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I'm At A Loss: Tim Buckly Launches CAD Kickstarter W/Every Pre-Reboot Strip In Print


Still better



This one made me chuckle when it came out:


The only one I actually found amusing was one where they were discussing how Valve was adding a "third team" to TF2 (this was a few years back), and the last panel showed a bunch of giant hats running around Harvest with guns.



Okay...both of those are pretty good. What a coincidence that the best of CAD has nothing to do with Ethan and crew...and the worst of CAD has EVERYTHING to do with Ethan and crew.


Honestly, looking back, I don't think there was? I think the Players were the one good idea the comic had, where it was about being douchebags in multiplayer games, but it was never really executed very well.

I read the comic as far as Loss and jumped off at that point, but the reason I jumped off is my patience had already been worn thin by other storylines in the comic. Specifically two:

First, there was a LONG arc where Ethan established a Church of Gaming and then went about slapping its dick in the face of every major religion in the world. As in, his Video Gaming Church went around and delivered the kind of one-sided, ham-fisted, childish "TAKE THAT"s to major world religions generally reserved for GAF's OT.

The other was a piddling plot about how Lilah had some douchey ex who was also an employee at the GameStop where Ethan worked. He was a comically sleezy ass who existed basically to make the reader think Ethan was good for Lilah by comparison.

I used to be big into that whole gaming webcomic thing back in the day. I read a lot of sprite comics and a lot of webcomics. Some were trash that improved, like Fanboys, and others were trash the entire time, like CAD.

I'd say the best webcomics are the ones rarely focused on gaming.
Keep in mind though, he's also generally hated by every single one of his high-profile peers. If I recall correctly his behavior and attitude towards other artists and fans resulted in him no longer being invited to appear at the most popular conventions. In a poor attempt to imitate the peers that shunned him, he created his own conventions to house himself, and they failed.

So, yeah he makes a living doing what he does, but he also does so as a laughing stock of both his intended audience and, more importantly, every other professional in his field.

I don't know if the lack of respect and professional isolation would be worth the money.

You can envy some aspects of someone's life without doing the same for the whole package, especially when those negatives are unrelated to the positives and entirely the person's fault. I mean, if he was despised for being successful you'd have a point, but by your own admission it's his attitude that caused it; he could have had success without scorn.

I guess I got lucky coming across Brawl in the Family and Awkward Zombie (+RareCandyTreatment, RIP) before seeing any of the junk most people associate with game-focused comics. That would have turned me off entirely.

Heh, that's some crazy luck starting with two of the best (AZ is probably by far the best). Did someone recommend them to you?

I also love Subnormality, not gaming-related, but I can understand how it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
You can envy some aspects of someone's life without doing the same for the whole package, especially when those negatives are unrelated to the positives and entirely the person's fault. I mean, if he was despised for being successful you'd have a point, but by your own admission it's his attitude that caused it; he could have had success without scorn.

I was assuming the hypothetical was that we were taking on the whole package.


Will this box set include where his girlfriend is murdered and he martyrs himself and gets a church of gaming named after his self insert? Or will that be a future kickstarter?

When the inevitable occurred and he dropped out of college, Tim decided to use the internet as a vehicle to restart his life and in 2003 his abortion of a webcomic actually found something of a fanbase despite bland jokes, poor quality, and inaccurate video game references. However, it was Buckley's many, many other issues that removed him from his pedestal, including boorish behavior towards fans, pompousness, and begging for sales. He's since been removed from many convention invite lists and hasn't been to any since 2006.
Ok that was my memory playing tricks,
it's all shit,
I can't believe I just wasted so much time looking for it.


dear god the art.
And so much fucking text!
It's worse than a fucking book.

Yikes. Even the CAD Rule can't save that one.
Officer J Allen responded to a shoplifting call at Stop & Shop on May 26. Upon Allen's arrival he saw the suspect, Timothy Buckley, laying on the floor of the security office, tired and out of breath.

According to store security, Buckley was seen shoplifting and needed to be physically led to the office. Security guards said he was cooperative for a short time and then tried to escape again, fleeing towards the door.

Allen got Buckley up off the floor and proceeded to pat him down. Allen recovered two packets of El Paso seasoning in his front right pocket.

The store security said they observed Buckley on the cameras putting some items down the front of his pants. A veal cutlet and top round steak were recovered from his waistband. According to the report, these were the items he tried to push down his pants.

In total, $23.35 in goods was recovered from Buckley.

Timothy Buckley, of West Warwick, was charged with shoplifting and was released on a summons to appear in Third District Court.
I don't like Buckley but some of this stuff like reposting a report of a shoplifting incident from before CAD-existed seems a bit... Invasive? I dunno, it's easier to make fun of the guy off the poor basis of his comic he already inserts a lot of himself into than to start digging into his past. I feel like there's a line between talking about that and him using the fame of his comic to get away with charity fraud or exposing himself to a minor on his forums.

also did you lose an avatar bet


I'm not sure why people are so shocked that this thing got funded. As many others have noted, in the Internet era all you have to do is get a few thousand people to love the content you create and you can make a decent living. Yeah it sucks that hot garbage like CAD can rake in money, but chances are there's at least a dozen other streamers, YouTubers, Etsy creators, and/or comic artists who are able to create things you like because of internet-based revenue streams. You gotta take the good with the bad.


Subete no aware

What in god's name happened to Penny Arcade.


He'll even go back and forth in the same strip.

I dont mind the puppety off color noses (and i never understood back in like 2010/11 or so when it felt like everyone on twitter was in a tizzy over artists who used them) but flipflopping in the same strip is some amateur-hour shit.
Tumblr Nose is the worst.

I don't think this would actually be so bad if it didn't look like the characters regressed by 10 years.

My issue is way more with Gabe than Tycho. Gabe got the freckles, the youthful chipmunk expressions, and started getting longer hair in the back. Gabe not only regressed, he started using facial expressions that didn't match the dialogue or the established character. It was less sarcastic and selfish, and it made it hard to deliver dialogue believably for me. Gabe also started over-expressing. Like in the CD-R comic from a few strips in the last panel when he's saying "It's just Glycerine?", his mouth is way too wide open, why is he screaming that?

Tycho has gotten kind of messed up looking in a few strips, but for the most part he has retained appropriate expressions and hasn't shown anywhere near the same youth-regression as Gabe.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Bahaha that's funny 'cos it's true. It wasn't until I saw illustrators on Tumblr that I noticed how a lot of them are really obsessed with making the (tip of the) nose a red/pink blob. Some artists pull it off well, but yeah...

I never understood why they put it

Is it because of the special snowflake syndrome a typical tumblr poster has?
So Tim posted this...


Yep, if it gets to .5 million, we will finally get the REAL ending of CAD 1.0.

Lilah turns out to be a baby-murdering serial killer, and when confronted she shoots Lucas, forcing Ethan to brutally murder in her in self-defense. Two days later, Ethan will be playing video games as though nothing happened, and the whole comic will have turned out to be an allegory for Buckley's failed relationship.
Bahaha that's funny 'cos it's true. It wasn't until I saw illustrators on Tumblr that I noticed how a lot of them are really obsessed with making the (tip of the) nose a red/pink blob. Some artists pull it off well, but yeah...

I never understood why they put it

Is it because of the special snowflake syndrome a typical tumblr poster has?

It's because the nose is typically more red than the base skin tone, but the problem with 'tumblr nose' is that said artists don't realistically paint the face, so it stands out and looks awkward/out of place.
I do imagine it stems from a desire for their art to be different and quirky.

The funny thing being that I follow over a hundred artists on Tumblr and none of them do tumblr nose, nor do I see the aspects that others constantly complain about. Just like any other site, hang out where you like and it's all good.


Those 8 pages could literally be anything. Backed.

B^U said:
This is it. The final stretch goal. These are the Cubans, baby. This is the Cohibas, the Montecristos. This is a kinetic-kill, side-winder vehicle with a-- wait, no. Slipped into a Justin Hammer speech there.

A failure quoting a failure in a movie that is largely considered* to be a failure. My God, it's a bottomless pit of failure.

*Well, by many people on GAF, at least.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Is there a baneposting loss already? Because I wanna try.

It's because the nose is typically more red than the base skin tone, but the problem with 'tumblr nose' is that said artists don't realistically paint the face, so it stands out and looks awkward/out of place.
I do imagine it stems from a desire for their art to be different and quirky.

The funny thing being that I follow over a hundred artists on Tumblr and none of them do tumblr nose, nor do I see the aspects that others constantly complain about. Just like any other site, hang out where you like and it's all good.

It's probably those special snowflakes who immediately go to tumblr for a hugbox

the only people I visit in tumblr are kemono artists

way more

So Tim posted this...


Yep, if it gets to .5 million, we will finally get the REAL ending of CAD 1.0.

He spent two years developing the ending for his comic. Then he released it and people said, Whaaa? So he made an addendum which answered all the questions or something I guess. And now he's making the exclusive, special ending, which I suppose was also planned 4 years ago.

I'm not sure why fans tolerate this sort of thing. Maybe it's how it's done in Japan and he's replicating it?
He spent two years developing the ending for his comic. Then he released it and people said, Whaaa? So he made an addendum which answered all the questions or something I guess. And now he's making the exclusive, special ending, which I suppose was also planned 4 years ago.

I'm not sure why fans tolerate this sort of thing. Maybe it's how it's done in Japan and he's replicating it?

As an expert of Japanese culture, I can tell you that Tim Buckley just shot himself in the foot.


He spent two years developing the ending for his comic. Then he released it and people said, Whaaa? So he made an addendum which answered all the questions or something I guess. And now he's making the exclusive, special ending, which I suppose was also planned 4 years ago.

I'm not sure why fans tolerate this sort of thing. Maybe it's how it's done in Japan and he's replicating it?

Don't be so cynical, I believe Tim Buckley when he says he losst something in translation.

L Thammy

DSP uploaded some blank green screen footage of himself so people have been using it to "insert" him into various other things. That particular link is a very good use of it.

Just noticed that you answered my question, thanks.
I think DSP and B^Uckly should team up somehow. They're kind of similar.
It would be the best worst thing ever.


Another CAD thread, another time when I don't understand GAF's obsession with the miscarriage comic, reducing number of panels or Castle Vidcons.

On topic, always cool to see webcomics brought into physical copies. That being said, CAD never really was my jam (I've always been more of a Fanboys guy, for gaming webcomics at least) and ew at whatever the art style turned into.
I was assuming the hypothetical was that we were taking on the whole package.

Doesn't make much sense when the negatives come from bad decisions you yourself wouldn't make. Otherwise what you're wishing is having your entire self replaced with the other person, which is not much different than dying.
(Well, this took an unexpected philosophical turn :D)
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