FOTY 2014 Thread: Fail Of The Year


They did fucked up,but i see that this year they could rebuilt themselves from these terrible last years,even that they're aren't in best form.

I think the Wii U was a very expensive lesson to Nintendo in that people aren't going to just gobble up some shit that has their name on it. People bought the NES because it was a good system. SNES same thing. Gameboy same thing. Then they got cocky, lost 3rd party support and are languishing. The Wii was just a fluke as we see with the Wii U.

Anyways hopefully they get it right next gen. Maybe new management is needed to actually change things though. :/


I guess GamerGate.

It's kinda like when Time made the person of the year "You!" and put a crappy mirror thing on the mag. Gamergate isn't really games, it's not an industry thing or a consumer product, it's just a bunch of people harassing people. There isn't even a person or group associated with GG. Freaking 4chan disowned GG. So it's just this loose mill of doxxers and trolls.


Okay, taking away the bullshit death threats and blabbering manchildren and what not, is there really a problem with Gamergate? I legitimately do not understand.

Anyway, I'll still choose Ubishit. De-throning EA off it's pile of shit is pretty terrible.


Okay, taking away the bullshit death threats and blabbering manchildren and what not, is there really a problem with Gamergate? I legitimately do not understand.

I didnt even follow its development so I have no idea what it is other than girls and gays and minorities in games?


I'm starting to regret buying AC Unity after so many people calling it FOTY lol. But this thread made me fell better by not buying a Xone on impulse just for MCC.

but man,i want it so much...



Man, I don't know what everyone's talking about. Gamergate was pretty successful.

Just a few of the many successes of the Gamergate campaign:
-brought Anita Sarkeesian into the mainstream
-drew attention to the issue of minority representation in games
-gave a huge boost to previously-difficult discussions of the bias and harassment women face in tech fields
-convinced Twitter to update their harassment and blocking policies. this alone was a huge win for GG!

Looks like a job well done.

Gamergate successfully achieved the opposite of their intentions!


I'm starting to regret buying AC Unity after so many people calling it FOTY lol. But this thread made me fell better by not buying a Xone on impulse just for MCC.

but man,i want it so much...

Just wait for phantom dust and (hopefully) that rare unannounced title.


Okay, taking away the bullshit death threats and blabbering manchildren and what not, is there really a problem with Gamergate? I legitimately do not understand.

The problem is that this IS what GamerGate itself is. There's nothing more to it. The people behind it think that they're supposed to reform video game journalism but they don't have a clue was journalism means, they think all articles about video games should be objective at all times. They want politics to be kept out of video games without realizing that all forms of entertainment are inherently political, and that if they don't give a shit about the politics then they're relatively easy to ignore.

mr stroke

LOL at people picking Polygon. Why do people hate them so much? (IMO their one of the best gaming sites at the moment)


Yep, Ubisoft.
Gamergate. I was fooled by what it was setting out to achieve. I whole-heartedly, foolishly and naively thought it was truly about ethics in video game journalism, but I couldn't have been more wrong on the whole subject. I believe video game journalism, as in any journalism, should be answerable and I think that view allowed me to be slightly led down the path that Gamergate took which, as a "movement", had nothing to do with video game journalism, it was simply a campaign of hate and harassment, a misogynistic and systematic campaign of hate against, and let's be honest here, women and "social justice workers" (as if fighting for social equality is a bad thing) in the video game industry and it was a truly embarassing choice on my part, given my own political beliefs. I'm not sure if I should vote Gamergate or the people who unwittenly thought it had an actual purpose outside of the vitrolic hate campaign.


1) Gamergate

2) Ubisoft

3) Final Fantasy VII Troll

Nothing can get worse than what Gamergate has been. I don't even pay attention to it much but I still see it everywhere on the Internet.
I haven't been following Gamergate too much, but I'll still have to got for it. I know enough to realize that it's literally been ruining people's lives and making gamers look like freaking idiots.

Ubisoft and the Square's FFVII trolling are Honorable Mentions.


Yet another vote for Gamergate. It pretty much singlehandedly made 2014 a shameful and embarrassing year to be into video games.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Gamergate by far. An appalling and embarassing movement that put mainstream acceptance of gaming back years while silencing many strong voices within the industry and making others scared to pursue careers in the industry.

Honorable mention to Ubisoft's PR branch this year. It's like they were trying to emulate 2013 Microsoft.

More than bad games, this GamerGate stuff has put a very bad light in actual gaming culture, and as you said pushed back an actual acceptance of gaming as a hobby.

Impressive to think that the Gaming Failure of the year came from people who purchase games and not those who make them.

So, yeah: GamerGate for FOTY.


Oh wow it's GamerGate for me. That shit is embarrassing.

Just a cross section of the worst people on the internet having a massive tantrum over fabricated claims displaying healthy doses of all the ugliness I really thought we were past in the 21st century.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I wasn't following GamerGate at all. Then one day I decided to read up on it, because the thread wasn't leaving the frontpage here. I was in awe at the sheer fucked upness of it all. Not only about how people behaved, but about the stupidy of the entire concept and how people percieved it was. I rolled my eyes so hard, I think I still got eyedamage from it all. So GamerGate is imo one of the hardest fails I have ever seen in this industry!



I didn't follow gamergate much. The fact that it was mostly on Twitter made it very annoying to follow.

Human 2.0

Neo Member
#gamergate - just urgh.

Halo:MCC - MS stagger from XBOX One disaster to another.

Destiny- Bungie spit directly into our mouths.


GamerGate is a close second, only because the Ubisoft and MCC debacles actually negatively affected more people. GG at their worst actually helped the people they either overtly or secretly wanted to harm, which is the ultimate irony. Their mission was to purge women from the game industry, and they managed to not only completely fail to notice most female game industry members, but buoyed the careers of the few they did conspire against.

So it's a muddy definition of "failure". Would it be a failure for us if EA accidentally gave away their latest Sims expansion pack?

Also I'm uncomfortable with saying that they made the gaming community look bad, because that implicitly puts some of the blame on game media outlets for their reporting on them. I trust most people have the common sense to realize that gators do not represent gamers in general.


Gamergate. I was fooled by what it was setting out to achieve. I whole-heartedly, foolishly and naively thought it was truly about ethics in video game journalism, but I couldn't have been more wrong on the whole subject. I believe video game journalism, as in any journalism, should be answerable and I think that view allowed me to be slightly led down the path that Gamergate took which, as a "movement", had nothing to do with video game journalism, it was simply a campaign of hate and harassment, a misogynistic and systematic campaign of hate against, and let's be honest here, women and "social justice workers" (as if fighting for social equality is a bad thing) in the video game industry and it was a truly embarassing choice on my part, given my own political beliefs. I'm not sure if I should vote Gamergate or the people who unwittenly thought it had an actual purpose outside of the vitrolic hate campaign.

I like this post because it nicely illustrates a simple point.

Prior to Gamergate, Jason Schreier (Kotaku), Jim Sterling (Jimquisition), neoGAF's GDJustin (IGN Editor) and many others could perhaps recall the many occasions we've argued over various complicated ethical questions in games journalism (and journalism in general). I used to rail on it all the time, it's one of those things I constantly had a hard-on about.

Gamergate is so bad, so insidious, so not about ethics in games journalism, that even I couldn't support it. I was just like "oh hey what's this I hear something is going on about unethical games journ--NOPE."

It's actually critically damaged any real discussion on this [potentially real] issue it claims to care about. That's how bad it is.



It just has to be. Such a grand collection of fail all in one misogynistic, spiteful, delusional, and ignorant little bubble of hatred.

And it's achieved nothing of either its stated purpose or actual purpose, only exposed themselves as that very toxic part of the gaming community that everyone knew was there, but tried to ignore. The only thing that might count against it is that they may have actually furthered the call for inclusive games, but, really, furthering the cause you're fighting against can only be considered a massive failure.
The top vote has to go to GamerGate.

A miserable pile of dipshits. A festering boil of misogyny and racism masquerading as truth. Ultimately, the whiny barking of those cretinous MRA cum-weasels was the wettest stream of hot assjuice that 2014 produced. bubububububut it's not about violence against females, guyz!

But there are some close runners up, in my view.

Honorable Mentions:
** UBISOFT - Assassin's Creed Unity and The Crew, specifically. DLC, mobile locks, and shipped as broken pieces of shit. Fuck this company. Far Cry 4 looks good but I'll buy it used. No more support for them, ever.

** The completely broken HALO: MCC and still ongoing shit sandwich that is online MP. I didn't buy an Xbox One in the hopes that I would only play campaign, stupid stupid stupid 'content updates' that break more things than they fix and dedis are nowhere to be seen. Impressively shitting the bed on the biggest Microsoft game relase of the year.

** Sony's car crash delivery of DRIVECLUB (yeah it got fixed eventually but it never should have shipped like that) and where the FUCK is the PS+ edition? Radio silence for months, what kind of customer service is this? I should start a pool for the PS+ version, I'll take March 30th. Free DLC as a reward, great, I'll just take a working game right out of the gate, thanks.

** Aaron Greenberg on Twitter. Smarmy, self-satisfied, duplicitous windbag who couldn't tell you if it was day or night without pausing 20 seconds to come up with a mealy-mouthed answer. Douchebag.

** Way down the list, everybody whining about conspiracy theories in the Eurogamer don't preorder The Order thread. EMBARASSING
I was thinking only video games at first so I thought "Smash 3DS" (which I think poisoned some people on the superior Wii U version), but then I remembered - oh yeah, GamerGate.


Gamergate, just so they can win at something :)

For realsies though, Gamergate is perhaps the biggest fail out of anything gaming related in forever and much more of a fail than Ubisoft Ubisofting it up this quarter. Gamergate fails because it's a hate campaign

I support Gamergate for the most part, so my vote is going to MCC.

Never regretted a purchase so much

Didn't think anyone would be so open about their support of a hate movement here but then again it's GAF and there is a defence force for literally everything plus Gamergate supports not being the brightest bulbs in the... bulb storeroom( I don't know either. I'm sorry.).


You know, when you prepare a pizza, you put it in the oven and wait for the right time to get it out so that it not only taste good but also that it won't do any harm to your health; raw dough is bad for your tummy. There are weirdos who would say that a half-baked pizza still tastes good to them but I think the majority agrees that a good pizza needs enough time in the oven.
Not a single Ubisoft manager did probably ever eat a good pizza. Not a single one of them respects the process of creating games.

And then there is the Halo Master Chief Collection. We are talking about one of the biggest franchises in gaming history, backed by one of the wealthiest companys on earth and a developer working with the franchise for years. The game released, and it was like throwing the thinnest glass bottle against the hardest wall without the bottle breaking into pieces. This was not supposed to happen. Years of Xbox Live experience look fruitless now. Remember when people praised Live as the second coming aside from its pricing? You know you fucked up when Nintendo games have more reliable netcode than your flagship IP.

And the 3Ds - Drivclub, Destiny, Delayathon. Three disappointments, but at least Driveclub's developers give their best to save the title (that weather patch should be renamed to reality patch because wowzaz) and delayed titles will mean better quality experiences while Destiny.. well, I will say my opinion on the title when that 'Most Disappointing Game of 2014' thread finally launches.

But none of that comes even remotely close to the clusterfuck that was Gamergate. Under a umbrella of ignorance and hatred gathered the absolute worst of the gaming community (and even outside of it) and everybody claimed to fight for something that improves gaming or at least keeps up the status quo since having going to sleep with the knowledge that games like 'Gone Home' exist is just too much for some people to digest. 'It's about ethics in games journalism' has become a meme because the entire movement is a joke. This is a hate movement, a movement that gives people uncertain of the developments around them a platform to vent and do even worse stuff than that. I want videogames to evolve, I want everybody of every gender and color and origin and age and whatever be part of this and help us making this amazing thing even better.
Halo MCC is by far the biggest gaming blunder of the year.

Gamergate is just two obnoxious groups of people bickering with each other. Zzzzz.
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