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Is it wrong to judge somebody for speaking with a vocal fry/uptalk?

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Anecdotal but everyone I've met with vocal fry is exceedingly annoying or douche-y and I've yet to be alone in that impression. It's not just the vocal fry, so again anecdotal and maybe coincidental, but now it's irritating to hear.

But I grew up around deep southern accents and don't have one so what do I know.


Anecdotal but everyone I've met with vocal fry is exceedingly annoying or douche-y and I've yet to be alone in that impression. It's not just the vocal fry, so again anecdotal and maybe coincidental, but now it's irritating to hear.

But I grew up around deep southern accents and don't have one so what do I know.

Me too! There is a sense of pride about that isn't there?
I didn't know there were terms for it. Vocal fry is whatever, I don't really have an opinion on it, but uptalk I am not a fan of at all. Like I'm not going to make judgements about anyone based on it, but it personally annoys me. I can't not notice it. Though I will say it's a lot more tolerable with non-American accents. I'm also not a fan of southern accents despite living in the South for my entire life, and I try my absolute hardest to not have one.

It's okay though, because whenever I hear myself talk it makes me want to punch myself in the face, so I guess it balances out.

I think uptalk is more socially and scientifically understandable than wanting to violently injure someone simply because they talk differently.

In fact, your affliction probably has a DSM designation. I am absolutely not judging your state of mental health, but a check up isn't out of the question ya!

I think you're taking this a bit too literally.

Some people like to grossly exaggerate to make a point, but I think you knew this already.
You probably want to stay out of Australia then.

yeah, my brother in law is australian and i love him but the uptalk makes me wish a dingo had gotten to him as a baby.

I have a fair amount of vocal fry. I'm a 31yo woman btw and have been doing it since I was a teenager, it evolved in my voice around puberty. It is not a choice. But I can concentrate and eliminate it, which I do when I have any kind of public speaking

And for anyone judging intelligence based on it, I have a BSEE from UMD, along with DOL Electronics Mechanic and Electronics Technician certifications and am a fairly decorated Fire Controlman First Class in the US Navy.

ayo, girl, you single or something?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The lady in the uptalk example video starts talking through her teeth in the latter portion of the video. I hate that shit just as much. It's like they're trying to bite and chew on every word, like a weird form of mumbling. It's most common with upscale types, corporate and religious bullshitters, since it's probably a byproduct of trying to smile all the time while having no idea what smiling is except showing teeth. It's also the way of two faced backstabbers since it can turn really condescending and hostile on a dime while still being really subtle to keep appearances. English is a language with big vowels, so open your mouth and use your lips.


I think I do both of these, not as much up talk but definitely vocal fry. I didn't know it was a thing. It's not an affectation, it's my accent. I don't even know what a Kardashian sounds like.

I don't mean too, and now I'm going to self conscious every time I speak. Thanks OP. :(
Speech can definitely be a 'tell'. I just wouldn't get too caught up in that being your assessment of another human being. We r complicated creatures and things aren't often what they seem.

As the father of satanism says though, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, biyaaaatch" or something like that
Speech can definitely be a 'tell'. I just wouldn't get too caught up in that being your assessment of another human being. We r complicated creatures and things aren't often what they seem.

As the father of satanism says though, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, biyaaaatch" or something like that

Ozzie Osbourne said that?

If it's a speech disorder, you should be utterly ashamed of yourself.

i don't think it's a speech disorder, just people subconsciously imitating other people.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I like how Obama talks. Clear, confident, yet relaxed, like he's really sharing what he thinks and inviting you to be welcome in the discussion of it. Even if he's bullshitting it feels like your friend who is just fuckin with you. It's always the same, whether needing to be apologetic over some shit that happened on his watch or trying to educate dumbasses when he's really pissed, it's always a collected and confident yet calm and open feeling.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Had no idea it was called vocal fry but yes, for whatever reason it really irritates me. It just sounds unpleasant and is like nails on a chalkboard. I try not to let it influence my overall opinion of a person but it definitely makes it hard to talk to them.
Whatsherface from Brooklyn 99 often does it and if she wasn't as funny as she is, it would make the show unwatchable for me.


Yes. It's a lazy, thoughtless judgement that skips discerning the content of speech and just picks at one aspect of the form you've made a pet hate. It's in the same ballpark as looking down your nose at specific dialects, accents, or foreign-born speakers who don't have a grasp of the nuances of the language in the same way. Ya'll are capable of better. No excuses.


Some say it is sexist to find vocal fry annoying.

I wonder if those people also stick up for Pauly Shore.
.... What? I'm somehow sexist that I don't like a certain technique or whatever it's called that's used by both sexes?

Or are you just pulling my leg here?


.... What? I'm somehow sexist that I don't like a certain technique or whatever it's called that's used by both sexes?

Or are you just pulling my leg here?

I am not sure why people are calling it a technique. I had no idea I was even doing it until I watched the video. I've of course seen news stories around about the prevalence of 'vocal fry' but since I don't really care about reality tv, and most of them were mentioning it being birthed there, I wasn't interested in the 'scandal'.

I've been speaking this way my entire life, it's not something I tried to do. It's how I talk.

But it definitely is making me self-conscious now that I know a lot of people consider me a 'vapid moron' automatically on hearing me speak.


I am not sure why people are calling it a technique. I had no idea I was even doing it until I watched the video. I've of course seen news stories around about the prevalence of 'vocal fry' but since I don't really care about reality tv, and most of them were mentioning it being birthed there, I wasn't interested in the 'scandal'.

I've been speaking this way my entire life, it's not something I tried to do. It's how I talk.

But it definitely is making me self-conscious now that I know a lot of people consider me a 'vapid moron' automatically on hearing me speak.
I do agree that judging a person based solely on the way they talk is prejudice, and prejudice is ignorance in most if not all cases. But I'm just wondering why it might be sexist of all things. That's what threw me off when I read that post.


I do agree that judging a person based solely on the way they talk is prejudice, and prejudice is ignorance in most if not all cases. But I'm just wondering why it might be sexist of all things. That's what threw me off when I read that post.

I believe it can be considered sexist because it's mostly women that are called out for the vocal fry. In the link posted on this page, the This American Life program talks about it. The main host, who has a vocal fry, discusses all the emails he gets crucifying the women on the program for vocal fry, but he never even received one.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
You're wrong though, English hasn't always used "uptalk" as a denotaiton of question, that was brought over by the mostly French speaking Normans.

Other languages don't have these "uptalking" hangups that English stubbornly clings too either.

Yes, for a long time, uptalk has been used to help listeners understand context, but that does not mean that we have to keep what once was a French affectation forever.

I've never heard of this before. Ending a declarative sentence with a lowered pitch is the natural thing to do in both Germanic and Latin languages. I have no idea what the Normans have to do with it. This is a load of nonsense.

Two Words

I am not sure why people are calling it a technique. I had no idea I was even doing it until I watched the video. I've of course seen news stories around about the prevalence of 'vocal fry' but since I don't really care about reality tv, and most of them were mentioning it being birthed there, I wasn't interested in the 'scandal'.

I've been speaking this way my entire life, it's not something I tried to do. It's how I talk.

But it definitely is making me self-conscious now that I know a lot of people consider me a 'vapid moron' automatically on hearing me speak.
I strongly doubt you spoke that way as a child. I definitely think it is something learned. Though I don't think you decided to talk like that one day.
I guess if that's how you want to see it.

I see it this way:

No matter how hard a few of you rail and rally your tiny, insignificant linguistic ships against the prevailing wind and current of language evolution, you will be left behind by change.

Better to steer your tiny, insignificant ships into the change and see what it brings you, rather than bitterly defend anachronisms of the past.

There have been captains like you (you meaning, those who can't accept change) before, complaining into an endless void about things the next generation have left behind, and there will be captains like you in the future. Nobody will ever care about the ship who has foolishly turned against the prevailing wind.
People tend to grow out of using uptalk as they get older. It's most common in late teens, though some still have it in their 20's. If you're still doing it in your 30's, the winds of maturity have left you behind.

Best of luck.


I strongly doubt you spoke that way as a child. I definitely think it is something learned. Though I don't think you decided to talk like that one day.

I imagine if you asked anyone I've known my whole, they would say my way of speaking has changed little since I hit my teens. Aside from losing a bit of my home state accent, I don't think it has. I'm mid 30s too, so it isn't as if I just hopped on this 'trend' as a teen.


Vocal Fry is incredibly distracting. I was at a conference and a very intelligent woman gave what I assume was a great talk, but she kept doing the fry and all I could do was focus on that.


Call me crazy but this fad started around the time Kim Kardashian started to become famous. I'm 38 years old and I never heard anyone talk with vocal fry until then.

Not Valley Girl, mind you-vocal fry.


People tend to grow out of using uptalk as they get older. It's most common in late teens, though some still have it in their 20's. If you're still doing it in your 30's, the winds of maturity have left you behind.

Best of luck.

What a petty way to make yourself sound more "mature" and superior to someone else.
I tend to get stuck on it if I'm listening to a podcast or something where somebody is talking like that. It detracts from the content. I don't make any judgement about intelligence based on the speech patterns because plenty of idiots speak perfectly normal so why give them the benefit? I might subconsciously make judgements about maturity, but most of all it is annoying to listen to.


I believe it can be considered sexist because it's mostly women that are called out for the vocal fry. In the link posted on this page, the This American Life program talks about it. The main host, who has a vocal fry, discusses all the emails he gets crucifying the women on the program for vocal fry, but he never even received one.

It's possible I suppose. I would still considering it a bit of an outreach to condemn people who do find it annoying as sexist.


It's possible I suppose. I would still considering it a bit of an outreach to condemn people who do find it annoying as sexist.

Your question made me curious, so I did a bit of looking and found the article I linked a few posts above. It makes an excellent point about perception of women who have vocal fry vs men who do.

Even goes to say that people aren't consciously sexist when condemning vocal fry in women, and it's more of a societal issue.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Uptalker haters can eat shit. Fuck off we're full.


It probably is wrong to judge people on either without knowing them but its impossible not too. I automatically assume someone who uptalks is dumb unless proven otherwise. I dont really judge vocal fry but i find it very annoying.


Mmmh... I think I might have vocal fry when I speak English (not to the extent of those girls in the OP but still). It's not done on purpose :(


I didn't even notice this before, but I'm British and it seems to be prevalent in American girls only.

My girlfriend is half American, kind of has the accent, but I think her French side causes more of an uptalk if anything (like she gets progressively higher in pitch). It might also be because she works in hospitality so she's tuned herself to speak in a super friendly way (rather than the straight flow authoritative voice).
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