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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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Bitches love smiley faces
Yeah I think (series)
Obviously Whitebeard is very important, but I kind of think it will be without Belwas. There are a lot of characters in Dany's arc over the course of the series, and Belwas doesn't actually do that much.

The only (series)
real reason to put Belwas in the show would be to reinforce Whitebeard not being Barristan. Much of what Belwas does in the series can be replaced by other characters.


In favor of more Ros?

There are no Ros scenes in the show. She's just a tool to develop whatever character she's interacting with, from Tyrion in her first scene, to Theon, and then Joffrey and Baelish in season 2.

Her character is used very efficiently in adapting the books to TV.
Just rewatched the episode ensuring that I'll have the Reynes of Castamere stuck in my head for the next couple of days.

The dialogue between Tyrion and Bronn as they're saying goodbye and shaking hands is hilarious.
Tyrion: Remember, wait 'til the ships--
Bronn: The ships are in the bay.
Tyrion: They must be far enough in--
Bronn: I know what 'in' means. Do you know how to use that?
Tyrion: Chopped wood once. No. I watched my brother chopping wood.
Bronn: I saw you kill a man with a shield. You'll be unstoppable with an axe. Don't get killed.
Tyrion: Nor you, my friend.
Bronn: Oh, are we friends now?
Tyrion: Of course we are. Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship.
Bronn: Enhances it really.
Tyrion: Oh, 'enhances.' Fancy word for a sellsword.
Bronn: Been spendin' time with fancy folks.
Best episode of the series. GRRM should write more, because there were so many 'book' moments in this episode.

For instance, that small exchange between Bronn and Tyrion was the first time I've witnessed their actual comraderie in the tv series. They may have been friendly before but not like this.

If next episode is anything like the last few then what a let down after this HIGH. This is the Game of Thrones I wanted when they announced the series was coming to HBO. No boring shitty cuts to Arya, Jon or Dany too. It's like they finally realized you don't have to show every character in the series at least once every episode.

The poster you quoted and deleted also has three or four completely wrong predictions earlier in the thread (at least, I stopped after a couple of his first posts), and was thoroughly confused about who The Brotherhood was due to a joke someone made. He just pays close attention to the show and likes to speculate about what will happen next.

And if you say he's making some "wrong" guesses to not look so suspicious then spoiler paranoia has REALLY gotten out of hand. Someone else in there thought a comment about Joffrey's "red smile" line was a big spoiler, which was also dead wrong. I don't see anyone in that thread blatantly ruining anything over at least the last couple of weeks, or guessing anything that couldn't be inferred. It's not like someone's wondering if a giant purple hippopotamus will appear next week, and then a giant fucking purple hippopotamus shows up.

It's shitty if someone spoils something, deliberately or otherwise, but mostly everyone's just being paranoid.


I've thought about switching to the other thread a lot. But even though I forgot most of the stuff from the books, I feel like I should stay out of there just in case. One slip could really ruin someone's day..

That's why the only time I post in that thread are comments on funny/cool gifs or if someone confuses something that is clear in the show but may not have been driven home time and time again like they it is in the books. (Example: Someone in the thread today thought Slynt used to be commander of Kingsguard not the goldcloaks)

There are no Ros scenes in the show. She's just a tool to develop whatever character she's interacting with, from Tyrion in her first scene, to Theon, and then Joffrey and Baelish in season 2.

Her character is used very efficiently in adapting the books to TV.

Couldn't agree less, she is distracting in most scenes, useless in the others.

At this point I'm confident she is connected to some HBO exec in some way so the show was forced to use her and cast her as an annoying whore as a way to passive aggressively fight back.
It's shitty if someone spoils something, deliberately or otherwise, but mostly everyone's just being paranoid.
I think the vast majority of people over there are posting in good faith, but there is a bit of stuff inadvertently slipping through the cracks. It really is better if the book readers just stop posting over there. Certainly no reason to be paranoid, but people from here should stay out of that thread and let them enjoy the experience on their own.

Tyrion and Joeffery with lancel and the hound translating was astounding as well.
Yes, that was fantastic. :lol
Best episode of any show that I have ever seen

Peter Dinklage, best lead actor. Basically, this was a 'best of show' for every character who was in this episode. Lena whatever, Cersei, far and away her best. Also the best episode for Sansa. Obviously the best episode for Dog. Obviously the best episode for Lancel. Great episode for Davos, very good episode for Stanis.


Couldn't agree less, she is distracting in most scenes, useless in the others.

At this point I'm confident she is connected to some HBO exec in some way so the show was forced to use her and cast her as an annoying whore as a way to passive aggressively fight back.

Ros is pretty much the worst part of every episode that she's in. I could not believe that I saw her in the previews for the finale with as much shit that needs to go down.

I wonder if the finale is an extra 5 minutes long just so they can fit in another 5 minute Ros scene.


The poster you quoted and deleted also has three or four completely wrong predictions earlier in the thread (at least, I stopped after a couple of his first posts), and was thoroughly confused about who The Brotherhood was due to a joke someone made. He just pays close attention to the show and likes to speculate about what will happen next.

This is why i posted here. To get confirmation of refutal. Anyway, all is cleared up. Will not engage in this kind of stuff anymore.


That's why the only time I post in that thread are comments on funny/cool gifs or if someone confuses something that is clear in the show but may not have been driven home time and time again like they it is in the books. (Example: Someone in the thread today thought Slynt used to be commander of Kingsguard not the goldcloaks)

Couldn't agree less, she is distracting in most scenes, useless in the others.

At this point I'm confident she is connected to some HBO exec in some way so the show was forced to use her and cast her as an annoying whore as a way to passive aggressively fight back.

Wow, insulting the actress that plays the character because you don't like the character is bit strong, heh.

Look at her scene with Theon in season 1. That is absolutely the most important scene for Theon in that entire season, and it sets up what he became in season 2 better than any other. In the books this was spread out through many chapters, but on TV they don't really have that luxury.

Ros is one of the few notable deviations from the books in season 1, I wonder if that's why book readers hate her so much.


It took a second viewing that I realized why the Hound deserted. Fire. He's afraid of fire. Due to the Mountain burning him.

On my first viewing (I haven't read the books), it just appeared to be scenes of the horrifying battle and bloodshed around him that triggered him.


Wow, insulting the actress that plays the character because you don't like the character is bit strong, heh.

Look at her scene with Theon in season 1. That is absolutely the most important scene for Theon in that entire season, and it sets up what he became in season 2 better than any other. In the books this was spread out through many chapters, but on TV they don't really have that luxury.

Ros is one of the few notable deviations from the books in season 1, I wonder if that's why book readers hate her so much.

FYI I called the character not the actress a whore if that's what you meant by insulting her. Figured that was obvious....since she is a whore in the show.

Look she may be a fine lady but that doesn't mean her role or her as an actress belong on the show outside of an extra or a hooker in King's landing or Winterfell that spends 20 seconds with Tyrion or Bronn. She isn't a good actress and she isn't well known so I can't think of any reason to keep her around besides being a cousin to an exec or casting agent etc.

There has been some great non book stuff like Arya/Tywin and Hound/Bronn but that doesn't mean Ros is a waste of screen time that does nothing but allow lazy exposition that usually doesn't need to be said in the slightest anyways.

Also that Theon scene wasn't even remotely important.


A lot of ASOIAF fans hate Dany in the TV show. I don't think a lot hate her in the books. She's one of my favorite 3 characters in the books. I can't stand her in the show.

I don't know, a lot of people complained about her character after reading the last book....


Based on what's been on the show so far, I would assume these are the most dangerous (in terms of physical prowess):

1) Grey Wind
2) Ghost
3) The Mountain
4) The Hound
5) Edwin Stark
6) Jamie Lannister
7) Brienne (last name?)
8) Jon Snow
9) Robb Stark
10) Loras Tyrell


FYI I called the character not the actress a whore if that's what you meant by insulting her. Figured that was obvious....since she is a whore in the show.

Look she may be a fine lady but that doesn't mean her role or her as an actress belong on the show outside of an extra or a hooker in King's landing or Winterfell that spends 20 seconds with Tyrion or Bronn. She isn't a good actress and she isn't well known so I can't think of any reason to keep her around besides being a cousin to an exec or casting agent etc.

There has been some great non book stuff like Arya/Tywin and Hound/Bronn but that doesn't mean Ros is a waste of screen time that does nothing but allow lazy exposition that usually doesn't need to be said in the slightest anyways.

Also that Theon scene wasn't even remotely important.

What I meant by insulting was you insinuating the actress had to sleep with someone to get the job. Which you just did again. :lol

Their scene in season 1:

Theon Greyjoy: [after Theon and Ros have sex] Keep it down. You're not supposed to be inside the castle walls.
Ros: I thought you were supposed to be an important person around here.
Theon Greyjoy: I'm a Greyjoy. We've been lords of the Iron Islands for three hundred years, there's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us. Not even the Lannisters.
Ros: What about the Starks?
Theon Greyjoy: I've been Lord Stark's ward since I was eight years old.
Ros: "Ward?" That's a nice word for it.

Season 2 Theon arc is basically about contesting and challenging the above. That's the most important scene for his character in season 1 imo.


I've noticed that a lot of ASOIAF fans hate Dany, which makes me wonder how GRRM managed to fuck up the storyline of a girl who commands dragons. Seems like he should have knocked that one out of the ballpark.
It's the same reason why people have hated Sansa (with the difference that Sansa has started to get sympathy points for being treated like shit). She's a teenage girl who acts like one from time to time + her storyline didn't go the way people wanted it to go (Drogo dying and Dany losing the Khalasar, then being a powerless girl with weakling baby dragons that do no good who has to try to rely on others, she's not in Westeros fucking things up right after Book 1 etc.).

Durask said:
I don't know, a lot of people complained about her character after reading the last book....
Dude, shit like this spoils who are alive for how long.

It's like they finally realized you don't have to show every character in the series at least once every episode.
Most of the characters have had at least an episode or two they haven't been in. The only way they could help it is to drop some storylines out (since more episodes per season is pretty much impossible), but that is an even worse alternative than what we have now. And having episodes focus on one thing would be the worst alternative, with the exception of massive events like Blackwater that NEED the duration of the whole episode.
Based on what's been on the show so far, I would assume these are the most dangerous (in terms of physical prowess):

1) Grey Wind
2) Ghost
3) The Mountain
4) The Hound
5) Eddard Stark?
6) Jamie Lannister
7) Brienne of Tarth
8) Robb Stark
9) Bronn
10) Loras Tyrell
100ish) Ygritte
149) Hot Pie
150) Jon Snow (Season 2)

About right. Characters not included would be Barristan Selmy, Jaqhen, Arya, and many others that are mainly in the book.

General Book Spoilers (Random characters not in the TV Show, nothing too spoilery)
I think the Umbers were considered some of the strongest individual fighters, Strong Belwas, The Viper

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Jaime is probably higher on the list than Sandor and Eddard.


What I meant by insulting was you insinuating the actress had to sleep with someone to get the job. Which you just did again. :lol

Their scene in season 1:

Season 2 Theon arc is basically about contesting and challenging the above. That's the most important scene for his character in season 1 imo.

1. She could just as easily be someones cousin or daughter or sister or long time friend. The word whore again was used to describe THE CHARACTER not the actress. I have zero idea of her outside of the show. She could be a virgin who intends to become a nun when the show is over for all I know.

2. That conversation isn't important it could have been explained when Robbert/Ned brought up the last time they saw each other (Balon's rebellion), or with Theon talking to Robb or Jon or Sansa. Would have given screen time to more interesting characters and better actors. Instead they made us waste a handful of scenes where Theon is somehow trying to impress a common whore.


In the show Ser Barristan seems to be revered as the greatest warrior and Jaime is also one of the best. Ned Stark is roughly equal to Jaime in the show. I don't want to say too much on it because it may lead to book spoilers.

Anyways I keep watching that Sansa and Sandor scene again, even more than I watched the explosion. I love the way that was done, the acting for the Hound was not overdone and I could hear the sadness in his voice.


Bronnn would def be more dangerous than Robb Stark

and should the wolves even be on that list? Why not throw the dragons on there as well

Ranks 4-7 would easily be the hottest compettion


1. She could just as easily be someones cousin or daughter or sister or long time friend. The word whore again was used to describe THE CHARACTER not the actress. I have zero idea of her outside of the show. She could be a virgin who intends to become a nun when the show is over for all I know.

2. That conversation isn't important it could have been explained when Robbert/Ned brought up the last time they saw each other (Balon's rebellion), or with Theon talking to Robb or Jon or Sansa. Would have given screen time to more interesting characters and better actors. Instead they made us waste a handful of scenes where Theon is somehow trying to impress a common whore.

Sure it could have been done a number of ways, and you're free to not like how they did or not like the Ros character. My point is that the scenes are not useless, every scene Ros is in tells us or reinforces something important about important characters in the show.

Her first scene with Tyrion introduces what kind of character he is (and what kind of relationship he has with Jaime, when he gives him a gift). Her first scene with Littlefinger tells us he's in love with Cat, and the scene in season 2 tells us what kind of "businessman" he is. Two very important traits about that character. Her scene with Pycelle reveals more about him than pretty much any other in the show, and Jon simply referencing her says a lot about his character too. Her scene with Joffrey was fantastic and all my friends who watch the show reacted very strongly to it.

I suppose she's a whore because man like to talk when they're happy.


Based on what's been on the show so far, I would assume these are the most dangerous (in terms of physical prowess):

1) Grey Wind
2) Ghost
3) The Mountain
4) The Hound
5) Edwin Stark
6) Jamie Lannister
7) Brienne (last name?)
8) Jon Snow
9) Robb Stark
10) Loras Tyrell

Have you forgotten about Jorah? He would cut up Loras Tyrell in my opinion, I think he is one of those characters like Bronn or Sandor. He just has that fighting instinct in him, he isn't the most skilled but he could fight any man and have a good chance of coming out alive. The only thing he can't seem to cut himself out of at the moment is Dany's friend zone. Oh and lol I just noticed Edwin Stark and the fact that you ranked wolves.


I got the impression that Jaime was letting Eddard stay in the battle to avoid killing him.

That's not what the David and Dan said. For them it was basically an old fashioned showdown between the two best fighters in the realm. They were both going for the kill before that guy intervened and stopped it from being a fair fight.


Hmm...well I guess you're right.

I mean don't get me wrong, you want Eddard to win this contest. I guess I've just bought into the mystique of Jaime Lannister's fighting skill since he's been sitting in the mud all this time.
Eddard isn't really said to be a good fighter; he's not bad obviously, but I never got the impression he's badass, much less could go toe to toe with Jaime. Basically only The Mountain, The Hound, and Garlan Tyrell could do that


Based on what's been on the show so far, I would assume these are the most dangerous (in terms of physical prowess):

1) Grey Wind
2) Ghost
3) The Mountain
4) The Hound
5) Edwin Stark
6) Jamie Lannister
7) Brienne (last name?)
8) Jon Snow
9) Robb Stark
10) Loras Tyrell

Speaking of which, when do we expect Barristan Selmy back, i doubt anyone who doesn't know the story already would remember who he is.


If Eddard Stark was on horseback and had Ice, he could fuck anybody up. But yea he prob gets beat by Jamie adn the mountain on foot 1v1 w/ swords

Angry Fork

Just saw the episode, Tyrion is fucking awesome. It would be cool if the soldiers decided he should be king instead of Joffrey and there's a big deal over that or something. I hope Joffrey's cowardice is put on full display in the next episode.


Just saw the episode, Tyrion is fucking awesome. It would be cool if the soldiers decided he should be king instead of Joffrey and there's a big deal over that or something. I hope Joffrey's cowardice is put on full display in the next episode.

I expect that his ability to lie to people will be on full display.


When the wildfires burn brightest, only two figures emerge from the castle.

Daenarys Targaryen calls out "Where are my dragons?!!"

The other survivor approaches, licking his fingers after a hearty meal.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
Such a great episode. Tyrion was awesome. Bronn and The Dog were awesome. Those two had excellent actors picked for them that exemplify the characters, they pretty much are the characters.

HBO, put the budget and writing you put into this episode in every episode, and you could have the best show of all time.

The only thing that kind of sucked was how rushed the ending seemed.
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