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inFAMOUS - The oFFicial Thread


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Since this is Sony's big summer game. They gonna actually market this one. With you know, commercials.
No they will not, as in, noticeably.
Killzone 2 was clearly one of Sony's bigger 1st party cards this gen and no dice.
inFamous is not going to do good initially though I would expect a million+ sales before the end of the year. Uncharted 2 beta is a nice bonus but UC1 is a two million+ selling game, not an all-year blockbuster.

But hey, the quality of the game seems very good.

Captain N

Junior Member
Wollan said:
No they will not, as in, noticeably.
Killzone 2 was clearly one of Sony's bigger 1st party cards this gen and no dice.
inFamous is not going to do good initially though I would expect a million+ sales before the end of the year. Uncharted 2 beta is a nice bonus but UC1 is a two million+ selling game, not an all-year blockbuster.

But hey, the quality of the game seems very good.

I think this game will be helped out by the Uncharted 2 beta. Sony seems to release these games to please the fans who already have the system. Releasing a game like this will get the people who own the system to go out and pick up the game. Hopefully showing it off to a friend who will go out and buy the PS3.


The words "Sony" and "good marketing" do not mix.

SCE is good at building hype amongst "hardcore" gamers, but they fucking suck at marketing their games to the general public / casual gamers.


For those with a retail copy of the game, do the Blast Shards show up on the map as big blue dots when you hit L3 like they do in the demo?
After reading Greg Miller's ign review. I really have to question this.

Another one of my few criticisms is that I was aware I was playing a game most of the time. Sounds silly, right? What I mean is that when I played Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid 4, I found myself completely immersed in those worlds. From start to finish, I was that character and I was fighting for my life. For the majority of the time in Infamous, I totally felt like I was Cole; When I made choices, when women cried out that they wanted to have my baby, and so on, I felt like that stuff was happening to me. However, at the end of every mission the game pauses and brings up a stat box to show you the XP you've earned and what moves you pulled off. I like the information, but it kind of slapped me out of the experience. I would've preferred if the "Mission Complete" screen was more integrated like Fallout 3. It was just something that didn't mesh with the rest of the title for me.

How is this a legitimate complaint. Complaining that he's playing a game because the game shows him a menu.


h3ro said:
For those with a retail copy of the game, do the Blast Shards show up on the map as big blue dots when you hit L3 like they do in the demo?

neojubei said:
I wonder if this game has any cool unlockables such as unlimited energy after you beat the game.
Nope, not that I've seen. There is a power though that gives you unlimited energy for a short period of time.


Click said:
The words "Sony" and "good marketing" do not mix.

SCE is good at building hype amongst "hardcore" gamers, but they fucking suck at marketing their games to the general public / casual gamers.
Perhaps this generation you are right, but their marketing had to be doing something right in the PS1/PS2 era. And really, the claims that Sony doesn't market their games is at the very least exaggerated, if not flat out wrong. I've seen commercials for every major release at least 5 times. Heavenly Sword and MLB 09 much more then that.


Felium Defensor
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
After reading Greg Miller's ign review. I really have to question this.

How is this a legitimate complaint. Complaining that he's playing a game because the game shows him a menu.
Clearly too gamey. Fuck this game.
Sales -1.


h3ro said:
Excellent. Is there a tally kept of how many you have versus how many are left in the field in the menus?
Yeah, it's actually in the save menu. When you highlight your save file, after a second or two it'll show your progress in the game percentage wise, how many districts you've taken over, how many shards you've collected, how many dead drops you've found, and how many stunts you've performed, as well as how many of each you have remaining.

My advice to you guys when you get the game: make sure to save manually before turning the game off. I think it only auto-saves after main missions, not side missions...haven't really tested...but there are times that I've gone to the save menu after a few hours of play and the time on the save file was still from the day before.


For those that have tried the demo...how's the framerate. I don't care about aliasing issues, or low graphical detail. I just want a good framerate. Does it hold a constant 30 like Crackdown? I'm really tempted, since I did like Crackdown a lot.


TheExodu5 said:
For those that have tried the demo...how's the framerate. I don't care about aliasing issues, or low graphical detail. I just want a good framerate. Does it hold a constant 30 like Crackdown? I'm really tempted, since I did like Crackdown a lot.

no, it ranges from 20 to 60 (I'd say 90% of the time you'll be playing at about 25-40) but looking better than Crackdown.


TheExodu5 said:
For those that have tried the demo...how's the framerate. I don't care about aliasing issues, or low graphical detail. I just want a good framerate. Does it hold a constant 30 like Crackdown? I'm really tempted, since I did like Crackdown a lot.

I think the framerate is fine and the aliasing really was not that bad to me. The draw distance is not so great. Don`t like how they blur the far off buildings but it is a minor complaint.

I also loved Crackdown and have been waiting for another game like it since. I really hope Prototype gets a demo so I can decide which one of these to get.


TheExodu5 said:
For those that have tried the demo...how's the framerate. I don't care about aliasing issues, or low graphical detail. I just want a good framerate. Does it hold a constant 30 like Crackdown? I'm really tempted, since I did like Crackdown a lot.
Average of 29.99 but jumps anywhere from 25fps to 50fps.


Madman said:
Perhaps this generation you are right, but their marketing had to be doing something right in the PS1/PS2 era. And really, the claims that Sony doesn't market their games is at the very least exaggerated, if not flat out wrong. I've seen commercials for every major release at least 5 times. Heavenly Sword and MLB 09 much more then that.

I don't want to turn this into another Sony marketing debate, but yeah, I was talking mainly about this generation.

It is difficult to market the most expensive console (and its games) on the market, especially in a world-wide recession. However, it's no excuse for SCE to have failed to market most of their first-party games well enough to succeed (financially), getting the mass-market to buy their games.

I know you never claimed I said "Sony doesn't market their games." Probably because I never said it, lol. I think most "hardcore" Sony fans are just frustrated that SCE's inability or refusal to promote their AAA titles to the general audience. Of course they market their games. But is it GOOD marketing?

Oh, just because you've seen a decent amount of commercials doesn't mean they're "good" commercials that appeal to casual gamers. Plus, the best and most effective method to market games is "word of mouth" marketing, not TV commercials. Obviously, the game itself has to be very good and very fun, but it's usually up to the publishers to hype up a game enough, not just amongst the "hardcore" gamers, but most importantly, amongst casuals. SCE seems to have a difficult time getting to casual gamers but have little trouble with the "hardcore" crowd. People need to be saying "Dude, you've got to get this game!" with most of their real-life friends, not just their PSN or forums "friends."

Anyway, SCE did do a good job saturating TVs with MLB 09 commercials this year. It was fucking everywhere, lol.


So there are apparently
stunts in inFamous. I've found 13 of them. I've posted below how I THINK these are obtained. I'm not 100% sure about many of these at all. If you have any corrections or have any to add to this list, please post them.

Hopefully, we can accumulate all of them!

1. Sticky Bomb - Stick a shock grenade to someone

2. Insult to injury - Stick a grenade to an enemies head (this might also involve shockwaving them while stickied or shockwaving them into a grenade)

3. Whack-A-Mole - Kill a Conduit (the teleporting guys) using a thunder drop

4. Enviro Takedown - Use the environment to kill someone - example: blow up a car using your lightning bolt next to someone

5. High Fall - Knock someone down to their death - easy if you use the shockwave push

6. Blast and Bolt - Blast someone into the air using the shockwave, then shock them using your lighting bolt

7. Flying Heat Shot - Same as Blast and Bolt but it has to be a headshot. This is a pain in the ass. I just shockwaved someone off a building and basically traced their path down, firing rapid fire lightning strikes just behind their head (i.e. where their head was the instant before I shot) until I caught up to their head.

8. Air Strike - While in the air, kill someone using the lighting bolt

9. Premature Detonation - Blow up the suicide bombers before they blow themselves up

10. Crush - I'm about 80% sure this is done when you shockwave someone into a wall to crush them (they have to be really close to the wall). This can be very finnicky. If it's not this, it has something to do with shockwave. I get it a lot when I'm shockwaving in a big crowd of enemies.

11. Flying Melee - Not 100% sure. I did a backflip kick that sent me flying off a building, so I think the goal is to melee someone with a move that makes you fly away. But it also could have been that my first punch knocked HIM off the building (i.e. he was "flying") and my second melee attack hit him while he was "flying." Whatever the case, it happens to me whenever I punch someone twice near a ledge.

12. Suspended Sentence - Blast someone into the air using the shockwave, then hit them using your lighting storm.

13. Up close and personal - Kill 5 baddies in a row using only melee

I got the above 13 myself. The remaining 5 are second hand and I cannot confirm them:

14. Right Back At Ya - Force an enemy to kill himself with his own grenade by shockwaving him from a distance (far enough to not blow him away but close enough to make him drop his grenade).

15. Air Sticky Bomb - Blast an enemy into the air then stick grenade him.

16. Unquenchable thirst - Ride 4 power lines in a row without touching any other surface

17. Crowd Control - ???

18. Melee Finisher - ???
The demo will push more copies than the Beta will IMO.
Even killzone had it's one big commercial.
One, well placed spot (that trailer from the end of the demo is perfect) and you can get some real attention.

The Chef

BobTheFork said:
One, well placed spot (that trailer from the end of the demo is perfect) and you can get some real attention.

And toss a pic of Cole on the side of a Slurpee and you'll sell another 250,000 copies guaranteed.


Instant profit!


badcrumble said:

Sorry, this PS3 exclusive game may be good, but it isn't worth six hundred dollars.

It's $69.99, either a typo or that guy lives in some bizarro version of Canada that no one knows of.


An blind dancing ho
so guys , it migh be a silly question but

can Cole have normal sex ?

seriously , I know it's just a video game ..but still


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheExodu5 said:
For those that have tried the demo...how's the framerate. I don't care about aliasing issues, or low graphical detail. I just want a good framerate. Does it hold a constant 30 like Crackdown? I'm really tempted, since I did like Crackdown a lot.
Crackdown did not hold 30 fps at all times and neither does Infamous. It's a LOT more detailed than Crackdown, however, and looks better overall (though Crackdown has cleaner image quality).


dark10x said:
Crackdown did not hold 30 fps at all times and neither does Infamous. It's a LOT more detailed than Crackdown, however, and looks better overall (though Crackdown has cleaner image quality).



Justin Dailey said:
So there are apparently 26 stunts in inFamous. I've found 13 of them. I've posted below how I THINK these are obtained. I'm not 100% sure about many of these at all. If you have any corrections or have any to add to this list, please post them.

Hopefully, we can accumulate all 26!

...Spoilers galore

You might want to spoiler tag that.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Since this is Sony's big summer game. They gonna actually market this one. With you know, commercials.

Nope. Their biggest, most hyped got 1 commercial. This will get nothing.

ALso back to sharing demo. PM if you need it.


I just cancled my pre order.
I want this game badly, but I saw Mirror's Edge and Dead Space for 25 pounds - which is dirt cheap. Sadly, I can't afford all three.

Maybe I'll buy them now, shelf them, wait a few days for June to start, and then enjoy InFamous.

Damn it!

Doc Evils

Justin Dailey said:
Is the code good now?

Also, what name did you submit?

I didn't do anything. Like the Motorstorm demo, Sony likes to send certain users demo codes to download before others.

I'm not complaining.:D


Unconfirmed Member
Doc Evils said:
I didn't do anything. Like the Motorstorm demo, Sony likes to send certain users demo codes to download before others.

I'm not complaining.:D

I got the MS:pR demo early too, hope they do the same for this.


Played the demo yesterday night. I didn't finish it, but the demo gave me a bad vibe of the game. The world just feels...empty. There's no action going on, just people walking, cars driving. That's it. Hope it's different in the final game.

The first mission in the demo was soo dry. Get on train. train stalls. kill guy, charge box, do the same thing 2-3 more times.

i still want to play the full gme though. and i'll replay the demo tonight.


Maggot9 said:
Played the demo yesterday night. I didn't finish it, but the demo gave me a bad vibe of the game. The world just feels...empty. There's no action going on, just people walking, cars driving. That's it. Hope it's different in the final game.

The first mission in the demo was soo dry. Get on train. train stalls. kill guy, charge box, do the same thing 2-3 more times.

i still want to play the full gme though. and i'll replay the demo tonight.

what do you want people to do in a post apocalyptic environment? There's people lying down dying, people walking about, people taking pics of you, and people running from reapers. Also food is scarce that's why there's food drops so i doubt there'd be any hot dog stands or people eating on the streets.
Since I don't have HD or even SD capture (anymore) I couldn't take any DVD resolution screenshots. So instead, I took pictures of my LCD panel :lol










Wanted to take combat pictures but that requires more hands than I have...
Maggot9 said:
Played the demo yesterday night. I didn't finish it, but the demo gave me a bad vibe of the game. The world just feels...empty. There's no action going on, just people walking, cars driving. That's it. Hope it's different in the final game.

So it seems you played the demo for 10 seconds and made that conclusion.


SuperSonic1305 said:
So it seems you played the demo for 10 seconds and made that conclusion.

Yeah, keep going to the section where you can fully roam the city looking for missions.

This is the summer of Infamous bionics.

Well my demo account has been tampered with, no more demo codes from me. Lasted longer than I expected to be honest.

EDIT: I liked that PSN name too, I was going to keep that as a sharing account. :(


Will drop pants for Sony.
MvmntInGrn said:

Well my demo account has been tampered with, no more demo codes from me. Lasted longer than I expected to be honest.

EDIT: I liked that PSN name too, I was going to keep that as a sharing account. :(

Damn sorry to hear about that.


Felium Defensor
MvmntInGrn said:

Well my demo account has been tampered with, no more demo codes from me. Lasted longer than I expected to be honest.

EDIT: I liked that PSN name too, I was going to keep that as a sharing account. :(
Some people will continue to be asshats no matter what. I say have a list of everyone you've shared that account with. Sure it won't really help, but it could be useful for future references.
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