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Horizon Forbidden West will launch on PS4 too


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Lyin' Jim Ryan.


Crooked Herman.

Sleepy Shu.

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No way to spin this one. Dogshit decision. I dread to see the PS4 base version considering what we saw on the reveal. But who cares if it's dogshit on PS4, what matters is what's held back on PS5 due to PS4's crappy CPU, and its 8 GBs of memory + lesser bandwidth. Even if they're actually competent at their job, unlike 343i, it will still get hit.
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Just for fun:

Remember how I've been saying not to believe PR and being told that I'm stupid and that they won't/can't lie? Hopefully those people might do a bit of self reflection now.

They won't, but oh well.

He carefully worded that, features and benefits... PS5 version has ray-tracing... PS4 doesn't... PS5 version can do 60 fps... PS4 version can't... PS5 version has smoother transitions loads... you get the idea, I hadn't realized until reading it now he never says the GAMES won't be on both, he clearly says features and benefits. Doesn't make me less sour about it, but it does make the whole "they lied" thing seem less true.


It is obvious they want to make as much money as possible. I thought like Microsoft Sony also went very aggressive on pricing pf the console and software is the best place to make the money.


If they build functionally identical game for both platforms it will be limited by the PS4.

If they build for the PS5 first and then scale down visually, they will almost certainly still be considering scope/simulation limitations that would still limit it.

The only option to truly take advantage of the PS5 is to make a separate game that is fundamentally different on each platform. This is rarely, if at all done these days.

I don't know that reconstruction-porting is "rarely, if at all done"... It's done every single day on Nintendo Switch. :lollipop_horns::goog_robot:

So, yes, if they rely purely relying on scaling to bring it over, then there's a problem, and if there's any technical challenges of the core gameplay (there's a lot of talk on here about "flying mounts" being not possible if it's cross-gen, and harnessing flying creatures wasn't in the trailer or mentioned in the initial announcement anyway but I guess Guerrilla said they thought about it for Horizon 1 so it's already anticipated?) then it'll either be compromised to fit both or left borked on past-gen.

But, if both versions are going to be custom builds (and they will be, by the very nature of the architecture and distribution system,) they could reasonably hand it off to Virtuos Studio or somebody like that (or hire some of the lost Guerrilla Cambridge folks) and have them port it down. This is a single-player game, on a core engine that's run 7 products, so if they're doing this right, the problem isn't on the PS5 development team, it's on the PS4 porting team; if they're doing it wrong, they're trying to solve the PS4's problems before it ever gets to PS5.

Kinda explains why nothing Sony showed looked as good as Unreal Engine 5 demo.

Well, except that UE5 runs on PS4. And Xbox One. And phones.*

(*We'll see what that means for Nanite/Lumen, as "engine support" doesn't mean every part of the engine... Obviously, this whole demo won't get ported over to Switch just because some form of UE5 can run on it ... or will it? I can't tell anymore, this whole "We believe in generations" flipflop and Horizon FW being somehow possible on PS4 is fucking with my head...


On one hand this could mean that the PS5 version will be held back in some way, but on the other I'm really curious to see the PS4 version. I expect it to be this gen's equivalent to God of War 2 on PS2: A last hurrah that releases after the system's successor is already out, and which raises the graphical bar one final time.
I honestly hope this is true. Gimme this and GoW ragnarok, and I won’t give a damn on pa5 for at least 4 or 5 years. The 3090 is gonna keep me busy

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
This is probably the most next-gen looking game I have seen. It makes it hard to argue it's being meaningfully held back by last gen, at least when compared to everything else.


But not at the graphics fidelity of Horizon. Guerilla Games can do fly mechanics but at the expense of graphics. Imagine Horizon 2 looking worse than Horizon 1 on PS4. That's a bad decision.

The PS4 doesn't have the CPU chops to facilitate such fast streaming let alone an SSD. What can Guerilla Games do is fit the entire map (or almost all of it) in the RAM in order to not heavily rely on streaming. But that means blurry textures. Imagine all the textures in the game or at least those that's needed for the next 30 seconds need to fit in the 5GB RAM.
What are you basing this on though? Games like GTA have flying and they are even more taxing on the consoles than Horizon.

This is probably the most next-gen looking game I have seen. It makes it hard to argue it's being meaningfully held back by last gen, at least when compared to everything else.
So in other words you’re saying that next gen will just be the same as this gen but with higher res and better assets and faster loading.

It’s a PS4 game that’s being scaled up for PS5, nothing more. If that’s next gen to you then that’s fine, you’ll be happy. The problem is that so many on here have deluded themselves into thinking next gen is going to bring some revolution in game design that is only possible with the next gen hardware, specifically cerny’s magical ssd. Now we know that the poster child for next gen is in fact cross gen, it makes them look foolish.
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Gold Member
In fairness spiderman ps4 looked next gen already.

With the area they showed as gameplay it looked very much current gen. Small self-contained level/area, narrow walking corridor. The current gen cracks were immediately apparent. Don't get me started on the QTE-fest.

I'll reserve on Horizon until we actually see gameplay, but don't be surprised if it's more of the same from the original.

The unfortunate reality with cross gen is that it's the same old shit but tarted up with a fresh coat of make-up.
With the area they showed as gameplay it looked very much current gen. Small self-contained level/area, narrow walking corridor. The current gen cracks were immediately apparent. Don't get me started on the QTE-fest.

I'll reserve on Horizon until we actually see gameplay, but don't be surprised if it's more of the same from the original.

The unfortunate reality with cross gen is that it's the same old shit but tarted up with a fresh coat of make-up.

Spider-Man did NOT look incredibly next-gen but I do expect more from HFW and wouldn't be surprised if the PS4 version is worse off than just lower res/framerate. Remember when they ported Far Cry to 360 and had to completely change its open nature? Something akin' to that could be possible, so long as the PS4 doesn't hold back what the game can be I don't care if they get a crap version.
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With the area they showed as gameplay it looked very much current gen. Small self-contained level/area, narrow walking corridor. The current gen cracks were immediately apparent. Don't get me started on the QTE-fest.

I'll reserve on Horizon until we actually see gameplay, but don't be surprised if it's more of the same from the original.

The unfortunate reality with cross gen is that it's the same old shit but tarted up with a fresh coat of make-up.

Yeah I just watched the trailer for like the 5th time and im sitting feeling like that all looked like Current Gen with Ray Tracing turned on. The character models are also a little boxy too for the enemies and you're right...The QTE fest was ehh..when Miles and ol boy are walking through that area it looks ehhhhhhhh

That whole sequence man..every 5-6 seconds you're just watching after a little bit of action smfh
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
What are you basing this on though? Games like GTA have flying and they are even more taxing on the consoles than Horizon.

So in other words you’re saying that next gen will just be the same as this gen but with higher res and better assets and faster loading.

It’s a PS4 game that’s being scaled up for PS5, nothing more. If that’s next gen to you then that’s fine, you’ll be happy. The problem is that so many on here have deluded themselves into thinking next gen is going to bring some revolution in game design that is only possible with the next gen hardware, specifically cerny’s magical ssd. Now we know that the poster child for next gen is in fact cross gen, it makes them look foolish.
I think the days of hardware being the big limitation on game design are pretty much over. Faster streaming is gonna enable better fidelity and fewer flaws like pop in hut it's not going to do anything fundamentally impossible to do last gen, gameplay-wise.

So yeah, we're gonna get better lighting models, higher fidelity assets, quicker loading, and higher res. That's what it is. The gap between gens gets smaller each time by virtue of the law of diminishing returns.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
We're not going to see any real next gen games for 2-3 years, maybe 4.

We just saw the hints of what Unreal 5 will be. Devs are barely even started I think.

There's a compelling case for just using your PS4 for a few years until they put out a 1 TB PS5 or a PS5 Pro at this rate. Especially if all the games will be $70 on PS5.


We're not going to see any real next gen games for 2-3 years, maybe 4.

We just saw the hints of what Unreal 5 will be. Devs are barely even started I think.

There's a compelling case for just using your PS4 for a few years until they put out a 1 TB PS5 or a PS5 Pro at this rate. Especially if all the games will be $70 on PS5.
Nothing about the Unreal 5 engine showed anything not possible on current gen other than better graphics tech. There was no “next gen gameplay” that people have deluded themselves into thinking is a thing. Game design hasn’t been hampered by hardware for a long time.

Graphics will get better over this gen, game design won’t go through any major changes.
Nothing about the Unreal 5 engine showed anything not possible on current gen other than better graphics tech. There was no “next gen gameplay” that people have deluded themselves into thinking is a thing. Game design hasn’t been hampered by hardware for a long time.

Graphics will get better over this gen, game design won’t go through any major changes.



Gold Member
Oh man, that's a bummer. Money talks I guess. Probably wont buy it for the PS4, pretty sure its going to run horribly or degraded on the base PS4. Seeing I'm most likely not going to be able to get a PS5 soon, I'll wait.


Oh man, that's a bummer. Money talks I guess. Probably wont buy it for the PS4, pretty sure its going to run horribly or degraded on the base PS4. Seeing I'm most likely not going to be able to get a PS5 soon, I'll wait.
It’ll run like Horizon 1 on PS4, and just at a higher resolution and possibly frame rate on PS5. It’s a PS4 game that’ll just get bonus power to add on top of it on Ps5. It’s not being made for PS5 then down ported.
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When they say they believe in generations they mean in CONSOLE generation and not GAMES generation 😅 (or maybe millennial or boomer generation ...)


This is probably the most next-gen looking game I have seen. It makes it hard to argue it's being meaningfully held back by last gen, at least when compared to everything else.
We saw a fully cinematic teaser trailer. It’s not representative of what we’re getting on either console
It’ll run like Horizon 1 on PS4, and just at a higher resolution and possibly frame rate on PS5. It’s a PS4 game that’ll just get bonus power to add on top of it on Ps5. It’s not being made for PS5 then down ported.

They said they're making the PS4 version in parallel to it, so again, you have to be assuming people are lying to come to your conclusions.


Fucking stupid decisions left and right by Sony. For real, why are you back-pedaling so hard all of the sudden? This is so stupid.
There was no “decision” that they backflipped on though, they just played the PR game as always.

they said they won’t do cross gen, and they got praised to high heavens by the fanboys and they also got MS criticised and blasted all over the internet. Good PR. Now they release their actual plans and the blowback won’t be even 10% of the good PR they got because the people that did all the damage to MS aren’t gonna now backflip and not support Sony all of a sudden.

Like I’ve been saying all along, just don’t believe PR. If it comes from the horses mouth take it with a grain of salt. Yes, even Cerny. He’s a company spokesman/shill.


There was no “decision” that they backflipped on though, they just played the PR game as always.

they said they won’t do cross gen, and they got praised to high heavens by the fanboys and they also got MS criticised and blasted all over the internet. Good PR. Now they release their actual plans and the blowback won’t be even 10% of the good PR they got because the people that did all the damage to MS aren’t gonna now backflip and not support Sony all of a sudden.

Like I’ve been saying all along, just don’t believe PR. If it comes from the horses mouth take it with a grain of salt. Yes, even Cerny. He’s a company spokesman/shill.

Difference is when Xbox cross-genned it looked like dogshit. Horizon and Miles probably looks similar except 900p or 1080p and 30 FPS on Medium.
There was no “decision” that they backflipped on though, they just played the PR game as always.

they said they won’t do cross gen, and they got praised to high heavens by the fanboys and they also got MS criticised and blasted all over the internet. Good PR. Now they release their actual plans and the blowback won’t be even 10% of the good PR they got because the people that did all the damage to MS aren’t gonna now backflip and not support Sony all of a sudden.

Like I’ve been saying all along, just don’t believe PR. If it comes from the horses mouth take it with a grain of salt. Yes, even Cerny. He’s a company spokesman/shill.

They never said they don't do cross gen, holy christ.


I thought GoT was the swansong?! :/

I do remember seeing old Winning Eleven / PES coming out on older console at the same time as new gen one under the same title (was it PS2/3 era or PS1/2 era, I can't quite remember - but the generational gap was quite big - and couldn't even be called the same game tbh) I wonder how big the gap is? Horizon Zero Dawn being the first party exclusive, I don't think they can really do lukewarm job to just merely satisfy the existing PS4 owners... otherwise it will just make them angrier than just straight-forward releasing it on proper next-gen hardware. At least that's how I felt about old Winning Eleven/PES one - a severely gimped version.

Well, as long as games are good on both gen, I'm okay. Wasn't going to jump in PS5 on day 1 anyway, because I hadn't seen the actual console in real life or how big it is, how loud it is, or any quirks that new system tend to have.... and while I'm interested in couple of launch titles, but not interested enough to jump in blindly.

To be frank, I am still planning to get XSX on day 1 though - because at least they are very straightforward on what's being in it inside out, and I feel like I know exactly what it can do and supposed to do. As PS4 Pro/Switch gamer - I don't have an Xbox since 360 days - so I'm interested what it would offer with its excellent BC enhancements. Mechanically, XSX seems like a pretty well-thoughtout solid machine to boot, seeing that dual MB with huge top vent.

PS5 on the other hand still shrouded in a lot of mystery in that large clam shell. Not even sure what type of BC enhancements it would offer, other than stock PS4 Pro (which I already have) enhancements.


Difference is when Xbox cross-genned it looked like dogshit. Horizon and Miles probably looks similar except 900p or 1080p and 30 FPS on Medium.
Halo Infinite is clearly a full on XB1 game though, only running in higher res. We haven’t seen the Series X patch version yet - remember they announced the ray tracing etc patch is post release.


Halo Infinite is clearly a full on XB1 game though, only running in higher res. We haven’t seen the Series X patch version yet - remember they announced the ray tracing etc patch is post release.

We'll see how that looks. I doubt Ray-Tracing will fix the problem though. Just looks like poor quality assets and poor engine usage. Though that can be optimized.


We'll see how that looks. I doubt Ray-Tracing will fix the problem though. Just looks like poor quality assets and poor engine usage. Though that can be optimized.
Because it doesn’t have any Series X assets yet. That will come with the series x patch.


Tears of Nintendo
This is very dissapointing, but it'll be very interesting to see how they'll manage to make it work. PS5 version for sure won't be too much different cuz they can't do Ratchet stuff with it cuz PS4 can't do it at all.
PS4 absolutely can do the ratchet stuff, the warp transition loading screens would just be longer.

Particle effects would need to be scaled back, number of NPCs, no ray-tracing... you know... a lot of things, honestly? You say a lot of stuff authoritatively while clearly not being an authority on well... anything?
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