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Halo Reach & Bungie at GamesCom 2010


yankeehater said:
I can understand that, but they did need to say something about it. All the other site are putting up impressions, people would have been like wtf if they hadnt done something. I wish he would have said more about did he enjoy his time with Reach and other more vauge stuff.
While I can understand your point, I do not understand why one can not write down some impressions based on the the time spent with a game. You do not need any names of missions or enemies or whatever to tell if the game is good, bad, excellent or broken.


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, I'm decidedly average myself. My k/d is almost exactly 1, and when I checked the matchmaking rank distributions in Halo 3, I was always middle of the road. I'm glad it's moving to behind the scenes.

This is true, but a lot of people read GAF partly to keep up with gaming news. I've seen Evilore cite that reason as part of why they're discouraging mega threads: you could no longer skim the front page of the forum and be up to date on gaming news. GAF actually changed my reading habits, as I rarely read gaming sites much now; I just read GAF and the articles that are linked, as I can find what I'm interested in that way. So I see the reasoning.

Speaking of which, I checked with Evilore to be sure: I'll post the Reach |OT| on the 7th, one week before release. I also asked to start the other threads for when the first gets too large (the Halo 3 thread and the Rock Band thread wreaked havoc on the database). When it hits 20k posts, I'll be starting a second one, and we'll probably repeat that for each one. So don't get too attached to a thread.

The Reach OP will be in three parts, and I'll be maintaining it and evolving it (and condensing it) over time.

Yeah fully de-coupling it from the incentive system also freed them up to use it more fully. It's an idea solution.

sounds great..... :)


watership said:
Germany hates Halo? I noticed the game wasn't even nominated for any GamesCom awards.. .but hate?
most magazines and sites do hate halo. the previews and reviews are very negative, they always use the same shitty complaints (to much like halo, bad graphics, to childish, to colorfull, always the same, bad indoor levels and so on). there is only one positive preview on a german site so far.
derFeef said:
While I can understand your point, I do not understand why one can not write down some impressions based on the the time spent with a game. You do not need any names of missions or enemies or whatever to tell if the game is good, bad, excellent or broken.

Completely agree. General impression about the game would have been a good substitute for detailed impressions about the specific missions he played. I think tthere you run into the problem of Jeff not being excited or interested in Reach at all, so his general impressions propably would have been along the lines of it's more Halo.
S1kkZ said:
most magazines and sites do hate halo. the previews and reviews are very negative, they always use the same shitty complaints (to much like halo, bad graphics, to childish, to colorfull, always the same, bad indoor levels and so on). there is only one positive preview on a german site so far.
I don't follow CoD at all, but please tell me the same 'shit' gets said about CoD.

That franchise more than any other (except sports games) looks the same year in and out with very little improvement.

I don't mean to start a CoD bash fest here, I am simply curious of all AAA title games get the same flack from reviewers as Halo.


Tashi0106 said:
No you're right. If you go in alone in the playlist, it can be REALLY tough. I try to go in with a group of at least 3 or 4 only. With 4's though you run the high risk of getting cheated against. I ran today with someone and there was a host booter on my team. He kept saying, "guys, if we start to lose I'm gonna boot one of them" He booted a guy, I quit out. Whatever.

edit: what if assists weighed more than kills. People would be team shooting like crazy :lol Everyone would become a better player too. Hey wait a minute, that's a decent idea. lol
You did the right thing, god I hate host booters. I can usually tell a host booter by the 50 on his highest skill.

About the assist thing, although I see the intention, knowing the Halo community people would just find ways to farm assists rather than actually killing people, probably by getting in a couple of shots and retreating. This would change the way Halo plays too much, so for that reason the maximum amount of points that can be allocated towards assists can never be greater than a kill.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Teknoman said:
Im just glad grenades still have a physical effect on others. Funniest kill in beta was accidently throwing a frag at someones face (which made their head actually bend back), having it bounce off a nearby wall, then land infront of him and explode.

Not only that, but the grenade impact alone can kill.


Devin Olsen said:
I don't follow CoD at all, but please tell me the same 'shit' gets said about CoD.

That franchise more than any other (except sports games) looks the same year in and out with very little improvement.

I don't mean to start a CoD bash fest here, I am simply curious of all AAA title games get the same flack from reviewers as Halo.
no, most sites/magazines hype cod like there is no tomorrow.


S1kkZ said:
most magazines and sites do hate halo. the previews and reviews are very negative, they always use the same shitty complaints (to much like halo, bad graphics, to childish, to colorfull, always the same, bad indoor levels and so on). there is only one positive preview on a german site so far.

Now I'm curious. Any examples I can throw into Google Translate?


So apparently
after you beat the campaign there is a message saying sign into XBL to unlock MP maps. Maybe this was part of the map seen in the Bnet pictures.

(not a storyline spoiler or anything, but people are picky here so I'm spoilering it anyways)

Mad Max

S1kkZ said:
most magazines and sites do hate halo. the previews and reviews are very negative, they always use the same shitty complaints (to much like halo, bad graphics, to childish, to colorfull, always the same, bad indoor levels and so on). there is only one positive preview on a german site so far.

From my experience halo just isn't all that popular in europe, except for maybe the UK.
GAh, all this talk about the beta made me happy again - there is sprinting in mah Haloes!

It actually is nice that this relatively standard thing on other games is finally finding its way into my favorite series. It makes escaping from a firefight you're about to lose that much cooler IMO.
Kibbles said:
So apparently
after you beat the campaign there is a message saying sign into XBL to unlock MP maps. Maybe this was part of the map seen in the Bnet pictures.
oh my god, well first off i was going to reply to this by saying I was tempted to highlight the first couple letters of your teaster, and I am very intrigued, but I stopped... Second when I hit quote your spoiler un spoiled and I almost read the whole thing! so I am now typing this reply starring directly[/B at my keyboard (as to avoid accidentally reading your post above), so please forgive any errors...]

edit: my god that whole post was a mess... My apologies.
Kibbles said:
So apparently
after you beat the campaign there is a message saying sign into XBL to unlock MP maps. Maybe this was part of the map seen in the Bnet pictures.

Seems odd as that kind of thing has been out of practice for shooters since the N64 era.
Nintendo currently has the biggest slice of the gaming pie this gen in the UK I believe (like most places I suppose!), but Halo and 360 are pretty damn popular here. Sony has fallen into third place in the UK this gen.


Blergmeister said:
Seems odd as that kind of thing has been out of practice for shooters since the N64 era.
And holding off maps against people who don't have XBL? Does seem weird. Foundation was an unlock at first for Halo 2, but I don't think you had to be online for that.
Late as usual. Just saw this link on bungie.net.http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/gaming/halo-reach-preview-1955640?click=pm_news
Part of me is not sure I like true skill. i guess it does its job, but if you're anything like me then you kind of want a break every once in a while, too, which is why the social playlist, clan ranked games, and individually ranked playlists in Halo2 were so nice. Tired of getting steam rolled in team slayer? Drop down to one of your lower ranked playlists for a break. Tired of playing with morons, and quitters alike in social big team battle? Switch to ranked big team battle and enjoy some real matches. This is not so in halo3. I'm so sick of Halo3 and will never play it again. It's like pulling your teeth out and i was never hot on the game to begin with. I like competitive matches, but not every single game I play, no matter which play list I'm in or whether it's social or ranked. True skill is fun for people like Tashi and others who are so good, it doesn't matter who they're pitted against. But for me, it gets old having my face kicked in repeatedly. And I'm supposed to appreciate this? pffft Take me back to random matches with no ranks please. yeah sure, sometimes I'll get absolutely demolished by really good players, but I'll get breaks from high skill leveled players to balance it out.

Along the same line, if Bungie really wants to invent this monthly arena setting where people play competitively, trueskill should have no part of it. People get to rank up in arena by playing people of similar skill? that's stupid imo. Yeah, I know the game is finished, but i'm on a
roll. Now that Halo3 is so close to being nothing more than a memory, all my bitterness and hate for the game are finally seething out. Reach can't come any sooner!


Modesty becomes a woman
Kibbles said:
And holding off maps against people who don't have XBL? Does seem weird. Foundation was an unlock at first for Halo 2, but I don't think you had to be online for that.
Foundation was unlocked in a patch, there was a bug where it didn't unlock even if you met the requirements.


A bit offtopic, but since I have not tried any Firefight yet but thinking it looks like a blast in Reach - is it really broken in ODST? Everytime I read something about Firefight, "lag" and "shitty map design" get´s mentioned.

Guess it would be the best to wait for Reach to try it out?
Kibbles said:
And holding off maps against people who don't have XBL? Does seem weird. Foundation was an unlock at first for Halo 2, but I don't think you had to be online for that.

couldn't this just be
Microsoft's way of experimenting with "Project $10", offering first-purchasers further online capability? It may be that it's not technically tied to beating campaign, that's just one way you're told to look on LIVE.

That being said, I was sort of expecting
day-one (free?) DLC for a few extra MP maps ever since the map counts first showed up.
I read those spoilers by accident, and if you are interested in MP it's probably worth reading. Doesn't pertain to anything in the campaign, plot, encounters, anything.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know how much the magnum has slowed down exactly compared to the beta?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So since we cannot do the OT for a bit, someone could make a "Bungie at PAX 2010" thread in the same vein as this thread.

If you do, add my Youtube and twitter to the OP as I will be posting some videos of PAX and tweeting what I am seeing. I am going to try to do as much Halo as I can.

Youtube Link
derFeef said:
A bit offtopic, but since I have not tried any Firefight yet but thinking it looks like a blast in Reach - is it really broken in ODST? Everytime I read something about Firefight, "lag" and "shitty map design" get´s mentioned.

Guess it would be the best to wait for Reach to try it out?

Firefight isn't broken in ODST but it does have some game design elements that can ruin it a bit. Having the Black Eye skull on makes the game very quirky and frustrating, especially when you end up fighting Drones.

A lot of people do have problems with lag in Firefight because of the way it differs from multiplayer. The game can't just carry on like in MP, and it can't do much to compensate for errors, so a much larger percentage of players experience problems.


When moving around the different parts of forge world, is it faster to use a flying machine or just use the right trigger as a monitor?
Wow, only just read those changes from the Beta and I gotta say some of them are amazing.

Rapt they're increasing the damage on the AR, and nerfing the grenades.

I never noticed melee being 'broken' to be honest. But I'm not all that competitive online so I'm probably ignorant as to what makes melee broken.

Also glad their fixing headshots. They were VERY 50/50 in the beta. Robbed me of many many kills.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Deputy Moonman said:
Late as usual. Just saw this link on bungie.net.http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/gaming/halo-reach-preview-1955640?click=pm_news
Part of me is not sure I like true skill. i guess it does its job, but if you're anything like me then you kind of want a break every once in a while, too, which is why the social playlist, clan ranked games, and individually ranked playlists in Halo2 were so nice. Tired of getting steam rolled in team slayer? Drop down to one of your lower ranked playlists for a break. Tired of playing with morons, and quitters alike in social big team battle? Switch to ranked big team battle and enjoy some real matches. This is not so in halo3. I'm so sick of Halo3 and will never play it again. It's like pulling your teeth out and i was never hot on the game to begin with. I like competitive matches, but not every single game I play, no matter which play list I'm in or whether it's social or ranked. True skill is fun for people like Tashi and others who are so good, it doesn't matter who they're pitted against. But for me, it gets old having my face kicked in repeatedly. And I'm supposed to appreciate this? pffft Take me back to random matches with no ranks please. yeah sure, sometimes I'll get absolutely demolished by really good players, but I'll get breaks from high skill leveled players to balance it out.

Along the same line, if Bungie really wants to invent this monthly arena setting where people play competitively, trueskill should have no part of it. People get to rank up in arena by playing people of similar skill? that's stupid imo. Yeah, I know the game is finished, but i'm on a
roll. Now that Halo3 is so close to being nothing more than a memory, all my bitterness and hate for the game are finally seething out. Reach can't come any sooner!

But what about the lesser skilled players? They match up against you because you want a "break". That shits not fun for them. I'm with you that it's nice to go into social playlists and beat up on the bad players once in a while but it must suck getting trounced like that.

However, with the new Reach setup, there's no ranked and then social. It's Arena and then semi ranked social. I expect the objective and MLG playlists in Reach to be very competitive, and they should be in my opinion. That's why true skill matters to me. I don't want to play these non Arena competitive playlists against the same people who play ONLY Social Slayer in Halo 3. That would be so lame.

And if true skill is working correctly, I'd imagine that you would be winning 50% of your matches and not having your face kicked in every time right?


butthole fishhooking yes
Lazslo said:
When moving around the different parts of forge world, is it faster to use a flying machine or just use the right trigger as a monitor?

Vehicles are a touch faster.
Hey You said:
What the fuck was that shit?
Seriously. I love the Giant Bomb guys and always check out the Bombcasts every Tuesday, but I dunno what the hell that is either. Reads like a long form stream of consciousness rant.
Bungieware said:
Spain and Portugal =/= Europe. And Halo is very very popular in the UK.
To be fair, that's true for Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. Hypertrooper says the same holds true for Germany. I don't know about markets like Switzerland, Austria or Belgium but it does paint a picture where UK is the odd man out in western Europe. Maybe MS fares better in northern Europe?


Palette Swap said:
To be fair, that's true for Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. Hypertrooper says the same holds true for Germany. I don't know about markets like Switzerland, Austria or Belgium but it does paint a picture where UK is the odd man out in western Europe. Maybe MS fares better in northern Europe?
As far as I can tell - Austria is the same. None of my friends likes Halo (lol color kid shooter) and just 1 of 10 workmates has a 360 - the rest is PS3 only. Seems the norm in Europe :/
urk said:
Vehicles are a touch faster.

*bow* Yay.

I'm positive I missed this, but have they changed the vehicle health from the beta? It seemed I would hop in one and blow up in seconds.

I thought Halo 3's implementation was perfect but I'm confused as to how it was different from the Reach beta (even though I know it was :p).


Spoiler! (maybe)

Apparently, once you kill Hunters in Reach you can grab their gun. Its wielded in 3rd person. So, i guess that confirms another heavy weapon.:D

sorry if old
I just want to say fuck Jeff Gerstmann's opinions. Don't know about the guy himself but the man's been spewing baseless, uninformed shit since the late 90s and I was pretty happy when he got fired. I've never seen a guy who is supposed to be a professional load so much flat-out ignorance and incorrect statements into his writing. I'm not saying this as a Halo fan, I'm saying this is as a video games fan observing his BS for the past fifteen years.


NullPointer said:
Seriously. I love the Giant Bomb guys and always check out the Bombcasts every Tuesday, but I dunno what the hell that is either. Reads like a long form stream of consciousness rant.

Same here, the whole thing reads really weird. On the one hand people probably knew that Giantbomb was at the event and were expecting something from them on it, and I can totally respect Jeff's honesty here. On the other hand I don't really understand why he wrote that article, at least like that.
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