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JoJo PS3's campaign is basically a Japanese f2p phone game at full retail price


What I've been reading is while campaign mode and the lazy story mode are part of the problems, the major point people are making fun of (and angry) are how bad the balance of the combo system is.

The patch took out a lot of the infinites by making characters fall down faster, affecting all other working combos prior as well.

There was even a character (Wamuu) who's Super will not follow through on an enemy because the enemy falls down too fast.

A Blazblue developer had even complained about how someone shouldn't attempt to balance a fighting game overnight. (Never specifying who lol.)

Basically the bad word of mouth is due to all these videos showing how bad the fighting system is as til now, allowing everyone to mock at it.

Wamuu video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgSj0DXBXE8 (Videos shows characters able to counter despite being hit by a Super)

And here it is; I can get past bad campaigns in a game that touts itself to be a fighting game. But the sheer amount of stupid infinites on day one was kinda worrying (and not even in a Hotuko no Ken kind of way where everyone is broken but the core mechanics of the game are still fun in a silly way). But it's been awhile since I've seen a fighting game where characters can hitconfirm into a super and still be absolutely unsafe. And this is in combination with the massive amount of health that characters have that make matches really long? Man, this is straight a hot-mess.


How did this get a 40/40 again? Running at 30 fps and then this... wow!

The game was never designed to be a competitive fighting game, it was designed to be a JoJo game. As with every other CC2 based manga title, expecting 60FPS from it is silly as fuck.


*I* am still having fun with it. Broken as fuck - yeah okay, I guess technically - but if you enjoy just screwing around with Jojo characters, I think it's still fun to play.


So what's the point of campaign mode?

Campaign =/= Story Mode.

There's a Story Mode you play through to unlock characters. With secret conditions like the Capcom PS2 game to do.

Then there's this mode, in which actions consume energy that regenerate after a fixed period of time in the real world, or can be bought for real money on the Playstation store.

It's a pretty basic F2P model and it's pretty shameless, but if you just want to play a Jojo fighting game you can pretty much ignore it, or use it for costumes without ever really being compelled to spend real money.

10 tries in your battery bar, one mach takes one bar, and it takes five minutes to recharge your bar. Each fight has a shot in unlocking cosmetics. You have the option to pay to refill your bar. There are random shots at getting it refilled completely
Remember when Namco fighting games were godlike, from gameplay to casual content and overall bang for your buck? TTT2's underperformance might be the last straw.


Unfortunately the game itself has its own problems on top of this reception.... Would never have imagined this game would have such a troubled launch even a month ago.

The hype was incredible so the disappointed reactions are even worse. This is similar to the first One Piece game, they make all these awesome trailers, then the game comes out and you find out it lacks a lot of expected content.
The worst thing is that since CC2 is the developer people expected a story mode as good as the Naruto games, yet we got nothing.

Namco seems to be really good at doing this, Soul Calibur V was another game lacking content.

Card Boy

I'm very disappointed with what has happened to this game and thought it could be huge in terms of bringing Jojos to the west

So far

  • 30 FPS
  • Characters cut from base game and sold off as pre-order bonuses and DLC (eg. Kira and Shigekiyo)
  • Barebones story mode (no cutscenes, comic panels, still images or something like Skullgirls/KOF13). Its literally text on a black background.
  • Infinites
  • Bad balancing
  • This F2P like Facebook/Phone game campaign mode with recharge times

The game just screams exploitation this is my interpretation of the character select. I got a feeling at least 5 characters where cut from the base game to be sold off as DLC.


This hurts me because i love Jojos and the franchise deserves so much better.
The game just screams exploitation this is my interpretation of the character select. I got a feeling at least 5 characters where cut from the base game to be sold off as DLC.

Here's what's been announced so far.

So that's

Two day one DLC characters (one free (for non-used buyers of the game))
7 more announced (one free (made free after the backlash the game has gotten))


SchemeCo wanted to know if this would work for a fighter. Just let the experiment fail. Let them get their data, learn their lesson, whatever. And hopefully never do this again.


How did this get a 40/40 again? Running at 30 fps and then this... wow!

Famitsu gives scores based on hats full of money.

When I was in a game shop earlier this week, they were selling Jojo's All Star Battle for about 4000 yen. I've never seen the price for a game collapse this quickly.


Just noticed this thread!

Everyone's making fun of y'all, stay salty. Game's fun.

Most of you guys whining about infinites are like, 2 or 3 days late on the uptake.


Did the game really bomb that hard after a week?

No, the game is selling comparably to the second week of all modern JP FGs released this gen. It sold about 400K right below brawl in opening week (which was 600-800 something idk), and dropped to 19K after a week, which is actually par the course for every JP release. SF4 only sold 80K at release and dropped to around 18K second week I believe.


The 40/40 from Famitsu is even worse when you consider The Wonderful 101 got 39 in the same issue, and bombed to hell and back.

Although to be fair that's more Nintendo's fault for not promoting it; still a pity.


Well with the whole Campaign mode and silly phone game comparison out of the way..

I don't know why people were even expecting more from CC2 to be honest. Naruto-like story mode? No way that could happen in a game that contains characters from all 8 parts. A decently balanced fighting game? Again, think of who's developing this.


Unconfirmed Member
No, the game is selling comparably to the second week of all modern JP FGs released this gen. It sold about 400K right below brawl in opening week (which was 600-800 something idk), and dropped to 19K after a week, which is actually par the course for every JP release. SF4 only sold 80K at release and dropped to around 18K second week I believe.

I don't know. I think with the rate copies are dropping in price they probably overshipped the game.

They didn't expect that kind of dropoff at all. This is definitely seems really bad for them.

I don't know why people were even expecting more from CC2 to be honest. Naruto-like story mode? No way that could happen in a game that contains characters from all 8 parts. A decently balanced fighting game? Again, think of who's developing this.

I just think it's funny that people are acting like 30 FPS was a sign of this or related to it in any way. lol


With the amount of detail in this game, I think 30fps is fine with some occasional dips. If you think about the source material, this game does a really, really good job at replicating the artistic style from the manga. Animations are the usual CC2 high quality work. Might be the best looking/most polished looking game I've seen on a console in recent years.
bad Namco.........guess I won't be supporting this.

at least naruto is safe for now.
The reading comprehension in this topic is.. hilarious. And what about Naruto?

Nyoro SF

I also heard from someone that JP stores aren't accepting returns of this game. But that was just one guy, would need multiple reports to verify.


Yeah pretty much.

but to be fair the word of mouth is pretty inflammatory and reactionary no matter where you go. No one is happy with this. It's pretty much Bamco's version of Capcom's SFxT gems.

Even if it's not a big deal for the game as a whole and extremely easy to ignore, the game will never recover from this stigma of trying to make money off of players in this way.(Ok so it's almost exactly like SFxT gems)

Hope they keep the DLC characters flowing. Chances of a sequel are probably pretty slim after this reaction.

The way you're wording it sounds like consumers shouldn't be reacting against Scamco about this. This is a very consumer unfriendly practice, and letting it go and saying "Oh, well I have a job and have no time to play this so it's no big deal" or "it's not as bad as you think" is not a good way to approach this.

I can somewhat understand if this practice was in a F2P game (however scummy it is), but if I shelled out full price for the game, I should be expecting to be able to unlock content the way *I* want to do it. If I want to sit my ass down in the weekend and weekend warrior this thing, I should (not like I would) - Scamco attempting to monetize this for someone who's already paid for the game is a horrible practice and I'm glad word of mouth is keeping people from buying this game.

Pity too, from what a previous poster said, CC2 didn't want to do this - it was entirely on Scamco for pushing this on their developers.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess I just don't feel as strongly about it as you do.

As someone who actually bought this game and is not reacting to a situation based on half knowledge, it hasn't really had an effect on my enjoyment of the game at all. Only opinion I really have on all this is that I'm sad this Jojo game I like got attached to something like this, since the F2P stuff really has nothing to do with the core game.


I haven't even touched Campaign mode, but what's the ratio of getting customization items? Like if I spend all charges, is the ratio or percentage like 50% per full charge use?
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