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How Are People You Know In Real Life Responding To Xbox One?

Cousin found out, asked me if its cheaper yet, told him no, said hes getting PS4. Thats about it, but i'll probably hear from other people tomorrow.


My cousins and friends are happy but they are suspicious of the Kinect camera and of Microsoft turning around and doing the same shit again further down the line.
Everyone I know hates that they changed their policy

uh huh.



The only two gamers I told still do not trust MS and are sticking with their decision to not support them. No one else knows/cares to pay enough attention to MS so it'll probably take a few days or weeks before anyone even mentions it.


Well everyone in my console gaming friend group was in the PS4 for sure camp before the policy change, now everyone has a wait a see stance(including me). One guy is going for the PS4 for sure though.
Mainly PS4. All I have to do is bring up MS's bullshit and their faulty hardware past. Microsoft has never had a reliable system. But at least their shitty hardware makes business relatively good in the repairs department.

L Thammy

My friends were pretty upset at the public reception of Xbox One, claiming all of the negatives to be lies from people with hidden agendas, that the PS4 was less powerful, etc.

Now with Microsoft's new changes, at least one of them has said that they've ruined the console.


I think this flipped my brother over to buying a PS4. I got a text saying "conflicted about Xbone changes" followed by some discussion re: axed Family Share Plan (which, I know, many claim was smoke and mirrors.) He's been waffling between the two consoles anyway and now that their features are fairly homogenized he'll probably just go with the cheaper one.


My friends and colleagues don't follow the topic as closely as I do, but I know a lot of them will be really happy with this reversal. Of course, people will complain about price, power and lineup but I'm pretty sure Microsoft will eventually release a Kinect-free version that undercuts the PS4. They don't have a hope of breaking into the Asia-Pacific market otherwise.


Other than my brother, I don't know anyone who even knew that there's a new xbox coming out this year. My friends have PS3s but aren't hardcore enough to pay attention to gaming news. They just play Madden, Battlefield, or Far Cry 3 and eat cheetos while wearing sweaty Metallica shirts.


Ignoring the few fanboys I know who's opinions obviously don't matter, (they were in favor of DRM when MS was, now that there is no DRM they are acting like MS is the people's champion) everyone took it pretty well and are happy that the bullshit is going away whether they want an Xbox One or not. Most seem to agree that the $499 price point and mandatory Kinect is still a problem.
I think this flipped my brother over to buying a PS4. I got a text saying "conflicted about Xbone changes" followed by some discussion re: axed Family Share Plan (which, I know, many claim was smoke and mirrors.) He's been waffling between the two consoles anyway and now that their features are fairly homogenized he'll probably just go with the cheaper one.

My friends were pretty upset at the public reception of Xbox One, claiming all of the negatives to be lies from people with hidden agendas, that the PS4 was less powerful, etc.

Now with Microsoft's new changes, at least one of them has said that they've ruined the console.

This, coupled with this from the other thread:

I actually just called MS store and cancelled my pre order. They asked why and I told them that just today they changed they're policies and I no longer want there product. She said yeah we've had quite a few cancelations this evening.

makes me wonder if this will actually be detrimental for the system, at least at first.


y'all should be ashamed
I am honestly surprised at the backlash MS is receiving today from people who were already getting a XB1.

I mean, it does make sense- if you've accepted the DRM/always online policies, then you're getting some interesting new sharing options with the benefit of using discs as installers- it just never occurred to me that the news of MS dropping DRM would be anything other then positive.


"Haha, backpedaling already? More like Xbox One-Eighty. Still going PS4."

I like my friends (They don't even browse GAF or anything, so when they already caught on to the 180 thing I cracked up laughing)


No one (I only know a couple 360 owners) was anymore positive on the xb1 after DRM was lifted, than before.

Seems like they felt jilted by MS, and still kinda unimpressed by the system.
I talked to a few of my friends, all of whom think it's a positive change; but either still aren't getting a new console at launch, or are sticking with the PS4.


Everyone I've talked to put in a preorder for the PS4, today's announcement doesn't seem to have changed their low opinion of the Xbox One.

Personally, I am much more accepting of the console. However still won't pick one up due to the kinect requirement and the $100 premium for weaker hardware.
I work with alot of xbros and all but 1 have pre ordered a PS4 everyone was over price and being able to use the social and streaming apps without having to pay for live. They play 2-3 games a year and it makes more sense for them to pay for PSN during those times only but still use the console for Netflix etc.
Germany: My boss (63 years old) told me about that new console xbox from MS that is able to spy into your living room with a camera. This man has never before spoken about video games or shown any interest in them. Great timing with prism and everything I must say.


So any new real life reactions now that this DRM stuff is settled?

Me and a friend had been discussing the ps4 vs Xbone saga with us both agreeing that MS was nuts. Now that news of them removing the restrictions has surfaced, he says he's going to go preorder one.

Another casual friend of mine didn't see what the big deal was with the Xbox one restrictions in the first place and assumed that games would come out being $30 cheaper than PS4... He also thinks the reason I had 3 x360s break on me is because I either mistreated them and/or because I lived in an apartment at the time of ownership...kinda gives me a headache discussing games with this guy so I typically don't :)


One friend who is a 360 owner has said he will now cancel his PS4 pre order in favour of the XBONE.

Thinks that the price difference won't mean much even to parents buying for Christmas, and that MS will gain peoples trust easily after that press release.

Others are walking around the office going "Xbox One Eighty".


"No online DRM? YES? Whait, what? No more installing games and play anywhere? No more library sharing? This sucks"

"I don't know, I was going to buy it anyway"

Buddy tweeted me yesterday he made the decision to get an X1 if he can get the money together. Either one of the two issues had to drop Used games he is still a student with shitty paying job or mandatory kinect. But he is biased he also grew up on xbox like me.


MS is currently living in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" world...but they more or less put themselves there.

Now, instead of DRM and Kinect you have JUST Kinect (and a day 1 patch that eliminates online need, which is hilarious IMO). But now they lost some consumer trust on top of the consumer loyalty they lost over the past month. They will get some of the trust/loyalty back, but they have to do some serious PR campaigns to win back hearts and minds.

MS is constantly biting at Apple's heels, yet they are consistently making critical mistakes that Apple wouldn't make (aside from the the whole Apple Maps, no Google Maps, Apple Maps has waves, this is bad! episode).

The Core, do not determine the future of a console's success. But they do heavely influence. The Core are aware and rightfully suspect of MS's tactics and opinions. Yes, there are those who were not going to purchase a X1 but now are. Yet, you have to wonder if this kind of like a cheating spouse? Yes, you can forgive them and you can try to forget but you never will. In the back your mind, MS might pull these punches again. And you'll tell your friends who aren't in "the know". They might tell you that you're being ridiculous.

But you're not. MS burned you alittle and then came back and put ointment on your wounds. They don't get points for healing the scar they created. They don't get kudos for going back to the ways of the "good ol'days". Because they fucked up. Royaly.


After DRM U turn. Several people wants it, especially former 360 fans that was about to jump ship and go with PS4 instead.


Eeny Meenie Penis
My brother wasn't thrilled about the DRM stuff and said he wouldn't buy one ever but after yesterday he decided he will. My nephew and 2 other brothers are most likely gonna go for X1 now as well.


A work colleague of mine was Xboned from the beginning. Took a while but after a few weeks he realized their policies were dumb as shit. Although since he is the anti-sony type of person he went and bought a Wii U in all the comotion.

Almost all of my other friends that play games are all #PCMasterRace kind of persons.


Everyone I know who arent casual folks playing phone/tablet games are all PC gamers. They tend to find the whole mess pretty amusing. Some tend to think the tv features interesting, but think it being a box in between a cable box and tv rather than a replacement pretty stupid.

Naked Lunch

I have quite a few multi-console gamer friends - however this past gen most online gaming was done on the 360. 90% of them were unhappy about the XB1 policies and said they werent getting it - now a day later after the policy shift, most of them said they will be on board when Halo comes out.

More casual gamer friends seem interested in the TV features and "all the stuff the console can do". I know people that use 360 for nothing but entertainment apps and the occasional rare videogame.


Everyone I know is still trying to get out of the rubble after the hype train crash.

nah, don't know...I guess the 180 was a dealbreaker for some people
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