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Itagaki gives small update on Devil's Third via Facebook

I like hearing that the singleplayer has a large scope. Whenever a game has online multiplayer I always worry about the single player campaign. Don't let us down Gaki!
The multiplayer looked like lots of fun. Like Red Faction Guerilla levels of fun
, potentially
. I'm just worried that the community will be too small.


I really want to give this game a chance, like really bad because I miss my annual Itagaki game but , it's been stuck in development hell for 6 years , 7 by the time it comes out and it's gone through 2 different publishers AND it's an online focused title coming out exclusively for the wii U .... a console where most would just as well play mario kart or smash brothers online.

At best I can see 250,000 people buying this game , at worst it might only sell half that which means it's online community will be pretty anemic.

Maybe I'm just being super pessimistic individual about it but ... I dunno


Junior Member
This is the stuff I bought the Wii U for. Never been too fond of Nintendo's first party games. Games that don't adhere to popular standard, but do their own unique thing.

This and Xenoblade X are my most anticipated games for next year. Its a shame there will be no No More Heroes 3 now :(

When the heck are we going to here something about Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem.


I love Itagaki. I bought a Wii U for Bayo2, but I really loved the multiplayer footage of this game. I hope there will be more playable characters for the Story- I trust him! It'll be so much fun!


I'm really hyped for this game, 2015 will be a another great WiiU year of exclusives

Open world adventure and RPG
Xenoblade X

Action Shooters
Devils Third

Yarn Yoshi

On-Rail Shooters
Star Fox
Rodea the Sky Soldier

Mario Party WiiU

Mario vs DK
Mario Maker
Project Giant Robot
Project Guard

Plus games we dont know about

Astral Dog

I wish this game was a more conventional action game,but i hope it turns fine after some months of polish, whatever it is.


You can still jump online and play against people in multiplats on Wii U that came out over a year ago. Just did it today with SC: Blacklist, a game that bombed notoriously hard on all platforms, worst of all on Wii U.

Online population for an ambitious exclusive like this won't be an issue.


I dont get why people think online will die so fast

AC4, Splinter Cell BL, both WiiU COD games you can go online now and have no trouble finding matches

even 007 Legends a few months ago I was able to go online and always find a TDM games with people

All those games prob sold under 100k on WiiU outside maybe the COD game which are prob more

Devils third will be exclusive and WiiU install base will be much bigger when it comes out, even if only 1000 people are online, thats enough to play, as long as you can get in a game


Hoping to see the game has received quite a bit of polish since its E3 debut. It looked janky and rough as hell back then.


I'm actually optimistic about this game. I think it'll be decent. The multiplayer especially looks like fun.
I can still (pretty easily) find people to play Ninja Gaiden 3 with.

I think it's funny that people act as if this problem is inherent of the Wii U. Look at Killzone on the PS4...some online communities just die.

Devil's Third's multiplayer looks insane enough that I could see it building up a pretty sizeable cult-following. Not COD huge (that wasn't going to happen regardless of platform) but enough that you'll be able to play online without much hassle.


Not really, the console simply is dead. Everything's gonna keep bombing except maybe a bunch of Mario cash ins that are still left (although they also finally fell off a cliff sales-wise). Just like 3rd parties also won't come back either, even if Nintendo had a strong lineup (which they don't, the droughts will never stop, already confirmed by the last Direct), equally, there wouldn't be a audience for this out of nowhere either, only because some minority likes to hype Splatoon (or recently Bayonetta, which to no surprise still bombed). And with a game like DT, not even backed up by a single niche, an ultra bomb is incoming, no matter what. The only hope for most titles really is if Nintendo manages to bring out a platform people actually want to play on in 2016 and then throw a bunch of definitive versions at it.
You're a dull boy, Billy.


I'm not a multiplayer guy, and that protagonist has sadly killed all my interest for the Single Player.


A masked Hayabusa rip off would have been better than a generic bald man covered in sanskrit tattoos.

He looks like a character designed inside a create-a-wrestler editor.


I recently watched gameplay footage for Devil's Third, and I couldn't believe how similar it looked to CoD, at least in first person mode. Also, why does this game look like a 360 launch title? I know graphics aren't everything, but they still matter. You don't need the best hardware around to make your game look good.



A masked Hayabusa rip off would have been better than a generic bald man covered in sanskrit tattoos.

He looks like a character designed inside a create-a-wrestler editor.

if they let me put a damn shirt on the guy, t-shirt, muscle shirt, open button down, something, I'll be able to tolerate the dude.
This game need to be presented to players in a better way, they did a poor job in the last E3.

I trust Itagaki but I expect some degree of roughness in the game, the development has been nothing but difficult for the team.


Junior Member
I'm really hyped for this game, 2015 will be a another great WiiU year of exclusives

Open world adventure and RPG
Xenoblade X

Action Shooters
Devils Third

Yarn Yoshi

On-Rail Shooters
Star Fox
Rodea the Sky Soldier

Mario Party WiiU

Mario vs DK
Mario Maker
Project Giant Robot
Project Guard

Plus games we dont know about

Forgot about Starfox and Splatoon. I'm leery of Splatoon. I'm sure it will be good, but I get a really immature feeling from it. Most Nintendo games are neutral in audience target but this one definitely seems to be childish.
I really don't get it. I'm interested, but I don't get it. So modern military shooter but with some Timesplitters-esque multiplayer shenanigans mixed with Payday character customization? The art direction is nigh abysmal, but the game in concept is weird enough to make me want to see more.


Buying for Itagaki. Him, his glorious team, and all those beautiful WTF moments I'm going to have playing the shit outta this.


Looking forward to more coverage. They should have shown the multiplayer trailer at their E3 Event. That shit was good.
Considering how rough Hyrule Warriors looked when it debuted versus the final product I'm willing to withhold judgment. I wish Itagaki was more focused on his inherent strengths rather than a Western shooter influence, but maybe he'll pull it off. And I can only imagine Nintendo's involvement and input will result in a deeper more polished product. Regardless of the outcome, I'm sure we all can't wait for ninjablade to shit up the inevitable OT of another Wii U game he has no serious intention of buying or playing with mysterious impunity.
Yup, they need to redo the lead character's design, or at least allow for customization. Either way though, I'm buying day 1. Can't wait, I just hope it's fun since it's the other main reason I got my Wii U. I also hope it at least has some sort of multiplayer community.

Putting aside any other concerns, I feel like the reality of the Wii U and the population size required to support an ambitious multiplayer are two aspects which are going to clash hard. I guess I'll just have to buy early and play enough for a lifetime during launch week. (Really though, I kind of wanted to hear the opposite of "we are almost done".)

Please be good ~
It'll be fine. As long as the MP is fun and engaging, the community will be there. Blops 2 still had plenty of people to have matches with no problem.


Show us what you got Itagaki.


Specializes in fighting, makes a shooter with ROUGH looking fighting..WTF happened?
Hope for the best but looks shit compared to NG 1 & 2


Itagaki is pouring his heart and soul into this project so there's no way this can end up flat out bad. I refuse to believe it. At the very least, I expect RE6-syndrome where combat is an absolute thrill and everything else turns off the majority of people except the people with good tastes.


Itagaki is pouring his heart and soul into this project so there's no way this can end up flat out bad. I refuse to believe it. At the very least, I expect RE6-syndrome where combat is an absolute thrill and everything else turns off the majority of people except the people with good tastes.

I don't know. I'm sure Mikami was the same with Evil Within and yet that game was pretty flawed.


I don't know. I'm sure Mikami was the same with Evil Within and yet that game was pretty flawed.

And yet it was one of the best games this year and my personal GotY. The fact that it didn't surpass RE4 is not a flaw, it's only natural.

TEW worst enemy is Tango itself. While it had an excellent director and a few veteran key people making sure the basis of the game was exceptional, It suffered by the newly formed dev team and the unfortunate selection of an engine.
If this same team make another game, using another engine, with the experience they have gathered, it will be amazing. I already expect the DLC to be a step forward.

Itagaki (and Valhalla) may suffer from the same problems. While the director obviously has talent, and i'm sure he has key people he trusts taking care of different tasks of the game, the newly found team may face obstacles not because they lack good direction, but because they lack experience.
This may be problematic, but in the end i believe that Itagaki's direction and Nintendo's assistance, as they always offer it in projects they publish, will make the game at least very decent, and also offer the basis for the newly formed studio to do better in the future.

As i always believe, newly formed devs, leaving the nest and making one of their own is only a good thing. I said it for Platinumgames, i said it for Tango, and I'm saying it for Valhalla/Itagaki.
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