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HoloLens Minecraft Demo

Once again, total misrepresentation with a mythical perfect FOV and not the incredibly limited window it is in reality.

That theyre continuing to be this disingenuous is bad juju. The blowback is not worth the "in dev" lies.

It's worth it for the marketing. Microsoft is pretty good at doing this.


Unconfirmed Member
It was really cool but I'd be surprised if it works that well in my living room.


they really need to stop misrepresenting the tech. It awesome tech and if they actually represent what it is able to do now and improve it (like they obviously will) they will look much better.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
One of the most disingenuous demos I've ever seen at E3.

That simply isn't how it would work with the tech they have right now.


Misleading demo. Once players see how small the FOV is it'll just annoy them.

People interested should seriously wait for a gen 2 hololens.


Guys press has played this minecraft demo, they know it works. FoV is a problem with a production unit not software. That's iterative. The demo works and its fantastic apparently.
It looked awesome, but I question how real it was...

It looks like a computerised overlay, the "hologram" didn't seem to react optically to any of the light around it etc. and when the camera zoomed, the resolution appeared to be so high that not a single pixel could be seen.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
It really does look amazing. If this thing pans out. It's going to be a game changer.


Whatever is beyond skeptical... that's what I am now. They have a challenge relaying something like this via a traditional 2D non-interactive stream, but it CAN'T look that good. I mean it's a translucent display for one... you can see THROUGH the display, right? Their footage isn't representing this at all. Also, the footage we see doesn't represent the limited viewing angle the press recently reported.

I'd love it to be as they're showing it, but it just can't be...


Just after 1:13 in that video, shit is moving around before he tells it to.

good catch. it's "actor following a pre-recorded choreography" all over again.

It's hard to demo HoloLens. But they should at least try not to give the sceptics even more ammunition :/

The Cowboy

Remember guys, this is far from release and basically alpha/beta tech 1 versions of the hardware - it has to start somewhere, its not going to be awesome strait away.


Amazing demo - I doubt it will be anything like that though. The viewing area is nothing like that unless they intend to increase it. The camera was doing the work to be honest, not the headset.
Shouldn't we wait for even Gen 1 hololens? You act like the FOV is final for Gen 1.

Pretty much this. They already have the super complicated stuff out of the way with this thing and according to the press, developers and actual people who have used it and posted their impressions, it works flawlessly. Compared to everything they had to get through to get to this point, improving the FOV would be relatively childs-play


Shouldn't we wait for even Gen 1 hololens? You act like the FOV is final for Gen 1.

you act as if we should expect gen 1 to be massively improved over the demo models.

Why would we? Even Kinect 2.0 wasn't as powerful as the original Kinect demos. Where would you see the reason to expect such an improvement from demo to final release other than ... hope ;)

Pretty much this. They already have the super complicated stuff out of the way with this thing and according to the press, developers and actual people who have used it and posted their impressions, it works flawlessly. Compared to everything they had to get through to get to this point, improving the FOV would be relatively childs-play

i'll say it again and again. optics are not childs play. They're actually the hardest part in all of this ...


I showed my girlfriend this who is not a gamer at all and has no real interest in technology and she was amazed.

Think this has a lot of potential if it actually delivers on its promise.
It was cool IF they were being honest with that presentation, but I am confused, she was playing minecraft on some sort of tablet, and the guy with hololens, plus the cameraman/camera with hololens could both just watch what she was doing and interact lightly in her world?


*sigh* and they're still faking us out! It frustrates me that once again they keep filming from a third-party camera, not the player's perspective.

Why is this is an issue? Well, when he reaches out to grab the world, pinch blocks etc. the image would likely overlay on top of his hand and break the immersion (unless they have a solution, but I've yet to see it demonstrated). When they show it from a third party perspective they are careful to have the player stand behind the projection so when it overlays on top of him it makes sense. Grr.
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