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How does Nintendo justify canceling the revolution?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
First thing I could find on Google

"The player uses the Wii U controller or the Wiimote to mimic the movements of the on-screen character, in an effort to achieve a perfect score"

You sure? Releasing a game for Wii U that requires the Wiimote would be suicide.

Both REQUIRE a Wiimote? As in, are unplayable without one?
I don't see how Just Dance 4 could be played without a wiimote, I'm 95% sure it will require it. The 2 previous opus sold about 10 millions each with this wiimote set up, suicidal indeed.

And he meant Wii U Sports: Nintendo Land.


That's fine. That's not the same as requiring a Wiimote.

No game will ever require one unless the publishers are insane.

It's already insane that they have so many titles requiring the Wii Remote for various modes/activities. And what about Wii Fit U? Will that have three bundles? One with the balance board and remote, one with the balance board, and one with the software&Fit Meter only?

But as Nintendo didn't even put in a charging cable with the 3DS XL, I doubt that a Wii Remote Plus will be bundles with the Wii U.

Any game with local multiplayer for more than 2 people.
The sooner Nintendo drops the Wiimote the better off they'll be.

This poor guy is getting swarmed but I think he made a few good points. Remind me never to make a thread questioning something about Nintendo's decision-making and strategy.


I don't see how Just Dance 4 could be played without a wiimote, I'm 95% sure it will require it. The 2 previous opus sold about 10 millions each with this wiimote set up, suicidal indeed.

These are the Wii U exclusive features:
Wii U™ Exclusives
• Be The Ultimate Party Host With Wii U™ New Controller: create your playlist, choose the next song, write on screen live dedications, take pictures and videos of your best moments, and share them with your friends.

• Puppet Master Mode: Change the choreography in real time by selecting your friends’ next dance move on the Wii U™ new controller touch screen!

• Somebody wants to use the TV? Take the Wii U™ new controller with you and use it as a


Time Traveler
Right. And what are those normal people playing with in the future? WiiU? I don't believe it.
Some will continue gaming on the ipad, some on the wiiu, some on the next xbox, it doesn't matter, the gaming market is bigger than ever before and gaming is part of our culture now, it's something everyone does and it's ok to spend time doing it.

That's a culturalrevolution for you.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Wii U launch window games that have a good amount of Wiimote functionality are that way because they started development as a Wii title (I think Pikmin was confirmed to have) and once the generation rolls on they'll gradually become extinct except for the most casual type of games (exercise games and similar), at least this is what I hope.
The motion control game killer app has already been done, Wii Sports.

Even the mass market consumers know this.

Nintendo have already exploited motion controls beyond their wildest expectations.

It makes sense not to flog the dead horse any longer. This gimmick already out stayed it's welcome with the Wii.

With the growth of tablet sales at the expense of PCs and laptops, it makes sense to target what's currently hot in consumer's minds.

I'll be amazed if any worth while unique game play experiences come out of it though.

From what Nintendo have shown so far, I can say that for the foreseeable future I definitely won't be buying it - no matter what the price.


Did the revolution fail? Obviously it didn't at least sales wise. Although from a gamers perspective, the Wii as a console kinda failed, but I don't think motion controls are the primary reason for that.
I'm a gamer, and I disagree.

Some will continue gaming on the ipad, some on the wiiu, some on the next xbox, it doesn't matter, the gaming market is bigger than ever before and gaming is part of our culture now, it's something everyone does and it's ok to spend time doing it.

That's a culturalrevolution for you.

Time Traveler
Today, 02:35 PM, Post #109

And this guy knows.


The sooner Nintendo drops the Wiimote the better off they'll be.

This poor guy is getting swarmed but I think he made a few good points. Remind me never to make a thread questioning something about Nintendo's decision-making and strategy.

Dude just look at that one thread where the OP asks people who don't like nintendo games what they play and look at how many people in there say they can't understand how someone can not like nintendo. These people are not completely stable.

I agree with the wiimote and motion in general. It has to go and thankfully Nintendo is steering in that direction. Gamers and even non gamers (the ones who play the online shooters on xbox and ps3) have almost unanimously turned their backs on it.


Did the revolution fail? Obviously it didn't at least sales wise. Although from a gamers perspective, the Wii as a console kinda failed, but I don't think motion controls are the primary reason for that.

Sorry, I stopped reading here. That is complete nonsense. The fact that you didn't even provide arguments as to why the Wii failed as a console only confirmes my suspicion that your statment only refects your personal taste and that you just didn't like what the Wii offered to you.

What's that, a hidden "Wii sucks" thread again? It's fine if you don't like something, but objectively speaking the Wii games libary is pretty, pretty good, and the whole concept with motion controls very good/well excecuted!
The thing is, you don't quite know what you are talking about. All launch Nintendo games use the wiimote in some form. Pikmin 3 uses the pointer, as well as Game & Wario. Nintendo Land uses the motion. Mario uses the wiimotes on the side.

Wiimotes everywhere, in all kinds of set ups.

There were some wii games that were compatible with the gamecube controller. How many other games were? None, because it wasn't part of the system.
The Wii was a failure in that it didn't create a userbase who actively wanted to keep playing games on it. That's obvious by its complete drop off the last few years. Yes, it has games, yes some people like playing the games, but compared to PS3 or 360 Nintendo haven't created a valuable platform with Wii.


Tier Whore
The revolution did not fail, because everyone I know who played an FPS on the Wii realizes that Wiimote controls trump the Classic Controller. Nobody disagrees.

Lol thats because the people u asked are mon and pops who only play Wii games... no real gamer would ever get caught playing some motion control bullshit!
We have motion sensores in every gaming device today.

Nintendo can't afford to produce a Wii HD with the same controls, the potential market is too small, people wan't to see new things.

That's why we get the Wii U Pad (incl. gyroscope), simple as that.

Like Iwata said, 3D won't be the main selling point for their next handheld, but it's going to be a standard component.

Lol thats because the people u asked are mon and pops who only play Wii games... no real gamer would ever get caught playing some motion control bullshit!
You aren't a real gamer either.

/arrogant mode


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
There were some wii games that were compatible with the gamecube controller. How many other games were? None, because it wasn't part of the system.
What was the percentage of wii launch games that used GC controllers? Now compare it with the percentage of Wii U games in the launch lineup that use wiimotes, and you'll get how things are completely different.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The Wii was a failure in that it didn't create a userbase who actively wanted to keep playing games on it. That's obvious by its complete drop off the last few years. Yes, it has games, yes some people like playing the games, but compared to PS3 or 360 Nintendo haven't created a valuable platform with Wii.
Just Dance 3 sold almost as much as Halo 3.


Lol thats because the people u asked are mon and pops who only play Wii games... no real gamer would ever get caught playing some motion control bullshit!

This thread is going down the shitter pretty fast... - I'm out! Let the kiddies/hip bro's, who are soo soo soo cool, because they ONLY play games with dual analog - which itself is a factual inferior control sheme for quite a few generes - INCLUDING FPS - continue poluting this thread and (hopefully) get banned.


NUI is the future of games & that includes Motion Control / Voice & Touch so they didn't cancel it they just added the Touch , Voice & a Camera to help reach the NUI future of games.
What was the percentage of wii launch games that used GC controllers? Now compare it with the percentage of Wii U games in the launch lineup that use wiimotes, and you'll get how things are completely different.

All of the games are made by Nintendo.

Sony makes plenty of move games. Where's all the other support? Third parties aren't interested in selling peripherals. It's not their problem.


All of the games are made by Nintendo.

Sony makes plenty of move games. Where's all the other support? Third parties aren't interested in selling peripherals. It's not their problem.

the only way these people are going to learn is when they see it happen once again. They're oblivious otherwise to reality. Not once has a non-packed in controller ever been used in a primary fashion over a systems long term. Not once.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I believe wiimotes will experience a rebirth on Wii U. Next gen physics can make games like Elebits completely awesome. Complex RTS could work on Wii U in HD. PES Playmaker with current graphics would be my favorite game ever.
the only way these people are going to learn is when they see it happen once again. They're oblivious otherwise to reality. Not once has a non-packed in controller ever been used in a primary fashion over a systems long term. Not once.

What's even funnier is that some people are saying wii u pad is also a motion controller as a counter to the OP. Yeah, just like the dualshock3 is a motion controller right? Some real possibilities there lol.

I guess you missed Ubisoft games at E3.

Cool, anything else?


oh please, stop it with the hyperbole. I agree that doing a next gen Wiimote would have been amazing. But the Wii U seems to have a handful of games supporting that controller anyway. What's the big deal?

The Wii U, in a way, is an extension of the original Wii plan. Nintendo didn't abandon their strategy, they just went to the second phase.

This is all that needs to be said.
Yeah, that's not my point at all. I said people played games on Wii. How many of them kept playing games?

Wii > PS360 (Offline)

How many people are still buying games for Wii?
Software shipments (Fiscal Year)
	    PS3			Wii

FY3 07	    13.300.000		30.140.000
FY3 08	    57.900.000		124.540.000
FY3 09	    103.700.000		210.970.000
FY3 10	    115.600.000		198.620.000
FY3 11	    147.900.000		176.650.000
FY3 12	    156.600.000		105.350.000

Enough I would say.
Wii U gets released this holiday.
Anyway, I wouldn't say Wii failed. However, I am quite concerned about Nintendo's current strategy. The GamePad's limit is Wii U's fundamental weakness. For local multiplayer, developers have to implement some form of asymmetrical gameplay specifically for the GamePad user or ignore the second screen altogether.

The problem is that every one of Nintendo's control methods offer an advantage over the other. The GamePad has a second screen. The Wii Remote has motion controls and infrared aiming. Finally, we can actually use four Pro Controllers. Some people will say that Nintendo is just offering options. Options are good, right? I see Nintendo failing to commit to a universal control interface.

How long do you think asymmetrical gameplay will last? How long before developers quit coming up with ideas and just create multiplayer without the use of the second screen? How will online work with asymmetrical gameplay? Every local multiplayer game will have to use either the Pro Controller or the Wii Remote.


I think OP could had made a better title for this thread, but I agree with some of his points.

The Wiimote, as a motion-control device, had it's share of problems and doesn't work on all genres, but it was still a control scheme that could had been improved just like the NES controller was improved in the transition to SNES one. But instead of improving the controller and address it's flaws (More buttons with better placement and and other possible improvements), Nintendo goes back to a traditional joystick with it's own improvement (touch screen).

Even if Wiimote comes in the package, it seems that Nintendo didn't even bother to improve anything except maybe motion+. No extra buttons or placement. It feels like Nintendo simply gave up trying to sell motion control for gamers and developers and is leaving it there because of convenience (It's wireless control, easy to link to the console and appeal to retro compatibility).

And now it comes the main problem in my opinion. If Wiimote and Nunchaku does not come packaged on WiiU, then it's a no-brainer that most developers, and I'll include Nintendo ones too, won't even bother with the Wiimote option.

If it does come packaged with the console, then developers will focus their efforts on the UPad as main control scheme. If they make optional control schemes, none of them will fully take advantage of their capabilities because of the other. Hell, In a Online FPS, Wiimote users would completely destroy UPad user. I know there will be games with both options and great schemes and combined implementations, but most won't.

And I'm not going to lie, ZombiU looks like a really awesome game, but mostly because of the concept of the game itself. I didn't think the use of Upad that OMG and I think I would rather play with the Wiimote. And I honestly would be more excited to play Arkham City on WiiU if it supported the Wiimote and Nunchaku.
If you want to pretend that drop off is typical for the market leading console of a generation, than go ahead.
Anyway, your statement doesn't make sense in this case, because the Wii isn't a "typical" product.

If we look at this current generation value curve...


...you can see that the Wii system has a different appeal than the HD twins.

This said, I made this chart:


In the case of the Wii, it's a "typical decline", but not in the sense of common market strategies we're used to.

The black line represents the PS3 and X360 (but it should be a bit wider and more flat).


Guys, that really isn't the topic. The Wii was a success in certain ways and in others it wasn't. This thread is solely about Nintendo and Nintendo Fans abandoning what they once praised as "revolution", going back to more coventional control schemes.
The point is, Wii was sold as a product, not a platform. People who buy 360s and PS3 are far more likely to invest in the platform than Wii owners are. Seeing as the supposed plan for Wii was to turn casuals in to gamers, I don't see how it can be seen as anything but a failure in terms of cultivating a market.

Moving away from a gimmick controller like the Wiimote to something that at least potentially has value in typical gaming is a smart move, and it doesn't surprise me that Nintendo have made it. Wii U is "different" without damaging it's potential to be a good games platform.
The point is, Wii was sold as a product, not a platform. People who buy 360s and PS3 are far more likely to invest in the platform than Wii owners are. Seeing as the supposed plan for Wii was to turn casuals in to gamers, I don't see how it can be seen as anything but a failure in terms of cultivating a market.

Tie Ratios:
PS3: 9.31
360: 9.20 (only USA)
WII: 8.54

Wii isn't that far away.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I still think they may include one in the box
I don't see why they need to considering how many Wiimotes are out there. They could also just put out optional game bundles like they did with Wii Play and with Motion Plus/Remote Plus for every Plus enabled game, as well as continue to offer them stand alone.


Guys, that really isn't the topic. The Wii was a success in certain ways and in others it wasn't. This thread is solely about Nintendo and Nintendo Fans abandoning what they once praised as "revolution", going back to more coventional control schemes.

I don't think they ARE abandoning anything though. I think the Wii was about motion gaming and that's it. A new way to play and interact with the games. Now, I realize Sony has essentially (with tweaks) had the same controller since the original PlayStation but that's no reason for other companies to not explore new and different options as a main control scheme. The Pad is similar in some ways to a more standard controller but it's different in crucial ways as well. It's got motion sensing, it's got a camera, it's got the screen of course.

More fundamentally though, Nintendo is the only company offering (and practically DEMANDING) that people use asymmetric game play for multiplayer experiences. For me that's the REAL revolution. I think it allows users to almost double the replayability of many experiences because it allows users to get a completely unique and different experience with unique challenges that essentially force a whole new approach and way of thinking about the way you're playing a game. To me, that IS the revolution, it's just an evolution of it.

Tie Ratios:
PS3: 9.31
360: 9.20 (only USA)
WII: 8.54

Wii isn't that far away.

And I'm guessing that doesn't include a pack in game like Wii Sports/Resort.
As long as people still make FPSs and Resident Evil 4 part 2 comes out for Wii U using the wiimote & nunchuk, the dream will never die.
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