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Girls - Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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My one big hope is that they'll finally give us some reason for how they're able to afford such nice apartments while most of them are just baristas.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Can barely remember what happened last series but I remember not liking it very much. Hoping this one is a lot better
This is one of my favorite shows on TV but I usually keep that fact to myself. This show is so divisive for whatever reason

I think I'm going to wait and marathon this season once it's over.
Oooooh this is an interesting article:

Television Critic Doesn't "Get" Why Lena Dunham Is Naked All the Time

On Thursday, Girls executive producers Lena Dunham, Judd Apatow, and Jenni Konner appeared at a panel at the Television Critics Association to talk about the upcoming third season of the HBO show. The first question from the critics came from The Wrap’s Tim Molloy, who asked:

I don’t get the purpose of all the nudity on the show. By you particularly. I feel like I’m walking into a trap where you say no one complains about the nudity on ‘Game of Thrones,’ but I get why they’re doing it. They’re doing it to be salacious. To titillate people. And your character is often naked at random times for no reason.

Dunham responded: “Yeah. It’s because it’s a realistic expression of what it’s like to be alive, I think, and I totally get it. If you are not into me, that’s your problem

Asking why Dunham regularly appears naked in the show was a legitimate question—in 2012. Dunham’s many answers on the topic—that pantlessness is inherently comedic, that showing average-sized women’s bodies in the media is so rare that it constitutes a radical act, and that the outsized attention and criticism she’s received for it wouldn’t be placed on a naked actress with “tiny thighs”—have demonstrated that there are copious and pointed reasons justifying the choice. For Molloy to approach the question from a place of total obliviousness to that discussion makes his statement not only lazy and dated, but ignorant.

It’s a mind-numbingly obvious place to begin a discussion of a show that’s now in its third season, and everyone except for Molloy who pays attention to Girls has advanced beyond that point. They’ve already cycled through all the fascination and the backlash and the measured justification; Molloy’s question effectively reboots the discussion to a place where Dunham is again prompted to rationalize her body for critics who can only comprehend the more traditionally sexualized bodies on full display in a show like Game of Thrones.

What makes Molloy’s question so grating is that it operates through the soft, ambiguous sexism that marks modern discussions of women in the media, not in an old-school display of blatant misogyny that everyone now immediately recognizes as unacceptable.

Even as someone who only watched like 5 episodes from the first season, the nudity wasn't a problem, I actually found seeing a non-model's body on screen refreshing. Just that the characters were annoying and were hard to care for, so I dropped it. But now I want to give it a marathon catch-up, like I'm doing with Archer season 4.


Hunky Nostradamus


The only way that I could get through these first two episodes was by telling myself that the show is intentionally trying to make Hannah the most unbearable, unlikable character on television today, tomorrow, and even yesterday. Once I seared that mantra into my brain with the assistance of two mostly-vodka tonics, I was all good. Decent premiere. *.*


-- Shoshanna's schtick has run cold. Last season crossed the line between "ridiculous-but-believable" and "cartoon character," and it seems like that have no intentions of turning around this season.

-- I hope they give Marnie something else to do this season besides whine about how she thought she had everything figured out. So far not looking too good on that front...

-- Despite hating her character with a passion, I'm actually enjoying the dynamic between Hannah and Adam. The two have the strangest chemistry, and it's obvious that their relationship is a rubberband pulled taunt and ready to snap...but when, where and how it's going to snap is anyone's guess.

-- Jessa still being Jessa - i.e. the character that they try so hard to make interesting and enigmatic that she just comes off as one-note and completely fucking dull to watch. I hope we get more Danielle Brooks, though.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
These characters are just the worst. So transparently self-involved and vapid.

I feel like these two episodes were more 'enjoyable' than much of S2 when so many of those were aggressively frustrating, but then again, the only episode I remember liking in S2 was "One Man's Trash" so I'm a weirdo.

It struck me as very odd that there was basically no followup to the coffee shop scene with Adam and Natalia.

The social dynamic between Adam and Hannah's friends, and the conversations surrounding that, are kinda interesting. It vaguely reminds me of some interactions with people at work, when it's like we're different species and I have no idea how to relate to them.

I was surprised to see Paul Simms in the credits. Apparently he joined for this season. I'm not sure he fits with the show, but I'm certainly a fan of his work.
Wow! Two truly awful episodes. When the only things to like are Kim Gordon and the woman from Orange is the New Black, you know you have a problem. Overall, the eps felt like stale self-parody. Embarrassingly bad.
Ah the frustration continues. I wanted to punch everyone the first scene in the coffee shop in the first episode. Not 90 seconds in lol.

I'll give the show credit for this, each of the four girls detached from any semblance of understanding life and people in different ways/areas, which I guess is good. Kind of interesting to see Adam's dynamic with each of them because of that, but it doesn't make the characters much less frustrating to watch. Shosh's perspective (whom I've liked more than the rest for the most part) on Jessa and life at the vending machine was shockingly shallow and ignorant.

I do quite like how Dunham shoots the show, she's a solid director.
Is this one of those "I dare you to hate this character more than the last" shows where no one is meant to be likable or sympathetic, or is it just a happy accident that it worked out that way?


Watched the episodes, they were decently entertaining. I think the only reason I like the show is because of how weird and offbeat it feels, most of the enjoyment comes from from how pathetic the girls can be and purposefully so. I also like Adam's character a lot, so having him around most of the time in these new episodes made them worth watching. Other than that the show is pretty lame, dosen't really feel HBO quality.

Also as gorgeous as Marnie is, the actress that plays her is pretty bad. She can say her lines well but it looks like she has a hard time acting and expressing with her face, if that makes any sense. It's looks like she's lacking confidence and is 1 line away from laughing and breaking character every time she speaks.


Wasn't impressed by anything in the two episode, but they weren't awful. I think the show has reached its peak in terms of entertainment and will either stay level or decline. The characters are growing more annoying and there is no development happening.


It might be me but I like shows with incredibly unlikable characters. They seem far more real to me. I like how everyone in this show I would most likely hate irl as everyone around me is actually pretty boring. With that said, during Truth or Dare, I felt like Adam was us wondering the entire time "What the fuck is with these women?" Is Adam purposely supposed to be the audience?


Heh, Maisey from Uncle Buck was in the preview for next week.

Thought both episodes were pretty good...could have used more Shoshanna and Adam wandering in the woods.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
WTF is wrong with HBO ?

Is this show insanely cheap to make or something ? They cancel greats like Deadwood and Rome but keep this garbage running.

Uh, yeah. Girls is a tiny fraction of the cost that Deadwood and Rome were.

Those shows had massive sets, large casts, lots of extras, all the costs associated with period dress, CGI, etc.


What happened to the rocking chair on the way back? It wasn't in the car.
And where the hell do you rent such a shitty looking car?

I disagree. Jessa is incrediblly beautiful.

Nope. She's a train wreck. Marnie is the only attractive female character on the show.
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