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TacticalFox88 said:
Is their a game that has a better sniper rifle then Killzone 2? Answer: Not just a No, it's a HELL NO.

Scout Class 4 LIFE!!!

I'd say every gun in this game feels and sounds good in its own way. Just so tactile and vicious. I especially love the STA 14 and M4 revolver.
H_Prestige said:
I'd say every gun in this game feels and sounds good in its own way. Just so tactile and vicious. I especially love the STA 14 and M4 revolver.
That's one of the things I HATE about MW2. There are WAY too many guns, and after awhile they all start to feel "samey". Each gun in Killzone has it's own "personality" sorta speak. Can't really explain it.
TacticalFox88 said:
That's one of the things I HATE about MW2. There are WAY too many guns, and after awhile they all start to feel "samey". Each gun in Killzone has it's own "personality" sorta speak. Can't really explain it.

Agreed. Even the two rocket launchers feel completely different.


TacticalFox88 said:
That's one of the things I HATE about MW2. There are WAY too many guns, and after awhile they all start to feel "samey". Each gun in Killzone has it's own "personality" sorta speak. Can't really explain it.

Yeah, it'd be cool if kz3 offers some level of mw2-style gun customisation (different scopes/sites, maybe suppressors/grips on some guns to reduce recoil, lasers for hip firing etc) just so you could get that feeling of having "your" gun - but as far as gun count goes they really don't need to add anything (ok maybe another pistol type would be good, or at least make both pistols decent so there's a relevant choice between them... and make the single shot gun look more badass, keep the functionality but just make it, you know, cool and killzone-y).

i know g4tv is an absolute pile of s*** but i was still kinda disappointed to see this game didn't even get a mention on their little GOTY preview panel. as far as ps3 goes ratchet & clank and infamous both got mentions and i thought kz2 was much better than either of them (although R&C was pretty awesome... i couldn't get into infamous however)

Agent X

Gold Member
Ken Masters said:
are people still playing this game online or has everyone jumped to MW2?

I hadn't touched the game in several months, but a couple of weeks ago I threw in the disc and jumped right into multiplayer. Surprisingly, I didn't do too bad (though not great, either).

There's a double XP period going on from November 27-30, and since I've got a few days off, I just might go ahead and pay planet Helghan another visit.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Is there a GAF KZ2 chatroom? Thinking about playing a couple of games tomorrow afternoon but I've got nobody on my friend list still playing the game.... : /


Killthee said:
Is there a GAF KZ2 chatroom? Thinking about playing a couple of games tomorrow afternoon but I've got nobody on my friend list still playing the game.... : /

There's the GAFe chat but no one ever uses it anymore so I never go in it. I guess we could start using it again this weekend. On my friends list? Don't remember, but someone can send you an invite I'm sure.
trk_rkd said:
Yeah, it'd be cool if kz3 offers some level of mw2-style gun customisation (different scopes/sites, maybe suppressors/grips on some guns to reduce recoil, lasers for hip firing etc) just so you could get that feeling of having "your" gun - but as far as gun count goes they really don't need to add anything (ok maybe another pistol type would be good, or at least make both pistols decent so there's a relevant choice between them... and make the single shot gun look more badass, keep the functionality but just make it, you know, cool and killzone-y).

See I want them to go the extra mile with the gun pr0n. Have environmental effects on weapons, like if there is an explosion nearby dirt gets on the gun. If you kill someone close range or pick up a dead persons gun, blood should be on it. Kill someone with a grenade and take their weapon, the scope should cracked or broken. Just even more detail would be orgasmic for me.


It's a goddamn shame no one seems to include Saluman Market anymore. Only played that map once in the last few days. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU KZ2 COMMUNITY?



Internet Celebrity said:

Wanna bite, GAF?

Also, I just listened to the "Credits Theme" from the OST...oh my god. It's orgasmic.

Just the thought of playing another laggy clan match pisses me off. Especially seeing as we got nothing for winning that last Guerrilla Games tournament. Oh and I see those laggers from ******** have already signed up!

Having said that, how could I ever say no if people wanted to play in it? :p

Even tho I'd have to actually buy the second map pack if we join :lol


Too shleepy to pway :(

I'll save myself for the KZ2 marathon weekend which will surely cost me my life! :lol

Nite all, a pleasure to be in the same server as you Rick, as always. :bow


I want to reiterate how awesome sniping feels in KZ2. Usually, I hate sniper rifles in FPS multiplayer games, but in KZ2 it's different. The sniper rifle has such a nice kick to it, it feels hella satisfying when you kill someone with it.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I just booted this game up again and it's easy to forget how damn good looking of a game it is.

Can't wait for the first footage of K3... Not sure how they can improve graphically, but hopefully they'll tackle some new, unique environments. Would love to see a bit more vehicle action and a lot more enemy variation. Also take a cue from U2 and have shit happen all the time, have geometry moving that you can move on top of etc. The building falling sequence in U2 done in a Killzone 2 way would be amazing. Lots of interactive gameplay stuff like that...

I hope we see something at E3.


FFObsessed said:
Too shleepy to pway :(

I'll save myself for the KZ2 marathon weekend which will surely cost me my life! :lol

Nite all, a pleasure to be in the same server as you Rick, as always. :bow

Ha you were just camping from afar really ;)
Apologies if there was an excess of swearing, I blame it on giving up smoking and

Think I better stock up on the nicotine replacement
high volume alcohol
before the marathon as i don't think my heart can take the amount of shitty tacticians I'm gonna rage at over the weekend.


Played some straight up team deathmatch today. man, i had a lot of fun too. i'm trying to get my sab ribbon, want to unlock C4. Have 4x zoom on sniper to unlock and repair ability on tact to unlock as well. I guess there was a little bullet lag but if everyone has bullet lag then it kind of evens the playing field lol.

- i stuck to the 8-16 player games, which i think is best because the games are much less clusterfucky. i love the map design in this game. so damn good and so much better than what you will find in MW2 imo. One thing I would like to see KZ3 improve on is ambient battlefield sounds and player chatter. BF BC 2 has the best chatter and ambient battlefield sounds i have ever heard in a game. Would be awesome to hear the Higs say "I'm reloading!", "Cover me!", "protect the target!" shit like that. Game needs it.


dazed808 said:
Ha you were just camping from afar really ;)
Apologies if there was an excess of swearing, I blame it on giving up smoking and

Think I better stock up on the nicotine replacement
high volume alcohol
before the marathon as i don't think my heart can take the amount of shitty tacticians I'm gonna rage at over the weekend.

Ha yeah, even in that assault rocket clusterfuck, I went like 90-17. Sleepy eyed camping ftw!

lol drunken KZ2 is the best kind. Who ever plays sober?? Remember when I sniped you from miles away with no one else around... when you were on my team!? Teh drunken Sniper one day shall return!

Oh shit the multiplier has started? Damn, I wont be on til later tonight but I'll be playing all evening 2moro hopefully.


JB1981 said:
Played some straight up team deathmatch today. man, i had a lot of fun too. i'm trying to get my sab ribbon, want to unlock C4. Have 4x zoom on sniper to unlock and repair ability on tact to unlock as well. I guess there was a little bullet lag but if everyone has bullet lag then it kind of evens the playing field lol.

- i stuck to the 8-16 player games, which i think is best because the games are much less clusterfucky. i love the map design in this game. so damn good and so much better than what you will find in MW2 imo. One thing I would like to see KZ3 improve on is ambient battlefield sounds and player chatter. BF BC 2 has the best chatter and ambient battlefield sounds i have ever heard in a game. Would be awesome to hear the Higs say "I'm reloading!", "Cover me!", "protect the target!" shit like that. Game needs it.

Or better yet: "SCAAATAAH GRENAADE!!"
Fuck, I wanted to push the 1% hard this weekend, but I'll barely be at home tomorrow...

Goddamit, it's either football or Killzone tomorrow and it seems it's gonna be football. :lol


why oh why doesnt the game have forced friendly fire like in the beta this would help alot with the ridiculous clusterfucks of grenades and rockets


FFObsessed said:
Remember when I sniped you from miles away with no one else around... when you were on my team!?

Oh I remember that. It was a clan match, possibly even versus GAFA. I was on a happy little kill streak and just about to grenade the guy defusing our planted bomb then suddenly BAMM my head flies off and all I can here is manic laughter then "oh shit sorry".
We lost that objective and subsequently the match and it was all your fault (actually it may of been a draw but you still blew the match for us ;) )

So kids, don't drink & snipe....

and fuck there's no way I'm gonna rack-up any bonus points tonight. May just have to get up early and try and get a few hours in tomorrow.


^^ So many lies! There were no enemies there! Tho I did laugh.

If it makes you feel any better, my first game of the night was with the most retarded team I've ever seen. S&D Attack and they just placed spawns at the top level of Corinth Crossing and just stayed there til round was over... looking for new game now.

Oh KZ2 community, you're all so stupid. They must all be drunk like me.


I take it back, that was the worst team ever. How do top ranked players still not understand what objectives are?

Losing team doesn't get double points either, which makes having a team of retards even more annoying. This isn't a double experience weekend, it's a double win multiplier weekend. Liars.


Only game I found with a decent team (except for the retard tacticians) so far and it was just a camp fest. Felt bad for the other team, went on for like an hour. Saw one poor bastard on the first rank trapped in that mess :( More importantly it was just boring, don't know why people insist on camping bases. *sigh* If it wasn't for the fact that you only get the extra experience by being on the winning team I would have left that garbage after Round 1.

Guerrilla Games, so retarded they can't even get a "double experience weekend" right. smh


FFObsessed said:
Only game I found with a decent team (except for the retard tacticians) so far and it was just a camp fest. Felt bad for the other team, went on for like an hour. Saw one poor bastard on the first rank trapped in that mess :( More importantly it was just boring, don't know why people insist on camping bases. *sigh* If it wasn't for the fact that you only get the extra experience by being on the winning team I would have left that garbage after Round 1.

Guerrilla Games, so retarded they can't even get a "double experience weekend" right. smh

What do you expect it's GG :lol


FFObsessed said:
^^ So many lies! There were no enemies there! Tho I did laugh.

If it makes you feel any better, my first game of the night was with the most retarded team I've ever seen. S&D Attack and they just placed spawns at the top level of Corinth Crossing and just stayed there til round was over... looking for new game now.

Oh KZ2 community, you're all so stupid. They must all be drunk like me.

You're playing objectives with random people? Why on earth would you do that?
FFObsessed said:
Losing team doesn't get double points either, which makes having a team of retards even more annoying. This isn't a double experience weekend, it's a double win multiplier weekend. Liars.

That sucks, big time.

I just picked up this game last week and skipped the campaign, jumping right into multiplayer. What was everyone's gripe about the controls? After tweaking the sensitivity, they feel fine. 6 points away from Sergeant!


TheFatOne said:
What do you expect it's GG :lol

Yep, run for the hills and don't look back Lyulf.

Plus this abortion of a "double experience weekend" has brought back all the complete tards.

And this game I'm playing my team is shit (as always) and everyone is dying 3 seconds late.


Massa said:
You're playing objectives with random people? Why on earth would you do that?

Because KZ2 is an objectives game. What am I gonna play Bodycount? ZZzzzz

Plus if you play BC and the teams are uneven one team just gets camped the whole time. And no one else is playing at the moment.

Blast Processing said:
That sucks, big time.

I just picked up this game last week and skipped the campaign, jumping right into multiplayer. What was everyone's gripe about the controls? After tweaking the sensitivity, they feel fine. 6 points away from Sergeant!

Yeah it's completely stupid. Way to make people want to play the game again Guerrilla!

Controls are magnificent. Did you enable High Precision? Actually I think it's automatically enabled. Most of the bitching was before that was introduced. Even though they were perfectly fine then too. It felt different people weren't very good with them and so they bitched.

edit: omg at the fucking lag. And the current trend is to move away from dedicated servers? Fucking ridiculous.


Everyone's just resorting to cheap shit now. Team stacking, one clan just then had 3 guys on my team just sitting idle so we were 3 players down. Everyone's just boosting around and camping and doing anything they can to win as cheaply as possible to get the bonus. Half the other team just quit because they lost the first round and thought they wouldn't get the bonus. Losing teams just quit so whenever you join a game you're put on the losing team or more often than not, the team that's already lost. Making this whole "double experience point weekend" completely pointless as well as it being a bullshit lie.

Guerrilla Games are fucking amateurs. They can't even get a simple thing like this right. I'm gonna try one more game then fuck it I'm going to bed. Hopefully they'll actually be a decent game 2moro. Fucking idiots.


FFObsessed said:
Everyone's just resorting to cheap shit now. Team stacking, one clan just then had 3 guys on my team just sitting idle so we were 3 players down. Everyone's just boosting around and camping and doing anything they can to win as cheaply as possible to get the bonus. Half the other team just quit because they lost the first round and thought they wouldn't get the bonus. Losing teams just quit so whenever you join a game you're put on the losing team or more often than not, the team that's already lost. Making this whole "double experience point weekend" completely pointless as well as it being a bullshit lie.

Guerrilla Games are fucking amateurs. They can't even get a simple thing like this right. I'm gonna try one more game then fuck it I'm going to bed. Hopefully they'll actually be a decent game 2moro. Fucking idiots.

Sounds like my kind of games. When I get Killzone 2 back from my friend tomorrow I will annihilate you FFO. Every game you play I will play in the opposite team. It will feel like every player is me.


Well, there's a first time for everything I suppose. And with all the shit players around now, it already does feel like every player is you.

oh shit, epic burn.


FFObsessed said:
Well, there's a first time for everything I suppose. And with all the shit players around now, it already does feel like every player is you.

oh shit, epic burn.

Not even in your dreams will you kill me. You better get CrushDance and Lince for back up because you will feel my wrath. Its going down like this you will round a corner and see me. You will kill me and laugh thinking its over until out of no where you blow up. Its going to happen all day.

Edit: I think you are confusing me with rick,lince,raist, or any of the GAFe peasants. Tomorrow The KING shall return to Killzone 2. You also forgot FFO even when you are on my team you will never be safe...


bishoptl said:

Instead of getting double the points for everything you do, like in CoD4 double experience weekends, what Guerrilla have done is simply increase the win multiplier from 1.5x to 3.0x so only the members of the winning team get the extra bonus at the end of the game. If you happen to be on the losing side, or have just joined the team that are going to lose, you get the same points as you'd always get at the end of the match.


FFObsessed said:
Instead of getting double the points for everything you do, like in CoD4 double experience weekends, what Guerrilla have done is simply increase the win multiplier from 1.5x to 3.0x so only the members of the winning team get the extra bonus. If you happen to be on the losing side, or have just joined the team that are losing you get the same points as you'd always get.

Yea you can tell this is there first serious online game. So many simple mistakes. Going to be hard to find good games because of that bullshit.

Edit: FUUUUUU.gif I lost the battle replay of the epic comeback we had, and it won't load on killzone.com. Damn I was going to watch it for the memories.


TheFatOne said:
Not even in your dreams will you kill me. You better get CrushDance and Lince for back up because you will feel my wrath. Its going down like this you will round a corner and see me. You will kill me and laugh thinking its over until out of no where you blow up. Its going to happen all day.

Edit: I think you are confusing me with rick,lince,raist, or any of the GAFe peasants. Tomorrow The KING shall return to Killzone 2. You also forgot FFO even when you are on my team you will never be safe...

Oh God yeah I forgot about your infamous team killing... :lol

oh and never speak ill of Rick again >_<


TheFatOne said:
Yea you can tell this is there first serious online game. So many simple mistakes. Going to be hard to find good games because of that bullshit.

Yeah they really are inexperienced and it shows. It's a stupid decision. As people can join games at any time (which is a good thing usually), you could be ahead the entire game then have a bunch of people join, unbalance the teams against you and you end up losing. Had that happened to me tonight, and I get no extra bonus whatsoever. Urgh

Edit: FUUUUUU.gif I lost the battle replay of the epic comeback we had, and it won't load on killzone.com. Damn I was going to watch it for the memories.

NOOOOooooooo! That was by the far the funniest match I've ever played in. It was especially great considering the amount of hate messages I got after it! :lol LEGENDARY. Never forget. *sniff*
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