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Halo |OT14| They call it Halo

Doubles impressions:

Please change the "voting" system in the future so that the first map isn't always picked if there's a tie. Just flip a coin or start a new round, something other than the way it works now.

CTF Doubles: This gametype is pretty fun, though I'm not sure if 10 second respawns is alright, killing a team when you're in their base pretty much guarantees a cap, and that's not assuming you have Speed Boost (which works when carrying the flag). Still think that this gametype should be more like Doubles Pro, but with CTF (and perhaps a radar). Perhaps deserves a revisit once ban-able loadouts come around. 3/5

Infinity Doubles: Instant respawn is a joke in this gametype on these small maps. It just becomes a clusterfuck of power weapons and grenades all being tossed instantly after you kill another player. I dunno, perhaps it has a place in the playlist, but I think it needs to be removed from temporarily and given a reworking once the ability to ban certain TacPacks and AAs comes about. Or, perhaps make it have set loadouts like Pro (but not necessarily so identical), but with Personal Ordnance how it is now. Personal Ordnance choices are alright, didn't notice any weapons that seemed too OP, mostly just sticky det, damage boost, railgun and various nades I think. Still, this one needs work. Infinity gametypes still feel too much like a game of Fiesta. 2/5

Doubles Pro: This is pretty much perfect. No major complaints. I still don't think the Primary weapons are very balanced with each other, but I don't think it detracts from this gametype. 5/5

Solari: Love how this map is played sideways. I don't know if I agree with having a lift on one side and speed boost on the other, but the map certainly plays a lot more symmetrically than Solace. The backs of the bases and the bottoms being blocked off is brilliant, same with the walkway top-mid. Though, I really wish that giant orange light thing would be toggled off, but I suppose it blocks the sight-lines from tower-to-tower. 4/5

Rail: Only got a chance to play it once so far, and it was a bit confusing at first, though I like the verticality and the easy ways to move around this map. Feels like Prisoner meets Countdown or something, but for Doubles. The sniper needs to have reduced ammo I think, getting 12 shots with it is too much, and that's not even considering the Ammo perk in you aren't playing Pro. 4/5

Dispatch: Great Relay replacement. Love the upgrade to mid 3. There may be a little bit too much focus on the centre of the map, what with Overshield and Sticky Det spawning right at centre, but it plays pretty well. 4/5

Haven: I like the weapon placement a ton, as well as the lifts and lights added, but this seems to be one of the more broken maps when it comes to spawns. Not sure if that's fixable. It's also voted for way too much (not really something that I can rationally complain about, but there it is), which is worse when it's put up in slot 1 or 2, since the other team can "force" the "vote". 3/5

Scythe: Probably one of favourite maps from the Forge test playlist. Sort of reminds me of Chill Out from Halo: CE. Love the little tweaks that have been made to fix it, like the upper ramp in Green room, more obvious teleporters, and Snipe top-mid. 5/5

Abandon: Please move this version of Abandon into regular matchmaking. 4/5

I don't know if there are other maps, but I haven't had the chance to play them. All in all, I think it's a great first try at Doubles, and I'm excited to see the tweaks to this playlist in the future. Infinity Doubles really sours the experience for me, though. I'd love for a simple radar variant of Doubles Pro with some of the "lighter" AAs thrown in the loadouts (Thruster, Hologram). Personal Ordnance can stay. Same thing with CTF minus the p-ordnance and the playlist is golden. That would be great.

Overall it's like a 3 or 4 out of 5. Not bad.

I reserve the right to change my opinion on everything at any point in the future ;)


Jumping on to try some doubles now if anyone wants to join up. Also gonna check out some of these forge H2 remakes.

GT: Rev3rb



So, I played the new doubles playlist today. Going in as a to2 with a friend of mine. First game, the pro gametype is voted and it's on the tower map with an OS at the bottom. Wow, what a belter of a Halo game you had hidden in there 343! When I died, my now instinctive mashing of the x button yielded no consequence-free instant teleport back to the field of battle; I instead had to wait a few seconds. And how glorious those few seconds are! Suddenly a sense of control and flow was once again present in Halo. I naturally started to time the OS and sniper; if I died, I took to the death cam to assist my teammate in situational awareness. I knew what to expect of my opponents based on the current state of the weapon/power up control and the pre-determined loadouts.

This pro variant is really well tuned, it's obvious that Bravo and others ( the CC's on here?) Have prioritised sensible, balanced gameplay. The map variants are pretty well done. I loathe Solace but it's doubles rendition is vastly more playable. The lift/crate up to balcony is a great addition and the sealing off of the bottom section really helps to focus the map (I'd like it to be the default variant across the game).

Infinty doubles, in comparison, is an abhorrant mutilation of most of what makes Halo work. The problem with putting the normal (or 'pro' as 343 likes to deem it) staples of Halo multilayer into Halo 4 is that it exposes and shames Infinity gametypes so savagely. The very same forge tower map we had played so enjoyably twenty minutes ago in pro suddenly became a zany, arcade fight inflected fiesta bonanza with no push or pull, no rhyme or reason. I actually forgot that instant respawn was on again; I out dmr'd a guy mid ramp only for his teammate to jetpack from bottom mid to finish me off..... Except it wasn't his teammate. It was the guy I'd just beaten fair and square in a shootout instantly being ported back into the situation to finish me before my shields had a chance to recharge. Random damage boosts, random snipers, random sticky dets abound. The boltshot, so ethereally absent from the last few pro games, was back to shit things up with its best friend the motion tracker. Loadouts were supposed to be 'fine tuning your individual playstyle'. How come every half decent player rocks dmr and boltshot on small maps then? Because they are the optimal pairing; the loadout system, far from being a wide vista for individuality, becomes rather a narrow road with a dead end.

And I take it Gaf hasn't played much Infinity CTF? After playing one full game of it earlier today I anticipated hurricane-grade shitstorms from other infinity ctf victims on here. It's a dreadfully bad idea on paper and in actuality is impossibly worse. Relay ictf. They make a quick cap at the start of the match. Just as expected, they play heavy defense near the flag, no intention of capping another. They are garnering additional personal ordnance points for each kill they score whilst in the vincinity of their flag (which they have no incentive to leave or stray from) 'flag defense'. They have a camo croucher near said flag. Soon they inexplicably have, and I list, a binary rifle, a sniper rifle, a beam rifle and a saw. The highlights of my two ordnances were a damage boost and a concussion rifle. At one point I got the jump on a binary rifle wielder and killed him. Before I could pick up the BiRi his teammate blows my screen up with a fuel road cannon. At this point I genuinely cannot believe what I am playing. The other team win, easily. The vast majority of the game they do not leave the vicinity of their flag. And why would they? They're being rewarded with an endless slew of sniper weapons for doing it.

I don't usually call out devs on here and would rather not but I've got to say I'm really, really not comfortable with a guy like Kevin Franklin being anywhere near the title of lead multiplayer designer for a triple A, important, special game like Halo. The infinity gametype is an experiment gone catastrophically awry. It's failure is absolute and comprehensive. It does not function correctly with Halo gameplay. I do not understand why a collective of patently talented people who profess so insistently their love for Halo allow infinity's butchery to first happen and then shamefully continue and corrupt mainline playlists such as CTF. Do. Not. Understand.


I went to Afghanistan and kicked some butt ;)
In less then two week it's the 1 years anniversary of my little boy heart surgery ( he is doing great now!) we spend almost 3 month in the hospital with him in the last year.
If you're serious... Then you're awesome. That's it.


Lol the Spartan is high as fuck.

Also I'm doing terrible in Doubles Pro.. I'm used to play with Stability, now playing again with flinching is really a pain :(


It does count. But the fact that you are Euro may render that moot. Check your PMs. Anybody else?

I have a sad, though it's just some depression. Nothing went wrong or anything, just feel like shit.

But I'd like to think that I'm a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, just like Halo. He's my favorite super hero.

On a completely unrelated note I'd like to call upon the Bumper Jumper Master Race so that we may discuss Bumper Jumper and how it's blatantly superior to every other control pattern. I just used it in Planet Side 2 to great results
because the BF3 default style I was trying to use doesn't work because the left and right triggers are registered as axis instead of buttons on PC, meaning that using them both simultaneously cancels them out, resulting in unfortunate firefights


I'm sorry guys, I had to do it:

If you missed it, the post I'm referring to it's here.

Dominion's actually pretty fun, though. Not the best thing ever, but pretty fun. On Longbow, at least.

Gotta' shit on them scrubs with the mounted turret and gunner. You'd be surprised how few people can handle that shit when they see it. People just shut down and stare in awe as you rip them to pieces.


There has been a distinct lack of Mountie sightings while up here in Canada.

Can't swing a Tim Horton's bag without hitting at least 4 Translink officers, though.


Dominion's actually pretty fun, though. Not the best thing ever, but pretty fun. On Longbow, at least.

Gotta' shit on them scrubs with the mounted turret and gunner. You'd be surprised how few people can handle that shit when they see it. People just shut down and stare in awe as you rip them to pieces.
If they were smart they'd wait about 8 seconds and grab one of the half dozen rocket launchers on the map.

RIP Three Plots and Territories.

Bring them back and keep a version with the turrets and drops and all that for people who are way into it. Transition it back to a transparent scoring system that people can actually understand.
I think 95% of my Dominion games ended up in insta-wins. The playlist is a fucking joke.

Why not take the best CoD game type remove two letters from it and add in the dumbest settings ever to it.

Please make it closer to CoD Domination settings. For people who dont know, quick takeovers through a loading bar, no spot you have to become attached to to take over, and no instant win. Why would you have instant win for unfair teams when you boast that your trueskill is so good, and you spent all that time adding JiP so teams could be re-evened out if people quit? You are effectively saying yes we added stuff but lets not use any of it, instead lets give everyone OS so casuals can get an easy kill and maybe cap a spot...

Ridiculous line of thinking.

Make it more similar to 3-Plot in H2.

Its like noones played video games before over there.


Just switched to Bumper Jumper this weekend. Really hard playing Halo with this considering I've used the Recon style layout for over 5 years. Also beat the game on LASO. Took me and a couple of buddies probably over 15 hours to finish. Fun experience but I think the next time I will play another mission LASO will be in Halo 5.


I think 95% of my Dominion games ended up in insta-wins. The playlist is a fucking joke.

Why not take the best CoD game type remove two letters from it and add in the dumbest settings ever to it.

Please make it closer to CoD Domination settings. For people who dont know, quick takeovers through a loading bar, no spot you have to become attached to to take over, and no instant win. Why would you have instant win for unfair teams when you boast that your trueskill is so good, and you spent all that time adding JiP so teams could be re-evened out if people quit? You are effectively saying yes we added stuff but lets not use any of it, instead lets give everyone OS so casuals can get an easy kill and maybe cap a spot...

Ridiculous line of thinking.

Make it more similar to 3-Plot in H2.

Its like noones played video games before over there.

It's not that they haven't played games before, but they're not "good" at games and learning how to break the game to see what's overpowering or imbalanced.
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