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Is Aquaman the greatest butt of a joke ever?

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Look ReiGun, I know Bats smoked your boy Darkseid with a gun, but you don't have to hate on him.

Idk what you're talking. I do, however, recall Superman's impeccable singing voice that winning the day against Darkseid.

Because Supes is both the hero we need and the hero we deserve. No half-stepping like that rich kid in the bat suit.

You make a compelling case. Allow me to retort.

Brave and the Bold Aquaman is pretty great though.

I told you man, you're cool.

I loved his Brave and the Bold interpretation. Yes, it tended to be funny, and he really is stupid about humanity and human etiquette... but I'd expect that.

Seeing him giddy about going into a fight was awesome.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
That only happened in Kevin Smith's addled little mind. That dude wets himself if a meter maid approaches him briskly.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Because Superman can't work around water.

Actually yeah, he'd have trouble in Aquaman's domain.

Batman was beating fools down way before "emo" and "Twilight" so that shit don't even make sense. That's like calling everything "hipster." It means nothing.


Why are you using a horrible comic as an example? Batman's also an ass in that one :p

And honestly Batman being defeated by leaguers is much more believable since most of the time it'd require Bat Sue for him to win.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, it would take up the rest of the thread to post how many times Bats had whupped Superman's butt. I just posted one example.


Maybe Chris Hanson should have a talk with him?

What's the problem? Darkseid is taking time out of his busy day tending to the slave pits of Apocalypse to mentor Earth youth. Truly, he is a glorious leader.

He takes orders from Cyclops because he respects him. Aquaman takes orders from everyone else in JLA (Including Cyborg lolololol) because he's useless

He respects a guy who psychically cheated on his wife (then kissed the woman he cheated on her with on his wife's fresh grave), puts teenagers on secret assassin squads, and wants to control the Phoenix Force so people won't make fun of mutants?

Meanwhile, Aquabro is rubbing elbows with the princess of the Amazons, Bruce Wayne, and other upstanding individuals.


I think years of ridicule has done a lot of damage to Aquaman's reputation at least in this country. Johns is trying his best to make Aquaman relevant/cool again in his comic and making it so that people make fun of him in the DCnU as well.

But the fish jokes are never gonna die.
He respects a guy who psychically cheated on his wife (then kissed the woman he cheated on her with on his wife's fresh grave), puts teenagers on secret assassin squads, and wants to control the Phoenix Force so people won't make fun of mutants?

Meanwhile, Aquabro is rubbing elbows with the princess of the Amazons, Bruce Wayne, and other upstanding individuals.

Say what you want about Cyclops as a person, but you can't deny he's an amazing leader, and this is coming from someone who hates Cyclops, and that's what Namor respects. Cycke's ability to lead, even Wolverine respects it...granted he no longer believes in Cyke and was about to whoop dat ass (Because we all know Wolverine could EASILY kill Cyclops).

Aquaman doesn't rub elbows with Batman and Co, he gets their fish filet sandwiches.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
He respects a guy who psychically cheated on his wife (then kissed the woman he cheated on her with on his wife's fresh grave), puts teenagers on secret assassin squads, and wants to control the Phoenix Force so people won't make fun of mutants?

Don't want to give scott any unneeded credit, but wasn't emma mindjacking him in the form of jean?


Say what you want about Cyclops as a person, but you can't deny he's an amazing leader, and this is coming from someone who hates Cyclops, and that's what Namor respects. Cycke's ability to lead, even Wolverine respects it...granted he no longer believes in Cyke and was about to whoop dat ass (Because we all know Wolverine could EASILY kill Cyclops).

Aquaman doesn't rub elbows with Batman and Co, he gets their fish filet sandwiches.

Cyke is leading his people (and the rest of us) right into planetary destruction, and Namor is going right with, even turning on his Invaders bro, Captain America. He turned on Captain America!

I think you know what I'm getting at...

Namor is a Nazi. :|

Don't want to give scott any unneeded credit, but wasn't emma mindjacking him in the form of jean?
She was dressed up as Phoenix Jean cause that's how Cyke gets his jollies. Jean busts in on this eventually.

Which brings Cyclops's decision making skills into question. Why would you psychically cheat on your psychic wife with the sluttiest psychic in town? How did you not see this ending badly?


This thread is so entertaining! Super hero fans fights are always more amusing than actual super hero fights!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
She was dressed up as Phoenix Jean cause that's how Cyke gets his jollies. Jean busts in on this eventually.

Which brings Cyclops's decision making skills into question. Why would you psychically cheat on your psychic wife with the sluttiest psychic in town? How did you not see this ending badly?

Emma liked to dress up as Jean during their "sessions", but he still knew it was Emma.

Thank you for giving me no reason to have respect for scott, and to see all his boasting about jean to be bullshit. But if there were vegas odds on it, I would bet money that if jean came back, that scott would go running back to her. Not that I want that. And to be honest, I wouldn't want logan to have her either..


But Namor is fucking strong as shit WITHOUT water around, if he's even near a puddle you're pretty much fucked. And he can fly...I mean Aquaman has to walk or hitch a ride to his destination.

smh 80% of Earth is covered in water and nearly every major city has a river near by. You don't think the water can get him there?
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