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Head count: Do you own an AMD or NVIDIA GPU?

What brand of discrete GPU do you use in your primary gaming computer?

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AMD R9 290

Reason: It was the best product for the money at the time. AMD too me has always valued it's customers more, pushes for innovation in the market whenever it can and offers tremendous value.



New to PC gaming and I had no idea whether to go with AMD or Nvidia. So I researched it (i.e Google) and the vast majority of people voted Nvidia due to driver support. So I went with that.


Radeon 9700 Pro --> 6800 ultra --> 8800 gtx --> Radeon 5850 --> GTX 570.

Bought the current card right after a Radeon 5850 died on me.

Will probably pick up a 980 Ti - if those benches are legit. I prefer nVIDIA's software ecosystem.


OG Gtx titan as I had upgraded to 1440p monitor. I let the memory capacity sway me, and have the seen a game go higher then 3gb.
I have a GTX 980. I don't have an alliance or whatever with Nvidia or ATI/AMD, I just get the best card available (depending on the price).
My old GeForce GTX 670 4GB is holding up great. I went with a model with extra memory and three large fans. It's quiet and I can play all the games I'm interested in, although not with every setting maxed. It will probably be another two years before I upgrade to something more powerful.


I have a 7970, previously a gtx 460. I'm leaning towards going back to Nvidia when I upgrade. I like my 7970, it has performed well and was a great value. I'm just tired of getting a big new release only to find it runs worse on AMD cards.


At the moment, AMD 7970 and Nvidia 750M on my laptop. I'll probably go to Nvidia on my desktop once Pascal is released, unless AMD steps up.

But no brand preference here. I'll go for the best at the time.
I own a reference card R9 290 from AMD. Well... except I changed the cooler because it was terrible. Great card with a great price, paid 260€ for it, counting the cooler for replacement.


Gold Member
2 660's in SLI.

Currently umming and ahhing on whether to go with 2 980's or a single titan x for my upgrade.


I've only owned two AMD cards: Radeon 9800 pro and an HD 5850.
Those two cards were absolutely amazing for the cost upon release, but I've mostly stuck with Nvidia due to (typically) better driver support and features and I don't like hearing a leaf blower. Even though those come at a premium.

Right now: Asus GTX 780 DCUII. Have been thinking of upgrading for a while, but there's never been any legitimate reason to. I can currenly play TW3 @ 1080p at a consistent 50+ FPS with almost everything maxed, with HairWorks off. Whenever the second iteration of Pascal is released, I'll probably upgrade then.

Evo X

Nvidia for life! Incredible high end performance, features, and support. I loved my time with things like Physx and 3D Vision, and now can't imagine living without GSYNC and DSR.

When I first got into PC gaming 10 years ago, I started with a 6800. Exclusively owned Nvidia since then and they have never let me down. Currently rocking a Titan X and couldn't be happier.

I think my full GPU timeline has been 6800 - 8800GT - GTX 260 Core 216 - GTX 570 - GTX 570 SLI - GTX 780Ti - GTX 980 - GTX 980 SLI - Titan X

Currently umming and ahhing on whether to go with 2 980's or a single titan x for my upgrade.

I used to have a 980 SLI setup. Trust me, go for the Titan X.


I just purchased my first in many years last week. An nvidia 750ti. The machine is linux-only so amd is not even a real option.

For those who don't know: amd's drivers for opengl/linux are and have been unacceptably poor. In fact, the required spec for steam machine specifically calls for an nvidia card.


amd 290x, had too much trouble with nvidia cards recently, so I decided to go back to amd
really good experience with it so far.


I have quite an old NVIDIA card (400 series, I think it is a 460 something). Bought it used on ebay for cheap Had an old ATI card in before.

I don't really play much on PC anymore. I guess I would go with a Intel/NVIDIA combination now as it seems to be the best I am not well informed. If AMD offers something good, I would consider it.
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