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Joe Rogan vs Eddie Bravo: Heated Argument over Flat Earth Theory

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How does a flat-earther explain the ability to fly in one direction and end up where you started?

Or, rather, fly east to a location or west to the same location by starting from a single point?

I guess they just don't travel?


Still convinced next to no one actually thinks this and it's just the internet's largest collection of trolls.

Believing anything else just makes me too sad.
Can someone explain to me what exactly the benefit of lying about the planet being a globe is?

Of all the dumb conspiracy theories, this is one of the dumbest, because there is literally nothing to gain here; there would be no significant impact on the lives of average people if the world was actually flat.


This just reminded me that on an old gaming forum I used to help run we years back, one of our members found a Flat Earth Society forum and made a fake profile. This was before it became a more popular conspiracy theory. He'd post the crazy ass excerpts from the site for us. Then we started doing raids about once every other month, we'd all create fake accounts and flood the site with stupid memes and posts about Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Can someone explain to me what exactly the benefit of lying about the planet being a globe is?

Of all the dumb conspiracy theories, this is one of the dumbest, because there is literally nothing to gain here; there would be no significant impact on the lives of average people if the world was actually flat.

Because they are anti-science. NASA represents an organization funded by the New World Order to create these false statements in order to keep the people beainwashed to keep them under control

The Patriotic America first brainwashing is the culprit of this. One World Gov't is preached as a fascist Big Brother society which insert organization here (Free Masons, Illuminati, Rockafellers, Globalists, etc...) wants to accomplish. NASA uses fake science to gain this goal.
Because they are anti-science. NASA represents an organization funded by the New World Order to create these false statements in order to keep the people beainwashed to keep them under control

Eddie even openly admits to not knowing NASA's (or the science community at large's) motive for maintaining a round earth hoax, but he repeatedly invokes that it's irrelevant, they faked six moon landings. Essentially, they've already sold huge lies, we can assume they have a reason for this one too. Conspiracy theories become circular justification for each other.

"Why would they lie about x?"
"I don't know, but they lied about y."
"Why would they lie about y?"
"I don't know but the lied about z."
Why would they lied about z?"
"I don't know but they lied about x."

Openly disregard all evidence to the contrary because it's fake.

You can't knock down their arguments because there's nothing holding them up.

Commercial space flights can't come soon enough.

You don't understand that's not a window that's a very cleverly crafted computer image.

So... They're all flat discs and always facing directly at us even when at different points in the sky?

yo some of these youtube comments are scary
a lot of people seem to think the earth might be flat
So... They're all flat discs and always facing directly at us even when at different points in the sky?

How does a flat-earther explain the ability to fly in one direction and end up where you started?

Or, rather, fly east to a location or west to the same location by starting from a single point?

I guess they just don't travel?
Pilots are liars and just fly in circles?
Your posts in this thread are saying a -lot- about you, and I don't think in the way you're intending.

Maybe take a page out of Joe's book here, and try challenging whatever preconceived notions you came into this thread with. Like maybe it's a good thing to have someone like Joe show people the value in challenging and changing their opinions?

I barely know who Joe is, never seen anything with him in it, or listened to his podcast

I'm not sure that thinking very little of Joe Rogan's "truth-seeker" schtick says much about me. FWIW, I think he's a charismatic guy, a good salesperson (of snake oil), and generally pretty entertaining as a host and commentator. But he's an example of rational deliberation like Inspector Clouseau is an example of detective work.


I'm not sure that thinking very little of Joe Rogan's "truth-seeker" schtick says much about me. FWIW, I think he's a charismatic guy, a good salesperson (of snake oil), and generally pretty entertaining as a host and commentator. But he's an example of rational deliberation like Inspector Clouseau is an example of detective work.


So... They're all flat discs and always facing directly at us even when at different points in the sky?

Pilots are liars and just fly in circles?

Pilots are in on it. Cruise ship and cargo ship captains are in on it. Scientists are in on it. NASA is in on it. Every employee on any company that requires satellites to function are in on it. That dude that sky dived from orbit for Red Bull? Motherfucking in on it, man!
Eddie even openly admits to not knowing NASA's (or the science community at large's) motive for maintaining a round earth hoax, but he repeatedly invokes that it's irrelevant, they faked six moon landings. Essentially, they've already sold huge lies, we can assume they have a reason for this one too. Conspiracy theories become circular justification for each other.

"Why would they lie about x?"
"I don't know, but they lied about y."
"Why would they lie about y?"
"I don't know but the lied about z."
Why would they lied about z?"
"I don't know but they lied about x."

Openly disregard all evidence to the contrary because it's fake.

You can't knock down their arguments because there's nothing holding them up.

Did you not see Trump's campaign how he was appeasing to the conspiracy theorists by attacking any trade agreements and science in general. You ever listen to Coast to Coast AM? The answers have always been there in front of you all, but you just choose to write it off as these people are crazy.

No they are not crazy. They are brainwashed through fear and propaganda, and then due to human nature use confirmation bias when doing research and the doubling down on their beliefs when questioned. People hold their beliefs to the highest regard.

You see this nature everyday on this forum when someone dictates their opinion of a game or movie.
That dude that sky dived from orbit for Red Bull? Motherfucking in on it, man!

I was actually really curious if RedBull Stratos was part of the conspiracy, thanks.

No they are not crazy. They are brainwashed through fear and propaganda, and then due to human nature use confirmation bias when doing research and the doubling down on their beliefs when questioned. People hold their beliefs to the highest regard.

You see this nature everyday on this forum when someone dictates their opinion of a game or movie.

See nothing, I exhibit it, I'm sure. To a degree I am unaware of and simultaneously uncomfortable with. Checking biases and preconceived notions is fucking difficult. It's gotta be impossible when your worldview is built on this shit and your social circle parrots it non stop.
smh at people claiming Rogan isn't a complete dumbass himself.

How does a flat-earther explain the ability to fly in one direction and end up where you started?

Or, rather, fly east to a location or west to the same location by starting from a single point?

I guess they just don't travel?

The plane hovers in place while the disc spins beneath them until it's completed a full rotation.



Why doesn't this Eddie guy or any of these flat earthers just go to the north pole to verify the supposed ice ring. An excursion. Or they could keep booking flights westward/eastward until they have made a round trip.

That's another baffling thing about the Flat Earth conspiracy. Most other conspiracies occurred in the past, so you can't really prove them. The JFK assassination conspiracy happened in the past. The fake moon landing happened in the past. The WTC was secretly destroyed by a controlled demolition in the past. The Flat Earth conspiracy people say the Earth is flat ... right now. Why don't you guys fucking get off your asses and CHECK!?!


So.. what exactly is at the edge of the planet? What happens if you just go straight in one direction, reach the edge and keep going? Why hasn't the edge been discovered or taken pictures of? Have any flat Earth believers answered these questions?

So much ignorance and idiocy seriously makes me feel angry and uncomfortable.
smh at people claiming Rogan isn't a complete dumbass himself.

The plane hovers in place while the disc spins beneath them until it's completed a full rotation.


So you're saying that the earth is a disc, with the north pole at its center and the south pole at its circumference? Neat. Personally I think it'd be cool to live on a toroidal globe though so I think that's the conspiracy theory I'm going to try to start, cuz how cool would it be to look up and see another continent?
Pilots are in on it. Cruise ship and cargo ship captains are in on it. Scientists are in on it. NASA is in on it. Every employee on any company that requires satellites to function are in on it. That dude that sky dived from orbit for Red Bull? Motherfucking in on it, man!
I have so many friends that lie to me.

How do people reason that kind of conspiracy out, like 'scientists' or 'experts' are some sort of monolith and none of them ever interact with people because they're so shadowy and far away.


I wonder if Joe knows that the ancient Greeks figured out that the Earth was flat around 2000 years ago? Probably not.

Joe knows. Neil Degrasse Tyson brought this up when he was on. By the way, people should listen to those episodes, they are great.


I was an active member on the Flat Earth forums 2 years and I stopped visiting about 8 years ago.

Let me tell you, Tom Bishop had an explanation, with math, to back up all flat earth claims. If you suspend disbelief, there is very little a Flat Earther cannot actually explain with known physics. If a Round Earther says X, a Flat Earther just says Y, and there is no way to disprove them if you assume a few key things (space travel was faked, nothing would really be different for the Northern hemisphere).

The biggest flaw though is they don't have the simplest explanation. They have an explanation for everything, it is just not the simplest or most likely. There is nothing wrong with their math (gravity as we perceive it is actually just a constant acceleration of the disc at 9.8 m/s/s, feeling like gravity due to the equivalence principle per Einstein), but their world would just be so weird. It was fun exploring their fantasy for a bit, I just did not get the reason for the conspiracy even after being on the forum for 2 years.

Any time any one brings it up now, I just ask why should I care? How does the world being round or Flat matter to me? It doesn't. Even if someone is lying, it doesn't matter to me.


Gold Member
I was an active member on the Flat Earth forums 2 years and I stopped visiting about 8 years ago.

Let me tell you, Tom Bishop had an explanation, with math, to back up all flat earth claims. If you suspend disbelief, there is very little a Flat Earther cannot actually explain with known physics. If a Round Earther says X, a Flat Earther just says Y, and there is no way to disprove them if you assume a few key things (space travel was faked, nothing would really be different for the Northern hemisphere).

The biggest flaw though is they don't have the simplest explanation. They have an explanation for everything, it is just not the simplest or most likely. There is nothing wrong with their math (gravity as we perceive it is actually just a constant acceleration of the disc at 9.8 m/s/s, feeling like gravity due to the equivalence principle per Einstein), but their world would just be so weird. It was fun exploring their fantasy for a bit, I just did not get the reason for the conspiracy even after being on the forum for 2 years.

Any time any one brings it up now, I just ask why should I care? How does the world being round or Flat matter to me? It doesn't. Even if someone is lying, it doesn't matter to me.

I mean sure, assuming there are massive disinformation conspiracies and we can't believe contradicting information, lots of things hold water. The problem is that's massive leap to get there


I mean, it's tough, because they're correct in the sense that - yeah, they COULD all be lying to you. Like, how can you prove you're not in some crazy Truman Show style gaslighting experiment on a floating disc somewhere? Even experiencing things firsthand... like, how do you know that it's not just some really intricate simulation of plane travel, or space travel, or what have you?

It'd be ridiculous and complicated and meaningless, but you can't ever truly disprove it, because we only interact with reality experientially.


I can't imagine being so set in life that you have time to even think about this crap. Don't these people have things to do like everyone else?

I think it's a source of confort people people who are anxious that the world is chaos and no one is behind the wheel.
People like this are a waste of oxygen and other valuable resources.

I can tolerate anything besides willingly ignoring everything just because. And the world is full of these idiots.
Nothing got to do with this topic

I like Joe's stuff in UFC and shit

But when it comes to him expressing something, he thinks he got it all figured out. There is no subject that Joe can't chime in on, I really believe he thinks he's a super Genuis or some shit. A Scientist study's something life changing for 30 years, no worries Joe knows too lol. Dude got talent for things but not fucking everything lol.

On topic this guy is nuts
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