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HD remasters now a key area for Capcom, Resident Evil HD DD sales above expectations


I'd rather have new games.


I mean, I'd get the excitement if we were talking about reboots or proper remakes, but... Remasters, and CAPCOM remasters no less.

Still can't believe how the demand got so huge to convince big publishers that remasters can be a 'key area' of their business.
They should start building a Monster Hunter fanbase on PC with the easy port of MH3U Wii U ver.

Far easier work than actually doing an HD remaster oh MH4U.


That's good to hear, I'd love to see all the classic RE games remastered on the PC. Would love to give Dragon's Dogma a try as well.

Still, it's odd to hear about a major publisher considering remasters a key area of their business... still, since there are very few recent Capcom games I'm interested in, I can't complain.



and while they're at it everything else they released on Gamecube and Dreamcast too.


Like everyone else is saying: Dragon's Dogma!
Also the Clover Collection for PC + consoles: God Hand, Viewtiful Joe 1 + 2, Okami (4k)


Resident Evil Outbreak, a game way ahead of its time. Boost the textures, add voice chat, and include both games in one package with w.e improvements the sequel had. DO IT.
Remaster or even just a rerelease of Mega Man Legends/Legends 2 would be nice and is plausible after the recent release of Misadventures of Tron Bonne.

I really just would like MML3 though.


Junior Member
Sad state of affairs that this is where we're at.

This. Shocked at how this excites people. More remasters than actual new games almost these days. Would rather the time be spent making awesome new products, rather than quick money makers.
Capcom and all this talk about remasters and no dragons dogma 60fps PC. . . I don't give a damn about a console HD port when it will still have the same garbage target 30fps framerate. Come on now, search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Will it be a FFVII HD? I am still not playing RE2, because I am hoping(dreaming) they will make a RE2 HD remake.

This. Shocked at how this excites people. More remasters than actual new games almost these days. Would rather the time be spent making awesome new products, rather than quick money makers.

Awesome ideas need awesome people. If I am not mistaken allot of "new" to me is garbage anyway. So I rather have something I know I will like then most of the 90% that is out there.


This. Shocked at how this excites people. More remasters than actual new games almost these days. Would rather the time be spent making awesome new products, rather than quick money makers.

Not everyone has played every old game and making them presentable for a new audience is a great thing. A lot of old games are atrociously ugly and/or unplayable. This is especially true of PS1 games. I would never, ever go back and play Resident Evil 1's original version, it'd be a horrible experience for me. I greatly appreciated the RE1 Remake and it's an amazing game.

There's also a fair amount of games I would like to replay, but are just pure eye cancer now or have janky as hell controls. Some games it's been so long since I've played them that it'd be like a new game experience all over again. I would absolutely LOVE a REHD style remake of Resident Evil 2 and 3, because there's no way in hell that I would go back and play the PS1 versions and I haven't touched them since that era.

It shouldn't shock you at all that people are excited for this. It opens up a lot of games to a lot of new people and it makes a lot of old, classic games a far more enjoyable experience to go through again. A lot of people aren't okay with going and firing up a PS1 or PS2 and hunting those games down, which can sometimes cost FAR more than Capcom is charging for their Remasters.

Plus, it's far better than pulling a Konami, abandoning consoles completely, and dumping everything into mobile.
They have already ported MVC1/MSH to PS3/360 so why not continue that trend and port all of the games in the Vs. series up until UMVC3 to PS4/Xbone/PC? I would buy that collection instantly.


This. Shocked at how this excites people. More remasters than actual new games almost these days. Would rather the time be spent making awesome new products, rather than quick money makers.

Remasters are very cheap to make compared to new games, and publishers will often contract smaller external teams to make them rather than dedicate their own internal teams. They're a reliable method of bringing in profit, which of course goes towards funding new titles. They're a good thing for everyone, so long as people want them and buy them.


Not everyone has played every old game and making them presentable for a new audience is a great thing. A lot of old games are atrociously ugly and/or unplayable. This is especially true of PS1 games. I would never, ever go back and play Resident Evil 1's original version, it'd be a horrible experience for me. I greatly appreciated the RE1 Remake and it's an amazing game.

There's also a fair amount of games I would like to replay, but are just pure eye cancer now or have janky as hell controls. Some games it's been so long since I've played them that it'd be like a new game experience all over again. I would absolutely LOVE a REHD style remake of Resident Evil 2 and 3, because there's no way in hell that I would go back and play the PS1 versions and I haven't touched them since that era.

It shouldn't shock you at all that people are excited for this. It opens up a lot of games to a lot of new people and it makes a lot of old, classic games a far more enjoyable experience to go through again. A lot of people aren't okay with going and firing up a PS1 or PS2 and hunting those games down, which can sometimes cost FAR more than Capcom is charging for their Remasters.


Besides, if Capcom is at all serious about such things like letting Itsuno get a crack at making a third Rival Schools game, then it would probably pay to give people a chance to see what the "fuss" is all about by revamping and re-releasing Project Justice for current platforms. Would certainly beat expecting everybody to track down a Dreamcast and a copy of the game as a way to gauge interest.


Thank you for everyone. Let everyone enjoy and embrace the new remakes/collections future.

Because those don t harm creation nor budgets and wont change publishers focus right ?
Thank you for everyone. Let everyone enjoy and embrace the new remakes/collections future.

Because those don t harm creation nor budgets and wont change publishers focus right ?

Snark aside, there are plenty of good arguments for 'em right above your post.

Besides, if there's any single company sitting on a treasure trove of titles that could be remastered, it's Capcom (and Sega, but :/)

Gimme ports of Project Justice, Power Stone, Tech Romancer and an online enabled Capcom vs SNK 2.


Thank you for everyone. Let everyone enjoy and embrace the new remakes/collections future.

Because those don t harm creation nor budgets and wont change publishers focus right ?

Lots of old games are great and lots of new games are still being made. Sometimes sales of gussied up old games help fund new games or serve as a test platform for developers working with new hardware.

Crazy, I know.

News Bot

RE0 will be next because its the easiest. After that they will have to actually do a full remake of RE2.

After that they will do whatever other franchise. Though I'm sure RE3 will get the HD Remake treatment.

Hopefully the sales will continue to be strong, so Capcom might go out on a limb and re-do Resident Evil 2 and 3 like they did 1 and 0. While unlikely, it doesn't seem completely unrealistic any longer.

Remakes are substantially more expensive than remasters. Frankly I wish people would stop with the remake begging because at this point it's unlikely CAPCOM can do them any justice. The BIO1 remake succeeded because of Mikami's decision to stick closely to the original. Current CAPCOM have demonstrated that they have no such intention. You will more than likely get a substantially different game.

Onimusha Trilogy HD!

I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet.
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