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Killzone 2: RTTP

Graphics were amazing, although the campaign was a bit shite and the FOV was pretty shocking. I seem to recall enjoying the hit reactions and kill animations for melee but it was not a game I ever wanted to play again.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Other than than the terrible pacing and storyline of the single player campaign, I really liked it. Visually it still holds up well compared to today's offerings.

The best MP experience I've had with a shooter last gen was clan matches in Salamun Market, the level design was perfect.


Can you imagine a KZ2 ps4 release.
Multiplayer glory all over again.

I remember Gaf was heavy into the Mp as well.


Killzone 2 is the fps of gen 7 for me. Yes, it was grey. Yes, it had a learning curve, and yes, its story was meh at best. Still, it was a blast to play and was extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it. I feel like GG lost their way with the franchise once they starting listening to the general public and watered down their gameplay.

I remember spending close to 40 hours to get that 1% trophy.

I really loved killzone 2 . one of the best FPS ever made. the best thing about killzone was bleak environments with that hit detection. Soogood.gif


I want killzone 2 with new engine and removed input lag

Bottom is Killzone 3 breh
Easily one of, if not the best MP shooter I've ever played.

The uniquely beautiful cadence of the KZ2 strafing/hip-firing dance.
The weight and momentum.
The map design.
The dynamic objectives.
The visuals.
The M82 (honourable mentions to basically every other weapon in the game; incredible arsenal).
The sheer joyful maelstrom of 32 player Radec Academy, Blood Gracht, etc.

It was no-bullshit, skill and team-based organized chaos at its absolute finest. It amazes me to this day just how disgustingly right GG got it with KZ2.


Easily one of, if not the best MP shooter I've ever played.

The uniquely beautiful cadence of the KZ2 strafing/hip-firing dance.
The weight and momentum.
The map design.
The dynamic objectives.
The visuals.
The M82 (honourable mentions to basically every other weapon in the game; incredible arsenal).
The sheer joyful maelstrom of 32 player Radec Academy, Blood Gracht, etc.

It was no-bullshit, skill and team-based organized chaos at its absolute finest. It amazes me to this day just how disgustingly right GG got it with KZ2.

All that with server browsing and custom games.

And that bolded part is the best description I've ever read of KZ2 MP.
Killzone 2 is one of the greatest FPS. Seriously something special. PS3 had such good multiplayer exlusives.

Resistance, Killzone, Warhawk, Uncharted.. SoGood.gif

Too bad KZ3 sucks and SF is kinda lame..
The art direction and atmosphere is some of the best in the biz. Not too fond of KZ3's or SF's art direction as much as KZ2. There was something tangible about the environment that 3 and SF haven't captured.
Why is that GG never went back to 32 man MP?

Probably the CoD crowd complaining.

Why did they make so many dumb decisions? Reduced player count, took out spawn grenades for KZ3, abolished valour, wrote themselves into a corner with the dumb ending, hired ham actors who couldn't even remember the game etc.

The thing with KZ is it went from so good to bad in just one sequel. The disappointment was crushing.


The art direction and atmosphere is some of the best in the biz. Not too fond of KZ3's or SF's art direction as much as KZ2. There was something tangible about the environment that 3 and SF haven't captured.

It was incredibly focused and consistent. No compromises were made for the sake of having "varied" environments. They had a unique vision and they nailed the shit out of it.


Killzone 2 is probably in my top 10 games. The thing that really made me love it was playing against bots. Multiplayer fun without having to deal with any of the downsides. Plus it was gorgeous and I liked the way it handled.
The visual presentation in that game is still a marvel to this day. Looking at the gifs posted, you could see it still manages to impress more than many games today. I'm sad the visual style was abandoned for the later iterations as it was the best thing the game had going for it.



The best MP experience I've had with a shooter last gen was clan matches in Salamun Market, the level design was perfect.

Why did GG totally eliminate the hit response system in exchange for a generic crappy animation system in shadow fall?

it doesn't make any sense.
A graphics over gamplay game if there ever was one; Killzone 2 heavily sacrificed input responsiveness for visuals. IMO one of the worst big budget games ever made.


good memories of the GAF euro clan leaders sending PMs with tactics and roles for upcoming competitive games :) Amazing multiplayer, seemingly a complete fluke considering the shyte GG have put out as far as KZ3 and Shadow Fall are concerned.

KZ2 was best when it was 8v8 and no assault class, in my opinion.

Still waiting for that interview and match against GG for winning their tournament lol.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
One of the best FPS ever created.

Amazing game, in every way aside from maybe production value of cutscenes.


I actually think the visuals of KZ2 destroy Shadow Fall.
I am sure SF is more impressive technically speaking, but stylistically?
KZ2 wins all day for my tastes.


GOAT multiplayer.

*chirp* all day

innit blud. For all the shit the controls got, they worked well enough in the mp. People were more careful and methodical in their shooting. Helped that ADS was an addition rather than the main focus for aiming at people. Burst-fire at any range, crouch if it was at a distance. The game felt like it had PC fps gaming sensibilities whilst straddling the casual of what console shooters strived for.

Warzone was a brilliant concept. Not only in it's rotating objectives, but in how those objectives and layouts utilised the majority of the space available in the maps. Another brilliant idea I've yet to see be taken up in any meaningful manner were the scoring zones around objectives. Defenders on search and destroy would get extra points for kill people within the area around the objectives, Capture had the same areas. It was a reward mechanism that got people playing the objectives rather than playing tdm with objectives in the way.
Hands down the best game in the series. Between the gunplay, animations, and artstyle, it has a visceralness unlike the others.

I really love the artstyle of Shadow Fall, but I think the grit was a crucial element that made Killzone 2 stand out.

Narrative was crap, though.


I really loved killzone 2 . one of the best FPS ever made. the best thing about killzone was bleak environments with that hit detection. Soogood.gif


I want killzone 2 with new engine and removed input lag

I don't think it really had "input lag"

It was more like slow camera acceleration to give it the look of a camera in a movie. The whole game had an amazing cgi move look that Killzone 3 lost due to some different tech choices.


Loved the MP. *chirp!*

The camera really needed to be moved up. I always felt like I was a ten year old. That's my only gripe.



Valor Grand Cross
Achieve weekly online honor rank #4

By far the best, disheartening, and most ecstatic two weeks I had with a online shooter. The clan system also hasn't seen anything better since on a console.
Visually it's an amazing achievement for the PS3. It's my favorite Killzone game. The feel of the game took some getting used to, but it gives the game a unique feel.
One of my favorite ps3 games. I have about 600 hours for the multiplayer. Balanced weaponry and amazing multiplayer maps. Nothing can beat the experience I had with this game.



The best MP experience I've had with a shooter last gen was clan matches in Salamun Market, the level design was perfect.

Shooting nirvana. The recoil, the feedback, the sounds, the hit detection.... Seriously one of the best shooters ever made. Now after looking at this gif I feel like loading it up again. Wish I had my PS3 with me.
I bought into the hype but I didn't liked it much. I still think Resistance: fall of man had the best multiplayer. The graphics were amazing on kz2 though.


The beta had my favorite KZ2 memories. It was really quite an experience back in 2008. CHIRP!

That horrid final boss pretty much soured my entire experience with the retail game though, and MP-wise I was really fed up how GG couldn't stick to their guns.


Great game, held back by god awful lag, and yes it was lag, lack of content, and a few balancing issues (M82 rifle is ridiculously overpowered) in an otherwise A tier multiplayer.

Killzone 3 however....is actually one of the worst FPS i've played.
I remember loving the MP at the start but then I left it for a while. After a while I tried to get back in and I remember everybody was ridiculously OP compared with me.

Still a good-great game but not one of the best.


For you.
There needs to be a next-gen game with that hit detection. Damn thing is marvellous and it's astonishing that we are in a new generation and there is nothing close to that.
Best PS3 game ever. It's the reason I bought a PS3, played soooo much of the multiplayer and best of all, it was one of the only games that would let you listen to your own music (custom soundtrack) which made playing online 10x more enjoyable. What hasn't been said about the graphics? Amazing. I liked the story and seeing
Garza and Jan die actually made me tear up (manly tears)
, also Radic is the best villain ever. I got 100% of the trophies, its such a good game. Radic Academy is the best map in the game and among the best maps ever designs in any FPS.
Been gaming for almost 30 years. KZ2 is my game of the last generation, and is the greatest FPS ever created. The world will never see such an amazing MP experience again. Put near 800 hours into this masterpiece.

The second greatest game of all time. Only TOoT surpasses it.


My favorite in the series. I'd be all over a remaster for PS4. Really liked the first one on PS2. Must have played the KZ2 demo hundreds of times leading up to release. It's hard to believe every game since has felt like a step backwards. My biggest disappointment with Shadow Fall was easily the lack of hit detection and physics. It was so well done in KZ2, maybe the best done in a game. I've never understood how it just disappeared.


Neo Member
Had it preordered, played the demo, canceled it because of the input lag. I'm really glad that the demo saved me that money at the time.

I ended up getting the "trilogy" collection a couple of years ago, so I might try it again someday.


Loved the visual style, the authentic atmosphere of war, the way the enemies reacted to the bullet impact, and the feeling of weight. The lag never bothered me personally, not even before the patch. The campaign was very hard and frustrating at times, just like in Shadow Fall, and the story could have been better, just like in Shadow Fall. I replayed the campaign on easy few years ago, and found it more enjoyable that way, although a bit too easy outside of those harder sections. I still hated the last fight though.
Yeah a great game with decent gunplay, great art direction and brutal animations, shame that couldn't finish it due to narrow FOV, low frame rate and the bastard known as Dualshock 3 (at least in FPS).
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