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GAF's Universal Next-Gen Stance

I was wondering, with all the confusing about Wii pricing and all these awesome PS3 previews rolling in, what the hell does GAF think about the next-gen consoles in contrast to what we thought a year ago?

What's changed opinion-wise? Are people who totaly disowned the thought of even considering the purchase of a PS3 now timidly awaiting its release? Are the people who were once so enlightened by the Wii now in utter dread, seeing as how the price is not at all what people expected? Do 360 owners even really give a shit?

So please, fill me in on the current stance of GAF as a collective on the topic of the consoles coming out in the upcoming generation of video gaming.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
last gen, baby!
If anybody's wondering, I'm personally staying in last gen. My new PC is getting filled up with games I never got to play, and I have a giant PC backlog, so I should be covered.


PS2 + PC for the mother****ing win.

Till March 2007 when PS3 launches and I buy a PS3.

Till Spring 2007 when Super Mario Galaxy launches and I buy a Wii.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I love the last gen shit that`s coming in, but I already have a 360, and I intend to get a PS3 and Wii at launch. I will be teh poor. :(


Xbox 360 - It's allright, definitely needs more exclusives
PlayStation 3 - Needs more Western exclusives
Wii - Needs Western exclusives period. Oh, and needs to lose waggle, waggle sucks :p.
Last-gen - Ugly

Gaming in general - meh :p


Jonnyram said:
Last gen sucks.

I can't stand 480i now I have a HDTV.

Enjoy your gimped high resolution 'games'.

Last Gen FTMFW. Being poor has never been better! Now I have an absolutely massive back catalogue of games to go through from the BEST GENERATION EVER TM, and I can play them all for pennies on the dime!


X360 : needs a machine defining experience unlike what we've seen before
PS3 : needs a machine defining experience unlike what we've seen before
Wii : needs a machine defining experience unlike what we've seen before
Last gen : needs hookers.


My position has pretty much stayed unchanged from the orginal plan of:

Wii: Launch day.
PS3: When Silent Hill 5 is released.
360: When I have the spare cash lying around. Dead Rising wants my money.
PSP: When Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins is released.

How it looks now:

Wii: Worried about the game prices. If they end up costing the same as 360 games, I'm going to start questioning my purchase.
PS3: Starting to warm to the system a little more, getting a little more excited. But again, when SH5 is released.
360: Dead Rising and lots of cool stuff on XBLA. I'll pick one up for Christmas I think.
PSP: Purchased and loving UGnG.
Kangu said:
Enjoy your gimped high resolution 'games'.

Last Gen FTMFW. Being poor has never been better! Now I have an absolutely massive back catalogue of games to go through from the BEST GENERATION EVER TM, and I can play them all for pennies on the dime!
DMC Set for $30! WOOOOO
My stance on next gen is a bit like this.........


but with more cowbell.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
DCharlie said:
Last gen : needs hookers.


I don`t have a particularly large HDTV, but I still have to disagree with Jonnyram. Last gen is still ****ing awesome.


Can't speak for gaf as a whole of course

before the last month or so,
wii: going to get if the price is good and good games.
ps3: when I can afford it easily
360: don't really want
last gen: lovin it. can stick with it for awhile if I have to.

wii: I'm a card caring hater now because of the high price for the hardware, the insanely high controller price and no online for third party games at launch. nintendo blew the surest thing ever. Wii is not even in consideration of a first year or second year purchase unless a jedi knight game with online comes out of lucas arts ass.

ps3: I want it a lot sooner after seeing TGS. motorstorm and F1 looked great. I'm a whore for GT and will let them very gently microtransaction rape me for about 20 dollars.

360: still don't care =/. I don't see enough that positively differentiates it from the sony brand for me to care.

Last gen: I just picked up god of war and am loving it. Not sure how many playthroughs I can do though. I feel like I could have another SoTC run in me. GT4 and TT will stay in the little black box that could until I own sequals or close compeitors. I can always go find newer games in the huge library if I want to delay next gen for me. My gamecube on the other hand will continue unplayed for the most part. Only being used if friends come over and want to smash, kart, or strike. PSP, Lotta games I want coming out soon but I may ask for them for christmas or something and save for a new console instead. I will be getting one version of MUA(marvel ultimate alliance) when it's fairly new but I don't know which yet(ps2,PC,psp, gc is out for lack of online and liking it's controller less than ps2s)
360: not going to buy it. ever.
Wii: day one purchase
PS3 maybe if it dropped £200.
DS: ds lite me want!


360: have it and dead rising madden 07 fight night and graw
wii: pre ordered.
PS3: maybe if it dropped £200.
DS: have it and 10-11 games.
My plan has pretty much stayed the same:

PS3 at launch.
Xbox360 when its a bit cheaper and more games are out.
PSP (currently own 16 games)

And PC gaming FTW!


My Stance:


PS3: Launch
Wii: Launch
360: Not worth the 400USD and no games I wanted.
Last gen: loving it to bits.


PS3: Launch, TGS kinda confirmed that I need a PS3 at launch.
Wii: 2K7, because besides Zelda (which I can get on gamecube) and Trauma center, most of the games look uninteresting.
360: Still not enough games I want to warrant the 400USD. Improving(trusty bell FTW), but I doubt I'll get one till it's like 100-200USD
Last gen: still loving it to bits.


Besides Wii + Zelda, next-gen can wait. I have a bunch of PS2 games that will keep me busy.

Edit: And more DS games than I can afford. :(


A year ago:
360: Always going to get it. Always. Preordered for launch day delivery.
Wii: No idea. Really didnt know what to expect, thought id get it a year or 2 down the line.
PS3: Nothing really jumped out at me, but i waited to see.

360: Still love it, first console iv had on day one. Well worth it.
Wii: After the last few months i completely changed my mind. Pre-ordered to get it day one. Cant wait.
PS3: Only _think_ about getting it when its the same price as my 360 was - £279.


Hardcore gamers of GAF: 360 is the best looking for the next year.

PS3 and Wii will pick up steam during their second years, and will be really strong at that point.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Xbox 360: solid console
PS3: sucks
until the day I can afford one, then it's ZOMG best console evah
Wii: .....no comment
Last gen: FFXII, nuff said
Xrenity said:
PC as a substitute 360.

This is a smart move. I was Xbox-only last gen, and with the exception of Ninja Gaiden, there weren't any really great games that didn't go to PC. When Fable went to PC (another broken Molyneux promise), that sealed the deal for me.

Since i play more PC games than anything, Xbox was mostly just a media center.


handheld heaven dudes

sony: massive damage
microsoft: massive failure
nintendo: massive region locks


Scary Euro Man
A year ago:
X360 - Meh. May buy it a year in if the games appeal to me more than they did on XBox.
PS3 - Day one purchase.
Wii - Probably pick it up earlyish, though no big rush at launch.

X360 - Bought at launch.
PS3 - Will probably buy at some point, but I have more important things to pick up first.
Wii - Meh on a waggle-stick. Show me the demo kiosks and I may be converted (as happened with DS) but right now I'm really feeling all gimmicked out.


Old-gen for the win! aka I'm thinking of picking up Xbox and GC when they're abandoned for newer toys... but as for next-gen I'll wait till 2008.
Pachael said:
Old-gen for the win! aka I'm thinking of picking up Xbox and GC when they're abandoned for newer toys... but as for next-gen I'll wait till 2008.

I'm definitely going to hunt down a used Gamecube so i can play the new Zelda.


A year ago...
360: Preordered, along with several games and accessories.
ps3: No interest at all.
revolution: Has potential, but I need to see more.

360: Rocks the casbah!
ps3: Looks to have lots of potential, but doesn't seem worth the investment at the moment so I'll continue playing my ps2 to for some time to come.
wii: Even though I'm a big zelda fan, I have zero interest in buying one.
Handhelds FTW.

Wii: Holding off to see how VC turns out.
PS3: Price drop to maximum USD 300
360: Gotta see more Japanese game support
PSP: Getting one sooner or later
DS: I wuvs it, yes I do.


Strap on your hooker ...
A year ago:
DS: Just bought one for AW DS, and the promise of online Mario Kart. Okay, but sparse on games.
PSP: LOL, $250 for a handheld + a bunch of junky pheripherals, no way.
360: LOL, $400 for a console. I'll wait until the premium is $300 or less.
PS3: I'll buy if it's under $300. Maaaybe $400 depending on hard drive capacity and launch window lineup.
Wii: Eh, pretty gimmicky. $200 or bust.

DS: Quality stuff. Ouendan is gospel. Online is very lacking, though.
PSP: Had a coworker who sold me his with a couple of 1 gig mem sticks and a handful of games earlier in the year for a good deal. Glad I bought it, some good stuff on it.
360: Caved in and bought one a few weeks ago, when a local place had the premiums on sale for $350. A little lacking in library, but by this time next year I'm sure the purchase will be more than justified.
PS3: LAWL $600 DOLLARS WTF. I will never pay anywhere near that for a console. Probably not getting one until about 2009, 2010 if price drops come at the pace they usually do.
Wii: Errnh, $250 with a pack-in game's not bad, I guess, but Metroid getting bumped from launch kinda puts it in the 'eventually' zone. Zelda is a pretty big deal, though, and it's not like the system's gonna get a price drop before Metroid and Mario Galaxy come out, so... I dunno, I'll probably buckle and get one at launch.

And yes, $60 controllers suck, but I don't see why that complaint is only being levied against Nintendo... 360 controllers are $50 + $10 for a rechargable battery or + $20-30 if you actually want to charge that battery.
Xbox 360:

My original stance on the Xbox 360 was solely based on Resident Evil 5. I felt that because of the lackluster launch titles, I wouldn't waste my money on the system until RE5 came out. Originally I also was not impressed with many of the big Xbox 360 titles. I thought Lost Planet looked weak (mainly because of the girly main character guy), and I thought Gears of War could never look as good as the original pics suggested

I was dead wrong. Today I must say that the Xbox 360's lineup is superior to Nintendo's and Sony's...by far. Whereas once I wanted to just wait it out just for RE5, I find myself now wanting the 360 in November for Gears of War. Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Splinter Cell, Halo 3, Crackdown, etc all have me excited for next gen.

With respect to XBLA, I remember being extremely cynical and uninterested in it. Now I can't wait to get my hands on multiplayer Gauntlet or Doom or Street Fighter II or...you get the point.


My opinion on the PS3 hasn't changed much. I haven't seen anything that justifies the price to me, nor have I seen anything that the Xbox 360 couldn't pull off. Sure White Knight blows away most (if not all) 360 games with its animation, but the gameplay looks extremely boring. Outside of the amazing backgrounds, DMC4 doesn't look great to me. Resistance looks slow and is not graphically impressive (despite the rhetoric the developer throws around), and doesn't look like a system seller to me. MGS4 looks amazing, and is the best looking next gen game graphically, but I don't see myself paying $600 just to play it. Despite this, I'm very curious to see how Killzone looks now.

Blu Ray has absolutely no appeal to me. It offers more space, but do I really need "more space" for movies? Not really. It's going to offer game developers a lot of power though. Sadly, I have yet to see any developer really use the extra space in a way that makes me say wow.

I'll be able to play RE5 on the Xbox 360 for far less money as well, which is also a major point for me. So in the end, I'm not interested in the PS3. I'll get one when the price is signifigantly lowered. I can't help but feel that Sony has already lost Japan, and they're in danger of losing the US as well.


My opinion on the Wii has gone from outrage to amazement to somewhat indifference. When I first saw the controller, I laughed; "Nintendo is done," I chuckled as I headed off to bed that September night. When I began to realize the potential of the controller my interest increased. I couldn't wait to see the controller in action, and I counted down the days to E3. E3 has come and gone, and we've seen many Wii games. Yet so far, outside of Mario Galaxy, I haven't seen anything more impressive than a Gamecube port (Zelda) and a game that will use the Gamecube controller exclusively (SSBM).

I remember all the rhetoric, all the hype about the controller. It will bring PC percision to the console space. Well so far all I've seen is extremely slow FPS titles that all seem flawed control wise; dragging the screen in order to look around looks slow and nothing like PC controls.

Well it's going to introduce a level of control not seen since the analog stick! The analog stick improved gaming. I have yet to see anything on the Wii that looks like a true improvement over regular controls. It looks easy, yes, but certainly not better. Outside of including the emmersing the player more in the control, it doesn't really blow me away. I just see the same old games, with the same old graphics, doing the same old things. And now Sony has a controller that can replicate the controls in many Wii games such as Excite Truck, Sonic, and Tony Hawk, offering similar controls and vastly superior graphics. Which console do you think Johnny Casual Gamer is going to gravitate towards?

To make matters worse, the Wii lacks a lineup that truly impresses me. I can think of so many Xbox 360 games that blow me away; in fact I listed many earlier. I can think of many PS3 games that blow me away. With the Wii, all I can think of is Mario Galaxy. Zelda blows me away, but on the Gamecube. The Wii controls look tacked on and un-needed to me, and I'd much rather play the game in a traditional way (IE, as it was created to play) considering it's the last Zelda game as we know the series.

I'm still a believer in the Wii, but right now I'm bummed. I want to see some amazing things, yet I just don't see many. I still don't see a kickass FPS that will redefine the genre. I still don't see a lightsaber game. I see a couple great looking games, some decent ones, and a shit load of minigames :(

The Wii will probably take over Japan, but I just don't see it doing much in the US. Being more successful than the Gamecube is not saying much. And in 2007-8 when we start seeing the MGS4s and FFXIIIs and other games with mindblowing graphics, the Wii's chances of catching the casual gamer's attention will be even smaller.


I've done a complete 360 on the DS. I originally thought it had a terrible lineup (and it did), and I expected it to get killed by the PSP. Now, I play the DS more than anything else. It's lineup is second only to the 360's imo. Zelda, FFIII, Castlevania, Pokemon, and many other games just look amazing. And the current lineup rocks too.


I remember expecting the PSP to dominate the DS. Now, the PSP looks like absolute crap to me. I don't see any games I'm interested in, nor do I see any reason to buy one. Apparently most people agree with me, considering the PSP's lackluster sales recently. Is anyone going to buy a PSP to play MGS? Or GTA? Or any other game that can be played on the PS2 already, but with better graphics and controls? I don't see one killer app.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
PSP: I take it with me on vacations, that's pretty much the only time it gets played.
DS: Not interested in picking one up.

Wii: Not interested at this time
X360: Just bought, I'm a TXR whore, where Genki goes I follow.
PS3: Will pick up one at launch, probably.
Last Gen: Zelda
This Gen: Zelda

Looks fine to me :D

Going PS3 & Wii path so far unless Halo 3 turns out to be better than Halo 1(Halo 2 wasnt too much of a leap & bound over the first, IMO) AND MS gets some DECENT rpgs(not including Oblivion)!


Gas Guzzler
My stance:

360 -- Have one already and love it

PS3 -- Will definately buy, maybe not at launch but definately by next Spring

Wii -- Definately won't buy
Bought my 360 when Oblivion came out.

I'll buy a PS3 when Heavenly Sword comes out.

The only Wii launch game that interests me is Zelda, and I'd rather play the GCN version anyway. I'll probably buy one when MP3 comes out.
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