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HD remasters now a key area for Capcom, Resident Evil HD DD sales above expectations


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Hope that means Super Street Fighter 5 HD remaster Edition for XboxOne and Wii U, and Breath of Fire 6 HD Remaster and MH Portable 3rd HD for PS4 in the West.


I'm not sure the success of RE HD means that it's a successful route to take. I recall them doing several HD releases of titles last generation too and people quit buying them. They should be careful what they choose to remaster.

Not to mention RE remake had been wanted by people for a long time on platforms other than Nintendo.


The following will NEVER happen

Power Stone HD
Rival Schools HD
Dragons Dogma at 60FPS
Viewtiful Joe 1+2
God Hand HD ( me cries )

Just crushing some dreams here. But Capcom had enough reason to bring all those games except DD at 60fps to previous GEN. They never even did it.

They did put out a Powerstone collection for what PSP? Wtf were they thinking. You had XBLA, which games would sell a ton on.

Dragon's Dogma at a solid 30 and visuals that aren't blurry as hell would be a HUGE improvement in performance over the PS3 version anyway. Throw in some anti-aliasing and the option to play without letterboxing and you have a masterpiece.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony

Am I the only one whole thinks Capcom is getting better while Konami is getting worse?

The differentiation being, Capcom has legitimately been trying to find their way in the core gaming market even if its fucked consumers over sometimes. Konami has been doing the opposite, they have simply not been interested in core gaming and have been doing everything in their power to get out of it, and into other markets.


This is how you do remasters.
- Digital
- Fairly priced.
- Nice little upgrade in graphics and possibly content.

I rarely pre-order games but after Resident Evil HD I pre-ordered DMC4 on PS4. Can't wait.


yes, that talented of a member
I didn't like how you couldn't use the right analog stick to aim in resident evil 4 on ps4 and xbox360. The PC version you can, but for some reason it won't even boot on my computer. Anyway, I hope they release it on current gen. I don't mind third person shooting in Resident Evil, but forced co-op has watered down the newer games.
I'd be really happy with these on Wii U:

Monster Hunter 4 (it counts right?)
Okami (GamePad drawing, how has this not been done yet?)
Mega Man X Command Mission (loved this on GC)
Viewtiful Joe collection (would complement The Wonderful 101 so well as is it not more or less a Joe successor?)
A Mega Man post-classics collection (by that I mean ones that can't be on the VC, so maybe Mega Man X7, X8, the Legends games, Network Transmission, etc), I don't see them adding the games on VC since they'd lose sales on those)

I'd be uber content with those. Capcom's done squat other than Monster Hunter Frontier expansions over and over and over again in the last year. :(


Un Rama
Dragon's dogma you fuckers.



I would like HD remasters of:

Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Mega Man 9 and 10 on current-gen digital storefronts, including Steam obviously
Dragon's Dogma


I'm going to laugh my ass off when Capcom "remasters" RE2 by scaling it to 1080p and running the textures through an unsharp mask.

Get ready, fellas! "Resident Evil 2: Ultimate HD Edition" is on its way!

...I'm honestly and sincerely scared they'll do this.
They learned the completely wrong lesson from Remake HD sales. People bought it because it's a fantastic game and they want resident evil to return to its traditional roots not that "hey the kids are really into these HD ports!"
I'd say it's a shame that they're eschewing new game development - but let's be honest, it's not like they were making new progress on that front lately. This is probably better than what we'd otherwise get.


Un Rama
I'm going to laugh my ass off when Capcom "remasters" RE2 by scaling it to 1080p and running the textures through an unsharp mask.

Get ready, fellas! "Resident Evil 2: Ultimate HD Edition" is on its way!

...I'm honestly and sincerely scared they'll do this.

And yet I'll give them all my money all the same.


They learned the completely wrong lesson from Remake HD sales. People bought it because it's a fantastic game and they want resident evil to return to its traditional roots not that "hey the kids are really into these HD ports!"

But people really are into HD ports.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You know what else would be cool? Not being douchebags like Warner Bros and Bethenda. Give those who already own DMC4 on Steam an upgrade to SE option.

I'd be 100% down for RE Zero, Onimusha 1-4, Dino Crisis 1 & 2, Dragon's Dogma, Maximo 1&2, MML1&2 and Tron Bonne. It'd also be nice to get MM9 on Steam since it was already a digital release on consoles.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'd say it's a shame that they're eschewing new game development - but let's be honest, it's not like they were making new progress on that front lately. This is probably better than what we'd otherwise get.

That's why everyone is making them. Its more revenue for other projects and the company at large. If they were not commissioning these HD ports, they would not be using this time for AAA games, they just would not be releasing anything period.

The AAA market fell years ago, for Capcom it was right after RE6, SXT and Lost Planet 3 all tanked completely, some people have to get some perspective on what they should be expecting from the current marketplace


This. Shocked at how this excites people. More remasters than actual new games almost these days. Would rather the time be spent making awesome new products, rather than quick money makers.
Yes, by your logic people need to be sticking with VHS since Bluray remasters are a complete waste of everyone's time.


i'm cool with this plan.

everyone's been sayin it but hell yea Dragon's Dogma

but how about...Viewtiful Joe Collection...?

How's 'bout a Maximo Collection?

this too please. ive only been able to play bits of the maximo series i'd love to play them to completion in HD.
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