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I’m too old for MP games

You are too old for competitive, high mechanic MP games, you can try some ARMA or DayZ for example that is more about the brain than about the hands.

In my case, i'm normally too old for the same stupid and predictable AI in SP videogames
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Little Mac

I hope with all this talk of "AI iS TaKIng OVeR!!!", we'll eventually get some great co-op PvE experiences. PvE modes back in the day like GoW Horde Mode or games like L4D, etc were the best imo. Regardless, yeah I've relegated myself to single player games now since it's less stressful and more enjoyable. Every week or so, I'll play alongside a family member and we'll pass the controller back and forth. It's our way of bonding.


I have a 1.2 KD in COD MW2.

I get absolutely manhandled in Halo. Its just a different type of game that some are better at than others.


Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.
Understandable. Happened to me with halo, madden and ufc. I still manage the occasional 2-3 kd ratio on COD team death match by not running around like a mad man.

There’s a flow to Halos combat that I just can’t get the hang of anymore. In my younger days I was a force in halo 1-3.
I personally just hate SBMM. It ruins half of the fun of public multiplayer. The fact that I have to be on my A game every single match, twitching like an idiot when I play MW2, it's ridiculous.


Neo Member
I was actually going to suggest Halo to the OP as it's not as twitchy as something like Cod and then they say the game they were playing was Halo lol


Reverse groomer.
It ain't about being in shape my man. Vision not as good. Reflexes not what they were. Time does indeed take a toll.
that's fair, but being in shape certainly helps fight off the deterioration that comes with age. Also 30 years from now, it'll be 2053. We'd probably have advanced TONS in the department of anti aging by then
Oddly enough, there are a number of older fighting game pros in their late 30s to mid 40s (Tokido, Mago, Sako, Daigo and a bunch of others) that can still more than hold their own against younger players, even though reaction speeds are crucial in that genre.
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Splatoon is hardcore as fuck. Try playing it late at night when the Japanese wake up. There's zero aim assist in that game and you can stealth hide almost anywhere.
Once you hit S+ rank it's a whole different game. I struggle to climb once I get there.

As far as the OP, part of it is putting the time to get good at a game. I am 41 and still love to play competitive online games. Nothing has changed to make me feel like I can't compete. Getting you ass beat comes with the territory, especially if it's in a competitive ranked environment, take your knocks and learn from it.


Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.

Same here. I used to know the maps inside out. Meta weapons etc.

Now i know shit. And hey I'm no 16 anymore with weed and coffee


Gold Member
Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.
Personally I just have a large strong cup of coffee before I play a multiplayer game. I find the anxiety and hair trigger reaction timing make me a formidable killing machine.

Nervous Looney Tunes GIF


Gold Member
I'm 34 and have always been very competitive and good at fighting and FPS games. I have not lost my edge, but I just don't have the time anymore.

Still, feels good to come back to a game after almost a year and still dump on people.


« generous god »
Im more then average in halo infinite diamond in rank…so it’s not that I totally sucks guys it’s that SBMM is pissing me off lol
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malcom tucker GIF

You are a relic of the past, pal.

Jokes aside, I barely play online games these days. All the live service fad is annoying.
Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.

I feel your pain, 48 here and I am in the same boat, I wish you could separate players out so you are playing with people around your same age, I know it won't fully solve the problem, but I feel like people in the higher age groups have the same issue.

unless you're a senior, there's nothing physically preventing you from getting good at MP games. It's just a matter of time, which many adults don't seem to have. :pie_invert:

Not so much a physical issue, but more of a time issue, being older you have a family, full time (or more) job with waaaay more responsibilities in your daily life which leaves less and less time for gaming, so we don't have the free time that teenagers and people in their early 20's have and a lot of MP games are riddled with them, especially during the week in the middle of the day...I almost hate going into the CoD lobbies during the week when I am on vacation because if it just filled with 20 year olds and 'streamers' that literally play that game day in and day out everyday, so year, their skills are going to be much higher than mine who just wants to play to relax and enjoy myself.
It's not that you're 'too old' to play, it's just that your time is more valuable to you at this time in your life compared to the no-lifers who play 16 hours per day and know all the bottlenecks and peep spots to destroy casuals like you. I feel sorry for those people as that's their only enjoyment in life.

Online multiplayer really needs better matchmaking for regular people vs the neets.


Golden Boy
Most of my Halo matches were riddled with people jumping around like lunatics while keeping crazy good aim on me.
So i feel you.
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Yep. Back in the day we used to play Doom, Duke Nukem, Descent, Marathon, Quake etc. on our LAN at work. I was the only hardcore gamer among my co-workers, so I always dominated. Then in 1999 I finally got my own PC at home and Quake 3 came out, and once I was competing with every anonymous kbm warrior on the internet, I very quickly realized I wasn't shit. I pretty much hung up my gloves after the first couple weeks when Halo 2 launched. When I honestly couldn't tell if people were cheating or if they were just that much better than me, it wasn't fun anymore.


The nicest person on this forum
What I like about SP games you can take your own pace to play it, even with difficult games like Sekiro.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
You're not old you just suck.

Here's the good news. You can get better if this really matters to you. The people always beating you are putting hours into this game or other shooters every day.


Yeah try some Battlefield. MOre of an older person's game. lol.

Splatoon manages their game well too to make the experience more enjoyable no matter your skill level.

People saying you can get good are naive. Skills only decline with age. And the time required to keep up your declining skills only grows.

The answer is SBMM and that's why you see more of it it seems.


Gold Member
that's fair, but being in shape certainly helps fight off the deterioration that comes with age. Also 30 years from now, it'll be 2053. We'd probably have advanced TONS in the department of anti aging by then

Oh great.....wait until I'm 85 to figure out anti-aging. Thanks, science!

old man hand GIF

Pffft I'm over 50 and I still kick ass in MW3.... git gud etc etc :messenger_beaming:

lol.....rock on brother. Meanwhile I find myself knocking down the difficulty in single player games. But hey....you keep kicking ass my man.

You Rock GIF
I get a kick out of people telling him he's too old as if this is the olympics or something.

"Yea man, I used to play "competitive" for money mannnn!"

It's a fucking online multiplayer game.


people change with time. that's normal.

on the bright side, gaming is a rather expensive hobby think of all the money you'll save cha-ching!!1


50+ here and my Blanka play is still on point. And racing games.
My FPS play has always been shithouse.
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The nicest person on this forum
You're not old you just suck.

Here's the good news. You can get better if this really matters to you. The people always beating you are putting hours into this game or other shooters every day.
Isn't that the point? As you get older you have less time to put hours in to single MP to get good at it and be familiar with every map's layouts.


Accept your defeat and move on. I personally switched to singleplayer games and indie games. I am also emulating some classics from my childhood.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
When I was 16 or 18, I was shit at competitive multiplayer.

Now that I'm in my forties, I'm shit at competitive multiplayer.

But, now I get to say 'it's my reflexes tho', so that's nice.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
I gave up MP games. I don’t have time to dedicate to games like in my youth and don’t enjoy the experience now.


Been long since i left MP, i left a decade ago, rarely i play MP only with some friends and the last is about 5 years ago, playing CS. And that time i was kicked a lot...

Now i only play SP and sometimes Splitscreen games.


I find the older I get, the more time I have to play games. My life was more interesting and hectic when I was in my 20's. 🤣


I will be in my 40s by then. If i lose weight and exercise daily i'll still be as good then as I am now.

Also I worry this site won't be around in the next 30 years :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Trust me… you won’t be as good.

I’m fitter than most, but you start declining around 35-38. It just happens.

The good news is the decline stopped for me once I hit about 45. I’m 53 now and still going strong.
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