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The Affair - Season 3 - Sundays on Showtime: Ratsky Learns to Count

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So not worth it
Brendan Fraser has changed.

Brendan Fraser is creepy as fuck.

Not like this, Brendan Fraser, not like this.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Episode 2

- Helen and the Doctor! Their situation is... unique. I kinda get why it works though. That last scene with the cactus was sweet. But Helen seems unsure. She didn't want him to go but I'm not sure she wanted him to stay 100% either
- "Let them watch Shameless in 2nd grade..." Dat corporate synergy
- Haha this Furkat dinner scene is bananas
- "Quelle surprise" *eyeroll* Although that's totally in character.
- Whoa, Alison's life is in a spiral
- Lmao, Oscar literally is a "Where's my hug at?" type of dude.
- A little weird that we're getting a huge exposition dump via Alison sitting in a bar with Oscar but I suppose she doesn't have anyone else to confide in.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Episode 3

- She's reading Noah's book. I love this new character so much already.
- "Because the articulate is the enemy of the erotic." That's a fucking fire line. So good.
- I knew Audrey wanted to fuck Noah!
- I love how the split perspective worked for the scene between Noah and Juliette in her bedroom.
- Woof, this prison arc makes me nervous as hell. Somebody being nice to you I prison...run!
- Gunther makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I'm getting a Misery vibe off him at best, Fatal Attraction at worst.

Really digging this season so far.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Only just got around to watching the premiere, which was mostly solid.

But then why are people treating him like he's an evil murderer?
It was a tabloid story where he appeared to run over someone he knew and had reason to hate. Even if he took a plea deal for vehicular manslaughter, I think it's reasonable for people hearing about the case through the media to suspect it was no mere accident. Plus, he fled the crime scene. There were certainly lots of juicy details for people to latch onto and craft a motive on.


I liked that Noah actually ended up calling the cops at the end of episode 3.
Though I suspect the prison guard has an alibi.
And who knew Brendan Fraser could play such a creep.


I have a bad feeling we'll eventually find out the guard assaulted Noah in prison. To an extent it would mirror the incident with Alison from last season, which was discussed in the premiere dinner scene as it appears in his book. I mean, I don't hope that happens but it just seems they're laying groundwork for Noah to experience the worst humiliation possible at the guard's doing.

At the same time it's too obvious the guard would have attacked Noah in his apartment, so that might have been someone else. My random, stupid guess would be the guy who had sex with Juliette, out of some weird jealousy that Audrey wants to sleep with Noah.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I liked that Noah actually ended up calling the cops at the end of episode 3.
Though I suspect the prison guard has an alibi.
And who knew Brendan Fraser could play such a creep.

When Noah didn't tell the detectives at the hospital AND Juliette became a suspect I was just going Nononononono because it felt like a really bad murder mystery was brewing. So relieved when he did the sensible thing and called the police.

I'm just going to stay in a fetal position during all the prison scenes. Dude freaks me out


Another thing: I don't think it was the prison guard whom actually attacked Noah. Failing to kill him from behind with a knife doesn't seem likely considering this is a trained guy facing confrontations every day. I guess you could say it was 'a warning' but the likely-hood of Noah surviving without help is practically zero. Maybe Noah tried to kill himself? (though he said he didn't remember anything so why present the scene to the viewer) Maybe it's that confused girl or some other student?


Hunky Nostradamus
I really like the French professor character, so I'm happy they're giving her her own perspective scenes. Still not super thrilled about the inclusion of the new mystery - at this point it seems so obvious that it was Brendan Fraser's creepy prison guard character that I'm assuming he's just a red herring and it was someone else who tried to kill Noah. Furkat? Helen's doctor lover? Maybe it was Cole's wife or Whitney's evil alternate personality or that post office woman? Honestly, I just hope the show plays it straight and spares us of any more shenanigans.

It was a tabloid story where he appeared to run over someone he knew and had reason to hate. Even if he took a plea deal for vehicular manslaughter, I think it's reasonable for people hearing about the case through the media to suspect it was no mere accident. Plus, he fled the crime scene. There were certainly lots of juicy details for people to latch onto and craft a motive on.

Ah yes, good point. I had forgotten that Noah wasn't merely an author, but that he's actually famous and might find himself caught up in tabloid gossip.


Fraser kind of single handedly revitalized for me what was looking to be a terrible season. Alison and the French teacher's plot are shit tier so far.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm torn on who attacked Noah. It's so obviously the prison guard that I'm starting to think it might not be. Perhaps they play that straight but we find out Noah deserved it. Gunther might just be a mega creep...but I suspect there is WAY more to how he actually knows Noah.

I was surprised to see so many people not liking Juliette. I think she's fantastic, I actually liked her perspective more than Alison's. I think it depends on how you feel about those dinner table scenes. Some people on Twitter hated them, but scenes like that are why I watch the show. It reminded me of a very heated discussion my girlfriend at the time (who works at Planned Parenthood) got into with a friend of mine about false rape accusations. Replace the wine with beer and I fucking lived that scene lol, so it resonated with me.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Juliette is a great character but I do think her main arch is going to be more tv fodder than character development. I didn't quite get making her husband Alzheimer's or in dementia.

Her monologue on sex was fantastic.


The Affair: the only Cable drama show written as a Network series.

I really don't understand. Every season looking for some cheap hook. It's like they aren't confident with their material and subjects, like somebody at management forcing their hand to include stupid mysteries for the casual viewer. What's the point of all of this? What makes them think this is doing good for the show? What does it contribute?

And Juliette having an instant crush on Noah is blah. Like a contest of how many women they can make him hook up with. I also thought they were done with two takes on the same scene approach but they had it with the dinner scene.
And they are also teasing some unknown thing that happened 30 years ago in Noah's dad's house that involved him and Nina..the way this show is going they probably killed some guy together and buried him in the backyard and that's why they can't sell the house!

Learning how and why The Affair is being written like this will be more mystifying than the actual show.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!


Alison's complicated return to Cole's life puts him in an increasingly impossible situation. Also, Alison must contend with Luisa Cole and the legal system, while attempting to reconnect with her daughter. But a dangerous passion threatens to jeopardize everything.


I haven't seen episode 4 yet but I wanted to put it out there that I think Audrey (female student that Noah made cry) is the one who stabbed Noah in the neck. Just throwing a guess out there.

And I think Juliette is pretty great. She has a real way with words!

Oh also, I really admire Fiona Apple's intro for this show. Those lyrics are poetry you don't hear in mainstream music these days.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I was surprised to see so many people not liking Juliette. I think she's fantastic, I actually liked her perspective more than Alison's. I think it depends on how you feel about those dinner table scenes. Some people on Twitter hated them, but scenes like that are why I watch the show. It reminded me of a very heated discussion my girlfriend at the time (who works at Planned Parenthood) got into with a friend of mine about false rape accusations. Replace the wine with beer and I fucking lived that scene lol, so it resonated with me.
I think Juliette's alright besides being so stereotypically lustful and French.

I also thought the dinner conversation was a little much, and maybe the party scene as a whole. Pretentious young writers yelling at each other about consent, separated along gender lines, with the two men being really dug into seeing no nuance whatsoever. I can see reasons why the show wants to explore this, but that felt hamfisted.

Then Audrey openly pondering whether she should try to fuck Noah, like what. Didn't they say Juliette was somehow her academic advisor or something?


This episode was great. Didn't miss Noah at all... However. I appreciate that everyone's perspective is skewed but the two viewpoints this episode were so far apart was kind of shocking.


Hunky Nostradamus
Every season looking for some cheap hook. It's like they aren't confident with their material and subjects, like somebody at management forcing their hand to include stupid mysteries for the casual viewer. What's the point of all of this? What makes them think this is doing good for the show? What does it contribute?

And they are also teasing some unknown thing that happened 30 years ago in Noah's dad's house that involved him and Nina..the way this show is going they probably killed some guy together and buried him in the backyard and that's why they can't sell the house!

Learning how and why The Affair is being written like this will be more mystifying than the actual show.

I generally like the show, but I agree. I just don't understand why they feel the need to keep introducing mysteries into the narrative when the show could easily stand on its own without it.


Noah is more interesting to follow for me. Dominic is an incredible natural actor.
With that said, really enjoyed the last ten minutes of episode 4.
Noah is more interesting to follow for me. Dominic is an incredible natural actor.
With that said, really enjoyed the last ten minutes of episode 4.

I enjoy all the perspectives so far in the show but yeah I find Noah the most compelling. Great performance and they've managed to delve more into the character going from straight up asshole to somebody you can sympathize with at times


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!


Alison is motivated to spend a memorable day with Noah on Block Island for an unusual reason. The excursion results in a profound connection, but Noah is left wistful and the problems he was escaping return with shocking force.


And they are also teasing some unknown thing that happened 30 years ago in Noah's dad's house that involved him and Nina..the way this show is going they probably killed some guy together and buried him in the backyard and that's why they can't sell the house!
I thought it was just that he was an abusive asshole and Nina left as soon as she could, leaving Noah alone with him. I didn't think there was any deeper mystery to it than that.
This show has become background noise now while I catch up with emails and what not.

Shame really. I thought the first series was really good TV, but it's taken such a nose dive since. Cole is the only one I care about, the one likeable person in the whole show.


Hunky Nostradamus
I really liked that episode a lot, though it seems like I might be in the minority (going by reviews and comments on other sites). Noah, for once, was actually not a grating asshole and I feel we got a good glimpse into what Noah and Alison's relationship may have been like in the past when there wasn't so much drama going on. The Allison part of the episode was legitimately fun (it almost felt like it was taken from another show) and the Noah part did a good job of finally explaining just what exactly happened 30 years ago, as well as making it clear that at least some of this paranoid Brendan Fraser stuff is in Noah's mind. Good stuff!


I really liked that episode a lot, though it seems like I might be in the minority (going by reviews and comments on other sites). Noah, for once, was actually not a grating asshole and I feel we got a good glimpse into what Noah and Alison's relationship may have been like in the past when there wasn't so much drama going on. The Allison part of the episode was legitimately fun (it almost felt like it was taken from another show) and the Noah part did a good job of finally explaining just what exactly happened 30 years ago, as well as making it clear that at least some of this paranoid Brendan Fraser stuff is in Noah's mind. Good stuff!

Ok, I was half paying attention, but the last shot, it looked like there was no damage to the rear end of the car right? Or maybe i'm the one going crazy.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I also really liked that episode. Seems like the strength of the episodes is better when there is a focus on one or two characters.

Ok, I was half paying attention, but the last shot, it looked like there was no damage to the rear end of the car right? Or maybe i'm the one going crazy.

Yeah, the last shot is looking at the rear and no damage.
This show has become background noise now while I catch up with emails and what not.

Shame really. I thought the first series was really good TV, but it's taken such a nose dive since. Cole is the only one I care about, the one likeable person in the whole show.

Thats nuts. Cole might be the least flawed of the characters but he's also the most boring to follow

Noah continues to be the most fascinating

I dunno if this is me failing the asshole litmus test or what but man I feel so sympathetic for this guy despite him being quite selfish at times. Like that monologue he gave about his mom. Damn good acting from West.

And even though him and Allison should stay far away I still want this trainwreck relationship to continue because they're so good in their scenes together.

They've done a good job at making somebody so unlikable sympathetic at the same time.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!


Noah's unexplained absence sends Helen on a journey of increasingly troublesome discoveries. Meanwhile, Noah is compelled to return to a place he's spent his life trying to escape and attempts to repair his relationship with Martin before it's too late.


So not worth it
We're on the sixth episode, but the content of the stories could have been told in two episodes.

I mean, I like the meta-story of Noah going batshit delusional, but everything else feels like filler. Do we really need Helen fucking up a perfectly fine relationship and only now realizing what a complete nutjob Noah is? I don't care one bit about Cole and Alison and her abandoning the kid, aside from feeling Alison deserves a huge fuck you for doing that.

I mean, if you can't think of any good stories aside from the main one, just drop the extra characters or make them supporting characters instead. Give me more of Noah, give me more of creepy Brendan Fraser... In fact, give me ALL the scenes of creepy Brendan Fraser and that's that.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!


Helen gives Noah the help he needs, although the cost might be too high. At his absolute weakest, Noah's world has never seemed more hostile or bewildering. A vital moment of release turns suddenly into something that can't be undone.


Hunky Nostradamus
It's hard to watch Helen grovel before Noah when he clearly doesn't give a fuck about her. I mean, she obviously feels indebted to him for taking the fall for her, on top of still being in love with him, but damn.

and WTF did Noah just rape Helen??
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