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Kaz Hirai: We will let Microsoft make the first move


No it's not an excuse. Sony showed of Move first. Don't matter who released it first. That's like if Sony released Trophies before MS after they showed off achievements. No one would say Sony created them first. Nintendo is not exactly the zenith of originality like some people like to make them out to be. No company is.

Sorry, but I don't understand what you are trying to say. Do you mean Sony showed the move prior to the Wiimote?
No it's not an excuse. Sony showed of Move first. Don't matter who released it first. That's like if Sony released Trophies before MS after they showed off achievements. No one would say Sony created them first. Nintendo is not exactly the zenith of originality like some people like to make them out to be. No company is.

Sony showed off Move before the Wii Remote? Am I reading this right, or...?

And Nintendo has more originality than Sony, though I do still love PlayStation.


Technically, you're wrong. If you're going by the actual definition of a generation you'd understand the only factor involved isn't "power" but rather time.

While I don't care about endless discussions on what constitutes a "console generation", the Wii U is "current generation" by definition as it is Nintendo's newest currently sold console system. A system is only "next" as long as it isn't available in stores (of course "next generation" is still used to refer to currently available products - which is why this discussion is pointless).

He knows he has something special.

That's how I read it.

That's the reasonable interpretation.


Lol at some of these post its like some of you are on auto troll.

The main thing I take from this is that they still care about having the best specs and won't reveal anytime soon.
Hirai will watch XBOX720 announcement live on TV with an open Playtation 4 in front of him, he will have a 4GB RAM stick in his left hand and a 8GB RAM stick in his right hand, which one of those 2 will he put in the opened console will depend entirely on what Microsoft says in their Press Conference.
Hirai will then proceed to close the Ps4 box while screaming "it's ready, ship it ship it!!!"



I've been saying that the advantage of first mover is over rated in the console space where specs are fixed. The PS3 could have been significantly (as in noticeably) better than the 360 if the hardware designers didn't have their heads up their asses. Instead the system that launched a year later ended up worse or barely at parity in multi platform games. If the PS3 had a better GPU XBL and exclusives/moneyhat would be the only thing keeping people on an Xbox. (edit: not that it will be all about games again when secondary e.g. set top box functionality is expected to be important but those markets are so nascent that it could make a difference or be completely irrelevant - the only evidence I see that people will use an Xbox frequently for IP based TV is that the cable companies are incredibly slow to roll out their own on demand services)
There's a couple of other more general, interesting notes in the article. Hirai talks openly about replacing everyone in senior management when he came, except for two people. 'Where I come from, either you play under my rules or you are not playing. That's why reassignments happen. Everybody plays nicely together now because they all understand what the rules are". The report also says that he apparently demands to see almost every product the company makes, unboxed, so he can experience it as a customer does, and sends products back if he's not happy with them.

I said before that Sony needed maybe a little bit of a dictator to just come in and order things to be done, and maybe he is that person...

I feel Hirai is going to send PlayStation off in a new direction with the PlayStation 4 as Iwata did with the Wii; Wii was the first console to launch under Iwata's control (Nintendo DS even had input from Yamauchi) and the PS4 will be the first console to launch under Hirai as CEO of Sony Corporation, and since he has a connection to SCEI (unlike Stringer), he might be treating it as his baby. And he turned the PS3 around remarkably with the PS3 Slim and a complete marketing overhaul in Mid-2009. Vita was being developed as Sony was making a transition into this "new era" and launched before Hirai even became CEO.


No it's not an excuse. Sony showed of Move first. Don't matter who released it first. That's like if Sony released Trophies before MS after they showed off achievements. No one would say Sony created them first. Nintendo is not exactly the zenith of originality like some people like to make them out to be. No company is.

Irrelevant. The reason Sony pushed motion controls is because of Nintendo. That much was obvious from E3 2006, when the Sixaxis demo looked absolutely atrocious.


Sorry, but I don't understand what you are trying to say. Do you mean Sony showed the move prior to the Wiimote?

Yes. In 2000 they showed it off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mheOtyWNjV0

Sony showed off Move before the Wii Remote? Am I reading this right, or...?

And Nintendo has more originality than Sony, though I do still love PlayStation.


Irrelevant. The reason Sony pushed motion controls is because of Nintendo. That much was obvious from E3 2006, when the Sixaxis demo looked absolutely atrocious.

You're right of course but I'm just saying they showed off the idea first obviously. Also I agree with you on Sixaxis.


PR bollocks. They would bothe have their specs pretty much sussed. Always a chance to add something little but this sounds disingenuous.
You're right of course but I'm just saying they showed off the idea first obviously. Also I agree with you on Sixaxis.

That was NOT MOVE.
It's purely line/circle recognition from the camera, they had no sensors or buttons in it. It was a coloured stick, I was playing with coloured sticks before Sony entered the games industry.


But the technology and its applications are fundamentally different than from that video. Do you think Sports Champions (Move's killer app) would have been developed if not for the massive success of Wii Sports?

Bye I'm not saying anyone is better. Just pointing out who showed what first. I agree with you on the success thing . Also



But the technology and its applications are fundamentally different than from that video. Do you think Sports Champions (Move's killer app) would have been developed if not for the massive success of Wii Sports?
I had an EyeToy game for PS2 that was only about sports. It had baseball, boxing and tennis, I think. Don't remember the exact name, though.

edit: ^That one. :D


There's a couple of other more general, interesting notes in the article. Hirai talks openly about replacing everyone in senior management when he came, except for two people. 'Where I come from, either you play under my rules or you are not playing. That's why reassignments happen. Everybody plays nicely together now because they all understand what the rules are". The report also says that he apparently demands to see almost every product the company makes, unboxed, so he can experience it as a customer does, and sends products back if he's not happy with them.

I said before that Sony needed maybe a little bit of a dictator to just come in and order things to be done, and maybe he is that person...

Based on his track record, this is not a good thing. He was directly responsible for the fucking Vita. Sony will go under with him in charge.


PSY・S;46703772 said:
"No one knows definitely when Microsoft and Sony will UNVEIL their successors to the current Xbox and PlayStation, but Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai has said that it will let Microsoft make the first move.

In the Business section of The Times today, Hirai said, "Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?""

Unveil first, guys, UNVEIL. NOT LAUNCH FIRST.

You cannot stop reactionary, misunderstanding gaf.
Based on his track record, this is not a good thing. He was directly responsible for the fucking Vita. Sony will go under with him in charge.

The Vita has not been a financial success, but it's one of the best handhelds in terms of aesthetics and power ever. If the PS4 follows that line of thinking then I'd be fine with that.


The Vita has not been a financial success, but it's one of the best handhelds in terms of aesthetics and power ever. If the PS4 follows that line of thinking then I'd be fine with that.

Weren't there rumors that the OS will be similar to the Vitas? That would be so nice. If so then cross game chat would maybe be in so people can stop begging lmao


I don't want to put too much effort into analyzing a soundbyte, but it sounds like Sony is going down the raw specification route again, since they want to go later so that they can make up for any shortcomings once they know what Microsoft has (adding in more RAM late in the game for example). The core gamer in me says yay, but considering Sonys financial situation, they obviously shouldn't sell for a large loss again, and they should already have their price target figured out so any unexpected hardware changes could bring up costs.

That said, 8GB GDDR5...Drool.
We will let MS make the first move? What does that even mean? The PS4 has been in development for years. They can't just change the whole thing based on a future MS press conference. They can tweak it though after MS shows the next Xbox...but then MS can also tweak the Xbox after Sony reveals their PS.
a sports games compilation based on a controller that can mimic the actions of those sports is a no-brainer. im sorry. and no, the lack of sensors matters little. the fundamental concept behind move is that the camera tracks the controller and what you're doing. the sensors have only helped to refine that concept. if there was no PS Eye and the Move used an IR sensor bar on top of your TV then you guys could have your 'sony copied' victory dance, as it would mean sony threw out their move/eye ideas and just opted to straight copy.

Make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
Introduce something new, esp. a product.

also: there was a game for EyeToy called Kinetic. sounds familiar.

but back on topic: i think kaz is just bluffing because he doesn't want to have to answer questions about Orbis until they're ready. both consoles are as good as final if they are to launch Q4.


We will let MS make the first move? What does that even mean? The PS4 has been in development for years. They can't just change the whole thing based on a future MS press conference. They can tweak it though after MS shows the next Xbox...but then MS can also tweak the Xbox after Sony reveals their PS.

Pricing strategy is what I get out of this.
Move and Wii mote is two different technologies. Stop to compare them. Move uses augmented reality markers and Mote uses three-axis accelerometer (i.e gimped DS3).


Technically, you're wrong. If you're going by the actual definition of a generation you'd understand the only factor involved isn't "power" but rather time.

But it's currently out. It's not coming next.

(I get that you're trying to say it's 8th gen, but it's also not incorrect to say it's current gen, it would be wrong to say next gen since it's not upcoming, it's already here. The other person didn't say 8th generation, (s)he just said current)


un·veil (n-vl)
v. un·veiled, un·veil·ing, un·veils
1. To remove a veil or covering from.
2. To disclose; reveal.
Anyways, I just wanted to say that this arms race for the most powerful console would be a stupid economical decision. People will buy the consoles for the games regardless of RAM and CPU power. If the console is only medium-powerful (maybe a tad bit more powerful than the Wii U), then it would allow Microsoft and Sony to launch their consoles at an attractive price point for the universal market rather than die hard fans. And most importantly - it would allow both consoles to generate a profit or at least break even; this is especially important in Sony's case.

Case-in-point: PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, Wii.

The PlayStation Vita is more powerful than the Nintendo 3DS and the iPhone 4 (competitor when Vita was first announced). Yet, it hasn't captured the minds and hearts of the mass market despite having extremely attractive hardware.

I recall a quote from Reggie at E3 2010, "Technology is only a tool... the thing that does matter is the experience." And that certainly seems to be the case here. Just wow me in another way other than "OMGZ 8 GB RAMZ" with software to support it and I'll be there Day One.
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