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Gears of War Discussion


WHOAguitarninja said:
He's not...his friend brings him the armor when he breaks him out.

Oh. Watching the IGN E3 footage, it seemed to start with Marcus already wearing his armor in the prison. Guess I missed the first minute or two. Nevermind then!


Wolffen said:
For those complaining about the bloom lighting, keep in mind this isn't Earth, the game is taking place in a post-apocalyptic setting, after the humans used a scorched earth policy. I'd imagine the ozone (assuming Sera ever had one) is pretty much toast. I'd expect the kind of lighting we're seeing in these shots given the environment.

As to the armor, as has been mentioned: they're fighting the Locusts, a race that can take a massive amount of damage before going down, and likewise can dish out a lot of damage. You don't want to fight the Locusts in a pair of sweat pants or GRAW-gear. Besides, all that blood washes of that armor pretty easy. :D

If there's a question to be asked about the armor, it's why is Marcus wearing it while in prison?
Yeah, but the armor is really really big! In other games they give the guy some armor that's way smaller and say it's made of some rare durable material. Not that I'm complaing, I love the look...I'm just wondering.
Wolffen said:
Oh. Watching the IGN E3 footage, it seemed to start with Marcus already wearing his armor in the prison. Guess I missed the first minute or two. Nevermind then!

Well I think that's what happened atleast. I havent watched the video in awhile so I could be mistaken but I distinctly remember his friend handing him a bag and telling him to suit up...so I dunno. I just sortof assumed that's what happened.


not an idiot
looks awesome, and certainly not drab. but Mike is a good poster so cut him some slack. :)

the co-op sounds so awesome. i love the drop in at anytime co-op functionality too.

anyone know if this game has vsync on? i am a little worried it might not, just b/c the graphics are SO awesome, you know they prolly gotta turn it off to get a good framerate. though i sure hope i'm wrong. :)
Speevy said:
Does everything (or anything) in this game have to make sense?

I dunno...if they keep the chainsaw gun then every 30 seconds Marcus could just randomly shout "VAGINA!" at the screen and I'd probably let it slide. If they don't have the chainsaw gun then I demand an explanation for everything.
Tieno said:
Yeah, but the armor is really really big! In other games they give the guy some armor that's way smaller and say it's made of some rare durable material.
Yeah, like Master Chief's one or the ones used in UT 2007 ;)
Tieno said:
Yeah, but the armor is really really big! In other games they give the guy some armor that's way smaller and say it's made of some rare durable material. Not that I'm complaing, I love the look...I'm just wondering.

Well..if you want to get technical about it...if the locusts punch is very hard...which I'm assuming it is...heavy armor would be beneficial.

Think about conservation of momentum. p(momentum)=m(mass)*v(velocity). If ALL (unlikely) this p is transfered onto the person, than if your armor is very bulky and heavy, your m will be much higher, and thus you will be knocked back with considerably less velocity. This has obvious advantages.

Most likely it's just there to look bad ass...but to say huge armor makes no sense isn't entirely correct.


This game's graphics look CRAZY good. I just hope it plays smoothly and has a well fleshed-out story. The drop-in, drop-out co-op sounds brilliant too. Great way to exploit the advantages of LIVE.


PleoMax said:
Hey Cliffy, what about the Soundtrack?

What kind of stuff are you guys trying to do?
CliffyB :" We're Epic Games and we're delivering an epic soundtrack for this product. Kevin Riepl is scoring the music for the game. We recently had a session with a live orchestra in Seattle in which they recorded the score in a cavernous church. The results are goose bump inducing and extremely memorable. It is a focus on classical elements, no rock guitars, no techno, just clean, sweet horns, drums, and strings."



Tieno said:
CliffyB :" We're Epic Games and we're delivering an epic soundtrack for this product. Kevin Riepl is scoring the music for the game. We recently had a session with a live orchestra in Seattle in which they recorded the score in a cavernous church. The results are goose bump inducing and extremely memorable. It is a focus on classical elements, no rock guitars, no techno, just clean, sweet horns, drums, and strings."

:D yay


Just skimmed (don't want to know everything!) a bit through the Gears of War faq at the Xbox forums.

Here are some bits I found REALLY cool!

There is also an optional mini-game called "Active Reload" based on reloading click timing can either improve your weapons damage temporarilly or - if done badly - jam your weapon for a second. Jamming is also accompanied by a curse / noise - making it a tactical queue to your enemies and allies alike! It will work like so; you press the RB to begin reloading - somewhere during the reload process (marked by a vertical bar moving across the ammo indicator, left to right) the ammo indicator will flash for a fraction of a second - hit the RB again to receive the bonus (decreased reload time and increased damage). The damage affect will last to the end of the current clip, or for so many seconds (ie you if your out of combat for a while the bonus is lost). The muzzle flash will include a blue heat edge to it to indicate the extra power.

In addition, save points will be generous, and Gears of War is designed in 10- to 20-minute segments for gamers who don’t have 45 minutes to devote between saves. Still, Epic assures us gamers that those 10 to 20 minutes will be some of the most intense that gamers have experienced.

Also, staying in the light will be key to your survival in Gears of War, since the Locust, being subterranean in nature prefer darker spots. One of the big things about the darkness in Gears is that there exists a type of Locust that specifically feeds on anything that goes into the dark. The point of creating light is so that you never have to see that. A hand-to-hand combat system will also be included in Gears of War, in the form of a mini-game (as in Resident Evil). And there are also some secretly talked about finishing manouvers such as putting a grenade into a locusts mouth, and stamping on their head crushing their skull.


Tieno said:
CliffyB :" We're Epic Games and we're delivering an epic soundtrack for this product. Kevin Riepl is scoring the music for the game. We recently had a session with a live orchestra in Seattle in which they recorded the score in a cavernous church. The results are goose bump inducing and extremely memorable. It is a focus on classical elements, no rock guitars, no techno, just clean, sweet horns, drums, and strings."


That's what I like to hear. Awesome!


From P-A.


When are we getting direct feed of today's level?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
squicken said:
When are we getting direct feed of today's level?

i dunno, but was anyone else really let down by the conference demo? i mean, it looks better then ever, but that had to be one of the dullest firefights yet shown for gears... surely they could have picked a more impressive scene to play through


op_ivy said:
i dunno, but was anyone else really let down by the conference demo? i mean, it looks better then ever, but that had to be one of the dullest firefights yet shown for gears... surely they could have picked a more impressive scene to play through

It was just ... lifeless.


op_ivy said:
i dunno, but was anyone else really let down by the conference demo? i mean, it looks better then ever, but that had to be one of the dullest firefights yet shown for gears... surely they could have picked a more impressive scene to play through
I agree, that demo made it look like all the gameplay consists of is ducking behind cover, switch weapon, shoot weapon, repeat.
Hopefully we'll get some cam footage from the floor tomorrow.
op_ivy said:
i dunno, but was anyone else really let down by the conference demo? i mean, it looks better then ever, but that had to be one of the dullest firefights yet shown for gears... surely they could have picked a more impressive scene to play through

It's pretty tough to "see" fun in shooting games. I agree, but everyone who's touched it says it's fantastically fun, and Epic knows how to make a shooter, and with Cliff in charge you KNOW it will have great level design...SOOOO...I'm not worried about it being boring.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
WHOAguitarninja said:
It's pretty tough to "see" fun in shooting games. I agree, but everyone who's touched it says it's fantastically fun, and Epic knows how to make a shooter, and with Cliff in charge you KNOW it will have great level design...SOOOO...I'm not worried about it being boring.

i'm not either, i'm just pointing out that that was possibly the worst and most boring area shown for gears yet, which is mind numbing why they'd chose to show off the game with that.

e3's escape from prison was awesome. the stage in the thundershower at night and later on mine carts, hell, even the old gas station demo, all were far better ways to show off the game.


cant wait to see cam footage from the floor
op_ivy said:
i'm not either, i'm just pointing out that that was possibly the worst and most boring area shown for gears yet, which is mind numbing why they'd chose to show off the game with that.

e3's escape from prison was awesome. the stage in the thundershower at night and later on mine carts, hell, even the old gas station demo, all were far better ways to show off the game.


cant wait to see cam footage from the floor

Gotcha....yea I agree totally, then.

Blim said MS could be anal about filming the game from the floor in another thread I think(maybe a few posts above mine...maybe in another thread...don't really remember). That seems crazy to me that MS wouldn't want to show off their baby, but I got the feeling from the way he worded it that it could be hard to come by footage of the game.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
WHOAguitarninja said:
Gotcha....yea I agree totally, then.

Blim said MS could be anal about filming the game from the floor in another thread I think(maybe a few posts above mine...maybe in another thread...don't really remember). That seems crazy to me that MS wouldn't want to show off their baby, but I got the feeling from the way he worded it that it could be hard to come by footage of the game.

i'm not worried, if blim cant get it, i'm sure there will be plenty of others who can and do.
Seeing that footage not the size of a thimble makes the demo a lot more awesomer. I really like how gun fights are really one on one. Taking them out one at a time as opposed to just spraying the vicinity with bullets and crossing your fingers.

This is just going to be fun as hell.
REV 09 said:
IGNs direct feed version looks awesome. day 1 for me, as always.

A.I is dumb as bricks. At the end he hops over the monument wall and runs up to the enemy that's behind a jersey barrier and ducks. The ememy wouldnt just stand up and shoot down at your head consider he is taller than a jersey barrier? . Nope he waits for you to walk around the jersey barrier and shoot him in the face :lol


Mark Gonzales said:
A.I is dumb as bricks. At the end he hops over the monument wall and runs up to the enemy that's behind a jersey barrier and ducks. The ememy wouldnt just stand up and shoot down at your head consider he is taller than a jersey barrier? . Nope he waits for you to walk around the jersey barrier and shoot him in the face :lol

Well, Cliffy was playing on Easy

From Mark Rein


Cliff was playing on the "casual" mode designed for casual gamers (i.e. easy). Always best to do that (or GOD mode) for a demo. Regardless it won't be that easy for a first-time player to take down the Locusts. I saw one of the world's top game designers play a portion of a level, that Cliff can get through in 2 minutes, and it took him about 15 minutes. Cliff makes it look easy
Syb said:
Shit, Gears Of War is actually pretty smooth now? Gg Epic, I knew you could do it. :D

No...I saw it drop a frame. Clearly the 360 is not enough to handle gears of war.

yea...looks pretty much smooth as butter now, which is awesome, although knowing how much they needed it to run well, not alltogether surprising. still great news for us :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I can't wait to revisit the rainy/minecart stage again from TGS 05... and for those who've never seen that awesome stage, here it is again:


I can't believe that this demo is a year old, playable from so long ago - look how amazing it looked back then even - and it looks even craploads BETTER now!

It's 14 minutes of goodness, from the very first stage we saw of Gears, which was the Gas station stage, to the rainy stage, to the interior with the minecarts... a must-see for all Gears of War fans!
CushVA said:
Well, Cliffy was playing on Easy

From Mark Rein

Also, I too thought that but the commentary talks about how the Locust's attention is all on your buddies, which I hadn't realized and explains at least some of the ease of killotonnage.
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