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Jurassic World |SPOILER THREAD| Lifting Up the Dinosaur's Skirts

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The slow mo raptor part was hilariously bad.

Also, the control room guy and that kiss towards the girl was way too funny.
There was a review or a poster that mentioned the younger kid's autism. Any discussion on that? I actually liked how it wasn't focused on and examined in the film. He was just being.

Unless he's not supposed to be on the spectrum?


I don't get the self-awareness angle people are taking with this movie. Yeah, it kinda pokes fun at the older movies, but it also seems oblivious to its own stupidity. The raptor and the t-rex nod of respect at the end was just the dumbest shit.
I don't get the self-awareness angle people are taking with this movie. Yeah, it kinda pokes fun at the older movies, but it also seems oblivious to its own stupidity. The raptor and the t-rex nod of respect at the end was just the dumbest shit.
I honestly thought they were going to walk off together as a set up for the sequel.


41 > 38
When the Mosasaur jumped out of the water and finished off the Indominus, my theater cheered like the winning crowd at the Super Bowl.


I don't get the self-awareness angle people are taking with this movie. Yeah, it kinda pokes fun at the older movies, but it also seems oblivious to its own stupidity. The raptor and the t-rex nod of respect at the end was just the dumbest shit.

The humor might have been a bit much but I feel the alternative probably would have ended up something like the insufferable self-seriousness of Godzilla 2014. I'd take the Jworld tone over that any day.
When the Mosasaur jumped out of the water and finished off the Indominus, my theater cheered like the winning crowd at the Super Bowl.

The movie absolutely embraced its destiny as "the American Godzilla Series" in that last half hour. I don't know if it did so better than Jurassic Park III (a much more consistent film, in that it does its monster movie shtick pretty decently throughout, instead of packing all of its goodies into the last half hour) but the only time it actually employed the theme in a way that felt *right* was when they gave the T-Rex its hero shot coming out of the paddock. The music in that moment 100% sold it. We'd left Jurassic World and entered Monster Fight Madness on Monday Night Raw.

"Who's that coming down the ramp? WHO IS THAT COMING DOWN THE RAMP!?"
"Bah GAWD, King! It can't be!"
"IT IS!"
"She'd better get out of there! She had better start running because when that bad mama gets a head of steam goin--"
"This is going to be a slobberknocker! There is MURDER in her eyes. There is death. Death on two legs is coming down that ramp, King."


The humor might have been a bit much but I feel the alternative probably would have ended up something like the insufferable self-seriousness of Godzilla 2014. I'd take the Jworld tone over that any day.
The humor is fine. My problem is that the tongue-in-cheek self-awareness is incongruous with how actually fucking dumb the movie is.
I thought the movie was decent, but really, just that, decent.

Action-wise, amazing. The effects were great but felt a little stop-motiony in some places, and I like that they worked in what looked to be some great practical effects too. But man, even though everyone saw it coming, the final battle between the T-Rex and the I-Rex at the end was epic as FUCK. I can't be the only one who had the Nostalgia Critic's "I'M A MOTHAFUCKIN T-REX!" in my head the entire time.

(Also, Indominus Rex? Indy? You're not fooling anyone, Spielberg.)

Speaking of Indy, that's who it felt like Chris Pratt was playing. Bryce Dallas Howard was her usual cold emotionless self, and the two annoying kids in this Spielberg blockbuster movie were the same annoying kids in every Spielberg blockbuster movie. And yes, I know he only produced, but the movie has so many of his touches that it's hard to believe he didn't have a heavy hand in the look and feel of the film. Oh, and the dialogue was as cheesy and ham-fisted as fuck. Seriously, did George Lucas write this shit? Long scenes with shittons of exposition when we just want to see the fucking dinosaurs.

But perhaps my biggest issue with it is that it felt like a retread of the first movie, just with the volume turned up. The first film had a simple message, don't fuck with nature, because it always finds a way to win. This time around, the fucking with nature has been successful, so they fuck with further, so the message becomes that it's okay to fuck with nature, just don't REALLY fuck with nature. Also blah blah corporations are evil and using things as weapons is bad.

So yeah, basically everything other than the things involving any human characters? Awesome! But other than that, merely mediocre.


This film is probably the best sequel, but it is still so awful compared to the first film it makes me sad.

- Basically zero character development. Claire is this stuck up workaholic that doesn't understand kids at the beginning of the film and by the end... I guess we're supposed to believe that she's changed even though there was never any scene to indicate that she has.

- Weak villain. Hoskins pretty much reminds me of a bully co-worker or a persistent car salesman, not an actual villain with a real evil plan. There should have been some back story setup of Ingen board trying to take over the company or something to flesh this out. He only even gains power because the CEO randomly dies a stupid death. Great.

- Nothing for the kids to do. These kids had a boring back story that I didn't care about, and they didn't have too much to do in the story. In the first film at least the kids got the doors working. I didn't feel anything for them in this one.

- Flip flopping Raptors. Either the Raptors should be Owen's friend or they should turn on him, not both back and forth. Having the Raptors come back and help him again diminished the impact of them turning on him before, and it just didn't make that much sense to me. I get what they were going for, but I guess it just wasn't directed that well and didn't feel right.

- Weird Raptor continuity . I'm not normally one to gripe about this stuff, but I was getting confused about where the Raptors were and how many there were in this film. We had all this stuff going on with the commandos out with the Raptors, then they turned on them, and then suddenly they're back at the Raptor base, even though it clearly took quite some time for the Raptors to run out there...

- The hero is the Mosasaur??!. Having the TRex defeat the genetic freak would have been a bit more satisfying than random Mosasaur that we never cared about show up out of nowhere. There was too much deus ex machina in this film anywhere (Raptor out of nowhere killing Hoskins).

- Pointless harsh death for the British JP employee who did absolutely nothing wrong.

Basically the whole film needed to slow down, focus on the characters, and build more backstory to what the hell was going on. Every character was one dimensional. One of the few good scenes was Owen fixing his motorbike and chatting with Claire, which revealed something about the two. There was not nearly enough of that.

I'm seriously not normally a nitpicker at all, but seriously just make a film where people have real motivations and there are multiple interesting plot threads. The last few JP films have just been endless escape films with zero dynamic range.

There were a few things I really liked about this film:

- Great first death. I hated that fat, lazy guard the moment I saw him.
- Great jump scares. I was constantly being surprised.
- The millennial nerd was the perfect stand in for the Jurassic Park fan. He had great lines.
- First scene where the JP commandos were going after the Indominus was great. Reminded me of Aliens "we're fucked" type of situation.
- Discovering the original Jurassic Park Visitor Centre.
I don't get the self-awareness angle people are taking with this movie. Yeah, it kinda pokes fun at the older movies, but it also seems oblivious to its own stupidity. The raptor and the t-rex nod of respect at the end was just the dumbest shit.

I don't think it was a nod of respect, the T-Rex had just be savaged by the I-Rex I don't she had any fight left in her so she just walked away.

I can't imagine she would hold any respect for raptors after they attacked her at the end of JP.

Man it's weird talking about dinosaurs in that way. In all the other films they were just mindless animals looking for food, this film does a very good job at giving them personalities.
Guys, help me out. I love Jurassic Park more than anything. I loved the T-rex and Raptor tag team a lot. When Blue was on Rexy's back I was geeking out. But when the Mosasaur popped out of the water it fucking lost me immediately. I can't shake the feeling. That was some cheap ass Deep Blue Sea shit.


Fucking amazing, despite some really weird parts. For example, I hated how after being worried to death about her nephews and finding out that they are on the run after being chased by the I-Rex, Claire has a sexy moment with Owen and starts flirting and shit. Also, Irrfhan Khan was totally unnecessary in this film IMO. But other than that, this brought the little kid in me again, especially the third act.

Was I the only one who expected the I-Rex to jump into the water after the two boys escaped and jumped in? I totally expected the boys to be all like "we made it!" and then the I-Rex would show that it can swim as well.
Yeah loved this flick I must say the really delivered on the dinosaur fuckery in this flick it made the whole movie for me. The John Williams theme was always a delight to hear.


Just got back from the viewing with a friend. I thought it was really goofy, cheesy, and cringeworthy at some moments, especially the moments with the CEO and the villain. That being said, it was an overall amazing film!! The last twenty minutes definitely made it entertaining; the entire theatre applauded at the ending.

The highlight of the film was definitely the T-Rex's grand entrance. Hail to the king!

edit: did anyone notice the foreshadowing to the final fight in the beginning of the film when the younger brother was viewing dinosaur microfilm slides? The first slide depicted two t-rexs fighting each other.....
I was hoping Owen would be revealed to be the son of Robert Muldoon. I don't know if it could have worked in the timeline but it would have been beautifully ironic to have his character train and be friends with the same species that killed his father. Owen has the same amount of hunter instincts as Muldoon.


Unconfirmed Member
Basically zero character development. Claire is this stuck up workaholic that doesn't understand kids at the beginning of the film and by the end... I guess we're supposed to believe that she's changed even though there was never any scene to indicate that she has.

The dying Apatasaurus scene. Her first glimpse at looking at them like real animals. She becomes more responsible for her actions and fights off dinis and protecrs the kids. She learned that humans aren't as in control as we think and she then loosened up.


Was I the only one who expected the I-Rex to jump into the water after the two boys escaped and jumped in? I totally expected the boys to be all like "we made it!" and then the I-Rex would show that it can swim as well.

Indominus wouldn't know if she could swim. I thought it was a nice touch that she sat at the top of the waterfall and looked down trying to figure out what happened.

I was hoping Owen would be revealed to be the son of Robert Muldoon.

I'm kind of surprised we didn't get a "Clever girl!" in the movie. Owen could have easily said it to one of Raptor Squad or if you flipped the last dialogue between Owen and Claire.

O: "What should we do now?"
C: "We stick together...for survival."
O: "Clever girl..." *wink*

It'd be awful, sure, but audiences would've loved it.

The dying Apatasaurus scene. Her first glimpse at looking at them like real animals. She becomes more responsible for her actions and fights off dinis and protecrs the kids. She learned that humans aren't as in control as we think and she then loosened up.

Yeah, I agree. It wasn't the best, but Claire did have an arc. She was clearly a changed person by the end of the movie.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I agree. It wasn't the best, but Claire did have an arc. She was clearly a changed person by the end of the movie.

She was really stuck up and anal at the beginning, but came out alright at the end. She did go get the rex out by herself. That's gotta count for something.
I don't think it was a nod of respect, the T-Rex had just be savaged by the I-Rex I don't she had any fight left in her so she just walked away.

I can't imagine she would hold any respect for raptors after they attacked her at the end of JP.

Man it's weird talking about dinosaurs in that way. In all the other films they were just mindless animals looking for food, this film does a very good job at giving them personalities.
I also seem to remember Blue tensing up when they looked at each other, as if she was getting ready to defend herself if she had to.

Going off the subject a bit, you also notice that the raptor that got blown up by the RPG was just staring at Owen, which gave me the impression that they didn't really want to attack him. They might've still been conflicted regarding Owen. Then again, they did try to attack him at the raptor cage, but maybe that can be explained by them being really aggravated at the loss of a potential meal.

Then again, I was tired when I went to see the movie, so I might not be the best at remembering these things. =P


I also seem to remember Blue tensing up when they looked at each other, as if she was getting ready to defend herself if she had to.

Going off the subject a bit, you also notice that the raptor that got blown up by the RPG was just staring at Owen, which gave me the impression that they didn't really want to attack him. They might've still been conflicted regarding Owen. Then again, they did try to attack him at the raptor cage, but maybe that can be explained by them being really aggravated at the loss of a potential meal.

Then again, I was tired when I went to see the movie, so I might not be the best at remembering these things. =P

Have to realize too the old lady is 25 years old at this point. She is an older Rex and just had one hell of a fight. I doubt any carnivore in her position would actively seek out a fight.
Fun movie. Super ridiculous bullshit, as expected. I have a few points I didn't like:

1. The old park. I didn't like the fact that the old park was just left in shambles. And that there's never an explanation for any of it. It just exists and no one really addresses it, except the kids. It's also the most blatant part of my second problem...

2...This movie tries way too hard to be the first film. Way too hard. Certain points of this movie felt exactly the same. While I understand a good deal is supposed to be an homage, it just felt like it wasn't trying to be its own film, and as a result failed. It's a fine sequel, and it isn't the worst, but it was a let down because of it. It had a really cool concept that seemed like a perfect build on the foundation of the first film and it blew it completely because of that. I felt like the best part of the movie was where it turned in to Predator, because that's where it felt like the movie was at its most unique.

3. The aviary. This bothers me, because all the other attractions in the film are set up, so when it all goes to shit it isn't a huge surprise that it went to shit. But the aviary just kind of shows up. There's no set-up for it as an attraction. It's just there. Kind of wish they had set it up a bit.

4. The kids. All that development was for naught. It felt super out of place. I wanted more focus on the park itself, and while I get that these kids are supposed to show us the park from a different perspective (all the other major characters are behind the scenes), there's no payoff to their storyline. It's not like their parents got un-divorced. Claire learning about family doesn't pay off for them. Bring in the kids, but all the extra development and drama surrounding them felt rather pointless. It amounted to nothing, really.

5. Apparently no one on the staff understands what they're dealing with at any point in the movie, save for Chris Pratt and Friend

6. The entire park is so poorly run it hurts
I couldn't tell if he was supposed to be autistic, or if he was just directed poorly.

Once it was revealed that the parents were getting divorced, I assumed it was his way of coping with it. Just throwing himself into dinosaurs and other stuff. Then again, his room clearly had a dinosaur theme already...


I also seem to remember Blue tensing up when they looked at each other, as if she was getting ready to defend herself if she had to.

Going off the subject a bit, you also notice that the raptor that got blown up by the RPG was just staring at Owen, which gave me the impression that they didn't really want to attack him. They might've still been conflicted regarding Owen. Then again, they did try to attack him at the raptor cage, but maybe that can be explained by them being really aggravated at the loss of a potential meal.

Then again, I was tired when I went to see the movie, so I might not be the best at remembering these things. =P

I feel like the Raptor intentions were too complicated and hard to discern. Something simpler would have worked better.
One of the members of the first team sent to capture the I-Rex alive was a woman. So she's the second female death.
Doesn't show her death though, think she was the injured one being dragged by the other guys.
either way after that scene is done her vitals on the big screen were still fine.



Did nobody get Vincent D'nofrio's nod to his own role in that movie?

"Easy now! Easy now!"

That scene actually took me out of the movie. Coz I immediately knew they were paying homage to his character in the final scenes of the barracks in FMJ. Was cool I guess.


There is one thing I didn't like. The guy who who put the visitors in the gyros. His whole attitude of not being motivated etc.

Do parks not literally force you to be all smiley and happy when you take care of visitors?
Basically, everything before the I-Rex got loose, I didn't really give a shit. When the I-Rex got loose, I was very entertained. When the T-Rex, I-Rex and Blue fought for the WWE Championship, that was the best shit ever. When the Mosasaur laid the I-Rex out with the chair shot...

There is one thing I didn't like. The guy who who put the visitors in the gyros. His whole attitude of not being motivated etc.

Do parks not literally force you to be all smiley and happy when you take care of visitors?

Go to a Six Flags, I know Georgia's was like that for years before they started revitalizing the park.


I'm pretty damn sure that the hill Owen and Claire drive up to inspect the injured apatosaur is the same hilltop that Hammond drives his guests to the top of in Jurassic Park so he can show off the Brachiosaur. The vegetation is similar.

If it were a Brachosaur that Indominus attacked, it would be too obvious, but at least they at least kept it a sauropod.

It's like poetry it rhymes.
I kept cracking up at the pterodactyls with fuckin'... baby T-rex heads? Or something? Another spicing experiment, maybe, gone horribly, horribly hilarious? I really liked the raptors, though, they were neato!

All in all, it was fun near the end, but, kinda slow, kinda boring, not much character development. First one was better. I missed Sam Neill :(


i remember people saying that the T-Rex in JW is the same one from JP1 due to the scars on the neck. Is it possible?

Mmm, I think there were like, at least 3 species in there, and that was one of them, but I think the one I saw was something else. I'm trying to find a screenie buuuut it's proving difficult..

It's on the ground in the middle, it looks similar to the one you linked, with the tail, but the head still looks different to me. I just assumed it was spliced, because it literally looks like a t-rex head on a pterodactyl body, l o l
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