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John McCain has Brain Cancer

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McCain has differing views from the left, but generally has not a bad person. He's not Trump. Not sure why you'd take it out on him by wishing him death.

If my friend hits you with his car and all I do is complain or give him bad looks instead of calling the police or helping you then am I a good person? What if I could have jerked the wheel or hit the brake before the car hit you but chose not to despite facing no risk in either action? Am I still a good person?

Evil men win when good men do nothing.

Tommy DJ

Wow. Just wow. Are you serious? The dude has cancer for crying out loud.

Same dude was trying to get rid of treatment for tens of millions of Americans until it was completely certain that the bill was dead.

That's like saying that you should feel sorry for a mass murderer when he gets cancer because??? I'm not going to celebrate it but I aren't going to feel sympathetic for him.

For those of you just lauding the fact he has cancer...let's just hope you guys don't come down with it.

This comes from a 34 year old cancer survivor.

If I do, I live in a country with an efficient public health service with effective pre-screening services for a very affordable price.

Something that McCain was active (at worst) or complicit (at best) in trying to make even more expensive and harder for tens of millions of Americans.


For those of you just lauding the fact he has cancer...let's just hope you guys don't come down with it.

This comes from a 34 year old cancer survivor.
Damn, as soon as I saw Glioblastoma I was like :( Prognosis from what I have heard about this type of brain cancer is poor... to say the least.


People were actively wishing him to not recover in the last thread. It's one thing to not feel sorry for someone, another thing to actively root for them to stay unhealthy.

it is still not even nearly as bad as voting to take away healthcare from people, so fuck mccain
Nah. Some people are pieces of shit that the world is better off with them gone.

Not saying that's how I feel about McCain. In the thread where everyone was watching the Comey testimony, i think i mentioned maybe he waa having a stroke.

Just saying blanket empathy and compassion is not something i believe in. You create a legacy as a blight on humanity then I think it's fair for people to celebrate your demise.

This is true, but I would say there is a difference between the purposeful malice of a Hitler and the malignant but well-intentioned ignorance that philosophically undergirds most elected Republicans of his mold, wherein taxation and redistribution are seen as both less effective ways of correcting inequality and generating growth and impingements on freedom, which is construed as philosophically valuable unto itself.
I agree with this latter position, which is why I remain a civil libertarian despite being a social democrat economically, fwiw.
I have a certain degree of contempt for such types, but I have trouble making the leap from "wrong person" to "BAD person" in such instances, as their intended ends are approximately similar to my own, they just are dangerously incorrect in their proposed means.
Some truly disgusting sentiments expressed in this thread.

I hope that some of you are someday able to find peace. To live with such hatred day in and day out must be devastating.

I disagree with McCain on much, but I hope he is able to recover.
Hopefully if he recovers, he sees the light and stops supporting inhuman political stances. Like stripping healthcare from millions.


He's not evil, he just wants to strip healthcare from millions of people. Just a different opinion.

Yeah, it's kind of amazing how tone deaf people want to be when it comes to stuff like that. I mean, yes, I get it, it's empathy, and it's a good trait, but at some point it just becomes so hollow.
Damn knew something was up when I heard him at the hearing. His questioning wasn't right and is train of thought was off. Wish him the best of luck and health


For those of you just lauding the fact he has cancer...let's just hope you guys don't come down with it.

This comes from a 34 year old cancer survivor.

Well if I do, I will have health insurance to cover it, which I wouldn't if McCain was able to remain in office.


He should retire and spend what time he left with his kids and grandchildren. He has served long enough, I think and judging by a cursory look on glioblastoma....the prognosis is terminal.
My opinion of the man himself, his words and actions over the past 10 years does not change because a tragedy happens to him

He's the same person he was yesterday and it would be silly of me to pretend what I've said about him isn't how I felt.

I would never wish cancer on anyone and I hope he can manage.
What moral high ground do people think hey have when they act like this

probably the moral high ground of not gleefully voting for laws that would rip away the ability of tens of millions of people to pay for treatment should they also contract conditions like glioblastoma.

i'm not celebrating this, but i'm not gonna be all that torn up when he passes.

The Type of Republican that is likely to replace him is a huge win for Trump.

i'd say both arizona seats are lean R at this point, in that flake and generic R probably have an advantage next year but anything can happen in a wave


Show me his strong support for not fucking over other people with cancer by fucking with their healthcare and medicaid.

Was he a solid no on any of the heartless proposed healthcare bills? If so I will gladly feel bad, otherwise he is a pretty willing cog in a machine desperately trying to fuck people with cancer.

Why the tears for him when he gets cancer?

Show me where humans look you in the eye.


Show me his strong support for not fucking over other people with cancer by fucking with their healthcare and medicaid.

Was he a solid no on any of the heartless proposed healthcare bills? If so I will gladly feel bad, otherwise he is a pretty willing cog in a machine desperately trying to fuck people with cancer.

Why the tears for him when he gets cancer?

Because we can be the better person. We have to be better.


Median survival rate for a glioblastoma in a middle-aged man is about 11 months (Ted Kennedy lasted about that long). McCain is 80. This is assuming it hasn't yet metastasized and that it is correctly identified and not some non-brain cancer local to the brain [initial diagnoses are often incorrect about the specific pathology]. My guess would be he'll be gone this year.

While true, if this has already been seen by a Pathologist on a glass slide, they knew what it was as soon as they laid eyes on it, most likely. It's very recognizable microscopically. One or two IHC stains would confirm, if necessary. I've diagnosed several of these and I'm just a resident.

Very, very not good tumor to have. I wish him the best but... yikes.
it is still not even nearly as bad as voting to take away healthcare from people, so fuck mccain

You seem to be a hateful, angry person. I pray you're someday able to some inner peace, come back to thread, and realize what an embarrassing post this is. Be the bigger person.


The Type of Republican that is likely to replace him is a huge win for Trump.

would it make any difference? mccain has supported trump all the way

he has pretended to be offended, but still fell in line every time

You seem to be a hateful, angry person. I pray you're someday able to some inner peace, come back to thread, and realize what an embarrassing post this is.

how do you ever watch the news and see what the republicans are doing and are not angry as all fuck. sorry I am not ignorant

what is wrong with you

if I ever walk back from that post I will be ashamed

fuck mccain

fuck the republicans

here's hoping trump comes down with the very same


McCain supported Trump, in vote, all along the way. Status quo will be retained, if anything.

McCain played a pivotal role in getting the Steele Dossier into the right hands and effectively got the ball rolling. He remains a steadfast vote against Trump on Russian issues. Whoever replaces him will without a doubt be a much greater ally to Trump in that regard
Basically, if McCain resigns (which, he'll probably have to or else he'll be condemning the GOP to an even smaller majority), Gov. Ducey has to appoint a GOP replacement BUT then there's a special election to fill out the rest of McCain's term on November 2018.

Also McCain was about to vote to take away 22 million people's healthcare and was THE most vocal defender of DADT. I don't want anyone to die, especially not from brain cancer, but I'm not going to pretend he's a good person.


Don't know anything in particular about his case, but wasn't there a past medical history of melanoma? That and blood clot found to be cancer later suggests it is a metastasis, but I could be completely wrong here.

The thing I am most puzzled with is that he went to Mayo Clinic in Phoenix rather than BNI (Barrow), which is arguably the best neurosurgical centre in the world (at least until Spetzler retires and Lawton leaves for UCSF).
McCain has differing views from the left, but generally has not a bad person.

Reminder: while McCain was in 'Nam his wife got in a car wreck and was stuck in a wheel chair when John came back. John immediately started cheating on her and eventually divorced her so he could marry his mistress.


Because when they go low, we go high.

And then they get elected, doggedly try to fuck over other people with cancer, and often succeed. All while we go high.

Nope, don't feel bad at all. He has a chance, a voice, and with the razor thin voting margins these days, a huge potential impact and opportunity to fight for his now fellow cancer victims, and what does he really do with it?

Jack shit.

When our elected officials stop trying to take away peoples healthcare, and do something to stop it, then I will feel bad for them.

Til then, incredibly privileged people with the best healthcare money can buy, get sick, while trying to take healthcare away? Oh saaaaad.


Harsh reality of a glio: I give him 6-8 months, maybe 2 in the Senate. A couple ceremonial appearances and that's it.


Everyone wishing him poor health when he had the eye surgery is walking it back fast now.

This is why you should always have empathy and compassion people.
Nah, cancer sucks, but he's still a spineless bastard that would have voted to kill millions due to his lack of empathy towards others. My condolences to Megan and his wife.
I may not agree with his policies. I'm praying for him and his family. As for people wishing death on him, I'm praying for you too. We gotta be better people.


I wonder if he'll actually elect for chemo. At his age chemotherapy can be nearly as deadly as the disease, especially with all the people he comes into contact with on a daily basis.
Brain cancer is horrible and all and I hope he doesn't die from it obviously but I don't know why the myth of him being a moderate "one of the good ones" still exists in 2017. Hope he steps down and realizes his poor decisions over the last decade+ and rallies against it.
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