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Gaming journalist refuses to cover Hogwarts Legacy due to its "ties" with J.K Rowling.


It’s his prerogative. Better off ignoring this kind of performative social media signaling rather than getting worked up over it. There will be plenty of coverage elsewhere, including on GAF, and the game will likely do well.
Burn Him! Burn Him! , aghh fs, ok Boss "lollipop_disappointed:


Check out this "essay" from Gamespot :
Youtube Dog GIF

These people are delusional.
What even is that article. I've never seen them put this amount of effort into anything videogame related..
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It’s one thing to acknowledge that history is littered with bad hombres. It’s another to try to justify or, god forbid- praise these people for the shit they’ve done.
??? All I was trying to say is we need to differentiate between the artist/autor and their work. I ain’t defending nor condoning anyone! Just stating facts!


From what I understand and from what I have researched, J.K Rowling has never outwardly stated she was against transgender people but has spoken out against gender self-identity on the basis that men can use this to abuse/harm women.
Which has already happened:

Her website post goes into detail on this which I urge everyone to read, which explains her viewpoint based on her history of domestic abuse, and her experiences with other women and gender identity.

This isn't just happening to J.K Rowling but to regular academics. It seems that 'Transphobic' has become a gaslight term to silence or to outcast someone, one could argue it's become the new Nazi.

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What even is that article. I've never seen them put this amount of effort into anything videogame related..
You know, thats actually a very good point. I honnestly can't remember when they have made such a big effort for anything related to a game.


What even is that article. I've never seen them put this amount of effort into anything videogame related..

The only reply I am allowed to leave is an upvote. :messenger_grimmacing_

No place for comments or questions and I am not even allowed to disagree if that is my preferred choice.

This is what I hate about today's discussions, it's a one-way street where you have but one choice, to conform.


Fuck this insufferable weasel. Literally 95% of people, probably more, would have no idea what was even supposedly so evil about what she said.

Not sure what's funnier, him working for Tencent while trying to make a moral stand or his belief that he can damage the game.
??? All I was trying to say is we need to differentiate between the artist/autor and their work. I ain’t defending nor condoning anyone! Just stating facts!
My bad. I wasn’t trying to imply that you were doing that. I have heard stuff like that on other social medias tho.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Fanbyte is a joke.

When they interviewed the producer/director of FFXIV (Yoshi-P) for the newest expansion, they decided to ask why they "whitewashed" a catgirl. Yoshi-P's response? "She had a tan and now she doesn't". But no, that wasn't enough for them. They then doubled down and implied that Yoshi-P doesn't understand and feel racism like Westerners do. But Yoshi-P didn't fall for the trick, and had to point out that he, too, is a "person of color" and knows what racism actually is.

Like I said, the site is a joke.
The interviewer after Youshi-Ps answer:



My bad. I wasn’t trying to imply that you were doing that. I have heard stuff like that on other social medias tho.
I’m not extremist on either sides! I always try to see both sides of the arguments. I’m gay, I don’t care about Harry Potter and quite frankly all this fighting means nothing
She’s rich, unfortunately that’s how it works.. she having a good life while most transgender people are not.
He's an attention whore, if he's not going to cover it he should have ignored it completely and not pulled this grandstanding nonsense.


It's pretty interesting to see someone literally working for Tencent trying so hard to sit on a moral high horse. For those who missed the memo, Tencent owns Fanbyte.

Wonder if he's so active condemning his employer's games considering their ties with a government that's committing literal genocide. 🤔

Incidentally, I'm no Potterhead. I've literally never watched a Harry Potter movie or read a book, but boy, today's presentation sold me on the game.

I can't Like this enough.


From what I understand and from what I have researched, J.K Rowling has never outwardly stated she was against transgender people but has spoken out against gender self-identity on the basis that men can use this to abuse/harm women.
Which has already happened:

Her website post goes into detail on this which I urge everyone to read, which explains her viewpoint based on her history of domestic abuse, and her experiences with other women and gender identity.

This isn't just happening to J.K Rowling but to regular academics. It seems that 'Transphobic' has become a gaslight term to silence or to outcast someone, one could argue it's become the new Nazi.

The sad thing is not one person who writes in games or is a twitter warrior has ever read that website post. She literally goes into detail about what her issues are. ANd that her past she was abused as a young woman which was why she threw herself into writing to get away from some of those painful times.

But even people who read it try to use their pseudo science as a stance when when it comes to biology sorry there is nothing you can say or describe that trys to shift the meaning for your own sensibilities'. I'm glad more people are speaking up.
Trans people in sports has literally destroyed peopled careers who literally trained their entire life to have some fucktard that mid life who was also training couldn't hack it as a man in their own sporting field so they transitioned to a woman so they could steam role the competition.

The fact the knee was bent for this is fucking insane. I'm waiting for this to happen in a more contact sport and then we will see terrible shit happen and then hopefully people wake the fuck up.
My advice without trying to be political, please get off social media. Your mental state/life will become infinitely better. If you use it as a coping mech, please seek help which could be as basic as talking to family or your closest friend over a cup of joe. Human interaction in person does more than looking for self gratification by people liking giving emoji's or praising your bravery for coming out.

If your gay, Bi, trans, come out to where it matters which is the people in your life. If you don't have that, find that. I mean that by physical interaction, not searching on forums/twitter/facebook.


Gold Member
And then you'll have people dismiss this as "whataboutism". I don't know when this term arose but like 15 years ago we called that double standards.

The thing is that THEY (the virtue signaling people) get to choose what bad things you'll support by buying or speaking over certain products. If you by CDPR games you support anti trans people and nasty working conditions, if you buy a Harry Potter product, you support Rowling, also a bad person! The list goes on... the list they probably wrote on iPads or other stuff manufactured under horrible conditions compared to many Western standards. Bit because we can't do anything about that except for giving pretty much everything up of our modern life they point out to more "convenient" issues.

Issues nonetheless, not denying that. But they want to lead this conversation, this almost crusade, so very much its getting ridiculous. Like how is this dude actively gonna help the trans community by not covering the game?

Like, """supporting""" someone with a few dollars they get from me indirectly is not gonna change anything. Not buying products won't change those people's personal views. It's not like a company that would do anything for money; some people rather go broke before they change their opinion about something when your only answer to them is "you're full of shit and I won't be buying your products".

Not giving them a platform like on your podcast where they can spread shit would be a good idea. Supporting educational work about trans people would be a good idea. And sometimes you have to accept the fact that some people are truly lost and will never gonna be changed.

But you won't change people's mind by shun them or talking down to them or tell them what to think; I've seen this countless times as educational worker in my field. You'll always get a defensive response. You have to educate people without ridicule their views or otherwise you'll bite on granite; you have to make them come by themselves to the conclusion, not laying it out for them.

You'll have to chose whether you really want to change people or just want to make yourself feel better, the latter also being understandable but then you'll have to deal with the fact you're virtue signaling.

Good post. And without going too much in detail, when you change a polarising issue into an argument between the 'clever know it all' and 'dumb *ists' you end up with situations like Brexit etc.

What’s wrong with being friendly to trans people?

Aversion is also an element of fear. Which the pro freedom of speech people seem to be not doing.

Not in gaming circles unfortunately.

That’s ironic. Especially when you consider most peoples stance on said topic.

How are trans right an extension to misogyny??


It’s one thing to acknowledge that history is littered with bad hombres. It’s another to try to justify or, god forbid- praise these people for the shit they’ve done.

Because of a tweet that you don’t like? That makes him not a journalist?

What in the actual fuck did I just read?

Yep. I’ve never seen so much hypocrisy from any other group of people. Constantly crying about snowflakes but they shit their diapers whenever there’s big boy stuff to discuss.

I hate to be that guy but, the “you Americans blah blah” is so played out. Give us some credit here.

I'd suggest you understand the point bring made before inferring what you want to read. If you don't understand, or cannot comprehend the post I made, then youre not at the level to have the discussion.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
This is virtue signaling shite. If they really wanted to fuck with WB and the Harry Potter IP, they would review the game and give it a 1 out of 10. No one willing to play the long con.


Gold Member
These "allies" are a poison, a cancer of society.

Taking offense in name of someone else, claiming the moral high ground via an empty, hollow meaningless act without any real consequence, like not discussing a specific videogame. A videogame!

Hypocrite to boot ,working for a company owned by a massive Chinese conglomerate. But no, there's no virtue signal points to score when discussing China. Better off clinging to the Twitter rage mobs for some easy sympathy points. I wonder if his digital shoulder is sore from all the pats on the back he gave himself and got awarded by the .1% of society he claims to represent.

Why the fuck are these people so passionate about defending trans people? I don't get it. You can do whatever else you like but the moment you cross that line, they go crazy!


The sad thing is not one person who writes in games or is a twitter warrior has ever read that website post. She literally goes into detail about what her issues are. ANd that her past she was abused as a young woman which was why she threw herself into writing to get away from some of those painful times.
She is a feminazi piece of trash and I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Where is the evidence? police reports etc of her past abuse?

Just grab some popcorn and enjoy watching the left eat each other.


I'm a trans ally and I do believe some of Rowling's comments were harmful to that community... But damn, this is has to be one of the most performative and hypocritical acts of support I've ever seen. Still buying Hogwarts Legacy tho.
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How far away from someone does the game/movie/song have to be from the artist before it's ok to support? If all she ever got was a 1 time fee and that it why is still responsible for it. So I guess the hundreds of devs whos hearts and time were poured into the game doesn't matter because the creator of the world once said something that angered people.

IMHO once an artist releases art for the world to consume I no longer consider it theirs. Yes they may benefit financially from it, but once that art is released its the fans that make the world special. The kids who dream of doing magic. The teen who thinks of harry when times are tough and tries to carry on like their hero. Those are the people who own harry potter, not JK she only birthed it.

Stop punishing the child for the sins of the parent.
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I'm a trans ally and I do believe some of Rowling's comments were harmful to that community... But damn, this is has to be one of the most performative and hypocritical acts of support I've ever seen. Still buying Hogwarts Legacy tho.
But how though?
I mean she made a comment which was certainly debatable at best. I don't know enough to confirm whether she is right or wrong and if it is debatable then opinions if all we have at the moment
Whether you agree with it or not It's ONLY these "allys" that are keeping this alive. ( Not saying you but the Twitter mob etc)

Nobody else would be talking about this comment from JK Rowling but people KEEP bringing it up.

Isn't it more damaging that people keep talking about it rather than letting it die?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
But how though?
I mean she made a comment which was certainly debatable at best. I don't know enough to confirm whether she is right or wrong and if it is debatable then opinions if all we have at the moment
Whether you agree with it or not It's ONLY these "allys" that are keeping this alive. ( Not saying you but the Twitter mob etc)

Nobody else would be talking about this comment from JK Rowling but people KEEP bringing it up.

Isn't it more damaging that people keep talking about it rather than letting it die?
Disagreement = phobia. Cognitive dissonance is not a problem either and you can BS your way around with whataboutism and generic guilt by association, over dramatisation, and generic punching up bags down arguments stretched beyond the reasonable make the level of discussion between echo chambers difficult.

Social media has optimised the art of promoting conflict and polarisation that made very efficient use of the natural appeal of tribalism and desire of people to elevate themselves, to feel like being part of great things / revolutions / being on the right side of history, etc…


She is a feminazi piece of trash and I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Where is the evidence? police reports etc of her past abuse?

Just grab some popcorn and enjoy watching the left eat each other.

She was in her 20's when it happened. Social media didn't exist and its not like something like that would be public unless she called the police. Most Domestic abuse goes unreported, and mostly undocumented. Only if the person called the police and the aggressor was arrested or taken into custody does that have a trail you can find by researching.

And if she was writing, or in the process of getting her books published something like that would be a giant headline. So maybe she's full of shit? But her letter she wrote had a lot of honesty in it in how woman are treated, how trans are treated. And how not questioning things that could be harmful like what happened with the a girl getting raped by a trans individual.

Which is a big deal. I feel bad for davidjaffe davidjaffe he seems like the most loving father who will do anything for his kids. But I think in my opinion the drape has been pulled over him on actual trans. He's probably read way more stuff, and been to tons of doctors and gotten tons of opinions before he made the call for his kid to transition. Way more than me, he's probably insanely educated on everything there is to know. Which Ill be honest I dont know, so IM probably 100% wrong on everything.

But I can tell you from knowing/talking to a lot of trans people, that getting surgery at a young age will have long lasting mental effects that may not even creep up until they are much older and on their own. The issue is there's not enough concrete "physical" scientific data. Its all pseudo science, some left/right brain studies on female and male developed brains. Hormones.

Maybe everything will be fine, maybe Im a fucking idiot and everyone is right? I'm just more of nature kind of guy, that I look to thing's that happen in the wild. And I also dont have social media or let internet people/chatter/conversations dictate any life choices.


IMO her comments portraying trans women as an imminent rape threat to cis women are harmful, but I do agree that stirring this pot and keeping this whole conversation alive does more harm than good.
It starts to kinda remind me of what the right wing crackpots used to do in the 90s by bringing up GTA as a harmful game for children and accidentally leading to it selling gangbusters.

It's just having the opposite effect to what they think it'll have. I would have to believe these people are more damaging to trans rights than anyone else.

Besides this JK Rowling wrote the novels, how much involvement does she have with the game? She'll no doubt get royalities but this is a game made by thousands of hardworking developers and they're really doing them a disservice here.


Gold Member
IMO her comments portraying trans women as an imminent rape threat to cis women are harmful, but I do agree that stirring this pot and keeping this whole conversation alive does more harm than good.


OK let's compare what you have said to what JK has said, literally.

Can anyone read these (yes this is it) and explain to me at which point JK Rowling called trans people rapists?

As anouther feminist icon Ngozi Adichie said "when people talk about ‘Are trans women women?’, my feeling is trans women are trans women.

If you’ve lived in the world as a man with the privileges that the world accords to men and then change gender, it’s difficult for me to accept that then we can equate your experience with the experience of a woman who has lived from the beginning as a woman and who has not been accorded those privileges that men are”.

Again... go on twitter and she's branded as some "all trans are rapists" terf. Intresting leap in logic.
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