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Is Halo dying?


60 fps single player campaign and a return of The Flood is what could take the series back to it´s former glory.


Halo 5 needs to come out in Sept to get out early and not have to compete with COD and the other November blockbusters.


Nah. Halo 4 sold well despite increased competition and being the third mainline Halo game on 360.

Halo 5 is going to do fine. New console, new possibilities.


Sales say no, and one sub-par Halo game (it was an excellent game in general) won't sink the brand. 5 needs to be good, though.

Agreed. Everyone's eyes will be glued to Halo 5 since it will be the first Halo game this gen.

I will say that the game will be the make or break for the Halo franchise this gen. If it isn't received well then I think there will be no chance for the series to reach the buzz that the series had a decade ago.
No way is it dead.

A lot of hardcore gamers weren't pleased with Halo 4, but it still sold well among the general population.

The trend of online activity was a major blow to the franchise, however.

It's really the only game at this point that would make me think twice about purchasing an Xbone.


No way is it dead.

A lot of hardcore gamers weren't pleased with Halo 4, but it still sold well among the general population.

The trend of online activity was a major blow to the franchise, however.

It's really the only game at this point that would make me think twice about purchasing an Xbone.
This doesn't give me much hope, it means people bought it because they were looking back at Halo 3 and Reach, then they played it and didn't like it enough to continue.

IMO people will look back at Halo 4 when deciding on purchasing Halo 5 and just wait and see how it turns out.

Then again it might sell a lot just because it's Halo. No explanation just Halo.
Funny thing is take a look at Steam and you'll see the top 20 games have the same population trends. Only the top 1-3 juggernauts enjoy the massive long term populations.


Everyone saying that Halo 4 sold a ton of copies has nothing to do with the relevance of Halo. A lot of people bought into the hype of the return of master chief, while others simply bought it for other reasons. But never has a Halo game had such a poor time retaining it's player base. 2 years after launch Reach still kicked around 100K people. Halo 4 couldn't hold 100k after 2 months despite selling more than Reach. People wont fall for the same tricks twice (it feels like Halo).


Funny thing is take a look at Steam and you'll see the top 20 games have the same population trends. Only the top 1-3 juggernauts enjoy the massive long term populations.
Halo used to be entirely capable of being one of the top juggernauts, though.


And this steep fall-off is NOT inevitable for not-quite-top-charting games. Take BF3 as an example. It actually didn't have a big enough launch spike to put it on the top of the XBL charts when it launched in late 2011, yet it was charting ahead of Halo 4 (a 1-year-younger game which shot easily to the top of the charts at launch) before it lost lots of people to BF4's launch. BF3 spent almost the entirety of its main run several spots away from being the top dog on XBL, yet it did an excellent job retaining people.
Halo used to be entirely capable of being one of the top juggernauts, though.

And this steep fall-off is NOT inevitable for not-quite-top-charting games. Take BF3 as an example. It actually didn't have a big enough launch spike to put it on the top of the XBL charts when it launched in late 2011, yet it was charting ahead of Halo 4 (a 1-year-younger game which shot easily to the top of the charts at launch) before it lost lots of people to BF4's launch. BF3 spent almost the entirety of its main run several spots away from being the top dog on XBL, yet it did an excellent job retaining people.

I agree it should be a top game, I want it to return to Halo 2 clans and mic usage levels. I've never really seen any FPS but COD consistently beat Halo though.
Halo 5, Unless it completely reinvents the series with fresh gameplay and ideas then im pretty sure it'll sell on name alone buy ive played all Halo's and Halo 5 will be the first one i wont be playing as i switched too the ps4.

Destiny just feels and looks fresh, It's trying something different and personally even if i had an xbone then i would still be looking more forward too Destinty than Halo 5.

Halo is Xbox to be fair tho so understand the defense people may take.


Destiny will have competitive multiplayer ala Halo

It sounds nothing like the flow of a classic halo match in any way. I'm sure it will be fun, Bungie has always released fun games.. but ADS shooting mechanics, quick kills favoring spotting first, bringing your own weapons into MP interfering with a pure balance.
Character Classes. Doesn't sound like its going to scratch the itch I seek.
Sounds like more of the same shit out there with loot.


The game offers instant gratification, something halo has never had. To be good at halo, you have to practice, everything matters when facing a skilled opponent, strafing, constant aim, map knowledge ect. Those things matter in cod too, but when you can drag your cursor over a person and get a kill, it's just not the same.

When Halo came out, it ruled console shooters. It had all the console shooter gamers. When more console shooters came out, the total audience grew, and choice grew.

So a gamer that originally played Halo might have ended up playing BF, because BF was a closer match to that gamer's particular tastes.

Over time, as games come and go, the audience for each game changes to reflect the total ecosystem.


Halo used to be entirely capable of being one of the top juggernauts, though.

And this steep fall-off is NOT inevitable for not-quite-top-charting games. Take BF3 as an example. It actually didn't have a big enough launch spike to put it on the top of the XBL charts when it launched in late 2011, yet it was charting ahead of Halo 4 (a 1-year-younger game which shot easily to the top of the charts at launch) before it lost lots of people to BF4's launch. BF3 spent almost the entirety of its main run several spots away from being the top dog on XBL, yet it did an excellent job retaining people.

The image should be updated to show the month that H3 was free.
I won't bother with Halo 5 unless the multiplayer goes back to what made Halo great: map control, equality on spawn, no fucking camo, no fucking personal ordinances so you can camp on the edge of a damn map and snipe and no gimping the player so you can add some sort of "perk" that was originally in previous games on spawn.

When you have people going back to Reach, you done fucked up.
It's funny to see HaloGAF come out to gaming side, feels like a cheesy vampire movie. Halo is dead for people that talk about halo 24/7 for sure, there's no saving them at this point. Me, I hope the game is good.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account

No it isn't dying. It will be the biggest hyped Xbox One game of 2014.

That said, the Halo One announcment trailer was the first Halo trailer in existence not to get me extremely pumped.

For one, it was CG. And two, the whole idea of the trailer, and the forerunner bird thing, was unappealing to me.

As someone who has read nearly all of the books, and has the special edition of every Halo Game. This is bad.

I have faith in 343i though. Hopefully they can deliver a stunning experience, even on the Underpowered Xbox One.


60 fps single player campaign and a return of The Flood is what could take the series back to it´s former glory.

I was with you till you mentioned the flood? Worst effing part of the entire series. I still maintain CE should have ended before the Library instead of backtracking through the same exact shit with the damn flood mixed in.

Franchise fatigue on Bungies part is what really did the series in. Probably should have just put out Reach and made Halo 4 a super polished launch title.


I was with you till you mentioned the flood? Worst effing part of the entire series. I still maintain CE should have ended before the Library instead of backtracking through the same exact shit with the damn flood mixed in.

Franchise fatigue on Bungies part is what really did the series in. Probably should have just put out Reach and made Halo 4 a super polished launch title.

halo4 on 360 felt ''wrong'' to me.
New beginning, new console, that's how you do it.


343i have to do something pretty special to draw people back into Halo. Being on Next-gen hardware will help because they will surely be able to make it look damn amazing. I just wonder if they really have it in them to make the gameplay solid.

Also, make Forge good and don't give it to CA again. They had no idea what they were doing.


It was replaced by CoD as the most popular FPS franchise, but it is still popular with a large fanbase. I don't think Destiny will be the new Halo at all since it looks more like Borderlands than it does Halo.


If Halo 5 sucks, then we can talk about the series dying. Halo is still a household name with enormous prestige among casual players (i.e. the overwhelming majority of gamers). One stumble by a dev that had never made a Halo game before isn't enough to send the series into a fatal nosedive.

I have mixed feelings about 343's handling of the Halo franchise so far, but let's be real. It's too early to say that they've permanently ruined Halo.


halo has always been a franchise that has had plenty of good ideas, which were never executed that greatly. maybe it's time constraints or just lack of talent, but the games never quite got there in the end.
The Halo that dominated the multiplayer scene is dead. That community will never come back. It will never be the same as it used to be.

Will Halo 5 sell well? Sure. Will it be reviewed well? Probably. Will it have hundreds of thousands of people playing it for years? I doubt it.


Halo 4 still sold a shit load so no? And MS can market that game so well that Halo 5 will sell a shit load too.


It's really strange to see this threads when I felt like Halo 4 received the most praise out of the whole series from press & players at launch. Hype machines are a scary thing.

I don't think Halo is dyinmg, but I reckon they will play it very safe from here on out. and I don't think it will be getting much bigger in the immediate future.
Halo is dead. Once Bungie stopped working on it the IP is gone. Now its just a cash now for microsoft, who spends millions to try to make a all star team of devs to make new installments for the franchise but they miss what makes halo, HALO. No one can make a halo game like bungie can. Its like comparing good modern artists trying to make works like Piccasso. It wont happen.
It's really strange to see this threads when I felt like Halo 4 received the most praise out of the whole series from press & players at launch. Hype machines are a scary thing.

I don't think Halo is dyinmg, but I reckon they will play it very safe from here on out. and I don't think it will be getting much bigger in the immediate future.

Yeah no beta will do that for you.
That is why im trying to not preorder Halo 5 without an summer beta.
Like cliffyB said "A beta 4 weeks before release is just a demo"

Ooh yeah what 343 needs to do is get a forge like client on pc that can load 3ds max models and stuff. I mean with the cloud and stuff you could upload those to the cloud or first test run the map on your X1 halo 5 client to make sure it runs 60fps. That would give the modding community a lot of freedom and power. And they could use it on their resume/portfolio.
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