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God Of War coming to PC on January 14


Thanks for the detailed response! None of this mentions anything about sequels and movie tie-ins..
You're welcome. Yep, the sequels and movies was my personal assumption.

but sure, Hulst has insisted they'll focus on the PS platform. But to my point he said "We’re still early on in our planning for PC." Things can change, rather quickly.
Sure, things can change. But this strategy wasn't set by them (now I remember Shawn mentioned more details about the strategy). And the strategy is working, Horizon, DG and DS sold around 2M each on PC an don't seem to negatively affect PS sales so they will continue with it but taking care it doesn't affect PS hardware and software sales.

It's all pretty non-committal either way ... and nobody here is talking about day and date releases for big AAA SP titles... just saying that nothing is set in stone. Nothing has to follow some pattern, especially if there are reasons to break that "pattern."

They are experimenting; and either way, in the case of something like Ghosts of Tsushima? It'll be 2 years old in around 8 months... I would seriously not be shocked to see it be an early next year PC release or announcement at least.

I'm also not saying I actually EXPECT something like Returnal or GT7 to come to PC, or anytime soon.. but I think just about any game is a distinct possibility. This idea that it would only be big "super sellers" confuses me. PC ports aren't particularly expensive.. a game doesn't sell gangbusters, that's even more reason to bring it to PC sooner if anything.
Think that instead of releasing GT7 now it would be more profitable for them to release GT Sports now and a couple years after its PS5 releae then release GT7 on PC. Even if old, their games sell well on PC. They have a huge back catalog to keep releasing every year half a dozen 2+ years old games PC ports.

Some remake or remaster yes, can release them the same day on PS5 and PC and I think nobody will complain. I think to release some MP focused -specially if F2P- GaaS title day one or at least half a year after launch on PC wouldn't hurt.

But what would hurt PS5 hardware sales (so total PS5 software sales too) would be to release all their big exclusives on PC or even more, to do it a year or less after their original release.

I think it won't be limited to supersellers, but instead they will analyze each case an will estimate its potential on PC. Bloodborne isn't a superseller, but seems to fit well in PC and seems to be the most requested one. Or Dreams, for obvious reasons it can be way bigger on PC than in PS due to non-gaming applications, educational purposes, the success of games like Minecraft and Roblox in PC and so on. But I assume that first due to strategical reasons won't release all games, and second due to resources they may have Nixxes and maybe one or two partners more porting so they will have a limited amount of yearly slots (we also have to consider how it also fits with their PR & marketing team, can't be releasing and promoting a new title every week) to release ports so they will focus on those who they think have a better fit considering everything.

Nope. It doesn't work like that. Sony recognizes that

That's just PR talk

The real focus is asia and asians flow towards steam year over year big time, they are joining in droves. PC market is exploding over there. I would not be shocked if there next god of war ( after ragnarok ) is going to take place in asia like india and the release date of that game is going to be far far faster even if god of war sales tank on PC right now. They want to provide for those audiences because of growth and they will. I would also not be shocked if end of the generation or start of next generation people will get tired of all the chinese / asia focus on games. Ubisoft is moving to india also, they are starting up dev company's in india and investments are very real in this space.

China is hard to reach for anybody, steam is the only one really and tencent that are pushing into those markets successful.

This is why herman states "But we do value PC gamers, and we’ll continue to look at the right times to launch each game"

And why the current leader of sony whatever he's called again, did a interview about moving more outside of the playstation echo system with there focus.

Everything else is PR.

They acknowledged that people from countries like China, Russia or some South America countires plus some western PC gamers never won't buy a console, and that these are the majority of the ones who will buy the ports. But also that a small portion of them may become a fan of their games and may end buying a PS5 to play all exclusives and don't have to wait for ports. In addition to this, they don't want to release all their games on PC and don't want to do it day one to don't negatively affect PS5. They mentioned it.

And well, AAA games sell more in PS than in PC and their main busines isn't to sell 1st party games at all, but instead to sell 3rd party games for PS, which is by far way more profitable and provides way more revenue. And the main selling point for PS is their exclusives, so will keep them some of them forever and other ones won't be ported to PC until a fair amount of time after release. The last thing they would do would be to remove the main selling point of the main revenue and profit source of their corporation.

Regarding 'moving more outside PS' there's these old games ported to PC, PSNow being extended to more countries and platforms like tvs, phones and tablets, some PS IPs getting mobile games, movies or tv shows.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I hope they sell it on the MS store with achievements!

Wouldn't that be something???!
Not going to happen. But I do have to admit that this would get me to rebuy it.


I can't believe folks are still using the "Great to raise awareness on a sequel and get people on the ecosystem" angle... In Western Europe and North America, console gaming dominates but this is not true on the rest of the world. Consoles are a luxury item with little to offer other than playing games and basic multimedia. Just spend a bit more and build a good PC or get a laptop you can use for everything and will last you for a decade these days. Still using my AM3+ PC from 2012 as we speak. Just popped up a new GPU a couple of years ago and I am golden at least through 2022.

No way a PC only gamer gets into the PS ecosystem now that exclusives are releasing. Console ecosystems are trash in non western countries, and PS one is the worst of the bunch with its terrible pricing. Besides, these PS4 era ports if well optimized are perfect for old PCs. No need to build or upgrade, even an FX 6300 and a GTX 950 should be enough for 1080p 30 FPS.

If you are an enthusiast about this hobby, why would you not have a PC to game? Its like being a petrolhead and driving a Camry.
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The Nvidia leak strikes again! This is what, the 5th or 6th game from the list that's been confirmed now? I saw that Onimusha 3 was on the list. Considering Capcom put out Onimusha 1 for all systems, maybe they still retain the rights to use the likenesses of Jean Reno and Takeshi Kaneshiro.


Gold Member
Unlocked framerate

HOLY SHIT !!! Double dip.
meg ryan orgasm GIF


I wish it wasn't just on Steam. In the trailer they say on PC (don't specify platform) and I don't think they did this for Uncharted either?
Are we really not going to see any of these on GOG's platform?
Console and PC public barely overlap and Sony won't do day and date releases. The vast majority of sales are done in the first few months of game release so... Your logic is flawed. Sony strategy is clearly to port their games on PC after they stop selling on console.
Perhaps, but I predict Sony will start putting PS5 games on PC day one which imo will tamper with console sales. Most PC gamers are not going to buy a PS5 because they liked a particular series. They will just wait for the PC port to come.
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I wish it wasn't just on Steam. In the trailer they say on PC (don't specify platform) and I don't think they did this for Uncharted either?
Are we really not going to see any of these on GOG's platform?
lol. Uh, never would be the most likely outcome of that.

But you can use Galaxy to launch it if you want.


With so many games on PC now, they really need some sort of PS integration with trophies and such. Maybe even synching your saves across versions.
Oh don't worry, PSN is coming. All of this is a Trojan Horse. A beautiful Kratos filled Trojan horse but long term, Sony just wants more subs.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Didn't Apple makes more money from services than selling hardware, for many years now? Sony is likely doing the same. Hardware doesn't make much money, compared to software and services. Look at Microsoft as example. Just about everyone one in the tech world has switched over. Sony is late to the party, but better late than never, right?

Plus no one should be upset or salty over this. You already played the game, so let's us play it as well. If you still feel jealous, just buy a PC for the best versions of their games. If you don't wanna wait at all, get a ps5.

Everyone wins.

I'm not salty at all, and personally I actually want Sony to release more on pc, it doesn't hurt me. But don't get choked up if next gen sony sells less consoles even this gen as a result.

The reason why Sony should not want this is that they could stand to lose some of the royalty revenue from other software companies who make games for ps5.
For example, let's say 5 million less people buy a ps5 thinking they will eventually get the games on thier pc.

So now that's 5 million less consoles sold, and each one would have netted let's say 5 third party game sales, and some add on sales, meaning say $100 per unit (at least), losing 50 million in overall sales. They need to sell a lot of games to make that up considering most of those same games would have also sold to those console owners, and with no share to steam.


6M PS4s sold in mainland Asia.

Sony's games and PlayStation face brand awareness challenges in mainland Asia that cannot be overcome by staying the course. Sony's games need exposure and the Asian PC market is massive.

Sony has nothing to lose and everything to gain, including hardware sales.

When it comes to NA/EU, console gamers spend an average of $1,000 over the course of a generation, primarily on hardware and multiplatform games. Which is why a $100 price difference between PS and Xbox creates big market shifts.

Given their consumption patterns, PC isn't even in their radar.

Early adopters are the biggest spenders and less sensitive to the price, but they invested heavily on PSN and are buying PS5 in droves.

On top of that, PC gamers that buy PlayStation to play Sony's games represent a tiny fraction of the market in NA/EU, worth risking for sales on PC.


Subs for what? Nobody on PC is gonna pay to play online and the vast majority of Sony games are single player.
Hope you're right but maybe this is a PS3 online strat. Free at first, get you hooked then try to sell you on some optional value deal like concurrent Day 1 release with Playstation Console for $19.99 a year with some DLC and 10% off new purchases - pays for itself almost right. Then $29.99 and so on until you need PSN to even access Playstation games.

Probably just being cynical but if I was Sony, that would be my goal. More people paying annual subs, then move onto a PSN store on PC to compete with Steam....really really long term while utilizing my superior relationship with Devs who still sell the majority of their games on Playstation consoles..
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I'm not salty at all, and personally I actually want Sony to release more on pc, it doesn't hurt me. But don't get choked up if next gen sony sells less consoles even this gen as a result.

The reason why Sony should not want this is that they could stand to lose some of the royalty revenue from other software companies who make games for ps5.
For example, let's say 5 million less people buy a ps5 thinking they will eventually get the games on thier pc.

So now that's 5 million less consoles sold, and each one would have netted let's say 5 third party game sales, and some add on sales, meaning say $100 per unit (at least), losing 50 million in overall sales. They need to sell a lot of games to make that up considering most of those same games would have also sold to those console owners, and with no share to steam.
It still costs more to build a PC that rivals either console specs, especially now since we're in a chip shortage. This also affects ps5 production. Sony already knows that services and software are the bread and butter after seeing Microsoft make their transition to PC. People aren't flocking to PC as it's made to believe in GAF. The ones who are jumping ship, have been on the idea for a while, and this was the needle in the coffin for them. Most people will still be on the lookout for a ps5.

Essentially, games coming to PC isn't going to be a dent in Sony's wallet, rather a big buff to their pockets. Look at steam charts, GOW is in second place to New World, and it's not even out yet. Do you realize how many people literally pre purchased a game that is coming out, literally 3 months from now?! Sony is drowning in more money from this, than staying stagnant, waiting for people to buy a ps5? It's free money for them at this point, and they are going to make so much more with ps5 releases on PC.


Mark the date and the time and place, we can revisit this in a couple of years, by then sony will have either announced or released multiple ps5 titles.
Couple years?
Lol anything can happen in a couple years no thx.

So like I said no indication that it's anything more.


voted poster of the decade by bots
It still costs more to build a PC that rivals either console specs, especially now since we're in a chip shortage. This also affects ps5 production. Sony already knows that services and software are the bread and butter after seeing Microsoft make their transition to PC. People aren't flocking to PC as it's made to believe in GAF. The ones who are jumping ship, have been on the idea for a while, and this was the needle in the coffin for them. Most people will still be on the lookout for a ps5.

Essentially, games coming to PC isn't going to be a dent in Sony's wallet, rather a big buff to their pockets. Look at steam charts, GOW is in second place to New World, and it's not even out yet. Do you realize how many people literally pre purchased a game that is coming out, literally 3 months from now?! Sony is drowning in more money from this, than staying stagnant, waiting for people to buy a ps5? It's free money for them at this point, and they are going to make so much more with ps5 releases on PC.

We will see how it plays out. As much as I prefer console, if I had believed sony exclusives would be out for pc, I might have skipped series X and Ps5 in favor of a beefed up pc. I can't be alone in this thought.
But you may be right in the idea that they could possibly make more, its just really hard to see what they lose on the console side without the inside numbers.


WTF. I stand corrected. Holy shit! I did not see that coming.

Edit: Was that same day release as the other platforms?
Yeah, that's been the main reason I am a little surprised that they keep skipping GOG in recent releases (e.g. Days Gone.)


voted poster of the decade by bots
Couple years?
Lol anything can happen in a couple years no thx.

So like I said no indication that it's anything more.

Lots of indications actually, Sony stating they plan on supporting PC in a bigger way, big sales of games they are releasing. One could actually say there are more signs pointing to this happening than not happening. The old games was just to get thier feet wet. In terms of development, it just makes more sense financially to develop a pc version at the same time as the ps5 version, plus they can advertise them both at the same time as well instead of paying twice.


Lots of indications actually, Sony stating they plan on supporting PC in a bigger way, big sales of games they are releasing. One could actually say there are more signs pointing to this happening than not happening. The old games was just to get thier feet wet. In terms of development, it just makes more sense financially to develop a pc version at the same time as the ps5 version, plus they can advertise them both at the same time as well instead of paying twice.
Nothing at all about current gen PS5 games.
Sony actually showed the franchises that were coming(older PS4 games) in a picture when they made the announcement.
It's been accurate thus far.
****SPOILER**** Spider-Man is likely next.

I need to find that picture to see if Bloodborne was in the picture(hopefully)
We will see how it plays out. As much as I prefer console, if I had believed sony exclusives would be out for pc, I might have skipped series X and Ps5 in favor of a beefed up pc. I can't be alone in this thought.
But you may be right in the idea that they could possibly make more, its just really hard to see what they lose on the console side without the inside numbers.
I'm right there with you man. It was around the ps360 era when i dipped my toes into PC gaming as my main platform of choice. (Always has a PC since the early 90's). I still dabbled with console games, till i finally made my move completely. I prefer this, others may not. Preference is what matters, and it's great to have a choice in what hardware you want to play your games.

Some prefer consoles, others prefer PC. As long as we can all play the same games, and talk about it on GAF together, is what matters the most. Exclusive games kinda create a battlefield for us gamers. And all that matters at the end of the day, is our fun and enjoyment of this art.


Sony literally just bought one of the biggest PC porting studios. They're not using them to port 2 year old games to PC. They're using them to port PS5 games while the main studio finishes the console version as to not take resources away from the primary SKU.
Link to Sony announcing Sony made PS5 ports?


Link to every strategic move planned for sony?
Going by what Sony actually said thus far...
Some games are coming each will be decided on a game by game basis.
Some PS4 games have come.
The logo showed these games.
With Spider-Man being the exception(but I think it's coming)

Common sense says if Sony was releasing PS5 games they wouldn't be releasing older PS4.

Could they eventually release PS5 games? Sure but nothing points to it this generation thus far.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Going by what Sony actually said thus far...
Some games are coming each will be decided on a game by game basis.
Some PS4 games have come.
The logo showed these games.
With Spider-Man being the exception(but I think it's coming)

Common sense says if Sony was releasing PS5 games they wouldn't be releasing older PS4.

Could they eventually release PS5 games? Sure but nothing points to it this generation thus far.
From Sony:

"will explore expanding our first-party titles to the PC platform, in order to promote further growth in our profitability"

Where exactly does it say in there it won't include ps5 games? I'm confused as to why your conjecture is fact where as ours is fiction? Both are based on what we think Sony might do next, neither is fact.


Smart move by Sony. After playing this they have to buy a PS5 for Ragnarok. New userbase.
no we won't lol.

PC players stick to their preferred platform.

And Sony knows this. Sony knows that they would lose millions of sales if not released on PC.

Because most of the hardcore PC audience won't ever move to consoles.

But you are right about their intention. Sony has beem trying this for ages now. To quote them "PS4 Pro will hopefully stop players migrating to PC"


I know you're talking about the gpu shortage, but you don't need the most expensive PC to play games. Here's a 1050 ti, a cheap gpu from 2016 running Days Gone at max settings 1080p just to give you an example.

It's an example why it makes way more sense to drop 400 or 500 on PS5.
1050ti pc is still more expensive and gives you 1080p at barely 30dps.
PS5 gives you controller, 4k and 60fps... And loadingg times. And that's only days gone.

So sure. You can play days gone on low end PC. But you get worse experience for more money....
And you have to wait years for it!

Imo console is worth it even if all games come out year later on pc. I don't want to wait and I have aversion to problems and demands of pc releases. It's never just buy and play on pc. Nevaaah
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I can't believe folks are still using the "Great to raise awareness on a sequel and get people on the ecosystem" angle... In Western Europe and North America, console gaming dominates but this is not true on the rest of the world. Consoles are a luxury item with little to offer other than playing games and basic multimedia. Just spend a bit more and build a good PC or get a laptop you can use for everything and will last you for a decade these days. Still using my AM3+ PC from 2012 as we speak. Just popped up a new GPU a couple of years ago and I am golden at least through 2022.

No way a PC only gamer gets into the PS ecosystem now that exclusives are releasing. Console ecosystems are trash in non western countries, and PS one is the worst of the bunch with its terrible pricing. Besides, these PS4 era ports if well optimized are perfect for old PCs. No need to build or upgrade, even an FX 6300 and a GTX 950 should be enough for 1080p 30 FPS.

If you are an enthusiast about this hobby, why would you not have a PC to game? Its like being a petrolhead and driving a Camry.
That's how poor people think so they end up spending more on pc and then have to call me to fix it for them because their son broke something.
"Jacob Jacob, please come! There is an error, blue screen, virus, we don't know how to wipe our asses".
I swear to God, I wish my friends just got a fucking xsex with gamepass for their kids. Instead they spend 2 times more and it never fucking works and nobody ever learns how to use it because kids these days only watch YouTube anyway
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Gold Member
It's an example why it makes way more sense to drop 400 or 500 on PS5.
1050ti pc is still more expensive and gives you 1080p at barely 30dps.
PS5 gives you controller, 4k and 60fps... And loadingg times. And that's only days gone.

So sure. You can play days gone on low end PC. But you get worse experience for more money....
And you have to wait years for it!

Imo console is worth it even if all games come out year later on pc. I don't want to wait and I have aversion to problems and demands of pc releases. It's never just buy and play on pc. Nevaaah
And buying a console is extra costs for a PC gamer. Who wants to go through all the costs for a handful of Sony first party launch games? The vast majority of games are third party and launch at the same time and PC has tons more games consoles will ever have. And Sony seems to be releasing their exclusives now on PC.

Everyone already has a computer or laptop at home. Whether that PC is 10 years old or the latest 3090 RTX card is up for debate (I forget what the typical PC user has according to Steam surveys). But not everyone wants to spend more money.

It's like PS2 with built in DVD. I know some people who didn't even buy a dedicated DVD player because the PS2 ran the movie fine. So no point spending an extra $200 for a DVD player even though a DVD player has more options to mess with in it's menu interface.
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