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Heavy Rain reviews


Since not all the reviews are in the OP, can someone post a list of the current up-to-date complete review score list? I honestly thought this game would review badly, so I'm somewhat in shock.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Einbroch said:
America > Europe.
PS3 > 360.
Pizza Rolls > Bagel Bites.
Dogs > Cats.
Circumcised > Not.

DOGS>CATS?! You, sir, are a wrongity wrong wronger.

The rest are true though
Ploid 3.0 said:
I want to see the commercial with that Playstation guy. I wonder how they will do it. Director of Investigations?

I sent him a tweet about 2 hours ago asking if they have a commercial coming out for it!

Honestly I can't wait to see what they do with this and God of War 3!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
nib95 said:
Since not all the reviews are in the OP, can someone post a list of the current up-to-date complete review score list? I honestly thought this game would review badly, so I'm somewhat in shock.
there are only french reviews available at the moment, don't start popping monocles just yet


Unlimited Capacity
GhaleonQ said:
I didn't want to pick another fight and the search function doesn't work. Please don't respond.

1. Awful storyteller.
-1a. Seems unaware of it.
2. Awful cinematographer.
-2a. Seems unaware of it.
3. Awful game designer.
-3a. Seems unaware of it.
4. Awful writer.
-4a. Seems unaware of it.
5. Awful and narrow understanding of available art.
-5a. Seems unaware of it.
6. You bill it as an interactive thriller - are you alone in what you're doing?
David Cage: Trying to tell stories with interactivity is something really difficult that some people tried in the past and many people failed, so there are less volunteers to try that again. So I think yeah, we're pretty much alone at the moment.

7. You know, in other words, what doesn't work, what you can improve, what you to try differently. But when you try a new genre you need to invent the words of this new language. And you can borrow; we borrowed from movies, we borrowed from television series and novels. But at the same time you have many missing words that you have to create and invent.

8. Eurogamer: You're a borrower, but from what?
David Cage: That's an interesting point, because in the game community sometimes there is a feeling that we should not borrow anything from anyone and just invent from scratch. If you look at the other mediums you realise it has never happened in the past. I mean, TV series borrowed from cinemas, cinemas borrowed from photographs, photographs borrowed from paintings. Nothing is created from scratch: everything has to start from established grounds.
With Heavy Rain we borrowed from cinema a lot and we borrowed from TV series, because there are some codes about how to tell a story, how to structure a story, how to create an emotional arc for the characters that are already established and very well demonstrated not only in movies but also in books.
There's no need to reinvent this. There's a very famous book written by someone called Joseph Campbell, it's very old, it's called The Hero with a Thousand Faces. It really influenced all Hollywood, because it analysed all the tales, mythology, this kind of stuff, to understand the basic rules to tell stories and to create characters. And this is what Hollywood uses, what most writers use these days. It's the same starting point for us. It can be the same starting point; it cannot be the whole thing. We are not cinema, we need to invent our own rules on top of this.

...You know what? I don't want to comb Eurogamer. Every interview he does is Denis Dyack-like. He's not very smart or well-read, but constantly references whatever's floated into his headspace that day.

http://www.destructoid.com/cage-heavy-rain-not-a-videogame-anymore-in-my-mind--158115.phtml I like that one.

"1UP: If you were to review Indigo Prophecy now, how successful would you say it was?

David Cage: Indigo Prophecy was the first game entirely based on narrative and characters, not using any standard game mechanics but only contextual actions and decisions affecting the story. ...It made me work on interactive storytelling for two years, a luxury that few game designers have, trying to find new writing techniques -- creating the concept of bending stories, for example -- and discovering all the difficulties of trying to tell an interactive story.
Indigo opened the way to a different type of experience, giving all the bricks any author would need to tell any kind of story."

How about that?

“Heavy Rain is not an extension of adventure games. It is a new type of experience”

I'm just copying and pasting now.

I hate it when he blames the audience for being too dumb to grasp his genius. I hate that he's so unambitious and uncreative even within the uncrowded field of "quick-time event" development. I hate that people give him any respect after the abominations that were his previous games. I hate that he takes up mindshare while real artists fall by the wayside. I hate that he refuses to answer what influenced Heavy Rain (presumably because he doesn't actually take in art). I hate his lack of self-awareness. I hate him because he's what every cultured person hates: a pretentious, middlebrow creator.

I said damn
YoungHav said:
would we be able to dummy account share the Pre-order taxidermist DLC?

I wondered that as well, though keep in mind that anyone (who is already planning on getting the game) that pre-orders the game gets the Taxidermist DLC for free.


Einbroch said:
Dogs > Cats.



I hope we get to take a shit in the Halo Reach review thread just an intense as these fervent jabroni's that haven't even touched the game.


Truespeed said:
I hope we get to take a shit in the Halo Reach review thread just an intense as these fervent jabroni's that haven't even touched the game.

Im sure if something looks horrible in halo reach there will be plenty of explosions


Shurs said:
Fixed. Are you a joke character?

No I'm not rudey mc rude. It was confirmed int the Playstation Store thread that it was coming out in Spain/EU THIS week. So until I'm proven wrong my post still stands and, since you can't prove me wrong yet, yours doesn't.

I'm just advising people to make free EU accounts right now just in case. Nothing more, nothing less.

Copied from the Playstation Store thread:

Preview of this week Spanish (so Euro) PSN Store update by the Oficial Spanish Playstation community:

PS3 Store

Final Fantasy 8

Heavy Rain Demo
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Demo
Alien Vs. Predator

Seems like ALOT of demos tomorrow. Everyone make an EU account just in case. And if this is true, I'd like the person who called me joke character to eat crow please.:D


netguy503 said:
No I'm not rudey mc rude. It was confirmed int the Playstation Store thread that it was coming out in Spain/EU THIS week. So until I'm proven wrong my post still stands and, since you can't prove me wrong yet, yours doesn't.

I'm just advising people to make free EU accounts right now just in case. Nothing more, nothing less.

Copied from the Playstation Store thread:

Preview of this week Spanish (so Euro) PSN Store update by the Oficial Spanish Playstation community:

PS3 Store

Final Fantasy 8

Heavy Rain Demo
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Demo
Alien Vs. Predator

Seems like ALOT of demos tomorrow. Everyone make an EU account just in case. And if this is true, I'd like the person who called me joke character to eat crow please.:D

It's far from confirmed. The post on the Spanish Facebook page was removed. Press releases say the demo hits on February 11th.

I'm sorry, I'm just baffled by most of your posts.
netguy503 said:
No I'm not rudey mc rude. It was confirmed int the Playstation Store thread that it was coming out in Spain/EU THIS week. So until I'm proven wrong my post still stands and, since you can't prove me wrong yet, yours doesn't.

I'm just advising people to make free EU accounts right now just in case. Nothing more, nothing less.

Copied from the Playstation Store thread:

Preview of this week Spanish (so Euro) PSN Store update by the Oficial Spanish Playstation community:

PS3 Store

Final Fantasy 8

Heavy Rain Demo
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Demo
Alien Vs. Predator

Seems like ALOT of demos tomorrow. Everyone make an EU account just in case. And if this is true, I'd like the person who called me joke character to eat crow please.:D

The facebook link is broken. You have to copy link location not just copy what's on the page.


Netguy503 said:
If you guys don't even want to prepare yourselves for the awesome that MIGHT be tomorrow just don't say I didn't warn you. You all will be scrambling to make an account when all your friends on your friend's list will be playing the demo.

I definitely said a strong MIGHT in that post guys. I know I did an earlier post where I said confirmed, and that was wrong, but seriously it was a 50/50 shot. What if the demo DID come out in EU and the shoe was on the other foot and no one was prepared with an EU account? You can't say making another account put so much physical stress and mental anguish on you, can you? If it did, I'm really sorry. But everyone responding saying "Netguy fail" for just doing something that takes a second of your time are real jerks. You, as well as I, were in the same boat. No one knew what the update would be today until it actually happened. I know I said confirmed in that first post, and I apologize but I definitely changed that to a MIGHT here last night WAYYYY before this update ever happened. So back off and get a life haters.


nib95 said:
Since not all the reviews are in the OP, can someone post a list of the current up-to-date complete review score list? I honestly thought this game would review badly, so I'm somewhat in shock.
I'm in your boat. At least you didn't make a bet - I bet someone that the game would score an 80 overall at best after all the reviews poured in. If I lose, I have to buy the game.

I've already prepared the 50 :lol

I don't think I'll hate the game, but I'm almost certain I won't be keeping it for more than a few days - which should be all the time I need to beat it. Hope the trade-in value doesn't plummet after the first week. If I'm lucky, it'll be an EB Gaming Guarantees title and I'll at least be able to get full credit back.


thcsquad said:
On-topic about David Cage: He comes off as kind of self-absorbed, but so are half of the video game developers who make press. Plenty of them make great games, too. Still, in the same Eurogamer article, talked about the mistakes he made with Indigo Prophecy. Any designer who admits mistakes and tries to correct them is doing something right.

Earlier I lambasted Cage for his rampant egoism only to be reminded a few posts later that nothing he's said comes close to the kind of "genre defining, revolutionary" rubbish that Peter Molyneux dribbles every time he opens his mouth. So, I think you have a point here. There are undeniably some really solid developers that still manage to avoid sounding like narcissistic hacks - Amy Henning and the Naughty Dog people are a great example, and although Infinity Ward have always been pretty aggressive in their "we're aiming for game of the year" rhetoric they generally come across as ultra competitive rather artistically vain. But Cage attracts so much attention simply because he really is trying something new; new not in the sense that it's a "compelling emotional experience" - I'm as sceptical as the next person about his ability to deliver that - but in that it's an interactive narrative, as opposed to the fairly linear, action-based narrative experiences we get in most games. I'm pretty on the fence about whether or not Heavy Rain will be any good (my excitement for this game was way high after the liepzig 08 trailer but absolutely plummeted after the abandoned car yard videos and "you go girl" debacle; reviews and comments from people on GAF who've actually played the game have renewed my interest somewhat, however) but it's gameplay concept is undeniably fresh, even if the aesthetics & broad strokes of the plot do come across as hideously derivative of b-grade slasher films and crappy tv detective movies.

When most developers spout art-wank gobbledegook about their games it's more easily ignored because their games generally so clearly conform to convention: the developer's spiel just comes off marketing hype or a bit of acceptable artistic exaggeration. When Japanese developers go off on a rant GAF usually considers them a little "kooky" or, in the case of someone like Hideo Kojima, "eccentric geniuses". But while I find Cage genuinely irritating and overblown in his declarations it has to be said he's probably received more than his fair share of abuse already, simply because, well, he really is doing something fairly original. Whatever you thought of indigo prophecy (and, to be honest, it bored me from the get go) it was definitely a unique experience. I guess we have to give him that much at least.

EDIT: But I also agree 100% with the earlier opinion that it's a bit sad that the gaming industry seems to so absolutely equate themes of darkness with intelligence & sophistication. Cage definitely plays on this but I don't think you could really say he's responsible for its propagation, however. All the same, it's sad that the most intelligent games I've played were the late 80s and early 90s pc adventure games. When was the last time you played a game that - with no intellectual pretension at all - punned on past participles (King's Quest VI) or made a joke like "A cheetaur has claws at the end of it's paws, a comma is a paws at the end of a clause!" (hero's quest 1, 1989). Those games were full of wonderfully, self-consciously cheesy lines delivered appropriately and with genuine wit & whimsy, no intellectual preening at all. Not the height of sophistication for sure but the question remains: when did you last see a line anything at all like that in a game? God I miss good writing in games...
netguy503 said:
If you guys don't even want to prepare yourselves for the awesome that MIGHT be tomorrow just don't say I didn't warn you. You all will be scrambling to make an account when all your friends on your friend's list will be playing the demo.

Oh, and I didn't copy from the facebook page. I copied from our very own Playstation store weekly thread.

My bad. Ill make a EURO account anyway:D Thanks for the good news!
I'm going on a holiday on Saturday and I have to leave my PS3 behind. So I'm really hoping that I'll get a chance to try the demo before I leave :p


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
sweetvar26 said:
Holy shit @ the Launch trailer, it is bad ass.

EDIT: Wrong thread, supposed to be in the BioShock 2 thread.

I can see why you'd get confused.

Actually, I can't. :(


Crazypanda_85 said:
I disagree with your third comment. With pizza on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime.

You're asking me to believe I can have pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening and pizza at suppertime? I'm sorry, sir, but such a world does not and cannot ever exist for it would be paradise.


Pelaaja (The best console gaming magazine in Finland) gave this 9/10. Though in the same issue they gave Darksiders 6/10 and Dante's Inferno 8/10. Still it's one of the few magazines which reviews I trust.

Didn't read the review yet since I just got it and only glanced the reviews.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I wonder what section of the game the demo is from. Being so story driven I don't know if I want to play the demo and get some of the story already or have a scene spoiled. I loved Fahrenheit so I have no questions gameplay wise. Might try and hold out till release.


Not a Jellyfish said:
I wonder what section of the game the demo is from. Being so story driven I don't know if I want to play the demo and get some of the story already or have a scene spoiled. I loved Fahrenheit so I have no questions gameplay wise. Might try and hold out till release.
I'm guessing it will have the opening 'tutorial' bit, then a scene from one of the other characters, probably the scrapyard bit.
I'm staying away from the demo as far as possible.

Played a demo of Fahrenheit before buying it,
and it ruined the amazement I would have felt starting the game.

I pre-ordered the SE and it can't come fast enough.
Everything is going on hold while me and the wife burn through this baby.


Not a Jellyfish said:
I wonder what section of the game the demo is from. Being so story driven I don't know if I want to play the demo and get some of the story already or have a scene spoiled. I loved Fahrenheit so I have no questions gameplay wise. Might try and hold out till release.
I expect it'll be the shop scene and the fighting the big car dealer guy...like the public demo (Cage said he didn't want a demo, so I expect they didn't put their time into making another one)
Just went to pre-order Heavy Rain and was told it has been moved up to the 19th (UK here), havent seen anything on here about it (mayby i missed it) so i was quite surprised.
The thing is they still have the release date as the 26th (which happens to be my birthday :D ) on the website and until recently it was the 26th in store but about a week ago i noticed it was changed to the 19th. I spoke to a guy in store and he said it was bumped up so i guess i will have to take his word for it since its the date shown in store.


deepbrown said:
I wondered what all you guys were talking about. We've known it was the 11th for ages.


Not gonna name anyone but there was a user saying it was confirmed for today. Obviously he has let tons of ppls down. Just wait an Fing week and stop misleading ppls.


Cruzader said:

Not gonna name anyone but there was a user saying it was confirmed for today. Obviously he has let tons of ppls down. Just wait an Fing week and stop misleading ppls.
Oh don't be mean, he was just quoting from another source :(


netguy503 said:
Demo tomorrow people...get excited!!!

netguy503 said:
No I'm not rudey mc rude. It was confirmed int the Playstation Store thread that it was coming out in Spain/EU THIS week. So until I'm proven wrong my post still stands and, since you can't prove me wrong yet, yours doesn't...

I'd like the person who called me joke character to eat crow please.:D

Well, Netguy503, it looks like you were wrong after all. I know, it's a shocker.

I apologize for asking if you were a joke character. It's just that, reading your posts, if I don't think of you as someone playing a role, it makes me feel sad.
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