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Is Brotherhood the best sword design from Final Fantasy?



Buster Sword has to be one of the most emblematic sword design in gaming history.

Emblematic of terrible taste, sure.

It's something my 12 year old self would have come up with. My 12 year old self, as most other's 12 year old selfs, was an idiot.


best junior ever



Tidus' Caladbolg / Ultima Weapon is my favorite.

When I first got it I became obsessed because of how much I liked its design. Its name is derived from the Irish counterpart of Excalibur. One of its nicknames means hard lightning, which is fitting because that's what it looks like: A thunderbolt in the shape of a sword. God it's so cool.

My second favorite is Auron's Katana.

It's simple, yet stylized. It's almost elegant in its simplicity. It's a big slab of steel and barely even a sword, which makes it the perfect weapon for Auron, who is basically a wild brute, despite formerly having been a warrior monk. I'm trying desperately to why I Iike it but I'm falling short of ways to do so without sounding like a pretentious git.

And although it's not a weapon you use, I really like the design for Yojimbo's Zanmato.



Yeah they do. What do you consider good design?

Functionality would be up there as an important attribute for one. Something that doesn't require a personal, hydraulic lift to carry around?

I was gonna type a bunch fo other stuff, but rrerally we're arguing subjective likes. Not sure that's going to go anywhere.

But for argument's sake: pretty much all sword in the Witcher 3.


To me Brotherhood was a breath of fresh air, the Buster Blade from FF7 is far more iconic, and the Gunblade for FF8 was a step in the right direction in terms of crazy.

To me the best sword design was Lightning's changeable gun/blade for it's aesthetics and being an actual workable interchangeable gun/sword sword.
Functionality would be up there as an important attribute for one. Something that doesn't require a personal, hydraulic lift to carry around?

I was gonna type a bunch fo other stuff, but rrerally we're arguing subjective likes. Not sure that's going to go anywhere.

But for argument's sake: pretty much all sword in the Witcher 3.

They're fantasy games with fantasy swords. Functionality, realism, and all the things that would naturally follow those two things don't enter into it.


I also want to mention Cloud's sword in Advent Children:


That thing was cool. It was one of the main reasons I wanted a FFVII-2 game. I just wanted some kind of gameplay utilizing that crazy-ass sword. :D

Bingo. It's really too bad that it's stuck in a movie. It is the best.


So...realistic boring stuff.

No, realistic, awesome, scary stuff. Not 10 year old designed it stuff.

It's a very subjective thing as you can see. Having seen and held actual historical pieces... most video game sowrd look like toys by comparison.

To me it's the difference between something like this:


And this:


12 year old me might have actually said "COOL" to the ludicrous monstrosity at the bottom.... maybe.


Junior Member
Brotherhood was always pretty sweet, I just don't like the little tassle at the end of the hilt.

That's what makes it Brotherhood. Remember how Tidus got it. It's like a charm, something to remember friends/family/where you're from kind of thing.


You are aware this is an FF thread right?

Lol! No! I just realized that. For some reason the title only rendered as: "Is brotherhood the best sword design" on my tablet. I had to scroll to see the rest.

Shit, sorry guys!

In that case I'm going to go with:


The 6 foot beast.


Lol! No! I just realized that. For some reason the title only rendered as: "Is brotherhood the best sword design" on my tablet. I had to scroll to see the rest.

Shit, sorry guys!

In that case I'm going to go with:


The 6 foot beast.

lol, wow.. I was wondering why you were being so argumentive. I like that one too, btw. I'm sure a bunch of people do but it's the reason why I always wanna rock the 'Washing Pole' in Dark Souls 1.


Did anyone mention Brotherhood isn't Tidus' default sword yet?
Anyway, I prefer the Blazefire saber. It's a really cool design.
He's the worst character in the entire franchise, but Genesis' sword is pretty cool.


Visually striking and memorable without being an over-designed mess.


I always preferred Seifer's gunblade, myself.


It's not the prettiest, but I just always liked the shape of the blade itself.
The chain saw. Duh? Brotherhood is a good signature weapon, I'll admit, but nothing can ever possibly better a Buster Sword. Too too ingrained into gaming everything, plus an awesome example of stereotypical JRPG excesses.
Ridill has a special place in my heart.

SCREW YOU, RIDILL! How many evenings of my life were wasted just -praying- I could ever have a chance to obtain anything so awesome?! This thing is satan incarnate. The means to earn it is a Captain Ahab insanity affair. It's a woeful take I'll never be able to share with anyone for the rest of my life because of the sheer insanity and stupidity. (I ended up being one of those peasants with a Joyeuse)
And this:

Aah, one of the custom guns from Resonance Of Fate.
Just kidding. You couldn't add extra ammo to the top of the barrel. That's just silly! The rest of that? Pretty much permissible.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I'm levelling a DRK for the sole purpose of having a Hive Claymore in ffxiv:

Astral Dog

I like that its filled with water, but that thing on top looks ugly.
That gunblade and Noctis sword look cool too.

Tired of Clouds sword, iconic but looks ugly, bulky and too simple, FF7 sword designs are meh.
After the Buster Sword the sword designs in FF just get stupid.

Brotherhood is very uh... iconic in appearance but the best sword design? Maybe in FF X but in the series? lol.


That's what makes it Brotherhood. Remember how Tidus got it. It's like a charm, something to remember friends/family/where you're from kind of thing.

Honestly didn't remember that. I need to play the remaster on PS4 because it's been well over a decade.


Gunblade is cool but just so impractical and I'm not talking about the gun bit. The handle is just so shit, like how are you supposed to swing a sword round with grace with a bent handle at an angle?

The gun blades look more like walking sticks.
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