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How will Kingdom Hearts 3 be marketed considering most fans are in there 20s?

The 20 year old fans are going to buy it even if it's marketed to kids because they originally bought it when it was marketed to kids. There's probably not a huge contingent of people going "Why hasn't Kingdom Hearts charted the exact path of mental growth that I have since childhood?! I'm not buying this!!"


wait how would they lose the rights to them if marvel is owned by Disney?

Anyways out of the new properties i think star wars is the one thats going to be left for summons and such.
i would completely love a star wars world though, Specially if they play up the darkness vs light and heart aspects of the force.

Out of the new properties to me big hero 6 seems to be the one level where in my mind i can instantly see it in a kingdom hearts style, frozen and others would be cool too.

I agree with you on Big Hero 6; the world is just to perfect for KH (the art style would look great on PS4/X1) and the amount of heroes featured in the movie can lead to some great fights (I'm thinking of all the heroes alongside Sora and Company fighting the films villain together in a huge epic showdown, with building being thrown at you
and even extending to that portal-diminson area having
a big heartless to fight.

I could see Star Wars only get a summon too, as that would be a great 'big' world for KH4. I would love to see Darth Vader have a hidden boss fight though :D.

Pixar is another batch of worlds Square can draw from (Toy Story is a shoe-in at this point, Cars could be a summon, Monsters Inc. could work really well as a world, Wall-E would be amazing as a world, Brave could fit nicely with the other newer Princess films if they are in KH3, Finding Nemo could be a great replacement for the Little Mermaid world if Alantias isn't in KH3, Increadables would be a fantastic substitute if Square can't get Marvel in KH3, and UP and Bugs Life could be interesting worlds too).
You can absolutley bet that Disney is going to plaster this on the Xbox live and psn store pages, on top of a bevy of tv commercials which 1 and 2 had, on top of kingdom hearts Disney infinity figures and some sort of play set tie in for the game, and I 100 percent guarantee that marvel and Star Wars will be all over the ads for this game as well.


Junior Member
I agree with you on Big Hero 6; the world is just to perfect for KH (the art style would look great on PS4/X1) and the amount of heroes featured in the movie can lead to some great fights (I'm thinking of all the heroes alongside Sora and Company fighting the films villain together in a huge epic showdown, with building being thrown at you
and even extending to that portal-diminson area having
a big heartless to fight.

I could see Star Wars only get a summon too, as that would be a great 'big' world for KH4. I would love to see Darth Vader have a hidden boss fight though :D.

Pixar is another batch of worlds Square can draw from (Toy Story is a shoe-in at this point, Cars could be a summon, Monsters Inc. could work really well as a world, Wall-E would be amazing as a world, Brave could fit nicely with the other newer Princess films if they are in KH3, Finding Nemo could be a great replacement for the Little Mermaid world if Alantias isn't in KH3, Increadables would be a fantastic substitute if Square can't get Marvel in KH3, and UP and Bugs Life could be interesting worlds too).
While yes, Big Hero 6 would be the easiest Marvel property to add, they may want to go for something that's more obvious life the Avengers, Spider-Man, or the Guardians.


The 20 year old fans are going to buy it even if it's marketed to kids because they originally bought it when it was marketed to kids. There's probably not a huge contingent of people going "Why hasn't Kingdom Hearts charted the exact path of mental growth that I have since childhood?! I'm not buying this!!"

That's been the JRPG fanbase rallying cry for the past 20 years or so, though, hasn't it? "What is this Nomura shit I want high fantasy" into "What is this anime shit I want stylish" into "what is this boring-ass brown mess I want vibrancy" right back into "what is this Nomura shit I want high fantasy", with a side dish of "Final Fantasy is so linear now and I don't feel like I have any impact on what the characters do, why can't it still be like my old favorite 4".

There are many factors on the industry side to blame for retreating into the nostalgia/identity-sink market, but now that it's embedded there groans of "this isn't for me anymore I feel so betrayed" are an ever-present fact of life and need to be catered to as a substitute for the audiences S-E used to be able to reel in by being the AAA event of the year.


I really hope Marvel and Star Wars aren't in KH3. I HATE Star Wars. I really like Marvel, but thinking about it being in KH seems really awkward and wrong to me somehow.


While yes, Big Hero 6 would be the easiest Marvel property to add, they may want to go for something that's more obvious life the Avengers, Spider-Man, or the Guardians.

i dont see those big marvel things appearing honestly, idk but it just seems like such a big clash of styles. Then again pirates of the caribbean went for a completely photorealistic approach so who knows.


The 20 year old fans are going to buy it even if it's marketed to kids because they originally bought it when it was marketed to kids. There's probably not a huge contingent of people going "Why hasn't Kingdom Hearts charted the exact path of mental growth that I have since childhood?! I'm not buying this!!"

This is true.

All I, and many others, want is for the game to come out, we'll be buying it regardless of... anything.


Honestly though thinking about it if they did star wars it would be really cool to have the original trilogy and go for the tron 1 aesthetic that they went with in kingdom hearts 2.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
It's not about marketing to fans. You already have fans. You gotta get fresh blood in a capitalistic market because if you don't grow, you die. So, you go young. It's Disney. They are Lego these days in gaming. You're game design can target older fans but rest assured theirs a bucket of change going toward converting Disney infinity Lego and that crowd toward the game. How else do you hit 2-4mm+, when most of your fan base has aged themselves out?


I'll be in my 30s by the time it'll be released so they better sauce it with as much Final Fantasy stuff as they can. Some Ramza would be nice.


Neo Member
It'll sell on the name alone, the hype surrounding it's release kinda like XV. Kids will be interested in the Disney stuff and the adults will be interested in the style and story along with the Final Fantasy and (Hopefully) the inclusion of Marvel and Star Wars.


The same as always, things haven't changed. I was in my late teens when the first one came out and I bought it for the Disney stuff, no regrets.


Same way they'll market FFXV. At this point, I have to play these games just to make 16 year-old me happy.


Junior Member
Most >20 year olds nowadays are walking around with huge nostalgia boners doing disney nostalgia mongering instead of worrying about paying off their student loans or credit cards so this game is sold enough as-is OP.


In other news I cant even imagine how much thi game will cost. Emulating CG films ain't gunna be cheap. Add onto the fact that every world has completely unique art and music assets all in HD, then of course your advertising budget.....its not gunna be cheap
In other news I cant even imagine how much thi game will cost. Emulating CG films ain't gunna be cheap. Add onto the fact that every world has completely unique art and music assets all in HD, then of course your advertising budget.....its not gunna be cheap

I imagine it'll sell incredibly well anyway.


Been stewing on KH3 since that cancelled game was leaked a while back and have since been rewatching reaction vids and such. As Im watching these vids I notice almost everyone is in there early to mid 20s. If you look at the "fan event" they held last year, not a single kid in the crowd. Considering the series started in 2002, even 6-8 year olds who may have played it then are now in their 20s. This gap only widen when KH skipped the PS3/360 gen (well there was the 3DS game)

So how does Square/Disney market Kingdom Hearts 3? I imagine Frozen is going to be a big part of the marketing campaign to grab the kids, but what about people following the series for so long? Im curious how the actual game design will end up with such different audiences.

Basically, how do you market a game to target 10 and 20 year olds?

Keep in mind there were still kids that started off with the DS and 3DS games just by word of mouth, i'm sure they'll be just fine.


The older demographic wont be needed to be marketing for.

In other words, play on the Disney side...Frozen world, Star Wars , and some sort of partnership with Disney Infinity somehow.


In other news I cant even imagine how much thi game will cost. Emulating CG films ain't gunna be cheap. Add onto the fact that every world has completely unique art and music assets all in HD, then of course your advertising budget.....its not gunna be cheap

If those gameplay clips are any indication they won't be spending that much.


The reaction at E3 2013 is all you needed to see that Kingdom Hearts marketing doesn't need to change for KH3.


I imagine Frozen is going to be a big part of the marketing campaign to grab the kids, but what about people following the series for so long?

How do you target fans of a franchise, which they followed for 13 years and counting..... is this a serious question?
Disney + New Utada Hikaru song = guaranteed sales
I do wonder if she's even recording one

I imagine Disney and Square are ready to drive a truckload of money to her doorstep, but she also probably doesn't need a truckload of money. Her father saying she's doing a song for the game, then quickly rescinding it, makes me think negotiations have been testy.

I bet she'll come back, if she hasn't already, though.

That's the real question! What is the Queen of Japanese Music doing these days besides getting married? Square better convince her to drop another single for KH3

She went into semi-retirement doing only the occasional one-off (like for Evangelion); she's technically on hiatus while she plans for a new album. But she hasn't been particularly visible in the last few years.


Well first off, PS4 version of 1.5 & 2.5 should be announced at E3 to launch a few months before KH3, that would be all the marketing they need..


I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who bought KH when it first came out were young adults to begin with. So I'm sure it will be marketed exactly the same. Besides, it's not like Disney is for kids only or something. Disney is popular as fuck amongst adults


You don't have to market it specifically to an older audience to get the older audience to play it. It's been proven over and over again.

18-19 year olds play Pokémon the most and the marketing has been the same since the Gen III days.

Astral Dog

They already did, Kingdom Hearts 2 was the "grown up" version of KH 1, remember?

SE may do that again, but its not necessary, they need to cater to young, new fans more, KH is at the end, mostly family friendly, teenagers is the most the marketing should go to.

And no, there won't be bloody Kingdom Hearts with sexy outfits.
I do wonder if she's even recording one

I imagine Disney and Square are ready to drive a truckload of money to her doorstep, but she also probably doesn't need a truckload of money. Her father saying she's doing a song for the game, then quickly rescinding it, makes me think negotiations have been testy.

I bet she'll come back, if she hasn't already, though.

She went into semi-retirement doing only the occasional one-off (like for Evangelion); she's technically on hiatus while she plans for a new album. But she hasn't been particularly visible in the last few years.

I'm sure she will be there for Evangelion 4.0 and KH3.
Do the KH3 version of this or this again. Put it on all the newfangled medias and such.

Awesome footage, fast cuts, hype music.

It worked on me when I was 10, and I didn't know anything about square games, and was barely a disney fan.

One of these on Disney channel for those who still watch it might be cool, put it during the animation block. The only thing I forgot from this spot was that they actually interviewed Normua.
Out of these 4 Disney Products:


Big Hero 6

Avengers (Marvel)

Star Wars

yes or no to each one, do you thnk they will be included in Kingdom Hearts 3?
The last couple of years have seen a revival in quality Disney films as well as the ever growing popularity of Marvel properties and just recently the new hype regarding the new Star Wars trilogy. It's highly likely the Square will want to capitalize off these successes and Disney will probably let them considering Kingdom Hearts is the only AAA game seris with Disney characters. In regards to the fans who have now aged, the fact that the game is coming out is probably enough to draw them back in. This is a highly anticipated sequel to an acclaimed series and I doubt it would take much to convince most old fans to buy it.


Out of these 4 Disney Products:


Big Hero 6

Avengers (Marvel)

Star Wars

yes or no to each one, do you thnk they will be included in Kingdom Hearts 3?

Frozen: Yes

Big Hero 6: Yes

Avengers/Marvel: No

Star Wars: No

I think they'll save Marvel and Star Wars for KH4 since KH3 is the end of the first saga. I don;t think they'll introduce world that will be used in multiple games in KH3.
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