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Gaming journalist refuses to cover Hogwarts Legacy due to its "ties" with J.K Rowling.


Is this a direct comment or are we taking a bit of liberty in interpretation of possible consequences of an interpretation of what she is saying?

I just looked it up and it was her comments over an upcoming policy for registering any rapists as women if they say they identify as a woman, without any sort of proof or confirmation... It was actually a very sensible concern, as the policy was a mistake. My bad, I must've been caught up by the narrative against her at the time, but she wasn't wrong.
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One of the green rats
IMO her comments portraying trans women as an imminent rape threat to cis women are harmful, but I do agree that stirring this pot and keeping this whole conversation alive does more harm than good.

Lol she said no such thing.

I on the other hand have always said no one should be forced or bullied into having to join into others pretend time.. be it trans, religion, any personal beliefs really.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
We need a way to filter out Vidya game "journalists" from America, the SJW levels are too high, sorry good journalists you gotta go down with your ship.


what she's been saying is just the truth, trans women/men are not real women/men. biologically trans people will always be what they were born into, no matter how they feel and how much they change they're bodies artificialy. feelings and sensations don't change reality. the body just provides those, it's not really asking for change, or it would change by itself. the body is not wrong, it should not be punished, it is doing what it is supposed to do, and reality needs to be accepted. it's not being hateful, this is what nature is. it's just not nice. just like a tornado is not. and just like dead. people feel that they should be alive, it's what they are -alive- is there any other way? what are we if not alive? does not mean we should call ourselves immortals even if there's a pill around that provides immortality.


IMO her comments portraying trans women as an imminent rape threat to cis women are harmful, but I do agree that stirring this pot and keeping this whole conversation alive does more harm than good.
Are they the ones with penises? Because men in general have been portrayed like that since the dawn of time.


Interesting. IGN actually covered the game - good on them for not bowing to the mob. Seems some other outlets are pretending it doesn’t exist or forgot about the State of play. Ironic how that plays out when you know that in the past two weeks they have rightly decried how certain world events are being covered in a certain country that is raining havoc and lying to its people.


This douchebag and others when Hogwarts becomes one of the best selling games of the year:
crushed noo GIF


Do you know how many games we would have to boycott if the background material would be viewed in lenses like this?

I don't know what is happening to games journalism, it's a playground for hypocrites. Is it like this in the movie industry too?


He is Muslim. Maybe if he is so into virtue signalling then maybe stop using Oil which comes from country which stones them to death.

JK Rowling controversy proves one thing. Trans activist and their so called supporters, look for soft targets.


He is Muslim. Maybe if he is so into virtue signalling then maybe stop using Oil which comes from country which stones them to death.

JK Rowling controversy proves one thing. Trans activist and their so called supporters, look for soft targets.
It's how the rich and powerful want it. Keep us fighting each other over social issues while they do whatever they want (war, slavery, etc). You can't call anyone out on their shit now because "bu bu WHATABOUTISM *posts meme*"

The fucking dude works for Tencent. I mean, come on. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Gold Member
How do these manbabies survive in the real world outside of Twitter? I mean, do they have a nervous breakdown every time they go out to shop and see the real world? I've always wondered.
Short answer - yes. They also record all that and post on TicTok.


what she's been saying is just the truth, trans women/men are not real women/men. biologically trans people will always be what they were born into, no matter how they feel and how much they change they're bodies artificialy. feelings and sensations don't change reality. the body just provides those, it's not really asking for change, or it would change by itself. the body is not wrong, it should not be punished, it is doing what it is supposed to do, and reality needs to be accepted. it's not being hateful, this is what nature is. it's just not nice. just like a tornado is not. and just like dead. people feel that they should be alive, it's what they are -alive- is there any other way? what are we if not alive? does not mean we should call ourselves immortals even if there's a pill around that provides immortality.
There is something wrong with them though: their minds.

As you said, their bodies are as they are and that's that. No amount of fiddling will stop the body from trying to revert bad to how it was born.

Unfortunately, too many encourage this mental illness.


There's a better way to do this. The game isn't even a work of hers, it's completely separate. Just say she's a piece of shit then move on and talk about the game. How hard is that?
Because she's not a piece of shit? That's why it's so hard?

Maybe we should take them up on their claim that silence is compliance and take them to task for bullying anyone whose opinion doesn't align with their collective bullshit.


What a moron.

I'm really considering buying this game day one just to support the developers. They have nothing to do with what J.K. Rowling thinks (and she's right, btw).
I've thought about that as well, but let's not forget that Rowling has agreed to have no involvement with this production since apparently some on the development staff also have major issues with her (meaning they are also trans activists). I'm going to just wait and see how much woke bullshit they manage to ram into this game before I decide to donate my dollars. Harry Potter is from a very sane and reasonable decade before all the clown wokery went front and center in society.


Because she's not a piece of shit? That's why it's so hard?

Maybe we should take them up on their claim that silence is compliance and take them to task for bullying anyone whose opinion doesn't align with their collective bullshit.
She just can't cope with the fact that trans women outrank biological women in the manufactured victimhood scale. She is not the hill to die on mate she not only doesn't give a shit about your existence but deep inside she also hates your guts for being a man.

Enjoy her work and nothing more.
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Gold Member
I don't care about whatever crap Rowling has supposedly uttered, but these journalists (which you apparently are if you know how a keyboard works) seem to give more shits than they claim to do. There's some irony hidden in this bullshit somewhere.


Snake Oil Salesman

OK let's compare what you have said to what JK has said, literally.

Can anyone read these (yes this is it) and explain to me at which point JK Rowling called trans people rapists?

As anouther feminist icon Ngozi Adichie said "when people talk about ‘Are trans women women?’, my feeling is trans women are trans women.

If you’ve lived in the world as a man with the privileges that the world accords to men and then change gender, it’s difficult for me to accept that then we can equate your experience with the experience of a woman who has lived from the beginning as a woman and who has not been accorded those privileges that men are”.

Again... go on twitter and she's branded as some "all trans are rapists" terf. Intresting leap in logic.

I feel like straight up lying is becoming normalized. Donald Trump called Nazis "very fine people" because they could edit a clip where they removed his context and manufacture a more useful context.

Trump was obviously saying there were very fine conservatives and liberals.

That wasn't useful to the media so they lie to everyone by saying he was talking about racists.

JK Rowling is a hateful bigot because the lie serves their purpose.

The lie is a good lie because they're virtuous.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Rowling's positions are bog-standard 2nd wave feminism. Agree or disagree with her, there's nothing tremendously radical or unexpected about her beliefs and politics.

Its ironic really that for someone who's unquestionably left wing and has been of the left all her life has become somethng of a pariah to the left due to the way leftism itself has mutated since the 1990's.

Its really that simple. Sorry (mods) to get political, but it needs to be pointed out that there's a huge generational effect at work here.

The liberalism/progressivism/leftism espoused by people like Khan is historically quite unprecedented.
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