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Gran Turismo 5 Prologue PS3 video from GC


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
EverSoTrendy said:
No it wont, but it will sell at leat three million. Can't wait for it..

I'm pretty sure Sony is going to market the shit out of GT5 in stores and on TV. People will see the glory of GT and buy a PS3 to experience the awesome.
Those garage scenes do not show any evidence of raytracing. No reflection of wing mirrors in the bodywork, the wing mirrors don't reflect the car body, no self reflection anywhere. The mechanics appear to be vampires.
They even have the same glitchy shadows as the rest of the game (see the side shot of the Viper).

It still looks great obviously, but it's not raytracing.
ParticleReality said:
I'm pretty sure Sony is going to market the shit out of GT5 in stores and on TV. People will see the glory of GT and buy a PS3 to experience the awesome.

I'd love to see an EA Madden style of launch outta Sony, i.e. midnight launches, grand specticle in Times Square, no Ozzie Osbourne, limited edition copies w/ GT racing helmets :bowdown:


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Tieno said:
I wish I was into simulation racing games (Forza 2 demo burned me cause I suck at it).

I never have been either, but I really forced myself to play a bunch of GTHD just so I could check out the other cars... and I ended up liking it quite a bit. Still can't beat the last time trial though, I still suck at it overall I guess.


levious said:
I never have been either, but I really forced myself to play a bunch of GTHD just so I could check out the other cars... and I ended up liking it quite a bit. Still can't beat the last time trial though, I still suck at it overall I guess.

You really do, the time trials are crazy easy, even for me. ;)


Damn. I'm normally not that interested in racing games, but this is just too tempting.

One thing though, I can't help but be bugged by how the guy's thumbs are clipping through the steering wheel in Blim's vid. The hands don't seem to be aligned right with the wheel... I hope they notice/fix that, everything else looks so amazing that something like that really sticks out like a sore thumb (no pun intended).

Interested in how TouchSense is gonna work ;o


Awntawn said:
One thing though, I can't help but be bugged by how the guy's thumbs are clipping through the steering wheel in Blim's vid.

Oh yeah, just noticed that. Hopefully it'll be fixed.


Graphics Horse said:
Those garage scenes do not show any evidence of raytracing. No reflection of wing mirrors in the bodywork, the wing mirrors don't reflect the car body, no self reflection anywhere. The mechanics appear to be vampires.
They even have the same glitchy shadows as the rest of the game (see the side shot of the Viper).

It still looks great obviously, but it's not raytracing.
Wasn't it the developer that claimed ray tracing? Are you calling him a liar?


Tieno said:
I wish I was into simulation racing games (Forza 2 demo burned me cause I suck at it).

GT is very accesible... you still learn tracks, but nowhere as "bad" as GTR. I love GTR, but I dont have time to spend 10-20 hours to learn track. Maybe when I was kid and didnt have an real job.
Madman said:
Wasn't it the developer that claimed ray tracing? Are you calling him a liar?

No, but I wouldn't take anything IGN says seriously. I'm just describing what I can see.
The main point of raytracing is for pixel perfect reflection/refraction and pixel perfect shadows. Those cars have neither.


Graphics Horse said:
No, but I wouldn't take anything IGN says seriously. I'm just describing what I can see.
The main point of raytracing is for pixel perfect reflection/refraction and pixel perfect shadows. Those cars have neither.
Could it be unfinished?

I don't care either way. It looks fucking spectacular.


I know few people around here care, but i wonder when they will ever update the sounds. I love what they've done in the trailers, but its obviously very different in game.
We haven't heard the engines sounds from the cars in the trailers though. If it is different then its possible that its another one of those things they haven't added yet like gear shifting animations.


I'm losing hope, but if they cant do it in time for GT5P then holy god Polyphony please change something, anything sound related for GT5. Breaking, tire screeching, whatever. Even if its just for race cars. I wish someone would ask Yamauchi whats the deal.


Luckyman said:
So far it sadly just looks like a graphics update. Mirrors look horrible though.

So far it sadly looks like next-gen is just a graphical update. Next-gen gameplay is nowhere to be found. I guess except for some Wii games where it's the opposite. :)
It looks beautiful. Those in car models are to die for! (And I can't believe they left them out of Forza 2 :( ) But... I own all four retail versions of GT and both versions of Forza, and I must say that I hope they do something about the collision physics. Full damage modeling isn't really necessary (and a bit much to expect IMO especially if cars are taking 180 days to make), but Forza has definitely spoiled me in those regards. I just hate how in the GT games I can be going 150 MPH, ram into a car taking a turn, and send him off into the dirt while I safely make the turn :lol. It's not too big of a problem offline because I can just choose not to drive like a dickhole... but I don't have much faith in online gamers. People drive like morons in Forza 2 even though it may end up ruining their car... but with NO consequences?


SolidSnakex said:
Why do people keep saying this when there are impressions that say it's not a simple graphics update?
The same reason people say it will have crap physics and no damage.


What's with the framerate and slowdown in the Gamersyde video? Is it way the video is compressed, and if so is there a better video online?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Luckyman said:
Where? Coverage seems pretty shitty. Gamespot preview said it has still some old issues.


Hey Nancy, you do know there's a demo of GT on PSN? And the physics engine is nothing like GT4. Night and day. Moreover, the current build of the game has different physics than the original demo. So kindly stfu and gtfo.
Luckyman said:
Where? Coverage seems pretty shitty. Gamespot preview said it has still some old issues.

So? Being able to bump cars doesn't mean it plays the same. The physics driving model is different from GT4, which means it isn't a graphics update.


GT5: prologue will be released on PSN and blu-ray - yeah confirmed bei kaz himself.


- there will be download content like damage models
- reworked AI from ground up
- driving: standard and professionell (kaz calls out for pros)
- for crashing into other players - there will be a shitload of options in online races for that


EverSoTrendy said:
GT3 was also a pack in. Three or four million max, I just don't see it with the current rate the install base is coming along.

It will sell at least 7 million worldwide. I bet you that much


SolidSnakex said:
One less thing people are going to be able to "complain" about. So what's up next?

then it'll get the same speech that GT fans give Forza fans,"but it's not a real simulation of damage at all. isn't this supposed to be the driving simulator?" remember, this is GAF, where every game on EVERY CONSOLE gets shitted on, regardless of whether or not it looks like digital sex in which case GT5P does HOLYSHITDUDE this game is beautiful! the lighting in the cockpit while going through turns is....wow! animation too. i'd buy this and not play it, just to support such fucking effort.


m0dus said:

Don't forget that both Forza and GT have arcade modes, man.
I thought arcade mode didn't make driving easier. It just removed tuning and money.

GT4s arcade mode couldn't even unlock itself you had to play sim mode for hundreds of ingame days to unlock all the tracks then buy a bunch of cars.

levious said:
I never have been either, but I really forced myself to play a bunch of GTHD just so I could check out the other cars... and I ended up liking it quite a bit. Still can't beat the last time trial though, I still suck at it overall I guess.
I thought the bar was set really low on the time trials. They are much easier than a license test would have been in the full game.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
ram said:
GT5: prologue will be released on PSN and blu-ray - yeah confirmed bei kaz himself.


- there will be download content like damage models
- reworked AI from ground up
- driving: standard and professionell (kaz calls out for pros)
- for crashing into other players - there will be a shitload of options in online races for that

Semi-confirmation of license style penalties? Bump and you're done races?

Sounds good to me.


ram said:
GT5: prologue will be released on PSN and blu-ray - yeah confirmed bei kaz himself.


- there will be download content like damage models
- reworked AI from ground up
- driving: standard and professionell (kaz calls out for pros)
- for crashing into other players - there will be a shitload of options in online races for that

Why is no big site doing an interview with him? This shit needs to get out.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Semi-confirmation of license style penalties? Bump and you're done races?

Sounds good to me.

There's alot of things that are going to need to go into that. You can't be kicked out of a race for bumping into someone because someone can just brake hard and if you don't brake in time you're going to wreck into them and it wouldn't really be fair to make that penalty, especially since some could use that to their advantage and just go through eliminating people by getting in front of them and slamming on the brakes.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Grayman said:
I thought arcade mode didn't make driving easier. It just removed tuning and money.

It's the same driving model/engine as in the sim mode. So, it's really just an arcade style game mode, not so much arcade style game.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Luckyman said:
Why is no big site doing an interview with him? This shit needs to get out.

Wtf? Why are you in here blurting all of this bullshit? The reason we know all of this info is because mags and sites have interviewed him and he's told us that much. Is this some joke character gone wrong?

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
SolidSnakex said:
There's alot of things that are going to need to go into that. You can't be kicked out of a race for bumping into someone because someone can just brake hard and if you don't brake in time you're going to wreck into them and it wouldn't really be fair to make that penalty, especially since some could use that to their advantage and just go through eliminating people by getting in front of them and slamming on the brakes.

That's where stat-tracking comes into play.

Elmination by collision into another vehicle... filter players that have too many of these.
Crayon Shinchan said:
That's where stat-tracking comes into play.

Elmination by collision into another vehicle... filter players that have too many of these.

It could work, I just hope they put alot of time into the options because if they don't then they can definetly be exploited in a really bad way. One thing for sure is to put like a 5 second limit on people who are driving reverse on a track, if they don't turn around in that time they're kicked from the room.
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