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i was driving home drunk then saw some sirens woo woo thats thread backfire

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Ark-AMN said:
There's a good name for druggies/drunks?

Sure is! As a grown adult, you can make educated decisions of what goes into your body. And then, by taking the extra precautions to ensure you have a fun and safe time, can actually be totally good. All it is after that is hedonism; and what isn't right about pleasure?


i don't know if it's a bannable offense to mention here that i've been drunk and driven a car before. if so, sorry. i know i'm the scum of the earth and i deserve to die. but i'm taking you with me. i'm driving down the wrong side of a highway seventy miles an hour and i'm going to kill you and all your kids ---

wait, what. i got pulled over by the MT highway patrol once, drunk as hell, i stood on one foot and counted backwards from twenty, i kicked ass. the cop told me i was drunk. i was like "this is my first time drinking, i only had one beer" and he was like "i don't know about that". and then he let me go. he said he would follow me home. he turned off after a block or so. and this in the state with one of the highest "drunk driving murders commited by stupid young drunks on highways" rates in the country. what up with that!
coldvein said:
i don't know if it's a bannable offense to mention here that i've been drunk and driven a car before. if so, sorry. i know i'm the scum of the earth and i deserve to die. but i'm taking you with me. i'm driving down the wrong side of a highway seventy miles an hour and i'm going to kill you and all your kids ---
This shit isn't funny to joke about asshole.


EBCubs03 said:
What's the big deal? He was obviously under the legal limit since the copper trick is bogus.

Calm the hell down

Before I saw sirens I was speeding at about 70 mph on a nice long stretch while overtaking a taxi in the process.

My car was ram out (packed full of people) and we was going to a next club but before I reached the club a police car came up on my side and asked me to pull over to somewhere convenient at this point I was mad shook (scared) and I was blatantly over the limit so I tried an urban myth the copper trick. Apparently if you suck on a copper coin or substance it can dissolves the alcohol taste from your mouth (truth?!) anyway after stumbling out of the car and having a test to see if alcohol was in my system I didn’t even consider the speeding fine as I was more scared that I was over the limit and was going to lose my license.

Somehow it miraculously stayed on green and I was like how the fuck did I pass? The police then said chill out and have a nice night I was like errr cool and the party came to a unanimous decision to go and celebrate the fact i passed by getting drunk and partying I suppose there are some good feds in the world.

Doesn't sound like he was sober enough to drive at all. He's just an arrogant fucktard who's bragging about getting away with this when he could have killed somebody.


Incredibly Naive
well congratulations, you're a fucking douche bag, hope you burn in hell:D

by the way, my sister went to jail for 2 years after driving under the influence and smashing into a telephone pole killing her best friend. Glad you're a fuckin moron and learn nothing from these people.


I'm glad this jet or current of water, sometimes with a dissolved medicating or cleansing agent, applied to a body part, organ, or cavity for medicinal or hygienic purposes was banned.

Olivier said:
Thanks for confessing to your crime online with a lot of incriminating details, Hydro_Alexis.

Also, thank you for posting all your personal info online, too: http://www.megafriends.com/profile.php?id=22696975

I'll be writing to the Croydon Borough Police (http://www.met.police.uk/croydon/) later this afternoon, hoping they took down your license number last night.

Have a nice day!



What an asshole, this kind of scum is responsible for ruining lives, well done mods ...... we don't need this kind of shit clogging up our forum.


Gold Member


Olivier said:
Thanks for confessing to your crime online with a lot of incriminating details, Hydro_Alexis.

Also, thank you for posting all your personal info online, too: http://www.megafriends.com/profile.php?id=22696975

I'll be writing to the Croydon Borough Police (http://www.met.police.uk/croydon/) later this afternoon, hoping they took down your license number last night.

Have a nice day!



Olivier said:
Thanks for confessing to your crime online with a lot of incriminating details, Hydro_Alexis.

Also, thank you for posting all your personal info online, too: http://www.megafriends.com/profile.php?id=22696975

I'll be writing to the Croydon Borough Police (http://www.met.police.uk/croydon/) later this afternoon, hoping they took down your license number last night.

Have a nice day!

If you actually do this and post some kind of proof, you're gonna be my new personal hero.


Fuck the law.

OP, you are my hero, next time I will throw a bunch of coins in my mouth and see what happens.

Keep riding dirty dude.



Fry Daddy
MrPing1000 said:
I'd like to repeat that he was not over the limit according to the machine.

Wheres the case against him?
The part that he was speeding at 70MPH and admitting that he was incapable of coherent motor function.


Junior Member
from that website

Hydro_alexis: Hello!
Marital Status: Single
Age, Gender: 22
Location: Broad Green, Gt Lon
Listing on: MegaFriends, 1 Month Ago

Listing Details
Interested in: Friends
About: Im of mixed raced half spainish and half black if u wanna see a picture i can show you
PantherLotus said:
Thank you! I've been waiting for this one.

You guys sure did freak out on this guy.

The ironic thing is, the people I know who drink and drive the most are police officers.


MrPing1000 said:
I'd like to repeat that he was not over the limit according to the machine.

Wheres the case against him?

His bragging about passing the test then going to a club to get even more hammered. It's pretty much a given that he drove home from the club later.
Yeah, uh, give it a rest. The guy got away with his DUI en speeding, but got banned for acting like a douche about it on GAF.

No need to play policemen ourselves here. You guys are acting as if he's a murderer.

This topic has jumped the shark.


Souldriver said:
No need to play policemen ourselves here. You guys are acting as if he's a murderer.

I'm not playing the policeman. I'm just reporting what he did. I'm doing the same thing I'd do if he was some guy in my neighborhood.

Drunk driving is a serious crime and he's showing no remorse. This is important, guys. Do nothing if you don't want to, but don't hate me because I'm taking this seriously.

Economan said:
Let's just hope that Olivier delivers.

Well I just sent an email to the Croydon Borough Police, I'll see where it goes from here.

Don't get your hopes up, though, I doubt they can really do something about it. I'm just doing what I think is right.
Liara T'Soni said:
I honestly can't take things like this as serious online...I'm shocked people reacted this way.
You'd probably be shocked to find out how many people's lives here have been effected by drunk driving one way or another.


Liara T'Soni said:
I honestly can't take things like this as serious online...I'm shocked people reacted this way.
Here's the fun thing about drunk driving: In most cases it's not the drunk driver that gets killed...

Drunk driving is being an irresponsable douchebag, I couldn't give a shit about your life but you're also putting the lives of others at stake which is not ok.
He wasn't drunk tho.....he passed the breathalizer test so legally he's allowed to drive.

the hypocrisy and illogical reasoning skills on this site is fucking epic man


Unconfirmed Member
bdizzle said:
He wasn't drunk tho.....he passed the breathalizer test so legally he's allowed to drive.

the hypocrisy and illogical reasoning skills on this site is fucking epic man

You missed the bit where he went and "partied" to celebrate passing the test, do you really think he didn't drive home?

You were talking about logic? - Try using it :p
Vennt said:
You missed the bit where he went and "partied" to celebrate passing the test, do you really think he didn't drive home?

You were talking about logic? - Try using it :p

Or the fact that while he was drunk he actually thought he wasn't capable of driving so much that he tried to use a copper trick to get out of trouble. Some people can drive fine over the limit and some people can't drive at all if they're just under the limit. The op sounds like the first kind of douchebag.


bdizzle said:
He wasn't drunk tho.....he passed the breathalizer test so legally he's allowed to drive.

the hypocrisy and illogical reasoning skills on this site is fucking epic man
Regardless of wether he was "drunk"according to legal standards or not, he admitted to being intoxicated while driving and apparently was in such a state that he figured he would not pass the breathalizer test.


Hydro_Alexis said:
Before I saw sirens I was speeding at about 70 mph on a nice long stretch while overtaking a taxi in the process.

My car was ram out (packed full of people) and we was going to a next club but before I reached the club a police car came up on my side and asked me to pull over to somewhere convenient at this point I was mad shook (scared) and I was blatantly over the limit so I tried an urban myth the copper trick. Apparently if you suck on a copper coin or substance it can dissolves the alcohol taste from your mouth (truth?!) anyway after stumbling out of the car and having a test to see if alcohol was in my system I didn’t even consider the speeding fine as I was more scared that I was over the limit and was going to lose my license.

Somehow it miraculously stayed on green and I was like how the fuck did I pass? The police then said chill out and have a nice night I was like errr cool and the party came to a unanimous decision to go and celebrate the fact i passed by getting drunk and partying I suppose there are some good feds in the world.

So the moral of the story is does this copper trick actually work or was I just that lucky?


yesterday a friend of mine died because the driver was drunk.
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