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JoJo PS3's campaign is basically a Japanese f2p phone game at full retail price

So campaign doesn't equal story?

If you can play the full game, seems like less of an issue than this was originally made out to be.


That being said, the story mode is rather barebones. No cutscenes and it is just screen after screen of text before starting the next fight. While I don't care about this, I can see how others do.


I microwave steaks.
Awesome, I should pick up the game now, crazy how a retail game can drop in price so fast in Japan.


I finished typing up the post right before class started on my phone, so I guess I should clarify a bit more.

Campaign Mode is the only place the "pay to win" stuff exists, you can do everything else in game without any such limits. (Unless DLC characters count.)

People are upset about Story Mode for a completely different reason. (It's basically text summaries and fights, with voiced text summaries for the prologue and epilogue for each part. People probably expected more based on the Naruto games they've done.) There's items you can use there too, but they're "bought" using the points you get for beating Story Mode fights.

Versus is a completely different mode (Online matches are under Versus) and the only connection is that you can use your alt costumes and customized poses/quotes/sound effects there too, I think.

Campaign's recharge time was originally 20 minutes per bar, even in Campaign Mode, but they changed that last Friday. If you're not playing Campaign or the system is off it's still 20 minutes as far as I can tell.

But Campaign really is perfectly playable even with buying anything since the change to the 5 minute recharge, at least when I play it I do enjoy it. Not all the events require energy to participate, and some give you items/energy for free. The items are mostly pointless in my opinion, outside of the Boss chance increasing ones I guess. (I haven't used any, the fights are pretty easy 1 round matches.)

If you choose not to participate in any events that require energy and only do the bare minimum of damage to any bosses you face it's probably possible to play for a while before running out of energy. Mostly because you can only do two to three fights at most before a bar is refilled (An all S rank fight takes around 2 minutes) and the event giving you one bar of energy after a fight is pretty common from my experience at least. The only real issue is that beating bosses this way will take forever, since the easiest bosses require a few bars of energy to drain their HP in just one battle while some of the hardest take at least two battles even when using a full battery against them. (Boss HP in this case is a separate meter than their HP in battle, beating them in just one battle takes off however much HP you sectioned off using your battery bars. When you completely drain their HP you get some extra items, and I think you get items after you've taken certain percentages off of their HP.)

Also, Kotaku already covered this twice.

They've definitely heard the complaints and are responding to them, obviously with the change to the five minute recharge while playing Campaign and giving away the first non-launch DLC character. (Although that's attributed to good sales.)

(Poses, quotes, and sound effects are used to customize your taunts, match intro, and victory screen. Every character has their own sets as far as I can tell.)

I don't understand Japanese, so this is mostly based off my experience and what I've read elsewhere.


Bad word of mouth hit also Fist of the north star Mosou and One Piece Mosou...isn't it?
And still people bought this one at launch en masse...

What was wrong with Hokuto Musou and OP Musou 1? I played them both and while they had their fair share of issues, they were fine IMO.


Neo Member
Gawd, I don't think I've read so much ignorance and reactionary foil hat nonsense ever in a forum topic.

People are so quick to judge a game they have never even played based on news that they don't even fully understand. Are gamers as a whole that stupid?
It would be so much easier if you could just go on the store and buy costumes.

This is what your anti-DLC whining has wrought, gamers.


What was wrong with Hokuto Musou and OP Musou 1? I played them both and while they had their fair share of issues, they were fine IMO.

Hokuto's problem was a severe lack of content/characters, skipping parts of the story and having classic manga costumes as DLC, among other things.

By the time its sequel SHM came along and actually promised to fully flesh out the Raoh arc/Part 1 of the manga, it was too little, too late.


Really getting sick of this free-to-play trend. I'm ready to avoid any game that abuses that business model on principle now.


What the hell? This is terrible. The last Namco game I played was Tekken Tag 2 and the only thing that bugged me was the fact that I needed a online pass

Shit like this shouldn't be allowed
Yeah the campaign mode design stinks. It would have been a lot better if the battery only drained when you spent bars on power-ups/help or wagering in boss fights. Simply choosing to fight an opponent shouldn't drain the battery.

It's more manageable now that they changed the recharge to 5 mins a bar though the loading times still make playing it a chore.


What I've been reading is while campaign mode and the lazy story mode are part of the problems, the major point people are making fun of (and angry) are how bad the balance of the combo system is.

The patch took out a lot of the infinites by making characters fall down faster, affecting all other working combos prior as well.

There was even a character (Wamuu) who's Super will not follow through on an enemy because the enemy falls down too fast.

A Blazblue developer had even complained about how someone shouldn't attempt to balance a fighting game overnight. (Never specifying who lol.)

Basically the bad word of mouth is due to all these videos showing how bad the fighting system is as til now, allowing everyone to mock at it.

Wamuu video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgSj0DXBXE8 (Videos shows characters able to counter despite being hit by a Super)


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
I have very little time to play, so the microtransaction shit in Campaign Mode (which, again, is not the whole single player component but a weird online mode where you fight CPU-controlled opponents to unlock cosmetic stuff) doesn't affect me very much, I've never spent a dime and will never do it, but the fact it exists is downright shameful.

The game itself is far from perfect (barebones story mode, balance issues), but it's fun and amazing for the fans of the series.


Gold Member
It kinda upsets me that Namco had to do this with the Jojo franchise.

They just smear the jojo game series in with a bad rep. Had it been a different IP, I would've probably scoffed but not given it much thought.


Still relevant.



It kinda upsets me that Namco had to do this with the Jojo franchise.

They just smear the jojo game series in with a bad rep. Had it been a different IP, I would've probably scoffed but not given it much thought.
lol.. have you played Capcom's other Jojo games on PS2?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
What I've been reading is while campaign mode and the lazy story mode are part of the problems, the major point people are making fun of (and angry) are how bad the balance of the combo system is.

The patch took out a lot of the infinites by making characters fall down faster, affecting all other working combos prior as well.

There was even a character (Wamuu) who's Super will not follow through on an enemy because the enemy falls down too fast.

A Blazblue developer had even complained about how someone shouldn't attempt to balance a fighting game overnight. (Never specifying who lol.)

Basically the bad word of mouth is due to all these videos showing how bad the fighting system is as til now, allowing everyone to mock at it.

Wamuu video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgSj0DXBXE8 (Videos shows characters able to counter despite being hit by a Super)

Oh man wtf that is bad.


The user reviews for this game were just tearing it apart in Japan. It's no wonder that the sales are flat linning.

Nyoro SF

What I've been reading is while campaign mode and the lazy story mode are part of the problems, the major point people are making fun of (and angry) are how bad the balance of the combo system is.

The patch took out a lot of the infinites by making characters fall down faster, affecting all other working combos prior as well.

There was even a character (Wamuu) who's Super will not follow through on an enemy because the enemy falls down too fast.

A Blazblue developer had even complained about how someone shouldn't attempt to balance a fighting game overnight. (Never specifying who lol.)

Basically the bad word of mouth is due to all these videos showing how bad the fighting system is as til now, allowing everyone to mock at it.

Wamuu video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgSj0DXBXE8 (Videos shows characters able to counter despite being hit by a Super)

GDLK, lol


What are you talking about mang-those are good games, and definitely better than Bandai's efforts.

I think he's referring to the one based on Golden Wind (which kinda sucks). The Phantom Blood game is absolute trash (I think that was Bandai).
I think he's referring to the one based on Golden Wind (which kinda sucks). The Phantom Blood game is absolute trash (I think that was Bandai).

Golden Wind's an odd type of game, as it's basically a boss rush, but in terms of storytelling and voices it's what ASB should have aspired to, in my opinion.

In regards to this, redsungamer's latest podcast revealed that Namco Bandai imposed it on CC2. So um...yeah

That's unsurprising-Matsuyama's a fan and CC2 in general are about giving as much content as possible-look at .hack


What are you talking about mang-those are good games, and definitely better than Bandai's efforts.
Oops that meant to say "game" not "games". The game based on Part V looked nice.. but I found it more boring than All-Star Battle. Bandai's Phantom Blood game on the other hand.. I'd say is the worst JoJo game.
So, will this be the game that finally causes readers to rise up and demand some changes at Famitsu? That high score had to be a ploy to get as many first day suckers as possible before the word got out. The disparity between popular opinion and the Famitsu score is just too wide this time.


but in terms of storytelling and voices it's what ASB should have aspired to, in my opinion.

Can't disagree here. The adverts for ASB (the ones with D'Arby) had more effort than any of the game's story sequences.

Does anyone else think the topic title reads like a Kotaku headline? Basically a phone game? Really?

it's pretty inflammatory. if you didn't know much about the game you'd assume "campaign" was the game's only single-player mode...
No. The online mode is just the usual fighting game lobbies. The campaign mode is a special errr... "story mode" I guess. Except instead of story mode it uses the online server to randomly generate events and stuff which saps your energy bars. It's really like a social mobile game in design, complete with leaderboards and stuff. But it's not multiplayer.

You cant play the "story mode" if you arent online?


Unconfirmed Member
it's pretty inflammatory. if you didn't know much about the game you'd assume "campaign" was the game's only single-player mode...

Yeah pretty much.

but to be fair the word of mouth is pretty inflammatory and reactionary no matter where you go. No one is happy with this. It's pretty much Bamco's version of Capcom's SFxT gems.

Even if it's not a big deal for the game as a whole and extremely easy to ignore, the game will never recover from this stigma of trying to make money off of players in this way.(Ok so it's almost exactly like SFxT gems)

Hope they keep the DLC characters flowing. Chances of a sequel are probably pretty slim after this reaction.

You cant play the "story mode" if you arent online?

Campaign =/= Story Mode.

There's a Story Mode you play through to unlock characters. With secret conditions like the Capcom PS2 game to do.

Then there's this mode, in which actions consume energy that regenerate after a fixed period of time in the real world, or can be bought for real money on the Playstation store.

It's a pretty basic F2P model and it's pretty shameless, but if you just want to play a Jojo fighting game you can pretty much ignore it, or use it for costumes without ever really being compelled to spend real money.

Unfortunately the game itself has its own problems on top of this reception.... Would never have imagined this game would have such a troubled launch even a month ago.


Hates quality gaming
Yep, it sucks, and it is enough of a negative that I feel like I shouldn't buy any additional characters. I'll play it a bit more and enjoy it for what it is, but it's still bad.

Regardless, I still find the concept of "pay us or stop playing" to be highly contrary to any kind of good business sense. Shouldn't the point of a game be to want the player to play it as much as they want to? Otherwise, once I'm spent on Campaign mode here and the game tells me I can't keep playing without paying more, guess what - I won't. That time that I spend not playing the game is time that I may spend playing a competitor's product. This is undesirable, isn't it?

So, will this be the game that finally causes readers to rise up and demand some changes at Famitsu?
Well, it didn't seem to happen with Nintendogs, and it didn't seem to happen with that 428 Shibuya game, so...

In thinking about this, I was tempted to make a thread asking which game is the least deserving of the Famitsu 40, but doing that would implicitly state that Famitsu's ratings have some kind of relevance - or at least, there'd be no shortage of drive by posts to repeatedly inform the rest of us about that.
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