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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

But every other class becoming a tier 0 and tier 1 for multiple periods is fine ?
I dont think druid ever left top tier 2 as far as i remember.
Lets not even forget palladins.
Yes. Pally was mostly trash all the way from OG to Ungoro. There was a rogue deck (not the class) in Anyfin Can Happen Pally that was decent inbetween.

Priest at tier 1 just gonna make people quit, the classes core design is miserable to play against.


druid was bad around patron dominance. In tournaments it made sense but on ladder it was rough to play combo druid, you basically lost on turn 4 a lot. I don't think druid was ever unplayable. The closest to it was at old gods, it took a while for people to figure out yogg saron.


Raza priest is very frustrating and random to play against. When they win you feel you just got high rolled hard. Singleton deck, drawing every answer and having Raza/anduin/Kazakus all in top 15. The deck doesn't have any card draw. If they got those there is no way they lose, you can't play any control deck right now that beats it, you can beat jade though. I like to test paladin but there are so many priests. I have no idea what to do to make it work against them. I have to play against my own deck and whatever random greedy cards they have.

I'm not the only one then that sees Priest come up as opponent and groans every time?

Not even close, look at app store reviews, it's something often complained about. They keep adding ridiculous priest cards for reddit. Like potion of madness should have never been printed. 1 mana? Are you serious.

can't wait for msog to rotate out. Jades will die, priest will go back to its place, pirates will die. That set is worse than GvG.
I'm not the only one then that sees Priest come up as opponent and groans every time?
Nah, it's fairly common even in this thread. My personal grievance is intensified by Paladin being my favourite class and Priest shitting all over them even when they were the worst class in the game.

Though depending on the deck you were happy for some time because they were freelo.
druid was bad around patron dominance. In tournaments it made sense but on ladder it was rough to play combo druid, you basically lost on turn 4 a lot. I don't think druid was ever unplayable. The closest to it was at old gods, it took a while for people to figure out yogg saron.
Even before spell druid there was token druid as one of the better decks.


Btw I cant be the only person that felt Malfurion hero potrait really humiliating you because he looks so smug and looking down on you. Its not helping when Druid win a game its usually in blowout.


they printed busted snowballing 1-3 drops and other minions that do broken things without needing evolve. OG 4 drop evolve minions are powercreeped to hell and back. Like wardrobe raider is a joke now, blood has a card that destroys a minion on battlecry and you take a little face damage. It's just silly. They have another minion that has storm and destroys a ward...

Wow, the game has changed a lot, I tried to return but there I really felt that the power creep was real, or stronger than hearthstone.

btw, did you reach legend with your big jade druid deck list?


I still think that spreading the plague should be nerfed, spawning multiple 1/5 with just one card is not good design.


yeah, I cut medivh in the end and put second plague back in. There were more aggro. Against some of the priest decks I really needed everything to beat them, they had every answer. I think Medivh worked great every time I played it but I think I like Kun more when I had it, you can do a lot more with that card.

the card you see in the pic is nerubian unraveler, wanted to test it but didn't get to play it a single time so I have no idea if it's any good. It should help you beat OTK mage but that's probably not worth teching for at this time but it should be good in mirror too, I still don't have results but on paper UI is very predictable and you can deny it. It's huge.

yeah I think plague will be nerfed not UI. I won a lot of game on 3-4 hp but 15 armor thanks to plague stalling two turns. It's crazy good. I think it's the worst offender, jade druid is beatable with aggro otherwise.


Pally had their moment of dumpster hell I think they only good in 2 meta

Secret pally meta and Ungoro

Druid never ever suck.
It's because druid have always had ramp options. The quicker you can ramp up to 10 the better. Plus the fact they have Nourish and now that crazy ass 10 mana spell as well.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Innervate in the next hall of fame to be honest.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Priest in its current form needs a nerf, silly mode having a 0 mana 2 hit refresh


Went 20-6 in rank 5 and up yesterday with anti-control teched miracle rogue. The number of big priests that pass the first 5 turns and concede when I auctioneer on turn 6 is hilarious. I don't know how people think that high roll deck is consistent. It's not at all. You high roll and win 90% of the time if you do. Then you low roll and lose 100% of the time. Sap is so godlike in this meta, I'm glad that card is worth running again. Better than vilespine for sure right now.


Raza priest is very frustrating and random to play against. When they win you feel you just got high rolled hard. Singleton deck, drawing every answer and having Raza/anduin/Kazakus all in top 15. The deck doesn't have any card draw. If they got those there is no way they lose, you can't play any control deck right now that beats it, you can beat jade though. I like to test paladin but there are so many priests. I have no idea what to do to make it work against them. I have to play against my own deck and whatever random greedy cards they have.

I believe midrange paladin beats Raza priest. The priest can get lucky and draw the right AOE cards, otherwise it's an easy win.

Went 20-6 in rank 5 and up yesterday with anti-control teched miracle rogue. The number of big priests that pass the first 5 turns and concede when I auctioneer on turn 6 is hilarious. I don't know how people think that high roll deck is consistent. It's not at all. You high roll and win 90% of the time if you do. Then you low roll and lose 100% of the time. Sap is so godlike in this meta, I'm glad that card is worth running again. Better than vilespine for sure right now.

That deck doesn't even have a win condition other than hopefully I can grab a huge minion early and hope the opponent has no answer.


The only possible nerf that I can come for priest is increasing the cost of raza from 0 to 1. but then I think that it could kill totally the archetype, and priest deserves the spotlight for once, even thought I feel that an OP priest deck will always be the most annoying to play against it


Mike Donais already knew of the raza combo. They are totally fine with it, I think the main reason of DK priest creation was to use it in the highlander archetype, outside of it doesn't work.

I don't think they will nerf it and I don't think there is need for that, I still lose a fair share of matchups with it.
I just played a perfect game against a Jade Druid as a Zoolock. Perfectly placed almost all minions in good order. I was running Prince Keleseth, Darkshire Councilman, Cobalt Scalebane, Sea Giant, and Defender of Argus, so my whole board was highly buffed for health and damage. I had controlled his Jade up to 7/7. And he had an empty board versus at least 22 lethal damage coming from me next turn.

He plays a Yogg, the first spell is Vanish.



I just played a perfect game against a Jade Druid as a Zoolock. Perfectly placed almost all minions in good order. I was running Prince Keleseth, Darkshire Councilman, Cobalt Scalebane, Sea Giant, and Defender of Argus, so my whole board was highly buffed for health and damage. I had controlled his Jade up to 7/7. And he had an empty board versus at least 22 lethal damage coming from me next turn.

He plays a Yogg, the first spell is Vanish.


Delete yogg from the game please


I just played a perfect game against a Jade Druid as a Zoolock. Perfectly placed almost all minions in good order. I was running Prince Keleseth, Darkshire Councilman, Cobalt Scalebane, Sea Giant, and Defender of Argus, so my whole board was highly buffed for health and damage. I had controlled his Jade up to 7/7. And he had an empty board versus at least 22 lethal damage coming from me next turn.

He plays a Yogg, the first spell is Vanish.



Speaking of warlock. The deck asmodai was playing last night looked pretty solid.

2-drop prince is really good in warlock

Also blood queen isn't bad. It won me a few games last night
That deck doesn't even have a win condition other than hopefully I can grab a huge minion early and hope the opponent has no answer.
The wincondition is to exert enough pressure they have to expend their limited answers suboptimally and then making a big swing turn.
The only possible nerf that I can come for priest is increasing the cost of raza from 0 to 1. but then I think that it could kill totally the archetype, and priest deserves the spotlight for once, even thought I feel that an OP priest deck will always be the most annoying to play against it
They could only reduce the first HP per turn.


Yes. Pally was mostly trash all the way from OG to Ungoro. There was a rogue deck (not the class) in Anyfin Can Happen Pally that was decent inbetween.

Priest at tier 1 just gonna make people quit, the classes core design is miserable to play against.
Secret palladin ruled the ladder from tgt to old gods standard rotation.
Priest was a trash tier most of hs lifespan till drakop made it a solid tier 2 deck.
They didnt nerf quest warrior and jade druid so i dont see them nerfing dk priest.
Edit: only nerf i can see them implementing is increasing mana cost to 9 or 10.


quest warrior can't target your face or your minions or shoot 5+ times a turn and you can play around it by putting stuff on board. I like changing Raza to make it only work once per turn, that makes sense.

Right now going late against that deck, you pretty much need silly cards like mindbreaker to survive and you have to hope they have nothing left to kill it with.

It's even a more serious and permanent problem in wild and things you can do in there. If they were concerned about steed OTK, they should be concerned about this. The power level of priest in wild was already absurd.


quest warrior can't target your face or your minions or shoot 5+ times a turn. I like changing Raza to make it only work once per turn, that makes sense.

Right now going late against that deck, you pretty much need silly cards like mindbreaker to survive.

raza priest can't damage you for 8 damage on each hero power... c'mon that's an awful comparison.


I'm not the only one then that sees Priest come up as opponent and groans every time?

I have no problem admitting that in the early days of Hearthstone I instantly conceded if a priest popped up. I'm too old to waste time on unfun shit like that.


Velen and Mirage Caller say hi

you have no idea...

so, now a 3 - 4 card combo equals a single hero power? of 8 damage? with potentially a weapon equipped? again... c'mon.

The point is that warrior has to game the system and you can too while Anduin is point and click.

Anduin needs to somehow stay alive while playing his card to at least lose a turn to play the hero card on turn 8 (at the earliest). Taunt warrior has to place taunts that not only helps to complete the quest, but also helps to protect the face, QW has some huge differences here, it isn't a good comparison.

EDIT: and if it was for a "point" then QW is random, which also "outraged" people back then, there is always someone complaining about anything.


token druid got more consistent with this set, how long until its all over the ladder again?
To be honest it's been quite common on my climb up. The new 3 drop which buffs it's health by +1 is a very nice addition to it.

I can't stand playing aggro personally but that particular card can spiral out out control much like a mana wyrm.

The Kolento Warlock deck is putting in some work for me though. The only deck I've struggled against is the annoying big priest decks, otherwise it's been doing great.


so, now a 3 - 4 card combo equals a single hero power? of 8 damage? with potentially a weapon equipped? again... c'mon.

Anduin needs to somehow stay alive while playing his card to at least lose a turn to play the hero card on turn 8 (at the earliest). Taunt warrior has to place taunts that not only helps to complete the quest, but also helps to protect the face, QW has some huge differences here, it isn't a good comparison.

EDIT: and if it wasn't for a "point" then QW is random, which also "outraged" people back then, there is always someone complaining about anything.

Hero Power - 2 Damage
Velen - 4 damage (6 total)
Mirage Caller - 8 Damage (14 total)
Then you could play circle of healing, silence or snow flipper penguin for a total of 30 damage in one turn, without considering your board before that, or how much HP your opponent has. And most important of all, you can select were to direct the damage plus the mere presence of velen who is still a 7/7 that also improves your entire game.

Besides, priest has hundreds of ways to survive, free hero power before going dk, the 3/6 that heals foreach spell, obsidian statue that is a savannah tier of legendary that has incredible stats, can heal you AND destroy a minion, spells that revive said minion 8 out of 10 thanks to the priority than class cards get on discovery. 2 excellent AOE. Lots of cards that generate copies of your deck. and other big threats

To be honest it's been quite common on my climb up. The new 3 drop which buffs it's health by +1 is a very nice addition to it.

I can't stand playing aggro personally but that particular card can spiral out out control much like a mana wyrm.

The Kolento Warlock deck is putting in some work for me though. The only deck I've struggled against is the annoying big priest decks, otherwise it's been doing great.

Decklist for kolento warlock deck?
Obaidian Statue is only medium imo.
Anduin needs to somehow stay alive while playing his card to at least lose a turn to play the hero card on turn 8 (at the earliest). Taunt warrior has to place taunts that not only helps to complete the quest, but also helps to protect the face, QW has some huge differences here, it isn't a good comparison.

EDIT: and if it was for a "point" then QW is random, which also "outraged" people back then, there is always someone complaining about anything.
You're not taking a turn off to play anduin. Anduin is a good card because of the battlecry alone. As a result he's being played outside of Highlander decks.

The complaints about QW HP were valid, that has nothing to do with Anduin's being better once it got Raza'd
Fuck Jade Druid completely busted bullshit deck that has no right to exist but because Blizzard doesn't play test properly were gonna be stuck with it for 2-3 months.


Deck link? I am getting hammered recently with Raza Priest. Trying lots of variations. Can't move past rank 13.
Ive reached rank 5 with ez priest and dk warlock.

Didnt play dk priest since the third day, probably worse now since you cant farm dk mages and demon warlock anymore.
I will play it soon it just ive had too much fun with warlock since it was my favorite class during the classic set days.


Normally I'm not one to overreact as things tend to work themselves out over time, but holy fuck Druid is absurd right now. All i'm playing is druid, again and again and again. Now i'm playing some aggro variant that is fucking mental with buffs and taunts and holy shit this stuff is madness. I'm just trying to string together some wins so I can get golden shaman, but i've given up for the time being. I feel really bad that i disenchanted some of my druid cards as I anticipate getting a nice dust bonus in the near future.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Everyone's complaining about Druid and Priest, but meanwhile Murloc Paladin and Pirate Warrior have the highest winrate decks in the game.
If people teched against Murlock Paladin the winrate would normalize. Pirate too maybe. Harder to do that when Druid/Priest is so common.


you should look at that frequency row too.

priest is ofcourse easily beatable. It's just that like quest rogue, as you can see in that chart, it has very polarizing match ups and deletes every other control deck from the game.


Everyone's complaining about Druid and Priest, but meanwhile Murloc Paladin and Pirate Warrior have the highest winrate decks in the game.
Yay our Lord and savior Pirate Warrior is going to come in and cleanse the meta of the heathen Jade Druids.

Heavenly Garrosh who art thou in heaven
Hallowed be thy deck
Thy face be done, in Hearthstone as it is turn 6.
Give us this day, our daily upgraded Arcanite Reapers
And forgive our scrubbyness, because we too have forgiven those who are scrubbier.
And lead us not into a Jade Druid meta..

But deliver us Patches on turn 1.



with only 50 percent winrate against jades? nope. PW does not counter jades from my experience so far. I'm always happy to see a pw. If you know how to play it or mulligan for it, it's slightly favored even.

The fact is that druid is the best deck for laddering as it doesn't have any really bad match up. With a correct line of play, you can beat anything. It's like mid shaman of Karazhan.


Yay our Lord and savior Pirate Warrior is going to come in and cleanse the meta of the heathen Jade Druids.

I'm not fond of pirWar or murPal, but I do find it a bit odd that the meta is still pretty unsettled and there's lots to be discovered/figured out, and yet the bulk of the discussion on reddit and here is focused on asking for nerfs.

There's not gonna be nerfs anytime soon, so what's the point?

I'm watching Boar Control play Valeera the hollow mill rogue and it looks like a blast.
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