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Guitar Hero III pricing (ebgames/gamestop)

Activision is going to attempt milk this series til it dies, which it will with pricing like that. The problem is, I started (with many others) playing with Guitar Hero 2. I gradually got better over time, working my way through each difficulty, and I really felt the game was an awesome experience. But the problem is, in the next installment, I will be able to start on the expert difficulty and probably work my way through the entire game in less than a week. That's not a lot of play for $100.00.


LittleTokyo said:
Activision is going to attempt milk this series til it dies, which it will with pricing like that. The problem is, I started (with many others) playing with Guitar Hero 2. I gradually got better over time, working my way through each difficulty, and I really felt the game was an awesome experience. But the problem is, in the next installment, I will be able to start on the expert difficulty and probably work my way through the entire game in less than a week. That's not a lot of play for $100.00.

I can see this as a valid concern for the series. Even more reason why Harmonix is expanding with Rock Band. More and more, Rock Band is sounding like the better game.


LittleTokyo said:
Activision is going to attempt milk this series til it dies, which it will with pricing like that. The problem is, I started (with many others) playing with Guitar Hero 2. I gradually got better over time, working my way through each difficulty, and I really felt the game was an awesome experience. But the problem is, in the next installment, I will be able to start on the expert difficulty and probably work my way through the entire game in less than a week. That's not a lot of play for $100.00.
Maybe you'll get some challenge when playing online :)
Tobor said:
I can see this as a valid concern for the series. Even more reason why Harmonix is expanding with Rock Band. More and more, Rock Band is sounding like the better game.
I don't think there's any doubt Rock Band is going to be the better game. The real question is, will Guitar Hero remain a viable additional purchase for those that are already getting Rock Band?
Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't think there's any doubt Rock Band is going to be the better game. The real question is, will Guitar Hero remain a viable additional purchase for those that are already getting Rock Band?
That is if we assume Rock Band will be the better seller, it could be a huge flop.
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.

Across all platforms, GH3 will outsell Rock Band. Even if Rock Band beats GH3 2:1 on the PS3 and 360, PS2 and Wii are too big of a force.
It seems like the Publishers were like

Somewhere in Activisions Headquarters
: HHHHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ya know the Wii is selling like hot cakes

: Yes your right

:Hmmmmmmmmm Also Guitar Hero 3 cost's us probably around $50-$60 to make

: Oh I have a great idea! Idea How about we make the Wii version cheapest since the Wii is selling so good and everyone's hoping on

:And then we'll price the PS2 version the same as the Next-gen version and totally RAPE the Consumer. Those 100 million PS2 users have no choice Wink

:Oh Lol great idea Idea

:Lets go spend some of our money from Activision on Hookers and Liquor

:Ok Wink Razz


rollin' in the gutter
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.

Is Rock Band even coming out in 07?


Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.

I think the game will sell really well...but..come on.
Smokey Bones said:
I think the game will sell really well...but..come on.
Sometimes, you have to stretch out your neck a little. I'm just looking at the trends of the business and taking a guess. I know it's not the soundest prediction, but fortune favours the bold, yes?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Don't know why everyone is surprised by the prices. GH has always been expensive.

And we all know the masses are going to pay it anyways, so who cares?
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.

you are crazy. That has zero chance of happening. In fact, they probably have no chance of even being in the top 5. Halo will outsell it. GTA will outsell it. Pokemon will outsell it by 10X. Whatever other DS nongames Nintendo can churn out will outsell it. In fact, as someone else mentioned, GH3 will outsell it probably based on brand and platform base alone.


GameFan Alumnus
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.

No chance. GTA, Halo, and Guitar Hero are all established brands. Rock Band is a new IP which EA has to market and educate people about. Sequels tend to be where the true success comes in. If this were Rock Band 2, there would be an outside shot of that happening, but even that is unlikely. There's more a chance that RB will flop and entirely be forgotten within years than it outselling the games you mentioned. Why do you think publishers shy away from launching new IP's, as opposed to greenlighting sequels all the time?


Klaxon said:
**** that I'm gonna save my money and buy a real electric guitar. :lol

I never got why people play GH. I mean, spend your time and money on a real guitar and bam you play a real guitar.

Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to go ahead and call Rock Band as the biggest selling piece of software this holiday season. Bigger than GTA, bigger than Halo, bigger than Mario and Smash, bigger than ... whatever the heck Sony's got.

It's a mildly bold prediction, but I feel good about it.
well you got one right. ;)

just bumping to say that TRU online has GHIII/PS3 for $89.99 on their website. TRU also uses Google Checkout and I don't know if it's still possible but if it is you may be able to get an extra $10 off the order using that.
Effulgence said:
JESUS **** its not like they couldnt sell the actual disk for $20 and still make a profit. All the graphics are 90% reused assets and frankly no one would give a shit if they were 100% reused.
they haven't reused ANY assets. Harmonix took all the assets (and the engine) with them. Activision got fucked on that deal no question.

why do people think GH3 standalone should cost less than any other regular new release though? i mean, i can't be the only one who put a shit load of time into the series. gh2 i've probably put over 100 hours into...

and the RockBand comparison? RockBand compares favourably to GH3 in many many ways, but price isn't one of them. if you can get RockBand and a guitar for less than GH3 then cool, but right now it isn't looking that way at all.

the PS2 price is screwed up if true though. there's no explaining that... it's not even the new Gibson styled guitar. i don't think it has the faceplates or removable neck, but i could be wrong.
Ah yeah, I just looked on Gamestop and that's correct.

I might have to get that new guitar. It looks pretty sweet. If they fixed the clicking problem it becomes a must have.
bune duggy said:
well you got one right. ;)

just bumping to say that TRU online has GHIII/PS3 for $89.99 on their website. TRU also uses Google Checkout and I don't know if it's still possible but if it is you may be able to get an extra $10 off the order using that.
Soon the others will fall. ALL SKUS THIS XMAS WILL BE ROCK BAND.


Rock Band full pack + extra wireless guitar confirmed

I'll get the GH3-disc version when it's somewhere in the budgetbin (at this price, that'll be around X-mas '07).


how much does a real guitar cost these days? im sure you could easily buy one and learn how to play a REAL guitar...
neorej said:
Rock Band full pack + extra wireless guitar confirmed

I'll get the GH3-disc version when it's somewhere in the budgetbin (at this price, that'll be around X-mas '07).

so because GH3 cost $100 you're going to spend more than double that on another game?


Junior Member
Wario64 said:
$99 is very expected, not sure why people are outraged (haven't read the thread yet), but Guitar Hero 2 X360 is $89.99 and that is a wired controller. Guitar Hero 3 is bundled with a wireless controller and wireless obviously will be priced higher than a wired accessory. Anyone expected the game to be priced the same or cheaper than Guitar Hero 2 w/ a wired controller is crazy. Of course the game will be offered stand alone but if it isn't, then that is worth bitching about. $99 GH3 bundle? Not so much. But then again, this is NeoGAF.

Exactly. It is not bad at all. I am getting the Rock Band drums for 80 and the game for 60, so that is 140 right there. I think Rock Band is going to be a much better game, but this is pretty much par for Guitar Hero. The PS2 pricing is the only ripoff I see, because it will probably lack a lot of the functionality of the 360 and PS3 versions.


kenta said:
Yeah but it's worth it for a game that has four different campaigns and is created by Harmonix rather than someone who's literally trying to cash in and milk it for all it's worth while doing a mediocre job (so far)

$99.99 for the PS2 version is the biggest red flag I've ever seen in gaming

Mediocre job? Have you SEEN the charts? They're better than GH2 so far (TTFAF is amazing), and certainly much better than that POS that was 80s. They even flew in ScoreHero members to test the game. They want this to be good. What's more, they even hired 2 members from ScoreHero to do some of the charts in the game. This game is going to own.

And common guys...$10 more for a wireless controller...that's pretty good. The wired is normally $30 alone, and the wireless is $60, so we're not getting a bad deal at all. The PS2 version should be $10 cheaper though.


LOcKY said:
how much does a real guitar cost these days? im sure you could easily buy one and learn how to play a REAL guitar...

how much does a real gun cost these days? im sure you could easily buy one and learn how to kill REAL people...
Don't forget that everything from the CAD comic up in this thread is from two months ago. I don't think we had seen a single note chart at that point, and we certainly didn't know of any leanings toward getting Scorehero in on things.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Don't forget that everything from the CAD comic up in this thread is from two months ago. I don't think we had seen a single note chart at that point, and we certainly didn't know of any leanings toward getting Scorehero in on things.

I hadn't noticed that....yeah looks like the thread got revived.

Oh well. Still though, I'm incredibly happy with how Neversoft seems to be handling the game. Ever since the end of July, GH3 hype has went up (ScoreHero visit) and RockBand hype has gone down (80s sucked...all RockBand songs so far are incredibly mainstream).

I just really, really hope RockBand doesn't stay so mainstream. It really sucks they didn't include a double bass pedal though....that's going to limit the amount of metal songs they can put in the game :(.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If the listings would have popped up like this...

Guitar Hero III - $59.99
Wireless Guitar - $39.99

...would anyone be bitching?


$60 for a PS2 game is ridiculous.
LOcKY said:
how much does a real guitar cost these days? im sure you could easily buy one and learn how to play a REAL guitar...
OMG you just blew my mind. the thing is, I did try that and I can't do it, hence why I enjoy GH so much.
ex0du5 said:
I hadn't noticed that....yeah looks like the thread got revived.

Oh well. Still though, I'm incredibly happy with how Neversoft seems to be handling the game. Ever since the end of July, GH3 hype has went up (ScoreHero visit) and RockBand hype has gone down (80s sucked...all RockBand songs so far are incredibly mainstream).

I just really, really hope RockBand doesn't stay so mainstream. It really sucks they didn't include a double bass pedal though....that's going to limit the amount of metal songs they can put in the game :(.
yeah, sorry about that.

I think I've decided to get Rock Band and the standalone PS2 version of GHIII since they said the RB guitars would work in GH. Unless the PS3 presentation in HD is just that compelling, I don't see why I should bother.

yes I'm aware I keep changing my mind on this matter. :)


LOcKY said:
how much does a real guitar cost these days? im sure you could easily buy one and learn how to play a REAL guitar...
I play real guitar as well, I have for over 4 years.
I just happen to enjoy the crap out of Guitar Hero.


bune duggy said:
OMG you just blew my mind. the thing is, I did try that and I can't do it, hence why I enjoy GH so much. yeah, sorry about that.

I think I've decided to get Rock Band and the standalone PS2 version of GHIII since they said the RB guitars would work in GH. Unless the PS3 presentation in HD is just that compelling, I don't see why I should bother.

yes I'm aware I keep changing my mind on this matter. :)

The main reason for getting GH3 on the PS3 is online play (is online play offered at all on the PS2?).


plagiarize said:

so because GH3 cost $100 you're going to spend more than double that on another game?

GH3: Guitar gameplay
RB: drum-, singing, bass & guitar gameplay

value for money is the key.
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