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IronGAF Cookoff (hosted by OnkelC)

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Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
OnkelC said:
I started with a Casio Exilim EX-Z 1000 last August and used it until this March or April before it broke. Since then, I am using a Panasonic Lumix TZ3. Because the flash on this one is overpowering most of the macro shots, I also added a tabletop tripod and a cheap halogen desk lamp to the setup with the camera switch.

Oops, missed this reply. Thanks for the info Onkel :)
i guess i'm first! here's the feast from last night:

macaroni gratin w/ mushrooms and ham


broccoli salad w/ sunflower seeds and bacon

cranberry sauce

fruit salad

the rest of the lineup

suffice to say, i'm quite stuffed for today.


Hail to the Chef
Here are shots from fridays' salad, which was made from red oak leaf lettuce. We used a few orange filets, cheese strips, shallots and chicken strips to spice it up. Decorate the salad with the orange filets and finely cubed shallots, fry the strips in a good amout of oil, remove the strips from the pan and throw on the salad, add the juice of one orange and some balsamico to the pan, spice with salt, pepper and herbs of choice, sprinkle on the salad and serve with bread:





Hail to the Chef
Yesterdays dish was a homemade Calzone (Wiki entry)
(Preparation of the dough can be found here)

It was a first for me, I never tried to roll out Pizza dough. Reason was the lack of a rolling pin in ze kitchen, which was resolved yesterday ;). I went with a filling of mushrooms, ham and mozz, while the wife stuffed hers with tuna, corn and shallots. Prep wasn't as easy as I thought, the first attempt teared on the surface and it was a pain to put it from the rollout place onto the oven tray:




The transfer process was everything but smooth, so the calzone had a rather disfigured look to it:

I rolled out and filled the second batch directly on the baking tray, which was the way to go:

Tuna and corn

ham, shrooms and mozz:


It's awesome, try it out!


I'll try my hands on homemade tartare in a few minutes (including chopping the meat and all), wish me luck.


Hail to the Chef
Thanks Zyzyxxz!

So, experimenting-age, sunday morning edition ;)
Disclaimer: the following dish might not be for everyone, so read at your own risk.

I bought a nice piece of beef filet for tonights dinner (Steaks with shallot confit and potato dumplings) which would have been too much for the dinner alone. As I hadn't had tartare in a while, I wanted to tryto make it from scratch. Ingredients were simple as ever, namely:

-around 150 grams of beef filet,
-yolk of one small egg,
-one shallot or small onion,
-salt, pepper, lemon juice or vinegar, neutral oil after taste.

pare the meat, cut it in blender-sized chunks:


Grind or blend it to a finer than ground beef level:


cube the shallots, season the meat with salt, pepper, shallots and vinegar:

add yolk and oil:

serve on buttered fresh toast or a bread roll:




Hail to the Chef
thanks, smirk! I try to buy every meat at a dedicated butcher. For pre-ground tartare or prime cuts, I try out the butcher a few times before I buy such critical items at him or her. Not that there would be anything with meats from grocery stores, but you don't only buy the goods, but also the seller IMHO.

Everytime we have to move, I go the length to check out all butchers in the proximity of our flat and then base my buying decision on the outcome of the test buys.

There can so many things go wrong with meats, it's worth the effort. Sausages and prefried/frozen meats can be bought at a grocery store without hesitation, though.
thanks for the reply; one more question. what sorts of things should i be looking for when "testing out" a butcher? warning signs in the meats? etc?


Hail to the Chef
smirkrevenge said:
thanks for the reply; one more question. what sorts of things should i be looking for when "testing out" a butcher? warning signs in the meats? etc?

I'd say "listen to your belly" in a non funny way.
If the shop gives you a funny feeling in your guts or makes you feel uncomfortable, skip it.

I usually check the amount of consumers in the store everytime I visit over two or three weeks (If I'm the only person in the store for more than a couple of times, g'bye),

use my nose (does the shop smell like detergent - bad sign, does it smell funny? bad sign),

try the lesser cuts of pork and beef (again, smell test, how do they react/smell raw and in the pan, were they fresh or maybe from yesterday? If the latter, never again. Same for not adequately pared cuts, I don't pay for tendons and fat unless I state explicitly so).

And last, learn to know your butcher. A qualified one will be able to answer all of your questions and do this in a friendly and polite manner.
Finally, taste-test the goods.

If he has "qualified" so far, try out ground meats. If they are also alright, you can "go for the goods" like tartare and the likes without further hesitation IMHO.


No! Stop it Onkel!

You making me home-sick now. I can't get "real" steak in Hong Kong like in the U.S.

There are a few things I need to eat when I get back: chicken pot pie, "real" steak, and drink some friggin orange juice (the good kind).

Anyway I have a question about tartare, how safe is it really? I mean I like my steak kinda rare but Im just wondering what makes eating the meat raw good over cooked? Do you get a more "pure" beef flavor?


Hail to the Chef
Zyzyxxz said:
No! Stop it Onkel!

You making me home-sick now. I can't get "real" steak in Hong Kong like in the U.S.

There are a few things I need to eat when I get back: chicken pot pie, "real" steak, and drink some friggin orange juice (the good kind).

Anyway I have a question about tartare, how safe is it really? I mean I like my steak kinda rare but Im just wondering what makes eating the meat raw good over cooked? Do you get a more "pure" beef flavor?
For the tartare, it's definitely a different taste from a fried, grilled or roasted biece of beef (the tartare from today was made from the same piece as the steak tonight btw). Imagine the difference in taste as raw tuna on sushi as opposed to grilled tuna. The cooking process alters the protein in the meat and also changes its water and collagen contents. In addition, the applied heat caramelizes the top layer of the meat, adding an additional taste component (the so called maillard reaction).

Tartare, when made from a prime cut which was bought at a butcher of trust (see above), I would assume it as safe as any other dish. It's important to use a fresh egg and never skip on the lemon juice or vinegar, as the acids are needed for a further disinfection of the ingredients, just to be sure.


Hail to the Chef
Powerslave said:
What camera are you using?
I am using a Panasonic Lumix TZ3. Because the flash on this one is overpowering most of the macro shots, I also added a tabletop tripod and a cheap halogen desk lamp to the setup.


Zyzyxxz said:
Anyway I have a question about tartare, how safe is it really? I mean I like my steak kinda rare but Im just wondering what makes eating the meat raw good over cooked? Do you get a more "pure" beef flavor?

The Vinegar/lemon basically "cooks" it. Its pretty safe. Its also very delicious. An Aquired taste though


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Zyzyxxz said:
oh comon have a sense of humor and laugh dammit!

His niece is laughing, see?

I guess, awfully cute child, it's just that I have a little girl of my own and that find that picture a bit disturbing, nothing personal against the poster.


Hail to the Chef

"Well, listen up, sonny Jim: I ate a baby. Oh, aye, Baby: the other, other white meat. Baby: it's what's for dinner. "

Captain N

Junior Member
Okay....So I went into the city and they had really good Soy Chicken Cheese Steaks..I was wondering if anyone would know how to make some soy chicken cheese steaks?


OnkelC said:

OnkelC, I feel bad about it since you're a fellow GAFFer, so I'll let you know so you can sort it out on Monday.. but I've stolen your identity.

I was going to clean out your bank account, but I left a little money there for you.

You should know better than to show an unedited egg serial number on the Internet.
Zyzyxxz said:
oh comon have a sense of humor and laugh dammit!

His niece is laughing, see?

:lol Thanks for sticking up for me. It's all in good fun.

Granted, I don't know what possessed my Brother-In-Law to put his daughter in a skillet, but she was laughing like crazy. It's not like he was going to turn it on, jeez.

adelante said:
Needs more salt
only cos i've no projects to keep me busy at work right now



Hail to the Chef
adelante said:
Needs more salt
only cos i've no projects to keep me busy at work right now

:lol :lol :lol

SickBoy said:
OnkelC, I feel bad about it since you're a fellow GAFFer, so I'll let you know so you can sort it out on Monday.. but I've stolen your identity.

I was going to clean out your bank account, but I left a little money there for you.

You should know better than to show an unedited egg serial number on the Internet.
:lol :lol :lol

Ether_Snake said:
You all have such fancy kitchens.
uh, no, at least not me.


thats not the first time somebody assumed you had a kitchen fit for kings.

lol so this ain't the first time I've seen your kitchen but it just reminds me that its not about the tools.

Remember from Ratatouille, anybody can cook!

If you didn't see the movie then **** you.


Hail to the Chef
Tonights Dinner:
Creamed spinach with potatoes, or more lyrical "Reflections on the blandness of monday"



Hail to the Chef
Tonights dinner will be roast chicken from the roast chicken man.

Keep sharing your thoughts and dishes, folks!


calzones look great onkel. I make stromboli quite often which which are similar. I make one with potato spinach and red sauce in it. yum!

And if you like tartare, I suggest you try negi toro. it's basically ground tuna. It's often in roll sushi here, but you can also find it domburi form like this



Hail to the Chef
yup, negitoro is nice. But it's really difficult to get a hold of fresh sushi-grade tuna over here, so I'm limited to ordering it in japanese restaurants :(

There's also a very good tasting korean variation of beef tartare called "Yukhae" (sp), served as really thin strips of beef fillet and marinated with sesame oil, yolk and apple strips.


OnkelC said:
yup, negitoro is nice. But it's really difficult to get a hold of fresh sushi-grade tuna over here, so I'm limited to ordering it in japanese restaurants :(

well depends and what is truly sushi grade for you since all fish is normally frozen when caught on those fishing boats anyway.

My suggestion would be to fish it yourself for the best and eat it the same day but its nearly impossible to do it on a whim.

personally I prefer salmon rice over tuna but its all good to me either way.


Hail to the Chef
All maritime fishes should be frozen for a set amount of time to prevent getting a nematode infection from them, so it's mandatory in most countries. Even sushi-grade tuna is/was frozen before preparation. "Sushi-grade" is kind of a marketing term, admittedly.


I'm having Aardappel Anders (bacon/onion) tonight (Potato Different?......just doesn't sound the same :D ), along with green peas and a schnitzel.

Aardappel Anders is basically a oven-dish sauce for potatoes. Simple, from a jar, but doesn't taste half bad :D


Hail to the Chef
Wout said:
I'm having Aardappel Anders (bacon/onion) tonight (Potato Different?......just doesn't sound the same :D ), along with green peas and a schnitzel.

Aardappel Anders is basically a oven-dish sauce for potatoes. Simple, from a jar, but doesn't taste half bad :D
lol, i tried that out once myself! :lol


Hail to the Chef
YES YES YES, that's exactly the stuff!:lol It's called "Kartoffeln mal anders" in germany. Stupidest commercial ever btw: they list/sing all the known prep methods for taters (5 or 6), THEN say along the line "but try out our stuff, too"!:lol needless to say, it stayed a niche product.


OnkelC said:
YES YES YES, that's exactly the stuff!:lol It's called "Kartoffeln mal anders" in germany. Stupidest commercial ever btw: they list/sing all the known prep methods for taters (5 or 6), THEN say along the line "but try out our stuff, too"!:lol needless to say, it stayed a niche product.
Sounds like an exact translation of the Dutch commercial :lol

Looks better when finished btw :D


It's no haute cuisine, for a student it's not that bad


Hail to the Chef
looks nice! Way better than standard student fare. And congrats to the name change.
Here's chicken:

Enjoy! and share your stuff, folks.


my diet basically consists of 2 minute noodles (i think its called 'instant ramen' in the states/europe), potato chips and bananas. i'm jealous of everyone in this thread.


OnkelC said:
Tonights dish will be something from McDonalds. Anything particular you want to see?

Chicken Nuggets/fingers/tenders And any sauce that might not be available in the US..

i get tired of Sweet and Sour
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