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ICE Team Programmer on 60 fps : I like 30 fps more with all the bells & whistles

Handy Fake

Having higher standards means being cult-like?


As in "stop acting like an utter cult".


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
But you cannot tell if a game could have betterrible effects when they never existed.

You can always tell if the framerate is lower.

Lower than what ? Cinematic is buzzword to be made fun of sure but you cannot ridicule the idea of a steady 30 framerate just because you can play the game a year later on your GTX 970, making believe you'reuncomprimised. Because I can always use the card that the game is produced with the mindset that it will play on a certain hardware or at least a certain range of hardware, not the hardware adopted by a small percentage of gamers.


I will always prefer 60fps over any bells and whistles. Better shadows, AA whatever, as long as the resolution is the same then, 60 fps is the biggest most profound change.


What are the "non-graphic-related gameplay features" he's talking about?
Well anything could count since gameplay logic is off course part of the 16.6ms cycle, but as an example the amount of objects and characters, physics simulation in gameplay, collisions etc.


I will take a stable 60FPS over 30FPS any day of the week as long as I'm not compromising too much in the way of look and feel.

But I'll take a stable 30FPS over an up and down 40-50.


Once upon my life I had an old PC that could run World of Warcraft at a decent framerate when I was in a dungeon, facing a wall and no spells were being cast. I enjoyed the game and played it for hours on end. I even played some of Crysis on it which was a feat in itself. Is a game better at a higher frame rate? Nah. Not really. Sure, I'd prefer it.

Driveclub would be better at 60fps, but would it be a new experience that most people could tell apart? If we did it at the current hardware level: would the difference be apparent and would the sacrifices be worth it? I'd argue with ICE-man on this.

Sorry man but being a huge MMO player there is a HUGE difference between playing a MMO at 20FPS and 60FPS. The game is more enjoyable, WAY smoother and feels over all better. And most people will be able to tell the difference in a MMO especially between 30 and 60fps.

And I am all for 60fps, I will sacrifice whatever dumb "bloom" or particle effect which chugs things down to 20fps to get a solid, good 60fps. On consoles, I understand, you guys don't have much choice, so you kinda have to accept it.


Well anything could count since gameplay logic is off course part of the 16.6ms cycle, but as an example the amount of objects and characters, physics simulation in gameplay, collisions etc.

Bear in mind that gameplay logic is largely CPU-bound, whereas I suspect the bottleneck the 'bells and whistles' bring into play comes from the GPU.


I'd be in the dick
ICE Team is part of Naughty Dog right? Does this mean Uncharted 4 is going to be 30 fps now?

ICE team is within ND but they're not all working on ND games. Some work with the SDK and general PS related coding. Even if this guy was working on Uncharted 4, don't know if he is, his personal preference doesn't override what his bosses would be telling him to do.
30 fps bothers my eyes, I loved all 3 Gears of War, but my eyes would get fatigued pretty quickly playing that. It's also really hard to switch from 30 fps and 60 fps constantly(Console to PC). Controls feel really off as well at 30 fps.


OoT was considered by many the GOAT and it was sub-30 fps all the time. It even got to sub 20 on pal version.

Framerate is important, but this new thrend of bashing games as unplayable has to stop.

Thank you.
Also Crash Bandicoot 2 at 24 fps. And a very loved game.

30 fps can make a game be better even if it plays a bit worse.

The only genre that can really suffer from 30 fps are shooters, where precision and speed matters most. But even shooters can be enjoyable at 30 if they are programmed well enough.

But it's still a fact that in some games, what can be done due to 30 fps are better than the smoothness lost.
higher standards or different preferences?

It's not a preference. 60FPS objectively better than 30FPS. It's that time when quantity means quality. Sure you can stay at 30 FPS and get a more pretty picture, but if you would have the same picture with 60FPS then it's a supreme option in comparison to the lesser FPS one.
The whole frame-rate/visual fidelity argument is about trade-offs. Although it would be nice to have it all, it isn't always possible.

I think the reason 30fps is used so often on concoles is that screenshots and gameplay vids are selling games on graphics. It's an easier sell than saying "hey, look how smooth our game runs!".


Neo Member
If you held a gun to my head and asked me whether or not a game I was playing ran at 30FPS or 60FPS, I would probably be wrong half the time. I honestly cannot tell in most cases, at least visually. The only time I can really tell whether a game is running at 30 or 60 is when the game requires split second decision making, such as fighting or racing games, and that has everything to do with input delay and nothing with visual fidelity.

I can understand that different people experience this in different ways, but the crusade against everyone that doesn't think the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS is huge is getting on my nerves. As long as there are no frame drops I don't care about 30FPS/60FPS, and I'd wager a ton of people agree with that sentiment. Considering you have literally twice the rendering power available to you at 30FPS I don't see why it's unthinkable that some people might prefer 30FPS, as it means the visual fidelity of the game is improved a ton.

I'd love for there to be graphics options on consoles like TLOU: Remastered has, though. That way everyone can simply pick and choose, but I'm not sure how feasible that is in every game because that would involve twice the QA to make sure everything not only works right, but works right for both the graphics presets.


extra source of jiggaflops
Nothing he said should be new to anyone on GAF that has been in these kinds of threads for even 3 months.

But we'll get the same responses how he is objectively wrong for preferring one trade-off over another.


After playing MK8, I have seen the light with 60fps. Going back to 30fps in 4 player multiplayer was like hitting a brickwall.

I was hoping devs would choose 60fps over bells and whistles but oh well. Nintendo seems to be trying hard to get 60fps even with a console not up to par with the others.
Strictly speaking, there's nothing directly preventing you from having the game physics (or at least the input polling) run at 60 while the graphical updates run at 30. I'm not sure there's anything that actually does do that, but it's absolutely possible.

You'd get the fidelity of input from 60fps that way, while still having only 30fps in terms of framebuffer updates.

That is a thing, it would lead to technically more accurate / more recent info when the frame finally scans out, but that frame would scan out all the same @ 30hz. The input lag would feel pretty similar.


I prefer 60 fps personally but I've been playing 30 fps (and lower) games my whole life, and it doesn't bother me outside of say, frame dependent fighting games.

Tiu Neo

Really depends on the game. If your game depends on physics or other types of simulation or AI, an if it's a genre that doesn't really depend on reaction time, stable 30 FPS can be the best choice.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
If you really want 60fps then build a pc that can brute force it. Consoles, with their fixed specs, are never going to be reliably 60fps. Especially when more features are better for sales than 60fps(graphics or otherwise).


Meh, fair enough. Understand where he is coming from, at least it's not any of that lower fps = more cinematic rubbish. Would probably have to compare just how much difference going down to 30 fps would make, so it's not always a case of me preferring one or the other.

ICE Team is part of Naughty Dog right? Does this mean Uncharted 4 is going to be 30 fps now?

He says that this is all his personal preference. Even if he was working on UC4, he wouldn't influence whether it was 30 or 60 fps.


I think the UC demo being solid 30 fps a year from release gives high hopes for an unlocked framerate as in TLoU:R.
Sensible opinion that is well defended.
News at 11

Besides, if ND goes with 60fps people will be all over them because UC4 is not the best looking game EVAH.
If they do go with 30 others will be criticizing them for going back on their word.
And unfortunately there will also be those who will complain in both situations.
I'll leave it to their best judgement, only they will get to see firsthand what kind of compromises each frame-rate implies.


I enjoy the last of us at 60

I enjoy destiny at 30

I really can't tell the difference so I'm all for the bells and whistles

Edit: I have perfect vision

Lock TLoU at 30 FPS, play for 10 minutes or so. Then go to option and unlock the frame rate again.

I began that game at 30 FPS, switched to 60 FPS about an hour in. Wow, it made a huge difference. Gameplay movement just felt better imo.

And for me, Gameplay > Everything else.


60fps still makes a game play way better. Who cares what some employee prefers, higher framerates are objectively better than lower ones.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Agreed. I will always prefer 60fps over 30fps, but that does not mean I can't enjoy 30fps games or think they're "slideshow"


I'd be in the dick
Besides, if ND goes with 60fps people will be all over them because UC4 is not the best looking game EVAH.
If they do go with 30 others will be criticizing them for going back on their word.
And unfortunately there will also be those who wil complain in both situations.
I'll leave it to their best judgement, only they will get to see firsthand what kind of compromises each frame-rate implies.

Honestly, my big issue with Uncharted 4 ending up being 30fps isn't as much a 30 versus 60 issue as much as it is releasing footage at 60fps and claiming it was real time. They could internally pursue 60 and just announce it at a later date, instead of announcing and showing it early and not being able to do it. It would be a rookie move from a dev that should know better. It's not like releasing 30fps footage of Uncharted would have been a surprise to most people. It's become something now that is more likely to result in bad PR than something that could have been potential awesome news down the line or simply nothing.

Arne said we won't get any more framerate info for a while so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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