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Girls - Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
What happened to the rocking chair on the way back? It wasn't in the car.
And where the hell do you rent such a shitty looking car?

The perspective changing road trip rent-a-car store. I fuckin nearly tossed myself out the goddamn window when Hannah felt disappointed that she wasn't gaining anything from road tripping to retrieve Jessa from rehab.

I know a couple girls like Jessa so it's not too far from reality.
Arghhh. This show is such a difficult watch for me. Everything about Hannah Horvath is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

My idea of hell is being trapped in a room with her listening to her babble on and on.


Arghhh. This show is such a difficult watch for me. Everything about Hannah Horvath is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

My idea of hell is being trapped in a room with her listening to her babble on and on.

I like Hannah's character most of the time. She's usually a soft-hearted, kind person. It was just weird when last year we had her rich dude bang fantasy, or when she lost her marbles and was stabbing her inner ear with q-tips.

Last night she was great. Hannah's the type of person who would be a good friend - she's usually there for others and is rather forgiving. So naturally people like Jessa take advantage of or don't appreciate that.


drawer by drawer
I liked the episodes.

Shosh has just become an even worse caricature of herself, Jessa is just a terrible person, Marnie is "mourning" her break-up with Charlie (Good on ya, Chuck.), and Hannah is just same ol' Hannah.

Adam is our looking glass.
I was reading through Poniewozik's take on the first two, and I thought this was interesting:
If there was a common theme to the first two episodes of Girls season three, it’s that there are a lot of characters here who have things wrong with them. And there are a lot of characters who have strong, often perceptive opinions about what’s wrong with other characters. But there are not so many characters who have much interest in listening to what’s wrong with themselves.


Another show might, over time, have its characters grow, learn, mature, become wiser. But Girls is doing something more unusual–the characters are not learning about themselves so much as they’re learning about each other. It’s like a group therapy session, except your breakthroughs are all about everyone else’s issues.


Welp. Judging by the reactions so far I'll give it a miss as it will probably only end up annoying me if I watch it. Oh well...

Van Owen

Watch the first ep. Officially tapping out.

Never really enjoyed the show, but there's too much good stuff starting now to waste more time on it.
I didn't think the show was amazing but I did laugh at a lot of very random sex scenes as usual. I say a solid C-

Will watch next week.


i don't think neogaf is this show's target demo so i'm not surprised by the responses here. the first episode was stronger than i expected, onto the second.


i don't think neogaf is this show's target demo so i'm not surprised by the responses here. the first episode was stronger than i expected, onto the second.

The demographic seems to be pretty broad around here. Quality is quality, and this series has simply not been delivering in comparison to most programing on the network.


The demographic seems to be pretty broad around here. Quality is quality, and this series has simply not been delivering in comparison to most programing on the network.

the writing was pretty sharp this episode. i'd agree that the middle of the last season was underwhelming and probably damaged the appeal of the characters more than it should've done. the show is still quality, it just doesn't have the immediate hook of the first season.
the writing was pretty sharp this episode. i'd agree that the middle of the last season was underwhelming and probably damaged the appeal of the characters more than it should've done. the show is still quality, it just doesn't have the immediate hook of the first season.


The scenes with the moms were especially poorly done-- corny, trite and unfunny. Ugh.



I have a soft spot for Marnie tool. Her singing Kanye last season was the most brilliant purposeful cringe of all time.

I can't stand Jessa. I simply don't believe her character exists in reality.

It does. If you have ever been to Williamsburg Brooklyn you would have found plenty of Jessa. People just waffling through life with no sense of how their actions affects others. Entitled pricks!


the writing was pretty sharp this episode. i'd agree that the middle of the last season was underwhelming and probably damaged the appeal of the characters more than it should've done. the show is still quality, it just doesn't have the immediate hook of the first season.

I don't view the quality as dropping just in season two. Season one wasn't all great either. The show has moments. My primary viewing is largely due to just watching HBO on Sundays.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I hope Andrew Rannells saves this show.

For a show called GIRLS, all of the best characters are guys. Adam was the only thing keeping both episodes from being horrible last night.

I guess I take that back Shoshanna is pretty awesome too.


Yes, finally it's on! A double good development. A good TV show followed by binge drinking of impotent rage tears.

Nice to have you back, Girls!


I think this season I am going to open my heart to love and try not to hate watch.

Not sure if the writing/characters were different or if it was my attitude, but I did enjoy last night's episodes more than most of season 2.


Brilliantly written but I hate everyone in it except Adam who's a fucking dude.

I don't agree with the part about it being brilliantly written, but yeah, the guy who jizzed on a girl he kinda-sorta-maybe raped (if getting consent for regular sex and then going for waaay more than that is rapey, I don't know) is the most likable person on the show.


I look at Girls like a more grounded Always Sunny. Much of the point is that they're shitty, dysfunctional people who viewers are supposed to dislike. It's all of the neuroses, insecurities, privilege,
social pressures, naivety, varying degrees of mental illness etc.. that come together to make these characters who & how they are, and the ways in which everyone's issues interact with each other's, that makes the show so fascinating.

And the song choice at the end of episodes is usually stellar.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Really liked the first two episodes. Adam is still love hate with me but I think that's what they intend his character to be like. Shosh and especially Jessa had me in stitches


Hunky Nostradamus
I actually enjoyed both of the premiere episodes.

Not sure if the writing/characters were different or if it was my attitude, but I did enjoy last night's episodes more than most of season 2.

I think the writing was different. It definitely felt less pretentious and I didn't feel as though they were trying too hard or that they were trying to be too cute (aside from a few of the Shoshanna scenes - she's a total cartoon at this point). It felt more like season one to me.

Also as gorgeous as Marnie is, the actress that plays her is pretty bad. She can say her lines well but it looks like she has a hard time acting and expressing with her face, if that makes any sense. It's looks like she's lacking confidence and is 1 line away from laughing and breaking character every time she speaks.

It's not just you. Allison Williams is an astoundingly bad actress.


Felt like s1, which is good. Would like to see Jessa' head be severed off though.

Funny that I'm really connecting with marine. Going through my own breakup.
No way, was that Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth in the first episode?! Haha it was!


I'm new to the series (other than watching 3 or 4 episodes of s1) so is Jessa being an asshole building up to something?
New episode tonight:
She Said OK

Adam's eccentric sister arrives unannounced; Marnie becomes controlling over Hannah's 25th birthday party; Ray settles into his new role as manager at the new restaurant.
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