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GAF, what is the worst game you've ever played?


Whatever the most popular game on GAF is currently. Literally unplayable.

Or Sudeki. I've never been stabbed in the heart so badly as that piece of garbage. I was so hyped for it too. I think I stopped trusting magazine previews after that.

I still don't know wtf is supposed to be happening in that game.
The winner for me too.
Seven Samurai 20XX for the PS2.

I tried to trade it back in at Gamestop, and they wouldn't let me. Had to walk across the street to EB Games.

Bubsy 3D is a close second, though. That one was at least funny as a laugh, as it's comically funny.


That's hard to say. I seem to get some sort of enjoyment out of any game I play, even if it's just as a means for distraction...hell, even Superman 64 I kinda liked.


Seeing how I had a morbid glee the entire time I played Sonic 06, I'd say the worst & least enjoyable game I've played is Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics. The game controlled abysmally, threw everything at you at once with little reaction time, was very unclear about level design, had unintuitive controls, and a co-op mode where your partner would just go off screen if they went too far away. Seeing how many obstacles there are, it's basically an instant death.

Honorable Mention goes to Scooby Doo Mystery for the SNES, which got saved by the same "beauty in its incompetence" ticket 06 did.

athena on nes

Surprised to see this one so early, but it's deserved.


When I was a kid I got... maybe one game a year, if that. It was my birthday, and they knew I loved video games, so they gave me the NES version of Back to the Future.

Fuck that game.
A lot of "infamously terrible" games really aren't as bad as people say. I kind of like Bubsy 3D, for instance; I like the mostly flat-shaded graphics and the level designs. Superman 64 is not a good game, but the flying-through-rings half can be fun once you get used to the controls, which are not THAT terrible; it's the other half of the game that I don't like. Carmageddon 64, the other "worst" N64 game, I actually think is kind of good. It's no match for the original Carmageddon for PC, but it's not the worst thing ever either. Etc.

However, there are some legitimately atrocious games out there. So sure, why don't I mention the worst ones I own? Starting with the worst, here are my top two...

1. Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing (Wii) - I like the Wii, and I like motion controls, but the controls in this game are totally, hopelessly broken. Just TRY to actually fly around the courses in this flight-racing game, it's nearly impossible thanks to the busted, and motion-only control scheme! Outside of the unbelievably bad controls this is just another super low budget port of a European PS2 game, but thanks to its controls I don't think I have ever played a worse game.

2. Shadow: War of Succession (3DO) - On the note of bad controls, this game is STUNNINGLY terrible. People like to talk about how bad Way of the Warrior for the 3DO is, or any version of Rise of the Robots, but those games play like Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat compared to this unrivaled disaster. I got this in a bundle knowing that it's supposed to be horrendous, but even that did not prepare me for just how unplayably abysmal the controls in this game is! Shadow is a Mortal Kombat clone, and it looks like they had some budget for a CGI intro and the expected MK-style digitized-actor characters, but the controls barely even exist, characters have almost no animation or moves, the games' speed is way off, and so much more. I have never seen a game that shipped so completely broken from the days before you could patch things.

And some other games that are really terrible: Supreme Warrior (SCD, 32XCD, etc.; this is a complete mess of a FMV fighting game, don't play it) and Hardcore 4x4 (Saturn; this is okay if badly dated on PS1, but the Saturn version runs shockingly terribly, what is a framerate?). Also really bad, but not quite as terrible as those, are Largo Winch (PS1), a terrible stealth action game, and Beast Wars: Transformers (PC/PS1), a really bad 3d action game. The Famicom Transformers game is awful, but I at least think this one is even worse.

I also want to mention a couple of games that aren't really among the worst ever but I greatly dislike for other reasons; Metroid: Other M (Wii; for what it did to Samus), and Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows (PS2/Xbox) for not playing like a Gauntlet game, being bad and boring, and maybe ruining what was a favorite franchise of mine.
I played Atari E.T back when it came out. I was very young so I thought I was just doing terribly and not grasping it correctly. It wasn't till over 20 years later I would discover it was broken and I was just fine.


Basically any wrestling game not from Aki, that I played of course.

WWF Warzone was such a shite experience. Like the combo system and general sloppyness just made for a crap time.

Then I played the Yukes games. Other than making ugly wrestlers, those games are so half assed and unfun. The reversal system in one of them made matches against my bro go into stalemates.


Gold Member
I remember a good one.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
I certainly played some real trash back in the 80's and early 90's but for the modern era this was a real piece of shit.


It's a tie between Star Ocean 5 and FFXV for the worst games I've played recently,they're just terrible. I remembered just wanting to break the game disc of my copy of Star ocean 5 due to the frustrating story and gameplay, and I'd have wanted to do the same for FFXV if it were not for SE's empty promises of fixing the game up.
This piece of shit remains the worst and most hated game I've ever played:


One of the biggest wastes of potential I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Terrible story, abysmal and repetitive gameplay, dead world, awful characters, etc.

It had a great soundtrack. That's the one kind thing I can say about it.

Honestly, this game is almost offensively bad. Most bad games, if I dislike them, I just turn them off, I return them, I don't bother.

I finished this entire game. It was the most overhyped, undercooked, terribly pretentious game I've ever played. I am still annoyed with Brendan McNamara about this. Fuck you, McNamara. Fuck you for your ego, treating your team like garbage, and putting out this dumpster fire of a game. I still don't understand why I was so compelled to finish it.

It was as awful as Red Dead Redemption was amazing. Six years later, and I'm still pissed off about this shitty game.


OOO man, I played a lot of stinkers when I was growing up. If I had to pick, I would lump all of the Wisdom Tree games together and call then worst thing I have ever played. Don't ask how these games ended up in my library, but they were there (I think my dad was a friend of a video store owner who was going out of business, and he unloaded all of his games on my dad for 2 bucks a piece or some crap....400+ NES games). This is assuming I take out the obligatory Superman 64.

Btw, I remember some of those Indiana Jones games being horrible (I think it was the temple of doom one I played).


Superman 64, my dumb ass 7 year old self knew that was a load of shit. Besides that nothing really comes to mind, Brink maybe? My absolutely mosted hated game is easily CoD MW3, but there's nothing really broke with that, just a shit game, with shit maps and a completely forgettable campaign.
The original two worlds. I can acknowledge all of that games countless faults and yet still say I had fun with it somehow back in 2007.

It was the start of my euro jank love affair during the 360 era


Top Gear RPM Tuning for the original Xbox.

I was a sucker for street racing games, even, and really, especially the low budget ones. And for some reason, I was a fan of Kemco.

To say it looked like a N64 game would be hyperbole, but at the same time, N64 games had better art design and certainly better textures.

The racing and tuning were ever worse than the graphics.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.

Admittedly I tried it BECAUSE it kept appearing at the top of PCG's worst game list.


Unconfirmed Member
Tried a few horrible games based on their reputation, but that WALL-E game on Wii is the worst game I ever played with hope that it could be good. My bigly flawed reasoning was that I loved the movie, so the game should be fun even if its no masterpiece. No, it sure wasn't no masterpiece.


Considering only games that I paid for, there are only two games in all my 30 years of videogaming that I actually selled. Only two.

One is: Unlimited Saga (PS2) -> I liked the art, but the game was so confusing that I gave up after some hours...

The second is: Dark Cloud (PS2) -> Also here the graphic was really good, but It's the most boring game I ever played in my entire life. I played like 8h of it but it was like 800h... Bought because of all the nice things I read about it... really hated it.
Final Fantasy XIV pre-A Realm Reborn. Biggest piece of shit ever. I still can't believe they thought it was worth shipping in that condition. Pretty crazy how ARR turned it into what is arguably the best MMORPG out there currently.
Predator on the ZX spectrum. I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was meant to do and got killed every time within like 5 minutes.

More recently Enter the Matrix is probably my worst. Fuck that game, such a janky mess.


Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. But I feel kinda bad including it here because it's actual fun to dink around in for a little while. And it's also not really a game in the state it was released in.

E.T. isn't good, but I honestly wouldn't call it awful. I had an OK time playing it to "completion" (one loop) a couple years ago for the first time.

Dragon's Lair on the NES is absolutely abysmal but almost in a charming way. It sure would be a disappointment for anyone hoping for an FMV experience like the proper DL releases though. The SNES DL platformer was a lot better, but still not great.


White Knight Chronicles.

I think I put the game down not even an hour in.

Imo it isnt a contender for "worst game youve played" (at least for me), but the best time I had with the game was after eating some spacecookies and running 4 hours in circles. Story, chars and the whole presentation wasnt good, sadly. Still want to try the second game.

Patrick S.

Borderlands. I hate how the enemies respawn over and over again, and always in the same places. Like, kill them all, do one step into the base and back out again, all the enemies are back. And then I got to the first boss. Killed him and left his room, came back because I forgot some loot, and there he was alive again. Ridiculous. And on top, I really hated the art style.
Probably some total shit Atari game. The worst game I played a lot of would be Double Dragon on Atari 2600... I was so salty because I'd played it on NES already and it was a joke on Atari.


Oh man, Enter the Matrix is so bad. Used to love it as a kid, but now trying to play it makes me think.

But still, Superman 64 is the worst for me.


Technically Big Rigs, but I had fun with it's horribleness, so it doesn't really count.

I have played some tedious gams though when I was a games reviewer, including but not limited to the Iron Man game named in the OP, some shitty tank RTS game I forgot the name of, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, Stalin vs. Martians, Ship Simulator 2007 and an absolutely awful puzzle game which I also forgot the name of.
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