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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

It's examples of stuff that you can do with a group of friends, not randoms



Just rewatched the GTA O trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olEGtoYs_8A

So many things that you just can't do in the game that they showed off, or things that are just very, very unlikely. I watched it and took screen shots of extremely unlikely scenarios that they show off in almost every seen. A few of them are just unlikely because those vehicles seemingly aren't available or in such limited supply that it'd be impossible (the sub + plane + jet skis? a chopper stopping a truck while somebody nabs the cash? A bunch of people riding up a mountain with motorbikes and ATVs? The shootout at the LC Police station w/ Rocket launchers and other weapons?)












Most of these scenes show players working together using various vehicles and situations that you never seen in the game... A chopper blowing up a bunch of police cars to make a getaway? Never. A guy grabbing a rocket launcher from the ground to blow up an enemy chopper? Never. The motorbike off of Mt. Chiliad and pulling your chute? A harrier coming in to blow up the Lost hideout?

These sort of scenarios are pretty much impossible, unless these are missions that I've never seen. More often than not, the missions they showed -- like "Death From Above" -- which shows you parachuting into a base with enemies is nothing like that. Instead, you just storm the front gate and get killed almost immediately. If you could, somehow, parachute in from above you'd be completely killed in a second because the guys have rifles on the ground.

Coupled with the horrible/non-existence matchmaking, GTA O has been a huge case of "over promise, under deliver" so far. That's not even talking about the insane glitchfest that it is right now.

I'll play 1 race that's full from "Random race" and then everybody quits. Doing missions usually means 1 mission that's got a few people in it, then it's empty. There's no match making system and the game suffers so much from it.[/QUOTE]
I do that kind of stuff all the time. Nothing you mentioned sounds crazy except the submarine. I play exclusively with my friends though, its pretty obvious you're not going to get a room of randoms working together.

Any bets on whether they fix the mask=bald glitch. Or better yet, is there a way to get rid of clothing you buy?

Ploid 3.0

For people that partake in criminal life with the easy money glitch, how much money have you glitched? Do you limit yourself?

I'm regretting not glitching over 10mil, even though I doubt there will be stuff that I can't buy as I wait for updates and sit on the money I still have. Thank goodness someone sent me 8 extra mil. I'd only have 3 mil left over. I checked my character this morning, still not banned, still have the cash in my other character's wallet.


Played that mission where you have to kill one of your old pals who's in prison and talking to the DA.

What an awesome mission had a full room for that some of us fighting on the ground two of us grabbed jets and fought off the military. Watched as the DA escaped and drove off and we blew him up and took down any police choppers who tried to impede our ground guys getting to the briefcase.

More missions like this please R* this one and the one where you have to kill members of the jury before the police are alerted are two of the missions that I love the most.


Played that mission where you have to kill one of your old pals who's in prison and talking to the DA.

What an awesome mission had a full room for that some of us fighting on the ground two of us grabbed jets and fought off the military. Watched as the DA escaped and drove off and we blew him up and took down any police choppers who tried to impede our ground guys getting to the briefcase.

More missions like this please R* this one and the one where you have to kill members of the jury before the police are alerted are two of the missions that I love the most.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
When I leveled up to 59, the game said I can now buy the Advanced Rifle. I go to Ammunation and the Advanced Rifle is unlocked at level 70.

Which means the game still thinks I'm a higher level than R*'s shitty servers say I am.



When I leveled up to 59, the game said I can now buy the Advanced Rifle. I go to Ammunation and the Advanced Rifle is unlocked at level 70.

Which means the game still thinks I'm a higher level than R*'s shitty servers say I am.


Same thing happened to me. Must be a bug with the rifle prereqs.
For people that partake in criminal life with the easy money glitch, how much money have you glitched? Do you limit yourself?

I'm regretting not glitching over 10mil, even though I doubt there will be stuff that I can't buy as I wait for updates and sit on the money I still have. Thank goodness someone sent me 8 extra mil. I'd only have 3 mil left over. I checked my character this morning, still not banned, still have the cash in my other character's wallet.

How are people giving you money?
Had a series of awesome survival and jet fighter battles tonight! Played with some guy name ScottyD who was cool as fuck.

If anyone in interested, me and my three friends have a crew who play most Friday nights:

The Platinum Dunes Squad


Random glitch last night. Before last nightI have only had an armored car show up once before and it didn't even drop any cash. So just messing around and I end up teaming up with some random and chase some dudes who have a bounty on them. The other two dudes end up leaving and my new friend and I see an armored car. We hit it and then another one appears. We hit that one and another one spawned near us. This kept happening over and over again and they would always spawn close to us. We just flew around in a chopper hitting a truck, loose the cops, then repeat. Best part was we had the lobby all to ourselves. Made about $80,000.

happened to me a couple of times on invite only- or crew servers, when I was alone or with just one friend. those things spawned like crazy, with a new symbol showing up on the minimap almost the very second I grabbed the money from the previously attacked transport. best result so far: almost 25k in less than 10 mins.


happened to me a couple of times on invite only- or crew servers, when I was alone or with just one friend. those things spawned like crazy, with a new symbol showing up on the minimap almost the very second I grabbed the money from the previously attacked transport. best result so far: almost 25k in less than 10 mins.

better yet: a friend of mine has a bug that he can't see armored trucks and crate drops or gang hideout or even parachute jumps on his map.

so yesterday we were playing together as usual when i was robbing a few armored trucks to make some cash. since he can't see them on his map i decided to drive to the next armored truck on my map and let him have it.
he attacked he truck and got the money - but no cops came. we could repeat this over and over again and trucks kept appearing on my map, so we each took turns at taking the money. made around 100k each in 20mins.
I found out you can rie in the back of the Ratloader while it's going full speed. My friend drove us into a pay n spray and I became invisible. I could fight the guys inside the garage and was able to run back outside, still invisible, except for whatever gun I used which eppeared to float in midair. My friend couldn't see me on the radar or my character, but he could see the muzzle flash from my weapons. I was riding in the back of the Ratloader while cops chased after me for the guys I beat up in the LSC. I happened to fall off the truck after a crash and told my friend to stop. He could only see the door open and close. Once I died, it went back to normal.
I had fun last night with Pyccko racing and flying off mountains while farming Criminal Records. I noticed that they lowered the RP cap for it because I would recieve the maximum RP message after lap 2. After that, I modded my $90,000 car into a $100,000 car which I will be selling over and over again tonight. man, you think a million is a lot but you can go through it very quickly.

E92 M3

I had fun last night with Pyccko racing and flying off mountains while farming Criminal Records. I noticed that they lowered the RP cap for it because I would recieve the maximum RP message after lap 2. After that, I modded my $90,000 car into a $100,000 car which I will be selling over and over again tonight. man, you think a million is a lot but you can go through it very quickly.

And that's just very telling about how they wanted us to pay (not a typo) this game.


Found a group of 7 people in the Kortz Center that had all their cars parked together. I couldn't resist blowing them up, so I called Lester to go off the radar, turned off the headlights, then drove to the parking lot. With 15 seconds left on the clock, I poured out the jerry can then used the car exhaust to start the fire. Drove off to the sounds of car exploding.


Can't believe I haven't played this in a week.
Both me and my group of friends have completely stopped playing it... just too much of a boring grind now with missions barely making you any money, especially if you want to do them in fun ways (calling heli pickups or backup helis, buying weapons/armor/ammo, using sticky bombs).


Gold Member
So some guy blew me up just as I was entering LSC. I don't mind, that's the nature of the beast. The two of us engage in an informal deathmatch. At one point, he throws a sticky bomb out of his window at my car, exploding both vehicles.

Now, I'm already having a tough time with money. I dislike grinding, and the little cash I make from the occasional job or bounty generally gets used up from the death penalty, buying ammo/armor, repairing my vehicle, etc. But when the game blames me for the destruction of this player's car and removes $12,000 from my account to pay his insurance (along with giving me a warning for being a Bad Sport or something), it gets to be a bit much.


So some guy blew me up just as I was entering LSC. I don't mind, that's the nature of the beast. The two of us engage in an informal deathmatch. At one point, he throws a sticky bomb out of his window at my car, exploding both vehicles.

Now, I'm already having a tough time with money. I dislike grinding, and the little cash I make from the occasional job or bounty generally gets used up from the death penalty, buying ammo/armor, repairing my vehicle, etc. But when the game blames me for the destruction of this player's car and removes $12,000 from my account to pay his insurance (along with giving me a warning for being a Bad Sport or something), it gets to be a bit much.

Sounds like a good reason to open a ticket with customer support. That's definitely a bug which is the result of poor feature implementation. If the explosion from your car caused by another player destroys another car, it should not be tied to you.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
I'm thinking of replacing my BF Injection for a Karin Rebel. Should I? The Karin Rebel seems like a really good vehicle, but I like having a Chrome Injection with a Clown Horn. :p Especially since I only have to pay $200 to replace it. Also, should I replace my Coil Voltic, Carbonizarre or Exemplar with a Sultan?


As of right now there really isn't any point leveling past 120, do you guys think rockstar will actually add new missions/weapons/ other content for people who decide to go that far? I mean you have all these levels but there is no incentive.


I haven't played it online in over 2 weeks myself due to not playing with GAF members and frustration with the unlocking system so I'm bored of it. I'm terribly disappointed with the fact that it's such a slow grind to level up and earn cash so I think I'm not going to touch the MP until they finally add the Heist missions in.

I think I like Red Dead Redemption's MP more even though the unlocks in that game were tied to the level but at least gang hideouts and double XP events tided me over. Plus there was the No Grief servers; nothing I hate more than playing with trolls and staying far away from wherever I hear gunshots coming from.
Has anyone tried the glitch that lets you store any vehicle on an Armoured Truck? Would you be able to keep getting money from it?

What glitch is this? can you store cruisers?

thanks PsychoWARD23 for that rally tip. Any one on PS3 who hasn't got the metal paint wanna do it with me? struggling to find randoms, and I am guessing you need at least 4 people to create and win a rally race.

edit: nvm auto invite seems to work pretty well


This game still sucks to play online. Long ass loading screens, long waits to get people to join gametypes, time outs, ect. Even when you get into a room to play something, the mode itself ends up being boring. I can't believe how much I dislike this game online compared to how much I want to like it.

For people who don't have a lot of free time, trying to play this shit online is the worst way to spend the few moments of free time you have.


Neo Member
I was getting chased down by a level 97 in a chrome Koeniggsegg and gunned down over and over, and I can't even place a bounty on them? I think I'm done, at least until Rockstar actually delivers on that 500k.

E92 M3

Online definitely needs matchmaking - the empty lobbies are getting old and the only fun I have is hunting bounties and causing chaos :(. R* needs to do something quickly.


Looks like it's impossible to find random dudes and dudettes for any other activity than races, death matches and survivor. Nobody wants to parachute with me :(


So, is the Akuma magic or something, every motorbike race I've been has had someone on one of those win, you know, if everyone doesn't fly off them or crash.
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