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Jurassic World |SPOILER THREAD| Lifting Up the Dinosaur's Skirts

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It bothers me there was no explanation as to what caused this park to start. It's just magically there completely ignoring all the chaos which happened before.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
It bothers me there was no explanation as to what caused this park to start. It's just magically there completely ignoring all the chaos which happened before.
It's subtly there. Hammond handed it over to the new boss (the guy flying the helicopter) and it seems they learned from past mistakes and went full on crazy scifi modern and did well until they started messing around with crazy gene splicing.

It's why Bryce Dallas Howard's character snapped at Larry for wearing the original JP shirt
Yeah, I got that. It just felt a bit lazy :-\

The movie juggled many themes. Another half hour would've been gold for some character development.


I really enjoyed myself. The film definitely has some problems, and I (and apparently the world) was starved for some more Jurassic Park, but I had a good time despite some of the film's shortcomings.

The good:
  • Working park.
  • Scene with the younger kid running through the park excited with the old theme.
  • Old park visit.
  • Half of Chris Pratt's character
  • Most of the comedy.
  • Ending that was so dumb it was amazing and still fun even though it felt like a wrestling match.

The bad:
  • Most of the writing.
  • I laughed at the unrequited love scene from the control room guy, but it felt unecessary. Actually, a lot of his stuff was funny but it felt like it detracted the movie from what it wanted to be.
  • I'm all for brutality, but holy shit they were cruel to Claire's assistant. For a character who was largely neutral, she got a villian's death.
  • That last line spoken by Pratt to Claire. So bad.
  • The divorcing parent's bit seemed uncessary for any other reason than it'll make the brother's bond more necessary.
  • InGen guy being evil for the sake of being evil. Didn't really have an intelligent motive, just wanted to be a dick.
  • That raptor slow motion running scene.

All in all, it's worth your time and I'm happy to see it tracking so well. Also, am I nuts or did they totally say the shaving cream can would be relevant in this movie before release? I mean one could infer the genetic mixing of the I-Rex is somewhat a reference I suppose.


Movie was pretty dumb, but my GOD was that last 30-45 minutes GLORIOUS action-packed fun. My theater was jam-packed with people and people were legit cheering and clapping when the T-Rex was let loose on the Indominus Rex


It bothers me there was no explanation as to what caused this park to start. It's just magically there completely ignoring all the chaos which happened before.

Its lacking in the movie but they did do a lot of outside the movie world building.

www.jurassicworld.com is the official website for the park. Updated with all the chaos happening now.

http://www.masraniglobal.com/main.html Corporate site for Park owner

Quick summary
In 1997 Simon Masrani began talks to acquire International Genetic Technologies after the passing of Dr. John Hammond in order to reshape and restore the company to a level of satisfaction once sought by the former founder. By 1998 InGen was under the Masrani umbrella and the years from 2002 to 2004 would help lead the Masrani company on their biggest adventure yet: the construction of Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.

Today, the Masrani Global Corporation has holdings in both the commercial and industrial sectors, ranging from oil, telecom, mining, construction, engineering, real estate, technology, and health care. Currently one of the world's leading Fortune 500 companies, Masrani growth continues to expand, helping to fuel the world's economy.


My favorite part of the movie is how when the kid said they needed more teeth, everyone around me started saying "Oh shit!" "T-Rex time?" "Oh hell yeah!"

We saw it coming. We knew the writing was on the wall.

But when she came out of her cage.





Saw the movie today in a PACKED theater and everyone was cheering/clapping for this scene. They did a great job hiding the Trex and making you forget she's there... and then we hear "open paddock 9" AHHHH YAAAAAAAAAAA TREX TIME


So the final confrontation of the movie seemed like a WWE battle royale complete with the "RKO out of no where!!!"


So the final confrontation of the movie seemed like a WWE battle royale complete with the "RKO out of no where!!!"

That was easily the best part of the movie. People around me were losing their shit when Blue, the T-rex and the Mosasaurus ganged up on the Indominus. Good stuff.


Saw the movie today in a PACKED theater and everyone was cheering/clapping for this scene. They did a great job hiding the Trex and making you forget she's there... and then we hear "open paddock 9" AHHHH YAAAAAAAAAAA TREX TIME
I had totally forgotten about the trex, didn't expect to see it again until "we need more teeth ", probably due to how they handled it in jp3, thought the studio heads were "over it ". Glad that wasn't the case, VERY GLAD


I had totally forgotten about the trex, didn't expect to see it again until "we need more teeth ", probably due to how they handled it in jp3, thought the studio heads were "over it ". Glad that wasn't the case, VERY GLAD

Yeah, I was afraid they were letting loose the T-Rex just to let her die like a chump like in JP3.

Needless to say, seeing her at the end roaring and basically claiming the park as her turf made me very happy.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Assistant's death vs last week's GoT?

That was shockingly brutal.

I do like how much of a hybrid film this is.
Yeah, I was afraid they were letting loose the T-Rex just to let her die like a chump like in JP3.

Needless to say, seeing her at the end roaring and basically claiming the park as her turf made me very happy.

Honestly, that was one of the parts that makes me hate JP3 - they turned the T-Rex into a joke that was disposed of really early just to show how "badass" the Spinosaur was. Loved the climax of this movie, holy shit T-Rex and Blue tag team vs. the Indominus was fucking amazing. That entire last fight was like a mini-Godzilla movie.

Assistant's death vs last week's GoT?

That was shockingly brutal.

I do like how much of a hybrid film this is.

That's basically the only part of the movie that made me uncomfortable. Considering how long and drawn out it was, I was expecting some sort of rescue, like the mesosaur eating the pteranodon and her swimming to safety or something. But nope. Just a long, drawn out death sequence for a really, really minor character - also I'm pretty sure she's the only female to be killed in a Jurassic Park movie. Which...makes you wonder.


That's basically the only part of the movie that made me uncomfortable. Considering how long and drawn out it was, I was expecting some sort of rescue, like the mesosaur eating the pteranodon and her swimming to safety or something. But nope. Just a long, drawn out death sequence for a really, really minor character - also I'm pretty sure she's the only female to be killed in a Jurassic Park movie. Which...makes you wonder.

One of the members of the first team sent to capture the I-Rex alive was a woman. So she's the second female death.


I feel pretty dumb since I didn't predict the T-Rex (a friend was calling things ahead of time next to me) and I had a lot of trouble following the T-Rex and I-Rex fight at the end. I felt like they were almost the same color though my friend said one was white, and the main difference was the T-Rex having stubby arms.

Every time one of them got their jaws around the other one, I was confused which was which. Initially I thought Blue was helping the I-Rex double-team T-Rex instead.

I also agree that the assistant death was kind of shocking. I sort of expected one of the brothers to die a tragic death instead after they did the whole "I'm a brother and I'll always come back to you" (I don't remember the exact quote) speech.

I mostly liked Chris Pratt's character and acting, except for how he treated the redheaded lady. I already have trouble remembering their names (Owen?) even after seeing it today. He seemed like he made an obviously inappropriate and unwelcome pass at a boss/coworker suggesting they go to his room, and basically got away with it and got everything he wanted. I was hoping for some sort of twist where she ended up with someone weird like the lonely miniature dino guy instead, and Chris Pratt got nobody. It was a bit TOO much of him being badass and competent at everything, taking charge, and her being useless besides 2 specific moments.

*edit* I forgot to mention Jimmy Fallon in this thread. That was indeed really weird. Of all the people you might pick to play a scientist in a theme park video, what an odd choice.


I mostly liked Chris Pratt's character and acting, except for how he treated the redheaded lady. I already have trouble remembering their names (Owen?) even after seeing it today. He seemed like he made an obviously inappropriate and unwelcome pass at a boss/coworker suggesting they go to his room, and basically got away with it and got everything he wanted. I was hoping for some sort of twist where she ended up with someone weird like the lonely miniature dino guy instead, and Chris Pratt got nobody. It was a bit TOO much of him being badass and competent at everything, taking charge, and her being useless besides 2 specific moments.

Not going to say that love story wasn't forced as hell. But they did imply they had some sort of mutual romantic attraction (one date), and Pratt's character is well, a Chris Pratt character, in that he essentially plays the witty rogue who's cracking jokes while saving the day. Wouldn't look to it so much as an actual proposition but instead more as an opportunity to make a crass joke that the character would believably take.


Not going to say that love story wasn't forced as hell. But they did imply they had some sort of mutual romantic attraction (one date), and Pratt's character is well, a Chris Pratt character, in that he essentially plays the witty rogue who's cracking jokes while saving the day. Wouldn't look to it so much as an actual proposition but instead more as an opportunity to make a crass joke that the character would believably take.
That's probably fair enough. I've only seen him in this and Guardians of the Galaxy, where he's of course a similar character.


i've just become so disillusioned with hollywood, and this film doesn't do anything to change that.

the script, first off, is laughable. i mean honestly, it's terrible. the dialogue between the brothers was downright painful at times. pratt has some fairly embarrassing lines as well when he was speaking with claire. overall, though, his character was one of the few positives of the film. the kids though were downright annoying.

no motives, no backstory, no context on the park or on the generic evil ingen guy.

the rules of this film change on a whim. pratt is the alpha, the raptors respect him. got it. raptors meet the indominus, suddenly they're attacking the troopers. end scene, raptors now turn on indominus and suddenly start obeying pratt again. how convenient. also, we see the first raptor get immolated by a freaking rpg, but of course, he springs back into the final scene to help save the day.

we see claire hobble around throughout the entire film in her heels, yet when they release the t-rex, she turns into sonic the hedgehog. people were actually laughing during this scene in my theater.

why does the t-rex casually walk off at the end when living prey, which it knows is there, is sitting 50 yards away?

the kissing scene between pratt and claire, in the middle of mass death and ongoing dino savagery, was laughable.

a 16 year old fixing a 20+ year old jeep with 20+ year old gasoline? please.

apparently the island is laced with impeccable wireless broadband, which allowed claire to wirelessly watch a livestream of the raptor attack on the idominus, yet the day before, she tried making a simple telephone call to her nephew, and couldn't get a connection.

shallow characters. poor dialogue. nothing but dino action sequences strung together in the most generic way possible.

i'm not sure why i expected anything different.

edit - and what the hell was with the ads? talk about cheapening the film. every time someone stepped in or out of a vehicle, they had to focus in on the mercedes logo for a few seconds. verizon, ebay, brookstone, starbucks, ben and jerry's, samsung, mercedes...and i'm sure i'm still missing a few.


A history of one date, after which she actively rejected him, doesn't make saying "Should we consult in my bungalo" remotely okay to me.

It didn't ruin the movie for me or anything, but just stuck out a bit.

The film went out of its way to make Bryce Dallas Howard's character as useless and out of touch as possible (which in turn propped up Pratt's character). She was like a caricature of all the vilified career woman stereotypes put side by side by this proven badass, peak masculinity Chris Pratt. I don't think JW is sexist (because it's very clearly unconcerned about its characters, let alone gender politics) but it's a bad look that, coupled with the needlessly sadistic babysitter death, left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
I saw it earlier tonight and was pleasantly surprised by the film. The movies title really speaks about where they want to take these movies to in the future. They destroyed the park and its reputation as a safe place for visitors so I can see evil ingen coming up with a proper weapons division in the next movie. And since the CEO died during this incident I wonder how that spins in a potential sequel.


(though that shot of Bryce Dallas Howard running with the flare was awesome. I'm a sucker for those kinds of sequences)


It bothers me there was no explanation as to what caused this park to start. It's just magically there completely ignoring all the chaos which happened before.
No investor could save them after that T-Rex escaped into a major city.

Speaking of which, I thought it was supposed to retcon 2 and 3. Lost World is clearly canon, here.
All of this talk of "believability" makes me chuckle. We're talking about DNA splicing, reviving dinos, and hunting Dinos. What reality do you want to base this off of? I felt the film handled the believability quite well. They even went out of their way to show dino communication. The first film treated the dinos as scary set pieces. JW goes the extra mile with the raptors.

I'm truly having a hard time thinking of what Jurassic Park did better. JP1 is such a slow prodfest that become even more herky jerky once Nedry throws a monkey wrench into the system.

Yes, I'm saying JW is better than all the JP films.


I'm truly having a hard time thinking of what Jurassic Park did better. JP1 is such a slow prodfest that become even more herky jerky once Nedry throws a monkey wrench into the system.

Yes, I'm saying JW is better than all the JP films.

Opinions and all that, but you can't seriously think Jurassic World had better dialogue than Jurassic Park?
Opinions and all that, but you can't seriously think Jurassic World had better dialogue than Jurassic Park?

There was more "science" talk in JP, but it so much more hokey than JW. I know lots complained about the CG (mainly due to complaining about CG use in hollywood today) but JP, especially the CG, looks a bit rotten in todays day and age.

We missed a Malcolm type character in JW. The kids were much better in this one.


The brontosaurus dead scene was the saddest thing, I actually heard sobbing behind me.
I don't want to be overly negative since I actually did enjoy the movie overall, like 7/10 for me. But, that scene reminds me, it was one of two character moments that I thought didn't have followup.

  1. After Claire (I looked up her name) had been treating dinosaurs as "assets" and practically ignoring that they were even animals, that was a bit of a touching moment where she could feel one die under her hands. With that driven home, she could have changed her attitude a bit...but if she did, I don't remember the movie doing anything with it. She basically just existed to be the action sidekick after that.
  2. I thought the rich investor guy was actually going to be an interesting character, with his bad helicopter piloting and his focus on cost not mattering, enjoying the small things in life, asking whether the dinosaurs were enjoying themselves, etc. After things went wrong, I seem to remember him being a generic executive trying to protect the investment, or making questionable decisions, and dying kind of pointlessly. Whatever character they managed to build for him seemed wasted.


Kills Photobucket
I love this theory....

I really dislike that theory. 1) no way that fucking shitbag kid grows up to become Chris Pratt. 2) It reminds me how mostly wasted Chris Pratt was that I have to indulge this theory as a means to give him any semblance of personality/dimension.

But I mean, if it makes the movie better for some people, sure. Have at the headcanon.

They're going for Jurassic War, aren't they? They're gonna rework that Sayles script finally. I can't see how they don't go in that direction.


I really dislike that theory. 1) no way that fucking shitbag kid grows up to become Chris Pratt. 2) It reminds me how mostly wasted Chris Pratt was that I have to indulge this theory as a means to give him any semblance of personality/dimension.

But I mean, if it makes the movie better for some people, sure. Have at the headcanon.

They're going for Jurassic War, aren't they? They're gonna rework that Sayles script finally. I can't see how they don't go in that direction.

Something with militarization seems likely. Hoskins and Wu are stealing Masrani property to keep themselves secure for the future. Hoskin makes a point to say by tomorrow the company will be dead more or less so get this shit out of here.

Question becomes who was Hoskins working with. He clearly had a backup plan with secret locations etc. since Wu was being shuttled off to one of them
We got our fan serviced, operational park sequel. I say bring on the military dinos.

You can't claim to be some kind of JP purist, shit on JW for being a retread and then shit on potential new and different ideas. You're not a fan, it's just nostalgia.
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