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I'm walking through Southern California

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Aww it's nice to know you guys care ;).

I'm fine, at a Starbucks in pacific palisades. I stayed in LA longer than I really intended, but had some great adventures.

Befriended a cool Danish chick at a hostel. Spent a night on the town and after a series of other encounters ended up at a swanky after party in Hollywood.

I met an editor for Lucas film and told him not to fuck up new Star Wars so you can stop worrying about it. I took care of it. It was such a high density of beautiful people that I was a bit overwhelmed to say the least. It was also like 3am which is longer than I've stayed up in weeks so I was exhausted. Didn't end up sleeping but for a few hours so hoping to find a choice spot tonight in these hills to crash.

Make your way inland a bit to Griffith park. That would be a great hill to crash on.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Aww it's nice to know you guys care ;).

I'm fine, at a Starbucks in pacific palisades. I stayed in LA longer than I really intended, but had some great adventures.

Befriended a cool Danish chick at a hostel. Spent a night on the town and after a series of other encounters ended up at a swanky after party in Hollywood.

I met an editor for Lucas film and told him not to fuck up new Star Wars so you can stop worrying about it. I took care of it. It was such a high density of beautiful people that I was a bit overwhelmed to say the least. It was also like 3am which is longer than I've stayed up in weeks so I was exhausted. Didn't end up sleeping but for a few hours so hoping to find a choice spot tonight in these hills to crash.

Nice! Glad you're having some fun!
Entered Ventura county yesterday, now I'm in Oxnard. Got some good Mexican food.

Yesterday was my longest day yet, 23 miles from Malibu to here. My feet are not in the best shape, so I'm going at a more relaxing pace today.

Found out I've got a job in Alaska this summer. They fly me out of Seattle and back for free in June. It means money is no longer a big concern, which makes my journey all the more relaxing. Im going to stick around the west coast until then, doing who knows what. I love my life.
Entered Ventura county yesterday, now I'm in Oxnard. Got some good Mexican food.

Yesterday was my longest day yet, 23 miles from Malibu to here. My feet are not in the best shape, so I'm going at a more relaxing pace today.

Found out I've got a job in Alaska this summer. They fly me out of Seattle and back for free in June. It means money is no longer a big concern, which makes my journey all the more relaxing. Im going to stick around the west coast until then, doing who knows what. I love my life.

You say you are in college or finishing it?
The first job you look to get is in Alaska & to haul fish?

The more I think about it, the more it sounds like you are trying to go off the grind from excessive student debt.
The job is related to processing fish (not romantic in the least). I'm done with undergrad, planning on grad school.

The only way I can do what I'm doing us because I don't have student debt. I'm very lucky. And running from student debt isn't easy.

Ah, so the Into The Wild parallel is complete. Nice knowing you. :(
I looked for Ernest Borgnine's star in Hollywood but didn't find it. I did find Don Knotts tho so I left happy.
A little update:

I'm in montecito, just outside of Santa Barbara. Battling soreness in my feet and a bit of loneliness, but otherwise I'm doing great.

It's getting easier and easier to find choice places to sleep. It's like playing a giant game of hide and seek every night. It's pretty fun actually.

Starbucks has become my de facto home. It's something I can rely on to be the same. If you're a Lost fan, you could say that it's my constant. In 15 days I've been to 26 different ones! Crazy. And yes I keep track of that, where I sleep and where I, um, poop. I studied GIS in college so when I'm done I'm gonna make a map of my trail using that data.

I know what it feels like for people to look at you as an object, a thing. A dehumanizing stare of bewilderment and curiosity. Conversely, I've had some bro moments with homeless people that have been really...well I just understand better. Note that I said better, I would never compared situation with theirs. Im walking around with a smart phone and credit card.

Tldr: I'm still alive near Santa Barbara

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving



A little update:

I'm in montecito, just outside of Santa Barbara. Battling soreness in my feet and a bit of loneliness, but otherwise I'm doing great.

It's getting easier and easier to find choice places to sleep. It's like playing a giant game of hide and seek every night. It's pretty fun actually.

Starbucks has become my de facto home. It's something I can rely on to be the same. If you're a Lost fan, you could say that it's my constant. In 15 days I've been to 26 different ones! Crazy. And yes I keep track of that, where I sleep and where I, um, poop. I studied GIS in college so when I'm done I'm gonna make a map of my trail using that data.

I know what it feels like for people to look at you as an object, a thing. A dehumanizing stare of bewilderment and curiosity. Conversely, I've had some bro moments with homeless people that have been really...well I just understand better. Note that I said better, I would never compared situation with theirs. Im walking around with a smart phone and credit card.

Tldr: I'm still alive near Santa Barbara

Has anyone in Starbucks had the gall to tell you to go take a bath yet?


A little update:

I'm in montecito, just outside of Santa Barbara. Battling soreness in my feet and a bit of loneliness, but otherwise I'm doing great.

It's getting easier and easier to find choice places to sleep. It's like playing a giant game of hide and seek every night. It's pretty fun actually.

Starbucks has become my de facto home. It's something I can rely on to be the same. If you're a Lost fan, you could say that it's my constant. In 15 days I've been to 26 different ones! Crazy. And yes I keep track of that, where I sleep and where I, um, poop. I studied GIS in college so when I'm done I'm gonna make a map of my trail using that data.

I know what it feels like for people to look at you as an object, a thing. A dehumanizing stare of bewilderment and curiosity. Conversely, I've had some bro moments with homeless people that have been really...well I just understand better. Note that I said better, I would never compared situation with theirs. Im walking around with a smart phone and credit card.

Tldr: I'm still alive near Santa Barbara
Dang dude you travel quickly. How did you walk from Oxnard to Montecito?
Dang dude you travel quickly. How did you walk from Oxnard to Montecito?

walked to a town called Carpenteria (15 miles) slept, woke up and walked here (7.5 miles). It's not that fast IMO

Has anyone in Starbucks had the gall to tell you to go take a bath yet?

No but I think about it all the time. Luckily I don't sweat, or get bad BO easily. But I wonder because its impossible for me to really tell.


walked to a town called Carpenteria (15 miles) slept, woke up and walked here (7.5 miles). It's not that fast IMO

No but I mean, From Ventura to Carp you gotta pass through La Conchinta, which is all freeway. How do you walk through that part?

Btw I live in Santa Barbara lol.
No but I mean, From Ventura to Carp you gotta pass through La Conchinta, which is all freeway. How do you walk through that part?

Btw I live in Santa Barbara lol.

There is a bike trail. I had to walk on the beach for about a mile, and the actual freeway (which also has a bike path for a lot if it) for just a half mile before I ran into 150. Luckily that part was a work zone so cars were already going slow.
I was also lucky the tide was low.

Santa Barbara seems like a great place to live. I really like this part of Cali in general.


There is a bike trail. I had to walk on the beach for about a mile, and the actual freeway (which also has a bike path for a lot if it) for just a half mile before I ran into 150. Luckily that part was a work zone so cars were already going slow.
I was also lucky the tide was low.

Santa Barbara seems like a great place to live. I really like this part of Cali in general.
Very cool. Enjoy it, because after Goleta it's just nothing for miles. You'll probably have to sleep in some of the public parks along the way.
Man this seems like a really cool experience. One of my favorite things to do in sandbox games like Fallout is just wander and observe shit in my travels.
I've made it to Monterey Bay.

Ladies and gentleman, I have hit a wall. It's really more mental than physical. Although I can barely stand the smell of myself right now. My clothes need washing badly.

In staying at a hostel in Monterey for a few days. Tonight is st Patrick's day. I'm going to get very, very drunk and hopefully have some fun.

The idea of walking one more mile is repulsive to me right now. I need a break, but my spirit isn't broken.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I've made it to Monterey Bay.

Ladies and gentleman, I have hit a wall. It's really more mental than physical. Although I can barely stand the smell of myself right now. My clothes need washing badly.

In staying at a hostel in Monterey for a few days. Tonight is st Patrick's day. I'm going to get very, very drunk and hopefully have some fun.

The idea of walking one more mile is repulsive to me right now. I need a break, but my spirit isn't broken.

Nice to have an update. To be honest, it's impressive you've made it that far before hitting that wall. Good luck getting your motivation back! Have some fun tonight.
Nice to have an update. To be honest, it's impressive you've made it that far before hitting that wall. Good luck getting your motivation back! Have some fun tonight.

Hard to believe its been nearly three weeks since we met at that park in Oceanside.

Time is so fucked for me


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hard to believe its been nearly three weeks since we met at that park in Oceanside.

Time is so fucked for me

Funnily enough, for me it seems like ages ago. School makes time go so slowly... Only 5 days left now though.

Yes Boss!

Man you moved really quickly from Santa Barbra to Monterey!

You're nearly in the Bay Area, keep it up!

Had to have gotten a few rides. Once you leave Goleta it is slim picken's till San Luis Obispo. After that...man, a hell of a walk with not much.


yeah. dude's a beast for going as far as he has. I'm very impressed if he did infact walk most of the way there.
Had to have gotten a few rides. Once you leave Goleta it is slim picken's till San Luis Obispo. After that...man, a hell of a walk with not much.

Indeed. I rode a train from goleta to Guadalupe, then walked to Pablo Robles, then a bus to king city.

Some places there was nowhere to walk but freeway (illegal and unsafe) and between paso robles and king city there is just nothing. I dont have supplies for that long a stretch.

But I will have walked at least 400 miles by the end. After that last stretch Monterey is a glorious oasis. I'm loving it here.


aka Mannny
To all the people offering me helpcompanionship, it means a lot! Gaf love. Don't be surprised if I take you up on your offer!

RE the I-15: the extra 40 miles isn't a big deal, an extra 3-4 days. Neither is the heat, I grew up in TX. Pendleton is a pain in the ass I'd rather avoid. Plus a little detour inland might be nice... I know nothing about the route tho. Tenecula/corona...also dont know when i would turn back west. I'm nervous about walking through southern/ Cen LA, even along the coast... Is that irrational?

Oh and the coyote was def curious but kept his distance. He just ran away when I got close, then stopped when I stopped and looked at me
also, I know this is far too late hut corona is where I reside! And temecula is known for its wine tasting. Lol unfortunately I don't know any way to get there without the freeway.
Doing quite well. Almost there!

Interesting thing happened to me today. I'm walking through downtown San Jose, strike up a conversation with a guy on the corner who I figure out us a ticket scalper.

"Want to see a free basketball game?"

Next thing I know, I'm 15th row at the NCAA tournament West 2nd round. Caught the end of the first game, than watched Oregon beat OSU.

I must be a lucky guy
Doing quite well. Almost there!

Interesting thing happened to me today. I'm walking through downtown San Jose, strike up a conversation with a guy on the corner who I figure out us a ticket scalper.

"Want to see a free basketball game?"

Next thing I know, I'm 15th row at the NCAA tournament West 2nd round. Caught the end of the first game, than watched Oregon beat OSU.

I must be a lucky guy

So you've pretty much made it to your destination. Now what's next for you?
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