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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?

I remember seeing a thread on GAF yesterday saying only 20% of reception towards the Xbox One was negative, and the main-stream media was 40% positive and 40% undecided.

I was wondering how this holds in real life, and first thing I hear when I walk into class this morning was my friend talking to our friends (who don't play Xbox and didn't watch the event) about the Xbox One reveal yesterday.

He was positive about it, he actually said this: "Dude did you see the Call of Duty: Ghost gameplay they showed? Hooolllyyy crap it was good." I then asked him to rate the Xbox One reveal from 1-10. He gave it a 10 saying "It was the most advance thing I've seen." Along with "The Xbox One is pratically made for you! You walk in, say 'Xbox, on' and it signs you in! How awesome is that! And you can snap things, play games while you skype with friends!"

He was ecstatic about it, I'm going to talk with the rest of my gaming friends later to see what they think.

So how are your real life friends/family responding? Same way as Internet Gaming forums are reacting, or differently?

(Note, I'm in Highschool and everyone I will get reactions from are probabaly going to be fellow Highschool students)


I'm the only person in my office who posts on GAF. 7 of us were watching the reveal. 7 of us thought it was complete dog shit.


The people in the office found it boring. The one girl here said she turned it off 10 minutes in.

Good job Microsoft.


Archbishop of Canterburny
Initial reaction from people on my Facebook feed was mixed. Turned pretty sour pretty quickly.

My close friends thought it was dogshit from the start.

Twitter was chaos.
One is considering it depending on E3. The other (Who went 360 only this gen) has already written the XBO off and will either stay PC only or go PC/PS4.


One of my closest friends (waited in line and bought a Wii u with me) is completely sold on it. I don't know why. It has NFL fantasy league and sports and he is now brainwashed. I don't get it. He doesn't buy used games, he says. He's te typical sports and call of duty player who is won over by Microsoft... I keep telling him ps4 is the way to go, but he is set on getting an XBOne
My brother-in-law, who is the biggest Xbot I know, decided to go with a gaming PC.

My wife can't believe how terrible it is.


My 12 year old cousin and his friend told me it looked awesome, and they can't wait for COD Ghosts.

My older friends told me it looked horrible.

Go figure.


Talked about it at work.

Almost everyone said that they'll wait for E3 to make their final decisions but right now they're leaning more towards the PS4.
I'm on vacation with family who are mostly PC master race douches so they have weird unrealistic opinions about consoles. I thought the event was not that great personally.


My gf is delighted at the thought of a potential always watching and always hearing device in our living room that has to be connected to the internet.


The ones I've talked to thus far feel that Microsoft have made the next-gen choice really easy with the unveil, in favour of the PS4.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Pretty much little to no interest.

Though everyone does agree that it seems like MS went and did more bad than good for themselves with the recent announcement.
I haven’t really talked about it to anyone other than asking my friend at work if heard about the new 360. He said “nope”.

I then said it’s called the “Xbox One”. He said “what a stupid name.” Then I said “yeah I know”....the conversation ended.


One of my work friends who is heavily into gaming and Xbox is basically in a state of shock. She can't comprehend the decisions Microsoft made and doesn't like them. It seems to have affected her on a deeply emotional level and I'm not at all sure she'll survive the week.
I keep my Videogame hobby as a secret, the few that know about it won't upgrade into new consoles because they live in third world countries.


I had a friend at work come up to me, and tell me that "it's going to make the PS4 look like a super nintendo." Because, and I quote: "It has over a billion transistors". I asked him how many the PS4 has and he said "I don't know, but not as many...maybe like a million?".

I smiled and nodded.


Two guys who are 360 owners looked horrified and said they'd probably spend some cash upgrading their PC.

One guy who's a PC gamer laughed for a good 10 mins.
Everyone at the office seems confused. Also it is too US focussed.

Many expect Sony to steamroll Europe without an exclusive title like COD. Even their exclusive FIFA stuff is lame, it seemed like Ultimate team would be exclusive to Xbone but then it transpired to be just a bit of exclusive content for Xbone.

All in all, I think underwhelmed.

I work in a game studio. I have not heard a single person talk about Xbox One.

Do you work for Nintendo?

Ban Puncher

Watched it live on 360 in party chat with five friends.

Everyone thought it was some hot garbage, two went and pre-ordered PS4's later in the day.


Two co-workers who game. We watched the conference repeat this morning. Don't care much about anything other than Cod, but getting it for PC. One of them did say they mention TV alot for a game system which I found funny.
My 360 and PS3 owning friend, who doesn't hang around in forums like this, said 'not that impressed with the new Xbox'. But then he wasn't all that impressed with the PS4 reveal either.


No one around me give a shit about videogames anymore :\

Now before you said "No shit, that's RL", the original Wii set this office on fire.


They don't -- they don't care (this is in Europe).

Actually, people in my office were more interested in Illumiroom than XB1.
Nobody watches this stuff. Nobody that i know even knew there was a conference.
Well, there was one person and he proudly posted the CoD trailer on Facebook, the retard.

Furthermore, i'm from europe. And this box is not aimed at anyone outside of the USA.


Friend I watched it with pretty much only plays sports games, Rock Band and occasional Rockstar stuff; never played a Mario game until multiplayer NSMBW, 360 is the only console he's ever owned, etc. He was legitimately pissed off while watching, especially at the EA montage. Probably going PS4 this gen is what he said
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