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Killzone 2: RTTP


It makes me sad that we will never see a great Killzone game again. I had a great clan and we won so many games together. I just can't describe the joy of working together with your clan mates and winning a nail biting match especially when there was a lot of valor points on the line.


I just completed this for the first time under two weeks ago. I found it a real grind sometimes, I bet Killzone 3 is more forgiving, but i'm pretty much done with buying and playing PS3 games now.

Also I really disliked the controls at times; felt pretty clunky and tacked on motion controls bothered me..

Graphics overall were still excellent, it holds up amazingly well.
The weighty feeling of your character really set this game apart in a crowded market, it was a mistake to change this for the sequels. Atmosphere was amazing, if it had better characters and set pieces it would be one of the best FPS's ever.

Multiplayer was pretty good too

This. All of this.
KZ2 was one of the best shooters for the ps3. I had it on day one and played it for weeks on end. Graphics were amazing back in the days, was disappointed by the minute input lag and weighty feel(i was spoiled by COD).

Was blown away by the multiplayer though. I put in many hours in the bugger. I can remember the 'ping' sound it made when i get a kill. So good.


Yeah, I liked it, up until I had a HDD crash and lost my save right before the last boss... I consider it finished and I'm not going back and slogging through again.

Interestingly enough, this happened to me at the same place as well. Though it was my second playthrough on Elite, playing without the crosshair. I was mad.

The multiplayer is still unmatched for a FPS for me. The Radec Academy is a legend. All of the maps were fantastic.


I'm a *huge* fan of FPS and this game is one of the best FPS ever..

In term of immersion, this game have no rivals (even better than HL2)!


Killzone 2 has a way too low FOV, unlikeable characters and incredibly laggy controls.

It also has one of the most well presented art styles in gaming, great gunplay, some very good encounters and a fantastic sense of place.

There is a lot wrong with it, but the things that are good weighs up for the problems.

The game both looks and feels right.
KZ2 made me a believer of shooters on consoles. Incredible presentation, graphics and gameplay. Loved the weighty controls, it's never too cheap and does harken to the classic old-school shooters where you feel truly powerful.

I'm still stunned why the sequels just don't capture that feeling no more.


I feel like GG lost their way with the franchise once they starting listening to the general public and watered down their gameplay.

So much this :(
Players sometimes think they know everything but actually, too often, they have no idea what they want or what's best for the game.
I think if devs have an idea, a vision, and they're very confident in it, they should just go on regardless from people's opinions.


Best Killzone by far.

I really loved the setting and the art design, and the Helghast main characters were well done (not like the parody they became in 3 and Shadowfall). The ISA characters were really flat and uninteresting though. I also thought the story in the game could have been so much better, specially considering how good the KZ universe backstory was.

Still, I struggle to remember a better FPS on PS3, maybe RAGE but I played that on PC.


I remember when the game would save checkpoints it would chug along horribly. That really took me out of it. Not sure if KZ3 did the same.
I don't think it really had "input lag"

It was more like slow camera acceleration to give it the look of a camera in a movie. The whole game had an amazing cgi move look that Killzone 3 lost due to some different tech choices.

It did have input lag, 166ms worth. That's the same amount as GTA IV, and higher than any other game during the generation.

When you consider that Call of Duty 4, at 60fps, has 66ms of input lag. And Halo 3, at 30fps, has 100ms of input lag - Killzone 2 ends up feeling like a game that runs at less then 20fps, despite it actually run at a pretty solid 30fps. The disconnect from the player was huge.

It damn near ruined the game. And I quite like the game. It was a technical flaw, not a design choice for "weight", "heft" or whathaveyou.


It's a massive shame that the effort put into the lore and backstory wasn't reproduced or otherwise effectively leveraged in regards to the actual story and presentation in the games. I spent time on the website reading that stuff.


It's a massive shame that the effort put into the lore and backstory wasn't reproduced or otherwise effectively leveraged in regards to the actual story and presentation in the games. I spent time on the website reading that stuff.

+1 Same here.


Not a popular opinion but I actually think Killzone Shadow Fall has more varied and unique core gameplay. The presentation in that game is a mess, the pacing is terrible and there is a lack of connective tissue between stages and sequences but the gameplay mechanics are a lot more rewarding than the relentless shoot-bang of KZ2.

Valor Grand Cross
Achieve weekly online honor rank #4

By far the best, disheartening, and most ecstatic two weeks I had with a online shooter. The clan system also hasn't seen anything better since on a console.

This. For me, it is the best fps that i have ever played.



People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
The story was Good and the graphics were something to be seen and I still vividly remember the opening of that campaign. I didn't care for Rico Velasquez's constant swearing and I was sad to see what happened to Jan Templar.Multiplayer wise it's the best one in the series in my opinion with Killzone:Mercenary's Multiplayer Mode coming close to it.
The best killzone game, no doubt but the rest were poor and 2 was just an average forgettable game,so nobody bought 3,they couldn't even give 3 away.


Not a popular opinion but I actually think Killzone Shadow Fall has more varied and unique core gameplay. The presentation in that game is a mess, the pacing is terrible and there is a lack of connective tissue between stages and sequences but the gameplay mechanics are a lot more rewarding than the relentless shoot-bang of KZ2.

I think the same way. I enjoyed the diverse gameplay and sci-fi setting of SF more, despite of its flaws. And I seem to be in the minority for liking the soundtrack more as well.


Still one of the best looking games ever, both fron an artistic and technical viewpoint. It has the best SP of any KZ game and its MP was great too.

I will never forget the first time I landed on that muddy shore.....those were great times.
KZ2 was the best FPS multiplayer I've played since counter-strike.
The graphics, especially considering the hardware, were stunning.
The gunplay, was amazing and visceral.
The hit detection/animations, were stellar.

Killzone 3 was a dud IMO... I really enjoyed ShadowFall, but it falls short of 2.


After playing Destiny MP over the last few weeks, a game made by a top tier FPS studio no less, it's mindboggling how many things GG got right with the MP. There's really no weakness, apart from the assault class (which is easily fixable thanks to custom games). Guns, classes, maps, objectives/game modes, player counts...everything was perfectly designed and balanced. I hadn't played any other FPS so I just took these things for granted, like they were typical. They clearly weren't.
Ah, Killzone 2. BITD, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 and KZ 2 were basically a killer-combo of kick ass online shooters.

I recently tried to RTTP but after playing Killzone: Shadowfall, it felt too different to readjust to. It's not that I prefer Shadowfall at all, it's just that the snappy, fluid motion versus the floaty aim and heavy, sludgy movement in Killzone 2 & 3 was too drastic of a change to go back to.

Damn shame too, I would have loved a shooter to tide me over until COD:AW and MCC drop.


The graphics were great and the style was great. The story was fine. I enjoyed it a lot.

My only criticism was that the lag was too high on the controls which I found a bit frustrating.


I think "there was no input lag in Killzone 2" and "Killzone 2 is the greatest shooter ever made" are equally true statements.


Really enjoyed KZ2. Nice to see that it has grown in esteem over time.

Great single-player campaign (terrible story, though) with fun and challenging AI, smart level design, and beautiful settings. An even better multiplayer game that was the most fun I have had with an online multiplayer shooter since Counter Strike and Goldeneye 64.


It makes me sad that we will never see a great Killzone game again. I had a great clan and we won so many games together. I just can't describe the joy of working together with your clan mates and winning a nail biting match especially when there was a lot of valor points on the line.

Right with ya here. I spent 450+ hours online with my clan playing in and organizing matches /tourneys etc. So much fun. I was always pissed when assination came up last in a 3-3 Warzone match.... soo much stress...


KZ2 started with an exciting rush and ended like a dull chore for me. The pacing in the game wasn't the best, especially near the end.

I absolutely loved the multiplayer though and did think they caught lighting in a bottle. I tried going back and playing it though and I just can't make it through the campaign again. It just doesn't hold up all that well from a level and encounter design imo.

Killzone Mercenaries is still the best Killzone game to me, which is kind of sad in a way.

I've never understood the Killzone franchise. It's like the perfect example of "Almost, but not quite" in terms of gameplay quality. The games are always visually stunning, have great art direction, amazing weapon desing, but the controls and actual encounter design within the campaigns have always been lackluster (outside of Mercenaries), and the games follow one of the most amazing yet sadly underutilized sets of lore ever.
So is the PS3 collection worth my time and money? Oddly enough, I've played KZ:SF but never touched the original games...I'm a little concerned about being playing the games out of order now.
KZ2 started with an exciting rush and ended like a dull chore for me. The pacing in the game wasn't the best, especially near the end.

I absolutely loved the multiplayer though and did think they caught lighting in a bottle. I tried going back and playing it though and I just can't make it through the campaign again. It just doesn't hold up all that well from a level and encounter design imo.

Killzone Mercenaries is still the best Killzone game to me, which is kind of sad in a way.

I've never understood the Killzone franchise. It's like the perfect example of "Almost, but not quite" in terms of gameplay quality. The games are always visually stunning, have great art direction, amazing weapon desing, but the controls and actual encounter design within the campaigns have always been lackluster (outside of Mercenaries), and the games follow one of the most amazing yet sadly underutilized sets of lore ever.

huh, that last couple levels were the best part of the game. Radec boos fight is one of the best in a FPS ever


Killzone 2 was the best FPS I have ever played. I can't think of any other shooter that was so satisfying to actually Aim, Shoot and get the kill. The A.I. and the cover mechanics lead to fantastic "shootouts" on higher difficulty settings. Heck I might say Killzone 2 on Elite difficulty is one of the most hardest games ever made yet satisfying. Lol I kind of think of K2 as the complete opposite of COD and I love that it's not a COD clone. I was handing COD noobs A$$ on a platter back in the days lol.
Killzone 2 = Fantastic A.I.
COD = No A.I.

Killzone 2= no aim assist
COD = don't really have to aim level of aim assist

Killzone 2= strategic coverbase shooter (you have to proceed with caution)
COD = Run n Gun like an invincible superman.

Killzone 2= Best reload animations and Gun models were very detailed.
COD = Meh....

Killzone 2= Best gun recoil of any shooter ever made, each weapon had its own personality and "Punch" to them.
COD = Whats gun Recoil??? ( ok maybe that's an exaggeration lol)

I could go on and on. To each there own though.


Never had an issue with the controls and liked the MP and enjoyed a lot of the encounter design but my God did the characters and tone of the characters (Rico in particular) kill a great deal of the mood.

Not saying all characters should be likeable but narrative and tone wise the game seesaws between lavishly loving combat and military structures to an almost fetishtic level and apparently deploring them as much as many a Paul Veerhoven film does - maybe something Dutch but it makes it hard to really invest in the thing either way.

Great shotgun though. Arguably took great.


Cambridge worked on KZ2? I thought they just helped with graphics. Sure would explain a lot though. Out of all the sequels, Mercenary is the one that looks the most like KZ2, though I haven't played it.

Yup they did.
Mercenary is excellent.

Yep! And aiming is pretty KZ2 like. Great game for PS Vita.

Anyway, i don't have PS3 anymore. Are KZ2 servers still active?


So is the PS3 collection worth my time and money? Oddly enough, I've played KZ:SF but never touched the original games...I'm a little concerned about being playing the games out of order now.

KZ1 is decent, nothing special but it introduces you to the story of KZ.
KZ2 is great, the best of the saga, this thread makes me want to play it again.
KZ3.. err, not really worthy..

So, if you can find KZ2 alone at a good price, in my opinion that would be better.Otherwise, go on with the collection.
KZ2 and Mercenaries deserve your time and money without doubts.


Unconfirmed Member
This was the first console FPS I ever got into. It was also the second game I got for my PS3 (first being Dead Space). Needless to say, I loved this game. Luckily I didn't experience twitch shooting with COD until after, because I would have never been able to enjoy this gem's multiplayer. Map packs were also very good (<3 the map with the nuke going off and having to take shelter in the middle). Unfortunately, as said, I got into COD after this game and I was unable to go back. I am not willing to endure countless hours readjusting myself to match the game's clunky controls.
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